“’Tis told somewhere in Eastern story
That those who loved once blossomed as flowers
On the same stem, amid the glory
Of Eden’s green and fragrant bowers;
And that, though parted oft by fate
Yet when the glow of life is ended,
Each soul again shall find its mate,
And in one bloom again be blended.”

Addison MacRay was now a very rich man; he and Cathy are perfectly happy in their bungalow. They took charge of The Divinity Club and held three large circles every week. The members of The Divinity Club were all highly educated and refined. It had been a long, long time before she ever saw Cresto and Ruth. At the club that night Addison and Cathy were overjoyed and surprised at once more seeing Cresto and Ruth. The club soon learned to understand Cresto by thought transference.

“O Ruth, dear, why have you stayed away so long? My Doll!!”

“My darling, sweet Cathy, we came here often but could not make our presence known. You did not make the right conditions for us to show ourselves and talk. Your club is lovely and we are regular members. My dear child, if you keep the conditions like this we will come often and help you. Darling Cathy, after my glorious transmission, Cresto and I were married in a lovely temple on Mars. Cresto showed me the very temple once in a vision. He often took me to Mars on long pleasure trips before my transmission. In my visions I saw all things dimly, compared to all I see and know now. I see all the beautiful scenery more clearly now. Cathy, I wish you could see our lovely home in Mars, and all the lovely jewels Cresto and my friends gave me. I cannot begin to tell you how happy and busy I am. I often see my old school mates. We have so many dear friends we enjoy with all our hearts. We love more in Mars than you do on earth. In Mars we daily practice our Saviour’s words to ‘Love one another.’ My dear friends, love and work will bring wealth and heaven to all dear, precious souls on earth. Cathy dear, Cresto wants to tell you more about our marriage in Mars.”

“The great, tall, massive, and handsome temple was decorated in long white rosebuds, and pink and white primroses, their fragrance filled the temple. The pure white altar was banked with fragrant lillies, mingled with cool, delicate ferns. Little above the altar hung a large white cross of perfect tuberoses, interwoven with tiny white and gold candles; each little candle was lighted with many-colored lights. Hundreds of our old friends from India and America were there, singing around Eno, who was playing the immense pipe organ; their dear voices sounded as sweetly as those of the cherubims. The great organ was partly played by electricity. After the music the ceremony was performed by a Catholic priest.

“We sailed to our new home in white aluminum airships, decorated with white roses and golden butterflies, and long, narrow white ribbons hung down from the airships and floated gracefully in the bright sunlight. My beautiful little mother entertained us with music, dancing, and a perfect feast of fruit, nuts, cakes that looked like snowy ambrosia from heaven; sweet, sparkling nectar, made from the juice of red grapes filled the glasses. The long tables were richly decorated with rosebuds and light green ferns. Ruth wore her gold crown for the first time; she was dressed in her ascension robes and a long white, dainty bridal veil. The veil was pinned on her long, heavy curly hair with little diamond butterflies which Helios gave her. Ruth was a dream of beauty and looked about sixteen,—all are young after their transmission. Friends, our wedding ceremony was beautiful and very sacred. Our priest was a very high angel, he had once been a Pope of Rome, he was perfect.

“We had our marriage certificate framed just like your own. That day was a perfect golden day of love and sunshine. That day our souls were overflowing with joy. Such happiness and love is never experienced on earth. That beautiful day the birds sang sweeter melodies than ever, the heavens were brighter, hearts were lighter. Souls were dearer than ever to us, the music more melodious. We could feel the presence of our dear Saviour and His Holy Angels sweetly smiling down upon us. All hearts are linked together over there in one grand, strong immortal golden chain of eternal love. Perfect pure love is the most sublime emotion that man or angel ever experienced.

Saints pray for love, love, love,
To give us sunshine from above;
They hear our prayers with loving smiles,
Tenderly helping in all our trials,
Praying for us to love, love, love.
The stars are shining love, love, love,
Souls are pining for love, love, love;
Mind is linked to mind as one for all time,
Hearts beat in love-rhythm sublime
Singing love, love, love.
May we love, love, love,
As they do in stars above;
If we send an earnest prayer from the soul
To own our own, to love and to hold,
God will send us love, love, love.


Punctuation has been normalized. Variations in hyphenation have been retained as they were in the original publication.

The author's spelling has been maintained, except in the following cases:

Page Original As Corrected
8 the buterfly was made the butterfly was made
8 wonderful buterfly wonderful butterfly
17 My darling Pesus My darling Persus
17 we will work to gether we will work together
20 pricious jewels precious jewels
24 loveingly and tenderly lovingly and tenderly
28 to much too much
39 Artimus used electricity Artemus used electricity
40 wonderful phychic wonderful psychic
45 love leter love letter
47 more vivacous more vivacious
59 napkins and handerchiefs napkins and handkerchiefs
52 Divine eHavenly Father Divine Heavenly Father


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