“Some god hath cast me forth upon this land, And O, what land? So thick is the sea mist.” The next morning Princess Kezia was up before sunrise. She dressed quickly so she would have time to pray all alone in the dear old temple before the others were up. On the way up the hill she accidentally met the doctor going in the same direction. “Princess Kezia, I was just going to the temple to pray also.” “Doctor, how did you know I was going there?” “I can read your thoughts, Kezia. Could you guess what my prayer could be?” “No, Doctor, I am sorry that I am unable to read your thoughts.” “Come, and I will tell you on the way. I was going to pray that you would be my wife, all my very own, forever. Do you love me well enough to marry me within a month? I could not stand to have you leave me now. My darling, I loved you the first time I ever saw your sweet face. Dear, you are different from others, so fair and light. You are all love and sunshine. Most girls I know are dark and all alike, you are different. Have I the power to make you happy, dear? Will you marry me soon? I want to own you as quickly as possible. Answer me please?” “Doctor, I love you dearly. It is so strange I loved you too the first time I ever saw you. I have been afraid some one would guess my secret. For fear some one would read my very heart I was going to pack up and leave for my home in Southern Egypt. My poor old parents live in Pibeseth, an old city of Bastel. My folks live a few miles from the city on a dear, lovely little farm, all fenced in. My mother is small and dark, and was, when a girl, very beautiful. My mother was a beautiful dark Indian princess. My father was “Yes, dear, but you haven’t given me my answer yet?” “Doctor, we will be married as soon as you say. So I will do all in my power to make you happy.” As they stepped inside of the church, he held her passionately to his heart. As they walked to the altar he kissed her a thousand times at least. They both bowed their heads in silent prayer and gratitude for such perfect love and happiness. In looking up they saw Hope (Kezia’s lovely angel), holding out her little white arms, blessing them. “Now, dear Kezia, do you see why we brought you here? God has made you for each other. You are both one. After death you will meet again never to be parted.” The Doctor took off a beautiful ring from his little finger and gave it to the Princess. “Sweetheart, this ring my mother gave me when I graduated at Delhi. You may call it your engagement ring, if you will?” Hope kissed the ring and kissed her brow as the Doctor placed it on her finger. “O! what joy, what heaven, to be kissed by an angel like Hope; and to be always loved by such a gentleman as the Doctor. Hope, dear, your sweet lips feel just like a real mortal. Why not?” “I am more real than you are. I am more alive than you are, as I am in perfect health and I am immortal. I ask you both to continue praying in the temple for a few hours without any food. Tonight we want to take you to Rome, Paris, and Monte Carlo. If you don’t eat much your soul can travel at will after you are well developed. I will guide you on the way and teach your soul how much missionary work is yet to be done on earth. Good bye, dear children, you will see me again tonight. If you can’t see me you will know that I am with you.” After prayers the Doctor took Kezia home, and announced their engagement to his folks. They all received her with open arms as one of their very own. “O, Kezia, I am so glad you are my very own sister now. I always wanted a sister to boss, and do as I pleased with, and you just fill the bill.” That night all the household retired to rest peacefully. That night two hearts were overflowing with love and happiness. Kezia took Sita in her arms and kissed her fondly. The two Soon Kezia’s soul seemed to be free, floating away in space. We visited the Pope of Rome first. He was on his knees talking to his saints in sweet love and harmony. We soon knew that he saw all of us clairvoyantly. Part of His Holy saints joined with us. We soon saw the bright lights of gay Paris below us. Down, down, we went into the very heart of the city. The first sounds that reached our ears were the prayers of the poor and broken hearted. We saw the old and young begging in the streets at midnight. They begged from those that were dressed in the latest fashion. I never saw such lovely clothes, and so many bright colors in the moonlight. Those clad in rags had more light in their souls than the rich that would now and then toss them a copper, just to make a display in the eyes of their mistresses. Many poor, cold, hungry, suffering creatures had no beds to get a moment’s rest on. Many were never inside of a real home. The misery was awful! When we could not stand it any longer we went to Florence, Italy; there the suffering seemed about the same. Here we found great wealth and great poverty and suffering. Wherever we find great wealth we found great poverty. Hope said our love for all souls prevents great poverty in other worlds. Our great schools of industry prevents poverty. We are taught to give the laborer all he earns; each has all he can earn, all are paid in checks and no money is ever used. We soon went to Monte Carlo. We saw many men and women gamble for money, as they smoked around the tables. We could see they were money mad. Many lost great fortunes that night; many won. We noticed one short, dark, little woman they called Lena, win every cent a light, tall blonde had; they called him Alo Lamar. He offered her his hand and smiled. We could read his thoughts and knew the reason. She invited him to her room a few blocks away. He began to make love to her for her money only. She coaxed him to write a short note to his mistress, Ada, telling her he had left her forever. Soon they were both sound asleep, drunk. As we watched them, our souls could read their thoughts, which were awful. We could see very little light around them; this proves their souls were undeveloped. The man called Alo Lamar soon awoke, staggered a moment, then reached under the woman’s pillow and took all her money and jewels, went over to the table and took up the carving knife and killed her! He covered her up, and with a cruel smile “Please let’s go home,” I cried, “I can’t stand to see any more crimes.” Our angels at once took us up, up, on electric spiral waves; up we went into the pure fresh air, up into the lovely soft moonlight, away from all darkness and crime. “O! how lovely to float in space like this. O! Hope, my sweet saint, can the dear angels in Mars, Neptune, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter float in such wild ecstacy as we do?” At this question they all laughed, their merry voices of silver filled the air. “What is the matter, Doctor?” “Just look back of you and see!” I looked back, and saw two lovely angels, male and female, holding me up by a long, strong, silk sash that I had not noticed until now. They smiled and said: “We have carried you all the way.” In all the higher planets they soon learn to float alone, as it takes some people a long time to learn to swim, it takes some angels a long time to learn to float. It was about dawn the next day when our angels left us at our own home. I woke Sita up and told her all I had seen. “Kez, my darling, how strange! I had the very same sad experience.” After Sita and I had combed each other’s hair we went down to breakfast. What a lovely sight met our eyes! The table was loaded with lovely fruit and beautiful flowers. A beautiful venetian gold filigree vase of lovely dark red roses was placed in front of the Doctor, and he took one of the perfect red buds and pinned it in my hair. We had many kinds of fruit and nuts, and instead of grape juice, we drank a cup of warm new milk. We saw the boy milk the cow at our door steps as we began to eat breakfast; we knew the milk was pure. Everything tasted delicious. The longing for bread, cake and meat had gradually left me. I had to give up my old habits of eating candy and hot bread in order to see clairvoyantly. Doctor and I were soon walking alone in the mountains together, talking over our future life. |