“Then star nor sun shall waken, Nor any change of light; Nor sound of waters shaken Nor any sound or sight. Nor wintry leaves or vernal Nor days nor things diurnal; Only the sleep eternal In an eternal night.” Ruth had fasted for three days. All she drank was a cup of warm milk twice a day—and drank this very slowly. The third night after saying her prayers she fell into a sound sleep. It was darkest midnight when Cresto, with many of his friends, came to protect Ruth. All were dressed in disguise—in long black robes. Ruth gradually felt her soul gently and silently carried away in space to the underworld. “Cresto, dear, were you ever in this awful, dismal, dark, place before?” “Yes, dear, all souls from earth are taken here at death and judged. I was here a few days until I was judged for every act I ever did. No soul can escape this court. Darling girl, when you are taken here, I will come with you. I beg you to live such a perfect Christian life that our dear judges will not keep you long. Some stay thousands of years in this one place, others, only a few days. Christ descended and remained here two days Himself. He was perfect. The third day Our Lord ascended up to Heaven. He rose in great power and glory. Dear Ruth, if you follow in His footsteps, you need not fear to go where He has been. Jesus has surveyed the narrow road that leads to the gates of Heaven. He is the one who will light the way for us. Here our Lord and His hosts of angels, judge the living and the dead. Christ and His own followers have been judged here, so that they may be just to the wicked. He obeys and keeps all laws They walked on deeper into the woods of lonely darkness. It was misty. The angry dark gray clouds above them would not admit a ray of sunlight. We saw great monsters among the cold gray rocks; in the wide crevices were huge, long, green serpents, with mad, fiery red eyes. These snakes were the companions of low men and women, of drunkards, gluttons, and former prostitutes. Snakes and all ugly animals have ugly thoughts. They are on a low mental plane. “Ruth, dear, your sweet disposition, your constant prayers, have made your face beautiful. Some of these poor, ill, low, ugly, fallen women tried to console themselves with ugly dogs and cats on earth. There were no babies, or children in Hades to pet, and as these poor, half clad, half starved women would try to pet these dogs, they would growl and snarl and bite them. All animals were cross; there was no love or harmony there.” “Cresto, why are these hungry dogs and snakes with these poor, sad, ugly men and women?” “Dear, like seeks like; love attracts love; enemies that hate each other most, must live together. The wonderful power of gravitation draws them together. Look well, dear, and As they went deeper and deeper into the lonely forest they saw a large, filthy, dead sea covered over with green slime. The odor from this stagnant water made them all ill. “The only fish here is the ugly octopus. These poor, weary, tired men and women catch them and cook them on the rocks and eat them.” They did not see any fruit in the forest. These folks were too angry and lazy to cultivate the ground or make the most of their punishment. All they wanted was revenge and an excuse to get out of work. They all seemed to be cowards and indolent. The awful rivers and lakes were green and slimy. The air was cold, misty and damp all the time. No stars or moon mingled in the dark gray clouds above. There were no flowers or birds or lovers here. The land was full of muddy green swamps. They saw them bare-footed, walking in the mud up to their knees. Some took on each other’s conditions; all looked mean, blue, cross and ugly; they would fight, groan, swear and curse one another. We could not find any real love there. It was all cruel hate. Angels often came down when they were fighting to part them. Then some would cling to their robes and hold on like mad men. An electric shock from these high angels’ minds would throw them onto the ground again. O! the power of mind or soul! Every time they would hurt or abuse another, they were forced to stay another day in Purgatory. Men or women who had tortured or helped in any way to torture any prisoner or helpless child or insane person, or any one in their power on earth, were tortured seven-fold there; their innocent victims were permitted to come here and torture them. This is a just law and is followed out to the letter in the underworld. One cannot escape justice any more than they can escape life. We all live on and on whether we go to Heaven or Hades. “Ruth, here is another proof that the wicked are punished The serpents were even climbing the trees. The trees all looked dead, old and withered. All the men and women seemed lost; not one could find their loved ones. All were parted! All lonely! Their only companions were those they hated most. Many had been in this awful place for years and years. Many would stay years longer, because they had made slaves of lovely young girls. These poor, helpless girls had gone on to Heaven, and the men that ruined them were still suffering here. They suffered more than their former victims ever did. Ruth was so glad to see these men suffering. Young girls have a right to honor and sacred love and homes. These men and women that once sold sweet, lovely young girls for money, prayed for death; but there is no death in Hades! It was awful to see these souls live on and on to suffer and groan from remorse of conscience. There would be no justice without this great mighty underworld court, or Purgatory. The sins and crimes of darkness, of all the universe, are concentrated here. This is a terrible and dismal region of darkness, misery, despair and sorrow! Hades is a place in space down in the opposite direction from Heaven. It is God’s mighty Court of Justice. There is no money or bail given there. You cannot bribe the Judge or jury. Their souls are laid bare! Their hearts and very thoughts are judged. All their past acts are recorded. Justice reigns supreme. Every act and thought is pictured in space. Every sound ascends and is recorded by our angels. Science is a perfect photographer. All acts and thoughts are retained on the lens of the mind. “Cresto, is that why these men and women seem so insane?” “Yes, dear, their minds are all darkness from sin and ignorance.” “Cresto, please take me home out into the fresh air, I cannot stand their awful looks and misery.” “Come, we will go at once. I should have taken you back sooner.” “O! what happiness to fly from darkest Purgatory, out into God’s lovely star light. To soar like a free bird in the sweet, pure fresh air. What a contrast from that awful place!” “Yes, dear, from now on I shall be perfectly happy in doing good. I must commence my work at once. Now is the time. How lovely it is to float like this among the stars. Away in space! To float like a bird among the stars and clouds is perfect ecstacy! Each star looks like big, bright double balls of light; one was blue, one was white. Cresto, this is a heavenly sight!” “My darling, I will hold you closer to my heart and fly on and on with you just to please you. My greatest happiness is in seeing you happy. All you need to do is to put your lovely head on my breast, and take long, deep breaths.” “Darling, how grateful I am to you, Cresto, dear, to be able to float as the angels do with you, just for tonight. O! this lovely, perfect night. Cresto, I love you!” |