
A year has passed away. Ruth has not heard from Cresto, or even dreamed of him. All this time she has been doing all the good she could with her pen and dear old violin. Cathy de Bathe had gone to California to study music. Aunt Mary had just brought Ruth a letter from Cathy.

“Here, honey, is a fat letter from youah sweetheart, Miss Ruth.”

“Thank you, Aunt Mary.”

“My Own Darling Ruth:

I was so glad to get your last letter. I am very sorry you do not have any more visions. I do. I keep it a secret, for my husband and his folks are all Adventists and do not believe as you and I do.

Forgive me, dear, for not telling you of my marriage before. I married for love and money; all California girls do. We are not so sweet and good as you are. My young husband is tall and handsome, with brown eyes, light curly hair, and weighs over two hundred pounds. You see, my dear, he is a dainty little California boy. His name is Addison MacRay. Addison gave me a lovely, modern bungalow. We have a smooth, velvety lawn in front. A great variety of hanging ferns on our large stone front porch; around this porch are many kinds of lovely roses, violets, ferns and other plants. There are two broad stone steps; on either side of the steps are massive square pillars on each of which is a drooping tropical plant. There is a great, large oak door, with four pretty, small windows. We have a long living room, with a sturdy old mission fireplace. Addison bought beautiful furniture for every room. There is a large dining room, and a cute little breakfast room. Our room is a dream—all in blue and white. Off from our little breakfast room is a large, sunny aviary filled with canary birds that sing all day long. My husband bought the birds in Paris. We have fruit, flowers and vegetables growing the year round back of our home. We gather fruit and flowers every day. We have imported chickens, doves and horses. We drive in the country every day. Please come and visit us for a few months. I want you to enjoy our new home. Ruth, come and see it for yourself, I haven’t time to tell you how beautiful it is. My dear, I have a few friends that come to our home twice a week, just to investigate the immortality of the soul. The name of our class is ‘The Divinity Club.’ I have two new angels in my band, Asa and Ione. Asa said he used to weigh two hundred pounds; now he only weighs seventy-five pounds. Now he and Ione have a lovely home in Mars. His twin-soul, Ione, is sweet and just as pretty and young as you are, Dolly dear. They both worship each other and look alike; only Asa is much taller. Ione told me a man on Mars would be eighty-three times stronger than a man on earth. And she said there was plenty of water from the wonderful canals to supply every one. The red planet, Mars, is very interesting to me. Do you know much about it? Please tell me all you know about it, will you, dear?



P. S.—Please write soon, love.”

Addison and Cathy MacRay were the happiest couple in California, they were going to visit friends on Catalina Island.

“Darling Addison, I hate to leave our new bungalow even to visit our best friends.”

At San Pedro they found passageway on the boat Cabrillo. The water was calm and brilliantly blue. They enjoyed watching the silvery flying fish on the way. Their friends were at the pier to meet them, Artemus Dawson, the inventor, Lemanuel Schwarze, Flora Thurston and her daughter and son were in the party, Ana Marie Thurston was pretty, lively and full of fun. Mr. Dawson drove slowly up the steep hill to his quaint little home. All were tired and retired early. All of the guests were up early the next morning and ready to view the submarine gardens. Mr. Dawson owned a wonderful glass bottom boat—his own invention. Artemus used electricity as motive power. By touching a key the boat shot forward through the foam, producing strains of music.

They looked down through the glass and saw every variety of fish—even gold fish. It was a fairyland of beauty, and we wondered if these fish had intelligence. These gardens are wonderful. They enjoyed their beds of stone and lovely green, lacy blankets of soft, fluffy moss. Long, hanging ferns grew from their castles of rock. God has made a beautiful world for the fish to live in. The fish enjoy their wonderful homes. They obey the laws of Nature, hence they still live in the garden of Eden. The ugly fish were not jealous of the beautiful gold fish. They seemed to enjoy each other’s society and live in harmony. How could they fight in such beautiful gardens? They enjoyed viewing these lovely gardens of the sea until nearly sun down. By the time they reached home they were all tired out.

Ana Marie Thurston was a sweet, cheerful little blonde. She resembled her father, who was killed for the money he possessed when she was a small child. Albert Thurston was a psychic before he was killed. Ana Marie had a beautiful sister, who died in New Orleans at the age of fourteen. Eva Thurston was dark, tall and beautiful. Eva and her father developed Ana Marie until she was a wonderful psychic. Mrs. Thurston and Ana Marie were broken hearted when Eva died.

Her friends began to plead with little Ana Marie to go into a trance, or see clairvoyantly for them. “My father and Eva tell me I can go into a trance and then I must retire.”

All wrote down everything she said. Ana Marie was controlled by her sweet, pretty sister Eva. “I am Eva, and my little sister will not remember a word I say, so please tell her all I say?”

“Eva, dear, we will write every word and show her the notes.”

“Thank you. Please tell my little sister that my father and I love her and mamma more than ever. My father and I live in Mars now. I died a true Catholic. The first angel I saw was my father and his sweet companion. Mamma in a few years you and sister will get married and be happy. Mamma, please don’t cry so; it hurts us and ruins your own health. We are with you the same as ever, and are not dead at all.

“Mr. Dawson, your mother, Mary Dawson, is here and sends you all her love.

“Mrs. Schwarze, your son George is here. He says he is in a fine school at Lastriste, a large city in Mars. He loves his school and companions.

“Dear Cathy, I see many angels, with bright lights, around you and your husband. Eno, Cresto, Daisy, Asa and Ione are here. Daisy is a lovely blonde, with very large blue eyes; she has charge of many circles in California. Daisy is bright and cheerful, and does a great deal of good in the world. She lives with her grandparents in a lovely home in Mars. This home is a wonderful mansion, all stone, and furnished elegantly. She is a wonderful little artist. Her home is filled with beautiful paintings that she has produced by herself. She inspires many slightly talented people on earth to paint wonderfully. Daisy used to visit Cathy often. Once she gave Cathy a lovely pearl ring. Cathy saw this lovely ring, clairvoyantly.”

“I do not know how to thank you for that beautiful ring, now, Daisy dear, please keep it for me until I go over there.”

“I will, dear Cathy. Cresto wants to talk to you now.”

“Cathy, it will pay you to go home in a month. Pack your trunk again and visit your friend, Ruth. In a few months she will be killed by fear or lightning, in a terrible storm. The child needs you there, later you will need her; then she and I will come back and protect and help you. Can she go, Addison?”

“She may go as soon as we get home. I must go and look after my mines, anyway.”

“Addison, you will find a rich gold mine, one mile east of the one you own now. Keep that mine all for your own. I give that to you for your kindness to Ruth.”

“O, Cresto, I thank you with all my heart! I promise to go to Ruth as soon as you want me to.”

“Enjoy your visit here first.”

As Daisy loved painting, Ione loved poetry. The poetess began in stately verse,

“I have fed upon manna from heaven above;
Have tasted the fruit of a wonderful love;
I have looked on a land where the sun ever beams,
And talked with the angels in mystical dreams;
And though some visions may die in their birth,
They still leave the trail of their glory on earth.”

Ione read us other poems she had composed. Daisy asked if any of the clairvoyants could tell the color of their new dresses? Cathy could see that Daisy wore a pale blue silk, with fine lace trimming; Ione a light yellow silk, trimmed in heavy, rich lace. Both wore rich jewels and golden sandals. The maidens from Mars were beautiful, and had long heavy golden hair. They wore lace undergarments of almost cobweb-like delicacy, so very fine that it cannot be pictured or imagined. Long white opera cloaks swept from their dresses. Their snowy, soft white veils looked like floating clouds in the sunshine. Daisy wore daisies in her golden hair and at her waist. She was a perfect saint and did all the good she could on earth. We all adored her. Daisy said there are no hats in Mars, to make the hair come out; they never wear or make corsets or high heels. There are no shoes there. They dress beautifully, with long robes, jewels, crowns, laces and sandals. They do not wear stockings. There are no fat, ill men or women there. They only eat one meal a day, and have not time to grow stout. Cresto now told Addison MacRay all his past. Addison was converted that night. He saw many bright lights.

“Now that I have told you facts about your past, I will tell you some facts about Mars: Mars is a land of beauty—a land of love and sunshine, and music and flowers. We have two softly lighted moons, and many large, bright stars. We have no dark nights, our nights are only soft twilights. Our planet appears red from the earth, for we have more sunlight, more moonlight and electricity. We have our seasons the same as you have, but our days are longer than yours. Many of our flowers and vegetables are red in color. Our wonderful electric lights appear red from your world—they are all colors.

“I weighed over two hundred pounds on earth, now I weigh seventy-five. We do not need any superfluous fat here. We must be very light and intelligent in order to fly. We float in the clouds and swim in real water; dance, laugh, ride, talk, and sing in the same manner as you do. As a soul advances from star to star, each one has a grand surprise awaiting them. I was surprised and happy to find out I could learn to float after my resurrection, and to know God has made an immortal companion for each one of us. Think of such infinite love! Adam and Eve were soul-mates. I soon found out here there was no eternal Hell. Some of the places in Purgatory are as terror-striking. After death, if one has lived a life of sin or idleness, he is cast into prison in Purgatory and bound and chained down for years away from all his loved ones. No one is kept in prison after death unless that person deserves to suffer.

“Many of my old friends are now living happy with their twin-souls in Venus, Mars and other stars. I love to hear them tell me of their homes and work. Gentlemen in other planets never wear beards, as it takes their mental strength; but they can send their double—a picture only—and appear with beards the same as in earth life. We have about one thousand wonderful canals, and over one thousand oases with little farms on them. Our great canals all have wonderful, large stone gates about every one thousand miles, so we can control the water. After harvest is over we let the water go back to the poles. The snow in winter keeps the beds of the canals pure. In this way we can live in Mars over one thousand years before we are transferred to a higher star. We must take good care of our health. We pray and keep in harmony with Our Creator’s Divine mind as near as possible. Our minds rule our physical condition. ‘As one thinketh, so is he.’ We are eighty-three times stronger than our loved ones on earth. Our atmosphere is pure and bracing and adapted entirely to our use. It is hard work for us to breathe on your earth. Eva has gone home to rest, while others take her place. All the conditions must be perfect for us to converse with you. Earth-bound spirits can talk longer, but they do not often give truths. It is a fact, we have all the water we need. We have all the wealth and land we can use. We do not use money, but give checks which amounts to the same thing. Every person gets full wages for their work. There are no peculiar vegetables or men on Mars, as has been stated in your papers. No immense eye grows to watch over us. God rules all worlds with His mind and with the help of His Holy angels. There is nothing crazy or odd where God rules. All insanity, all strange vegetables and trees, etc., are in Purgatory, or on earth. Awful things happen where ignorant souls disobey Our Lord and sin. Good night.”

chapter headpiece

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