
I am a Catholic-Psychic, and believe in the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints (this is a fact to me for I have often seen my saints and heard them), the forgiveness of all sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. I write this little book to prove man an immortal being, to comfort all those that suffer. My saints have proven to me there is no death. I long to prove this to my dear readers, for it is a fact. May this little book always be a comfort and blessing to you. May all my dear readers have this same beautiful experience; all learn for themselves life is immortal, life is beautiful. Please earnestly investigate and find this fact out for yourselves—I did. If you will go into the silence every other night and pray, then be calm, very quiet, relax the mind and body, in a short time you will see or hear, or feel some of your loved ones, as I have seen and heard them. After you have heard these sweet heavenly voices, or have seen the dear faces of your loved ones, please tell the world these beautiful facts, as our sweet saint Jeanne d’Arc did; we can all write and teach facts now without being burned alive. “As freely as ye receive freely give.”

Dear readers, this little romance is founded on facts. All journeys to other stars are true. The names are fictitious. The gist of this story is all true. It is wicked to write a lie, even in a novel. This book is written to inspire more love for each other. May we all love one another more, comfort others as our Saviour and His angels have loved us. As you read this book please remember I love you all dearly. God rules and watches over you; He sends your loved ones to comfort and protect you. Please try to always bear this in mind, and may you always be happy and contented. If you wish to develope your souls, and keep in harmony with God, you must keep sweet, cheerful, prayerful, and love one another. Love, Divine love, is the secret of salvation. So pray for love, peace and happiness.


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