A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Z A LIST OF STANDARD BOOKS NATURE IN ORNAMENT. By Lewis F. Day. With 123 full-page Plates and 192 Illustrations in the Text. Third Edition, revised (Fifth Thousand). Thick crown 8vo, in handsome cloth binding, richly gilt, from a special design by the Author. Price 12s. 6d. Net 10s. Contents:—I. Introductory. II. Ornament in Nature. III. Nature in Ornament. IV. The Simplification of Natural Forms. V. The Elaboration of Natural Forms. VI. Consistency in the Modification of Nature. VII. Parallel Renderings. VIII. More Parallels. IX. Tradition in Design. X. Treatment. XI. Animals in Ornament. XII. The Element of the Grotesque. XIII. Still Life in Ornament. XIV. Symbolic Ornament. “Amongst the best of our few good ornamental designers is Mr. Lewis F. Day, who is the author of several books on ornamental art. ‘Nature in Ornament’ is the latest of these, and is probably the best. The treatise should be in the hands of every student of ornamental design. It is profusely and admirably illustrated, and well printed.”—Magazine of Art. “A book more beautiful for its illustrations, or one more helpful to students of art, can hardly be imagined.”—Queen. SOME PRINCIPLES OF EVERY DAY ART.—Introductory Chapters on the Arts not Fine. Forming a Prefatory Volume to the Series of Text Books. Second Edition (Fourth Thousand), revised, containing 70 Illustrations. Crown 8vo, art linen. Price 3s. 6d. Net 3s. “Authoritative as coming from a writer whose mastery of the subjects is not to be disputed, and who is generous in imparting the knowledge he acquired with difficulty. Mr. Day has taken much trouble with the new edition.”—Architect. “A good artist, and a sound thinker, Mr. Day has produced a book of sterling value.”—Magazine of Art. THE ANATOMY OF PATTERN.—Fourth Edition (Ninth Thousand), revised, with 41 full-page Illustrations. Crown 8vo, art linen. Price 3s. 6d. Net 3s. Contents:—I. Introductory. II. Pattern Dissections. III. Practical Pattern Planning. IV. The “Drop” Pattern. V. Skeleton Plans. VI. Appropriate Pattern. “ ... There are few men who know the science of their profession better or can teach it as well as Mr. Lewis Day; few also who are more gifted as practical decorators; and in anatomising pattern in the way he has done in this manual—a way beautiful as well as useful—he has performed a service not only to the students of his profession, but also to the public.”—Academy. THE PLANNING OF ORNAMENT.—Third Edition (Fifth Thousand), further revised, with 41 full-page Illustrations, many of which have been re-drawn. Crown 8vo, art linen. Price 3s. 6d. Net 3s. Contents:—I. Introductory. II. The use of the Border. III. Within the Border. IV. Some Alternatives in Design. V. On the Filling of the Circle and other Shapes. VI. Order and Accident. “Contains many apt and well-drawn illustrations; it is a highly comprehensive, compact, and intelligent treatise on a subject which is more difficult to treat than outsiders are likely to think. It is a capital little book, from which no tyro (it is addressed to improvable minds) can avoid gaining a good deal.”—AthenÆum. THE APPLICATION OF ORNAMENT.—Third Edition (Sixth Thousand), further revised, with 48 full-page Illustrations and 7 Woodcuts in the Text. Crown 8vo, art linen. Price 3s. 6d. Net 3s. Contents:—I. The Rationale of the Conventional. II. What is implied by Repetition. III. Where to stop in Ornament. IV. Style and Handicraft. V. The Teaching of the Tool. VI. Some Superstitions. “A most worthy supplement to the former work, and a distinct gain to the art student who has already applied his art knowledge in a practical manner, or who hopes yet to do so.”—Science and Art. ORNAMENTAL DESIGN.—Comprising the Three Books, “Anatomy of Pattern,” “Planning of Ornament,” and “Application of Ornament,” handsomely bound in one volume, cloth gilt. Price 10s. 6d. Net 8s. 6d. WINDOWS.—A BOOK ABOUT STAINED AND PAINTED GLASS. By Lewis F. Day. Book I., “The Course of Craftsmanship”; Book II., “The Course of Design”; Book III., “By the Way.” Containing 410 pages, including 50 full-page Plates, and upwards of 200 Illustrations in the Text, all of Old Examples. Large 8vo, cloth gilt. Price 21s. net. “Contains a more complete popular account—technical and historical—of stained and painted glass than has previously appeared in this country.”—The Times. “The book is a masterpiece in its way ... amply illustrated and carefully printed; it will long remain an authority on its subject.”—The Art Journal. “All for whom the subject of stained glass possesses an interest and a charm, will peruse these pages with pleasure and profit.”—The Morning Post. “Mr. Day has done a worthy piece of work in more than his usual admirable manner ... the illustrations are all good and some the best black-and-white drawings of stained glass yet produced.”—The Studio. In Preparation. To be published shortly. A HANDBOOK OF EMBROIDERY.—By Lewis F. Day and Miss Mary Buckle. Being a handbook on the Art for Designers, Needleworkers, Students, Teachers, &c. Both artistic and practical sides of the subject are thoroughly treated, and the work is illustrated with Photographs of Stitches, and Historic Examples, &c. Now published, the most handy, useful, and comprehensive work on the subject. ALPHABETS, OLD AND NEW.—Containing 150 complete Alphabets, 30 Series of Numerals, Numerous Facsimiles of Ancient Dates. Selected and arranged by Lewis F. Day. Preceded by a short account of the Development of the Alphabet. With Modern Examples specially designed by Walter Crane, Patten Wilson, A. Beresford Pite, the Author, and others. Crown 8vo, art linen. Second Impression, completing Fifth Thousand. Price 3s. 6d. net. “Mr. Day’s explanation of the growth of form in letters is particularly valuable.... Many excellent alphabets are given in illustration of his remarks.”—The Studio. “Every one who employs practical lettering will be grateful for ‘Alphabets, Old and New.’ Mr. Day has written a scholarly and pithy introduction, and contributes some beautiful alphabets of his own design.”—The Art Journal. “A practical resumÉ of all that is to be known on the subject, concisely and clearly stated.”—St. James’s Gazette. “It goes without saying that whatever Mr. Batsford publishes and Mr. Day has to do with is presented in a good artistic form, complete, and wherever that is possible, graceful.”—The AthenÆum. A HANDBOOK OF ORNAMENT.—With 300 Plates, containing about 3,000 Illustrations of the Elements and Application of Decoration to Objects. By F. S. Meyer, Professor at the School of Applied Art, Karlsruhe. Second English Edition, revised by Hugh Stannus, F.R.I.B.A., Lecturer on Applied Art at the Royal College of Art, South Kensington. Thick 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt top. Price 12s. 6d. 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THE HISTORIC STYLES OF ORNAMENT.—Containing 1,500 examples from all countries and all periods, exhibited on 100 Plates, mostly printed in gold and colours. With historical and descriptive text translated from the German of H. Dolmetsch. Folio, handsomely bound in cloth, gilt. Price £1 5s. net. This work has been designed to serve as a practical guide for the purpose of showing the development of Ornament, and the application of colour to it in various countries through the epochs of history. The work illustrates not only Flat Ornament, but also many Decorative Objects, such as Metal-Work, Pottery and Porcelain, Lace, Enamel, Mosaic, Illumination, Stained Glass, Jewellery, Bookbinding, &c. showing the application of Ornament to Industrial Art. A small remainder, just reduced in price. ANIMALS IN ORNAMENT.—By Professor G. Sturm. Containing 30 large Collotype Plates, printed in tint, of Designs suitable for Friezes, Panels, Borders, Wall-papers, Carving, and all kinds of Surface Decoration, &c. Large folio in portfolio. Price 18s. net (published £1 10s.). A new and useful series of clever designs, showing how animal form may be adapted to decorative purposes with good effect. A HANDBOOK OF ART SMITHING.—For the use of Practical Smiths, Designers and others, and in Art and Technical Schools. By F. S. Meyer, Author of “A Handbook of Ornament.” Translated from the Second German Edition. With an Introduction by J. Starkie Gardner. Containing 214 Illustrations. Demy 8vo, cloth. Price 6s. Net 5s. Both the Artistic and the Practical Branches of the subject are dealt with, and the Illustrations give selected Examples of Ancient and Modern Ironwork. The Volume thus fills the long-existing want of a Manual on Ornamental Ironwork, and it is hoped will prove of value to all interested in the subject. “Charmingly produced.... It is really a most excellent manual, crowded with examples of ancient work, for the most part extremely well selected.”—The Studio. “Professor Meyer’s work is a useful historical manual on Art Smithing, based on a scientific classification of the subject, that will be of service to all smiths, designers, and students of technical and art schools. The illustrations are well drawn and numerous.”—Building News. A Facsimile reproduction of one of the rarest and most remarkable Books of Designs ever published in England. A NEW BOOKE OF DRAWINGS OF IRON WORKE.—Invented and Designed by John Tijou. Containing severall sortes of Iron Worke, as Gates, Frontispieces, Balconies, Staircases, Pannells, &c., of which the most part hath been wrought at the Royal Building of Hampton Court, &c. All for the use of them that worke iron in perfection and with art. (Sold by the Author in London, 1693.) Containing 20 folio Plates. With an Introductory Note and Descriptions of the Plates by J. Starkie Gardner. Folio, bound in boards, old style. Price 25s. net. Only 150 copies were printed for England, and but 20 now remain. Early application is therefore necessary to secure copies. An original copy is priced at £48 in a recent catalogue of Mr. Bernard Quaritch, the renowned bookseller. DECORATIVE WROUGHT IRONWORK OF THE 17TH AND 18TH CENTURIES.—By D. J. Ebbetts. Containing 16 large Lithographic Plates, illustrating 70 English Examples of Screens, Grilles, Panels, Balustrades, &c. Folio, boards, cloth back. Price 12s. 6d. Net 10s. Just Published. A MANUAL OF PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION IN THE ART OF BRASS REPOUSSÉ FOR AMATEURS.—By Gawthorp (Art Metal Worker to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales). Second and Enlarged Edition. With 32 Illustrations, many from photographs of executed designs. 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Is a useful little book, full of sound directions and good suggestions.”—Magazine of Art. HINTS ON CHIP CARVING.—(Class Teaching and other Northern Styles.) By Eleanor Rowe, with a Preface by T. R. Ablett. 40 Illustrations. 8vo, sewed. Price 1s. in paper covers, or in cloth, price 1s. 6d. “A capital manual of instruction in a craft that ought to be most popular.”—Saturday Review. DETAILS OF GOTHIC WOOD CARVING.—Being a Series of Drawings from Original Work of the 14th and 15th Centuries. By Franklyn A. Crallan. Containing 34 large Photo-lithographic Plates, illustrating some of the finest specimens of Gothic Wood Carving extant, with Introductory and Descriptive Text. Large 4to, in handsome cloth portfolio, or bound in cloth gilt. Price 28s. Net 24s. “The examples are carefully drawn to a large size ... well selected and very well executed.”—The Builder. “This admirable work is one of great interest and value.... Every variety of Gothic detail is here illustrated. Hitherto no full-sized details have been published, so that the present work will be invaluable to the wood carver, as the drawings possess all the strength and vigour of the original work.”—Education. PROGRESSIVE STUDIES AND DESIGNS FOR WOOD CARVERS.—By Miss E. R. Plowden. With a Preface by Miss Rowe. Consisting of seven large folding sheets of Illustrations (drawn full size), of a variety of objects suitable for Wood Carving. With Descriptive Text. Second Edition, enlarged. 4to, in portfolio. Price 5s. net. REMAINS OF ECCLESIASTICAL WOOD-WORK.—A Series of Examples of Stalls, Screens, Book-Boards, Roofs, Pulpits, &c., containing 21 Plates beautifully engraved on Copper, from drawings by T. Talbot Bury, Archt. 4to, half-bound. Price 10s. 6d., net 8s. 6d. 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Price 3s. 6d. net. “This little work does for architecture in relation to English poetry what Mr. Phil Robinson has done for the birds and beasts. The poet’s appreciation of architecture is a delightful subject with which Mr. Statham has become infected, not only illustrating his points with quotations and his judgments with his reasons, but the whole with a series of fanciful or suggestive sketches which add considerably to the attractiveness of the book.”—The Magazine of Art. RENAISSANCE ARCHITECTURE AND ORNAMENT IN SPAIN.—A Series of Examples selected from the purest executed between the years 1500-1560. By Andrew N. Prentice, A.R.I.B.A. Containing 60 beautiful Plates, reproduced by Photo-lithography and Photo Process, from the Author’s Drawings, of Perspective Views and Geometrical Drawings, and Details, in Stone, Wood, and Metal. With short Descriptive Text. Folio, handsomely bound in cloth, gilt. Price £2 10s. Net £2 2s. “For the drawing and production of this book one can have no words but praise.... It is a pleasure to have so good a record of such admirable architectural drawing, free, firm and delicate.”—British Architect. B. T. BATSFORD, 94, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON. FOOTNOTES:
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