All God’s angels will say, “Well done!” Whenever thy mortal race is run. White and forgiven, Thou’lt enter heaven And pass, unchallenged, the Golden Gate, Where welcoming spirits watch and wait To hail thy coming with sweet accord To the Holy City of God the Lord. The next morning I heard these words sung by the family in the library downstairs. I heard Prince Cresto’s rich tenor above the rest. They kept on singing in perfect harmony as I went down stairs. The doctor met me in the big hall and invited me in to family prayers at sunrise. After this sacred service was over, I said good bye to my new friends and walked quickly to my room at the hotel. I promised Dr. Persus to go back the next evening to another class. I spent most of that day roaming those lovely Araville hills, and praying in the old temple. Twilight found me again at the home of Princess Mara. This lovely mother was very tall and dark, also having dark brown hair. As I entered the door she held out both slender hands to welcome me. Prince Cresto and she invited me to stay with them as their guest that summer. After studying the matter over I consented. Sita called us all to supper. I was surprised at this simple repast; dates, nuts and grape juice was all that was served. This was served on a lovely hardwood table inlaid with pearls and white ivory. A lovely large butterfly was carved in the center of this expensive old table; the butterfly was made of pure gold and silver, all filigreed in this beautiful hardwood. The eyes of this wonderful golden butterfly were two bright red rubies. My surprise and delight was great happiness to me. “Doctor, what a beautiful and wonderful butterfly!” “We only eat a light supper, so we can develope our souls. We could not see clairvoyantly if we ate too much. We only eat two meals a day, morning and evening. Instead of eating at noon we rest and pray, as they did of old.” After supper was over the doctor offered me his arm and we all went to class again. It was about the same as the night before; only there was more music, and the angels sang with us, and their sweet voices were so perfect that for a moment I thought I was in heaven. O! such music there among the flowers and trees, by the hillside! Their sweet voices sang in harmony with the beautiful pale, golden moonlight. No sunlight was ever so beautiful as this to me! After the music had ceased we were all silent again. Prince Cresto’s guardian angel spoke tonight. His name was Eno, and he came from Neptune. Eno was over six feet in height; he had large, soulful blue eyes, and light brown hair. His hair was heavy and wavy and seemed about two inches in length; it was parted on the left side, just as he used to wear it in earth-life. “My dear brothers and sisters, I was the poor priest that laid the corner stone to your temple,” he said. “I was killed in a war—religious war—against the Jews. We never think of war now, we know it is a sin to even think a wrong. We just love one another and are perfectly happy. In Neptune we teach all how to be happy. Our first duty there is to love one another and be happy. We have great, broad and massive temples there to worship the Lord and His Holy Angels in. On Sabbath we all pray and sing the same as you do here. There all practice just what they preach. In Neptune our sermons and prayers are very short and our songs very long. The hymns at first would remind you of a grand opera, only a great deal nicer. All their splendid sweet voices have been trained for years and years before they can sing in those wonderful temples. Even in Neptune we find talent is only the result of hard work. All learn to sing there sooner or later. “In all the country towns there are many smaller temples where all sing lovely. It is at the capitol where these glorious songs are heard. All can go to hear them if they wish; church music is always free to all. Our church doors are never closed. It is selfish to close them. In many of the other stars we teach God is immortal and independent without us. God can destroy all that He has created, and live “What a divine privilege of having the sweet pleasure of loving all humanity as our dear Saviour did. I know He loves us now more than ever. How beautiful to know He still loves us. As we love our Father He loves us. You and I know there is no death. I know I was once your priest; now I am your servant from another star. I only come back to help and serve. I will give you a few plans to lay up treasures in heaven, and give you greater happiness here. It is more beautiful to adopt children instead of dogs, cats, and monkeys. They can hunt their living in the woods, our dear little ones are helpless. Each little orphan has hundreds of good intelligent souls from heaven to guide it. Angels protect you a thousand fold as soon as you adopt a helpless child. Our Saviour said, ‘Feed my sheep, if one little lamb is an outcast or lost on the rugged hillside, let the other ninety and nine run quickly to save it.’ Here we fly quickly to save a lost soul. It is Christlike and generous to adopt a lame or blind child. Love is all there is in life. Universal love and education will make heaven on earth the same as it does in other stars. You need more schools. Your churches and halls should be used for free schools, day and night, and only used for religious services Saturday and Sunday. All should have a chance to be highly educated. I would not have been killed if the soldiers at that time had been highly educated; they enjoyed killing me by inches with their cruel swords. I thought death would never come. Lovely, intelligent angels took me home to peace and happiness. I never have suffered since and never will, for now I live in a land of immortal love and sunshine. I beg you earnestly to teach and preach love. All your parks should be used for kindergartens and rest. Let all children rest more, and study more, and swim more. Good night.” |