I. They Arrive, and So Does the President 1
II. Settling the Preliminaries 15
III. The President's Visit to England 24
IV. Everything Is Proceeding Satisfactorily—Maybe 33
V. This Here Peace Conference—It Needs Publicity 42
VI. Joining the Legion of Honor 52
VII. Some Cruel and Unusual Punishments for the Kaiser 62
VIII. It Enters on Its No-gold-casket Phase 72
IX. Worrying Should Begin at Home, Ain't It? 82
X. The New Hungarian Rhapsody 92
XI. It Is Still Up in the Air, but You Can't Say the Same for Transatlantic Voyages 102
XII. This Here Victory Liberty Loan 112
XIII. When Is a Secret Treaty Secret? 122
XIV. The First Day of May 132
XV. The Peace Treaty as Good Reading 142
XVI. The German Roman Holiday and the Americanization of Americans 152
XVII. Mr. Wilson's Favor of the 20th Ulto. and Contents Noted 162
XVIII. Being Up in the Air, as Applied to Transatlantic Flights, Crown Jewels, and League of Nations Speeches 172
XIX. The Leak and Other Mysteries 182
XX. July the First and After 192
XXI. What the Public Wants, Economically and Theatrically 202
XXII. They Discuss the Signing of It 212
XXIII. The Recent Unpleasantness in Toledo, Ohio 222
XXIV. Feeding the Peace Conferencers and the Household 232
XXV. What Are You Going to Do About It? This Includes Libeled Millionaires, Enforced Prohibition, and Shantung 241
XXVI. The Approaching Royal Visit 251


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