alii—old royalty of Hawaii aloha—hello, farewell, love da kine—means whatever you want it to, generally a positive remark hale—house hana—work haole—Caucasian heiau—ancient temple holoku—formal dress with train kai—sea kamaaina—a person who was born in the islands or who has lived here a long time kane—man kapu—forbidden, keep out kaukau—food keiki—child kokua—help kona—south lanai—porch laulau—pork or beef cooked in ti leaves luau—feast mahalo—thank you makai—toward the sea malihini—stranger mauka—toward the mountains muumuu—loose dress ono—delicious opu—stomach pali—cliff pau—done pua—flower poi—crushed taro root puka—hole pupu—hors d'oeuvres wahine—female wikiwiki—hurry
King Kamehameha Statue, Honolulu King Kamehameha Statue, Honolulu