He was buried at Shuldham, in Norfolk. Pennant. Sir W. Stanley had rendered the most valuable service to the King at the battle of Bosworth; yet, upon suspicion of his favouring the cause of Perkin Warbeck, the King had him seized at his castle at Holt and beheaded. This may have been the house known as “The Manor,” now occupied by Mr. Bakewell Bower of the Manor Farm. See Campbell’s Lives of the Chief Justices. The Letters Patent recite also the service rendered to the King by the furnishing a sum of money sufficient for the maintenance of thirty soldiers for three years in the Plantation of Ulster. Henley Park was left to John Glynne, (son of the Chief Justice by his second wife,) through whom it passed by marriage to Francis Tilney, Esq. We find Hugh Ravenscroft mentioned as Steward of the Lordships of Hawarden and Mold, about the year 1440. Thomas Ravenscroft, father of Honora, afterwards Lady Glynne, by his wife Honora Sneyd of Keel Hall, Staffordshire, was a Member of Parliament, and died in 1698, aged 28. There is a monument to him in Hawarden Church. Pennant learnt that the timber had been valued in 1665 at £5000 and subsequently sold. Between 1830 and 1840 the Norman ArchÆological Society visited the sites of all the Castles of the Barons who had gone over to England with William the Conqueror, and in none of them found any masonry older than the second half of the eleventh century. e.g. Mr. G. T. Clark and Mr. J. H. Parker, from whom this account is chiefly derived. The uncommon strength and tenacity of the ancient mortar used in the Castle was especially conspicuous in the Keep prior to the recent restorations. In one place an enormous mass of masonry remained suspended without other support than its own coherence and adhesion. For security this has now been underpinned. In 1563 there were five bells. In 1740 they were sold and six new ones purchased from Abel Rudhall of Gloucester, at a cost of £628. They bear the following inscriptions, with the initials of the maker and the date 1745 in each case:
No. 1. Peace and good neighbourhood.
,, 2. Prosperity to all our benefactors.
,, 3. Prosperity to this Parish.
,, 4. I to the Church the living call,
And to the grave do summon all.
,, 5. Geo Hope, Churchwarden.
Thos Fox, Sidesman.
,, 6. Abel Rudhall of Gloucester cast us all. There is a curious carved oaken slab, 4ft high, surmounted by a cross, which forms part of the present Reading Desk. On the cross is an eagle, with a vine branch and grapes above, and with a scroll in his beak inscribed, In Domino confido. The pillar was probably in commemoration of a maiden daughter of Randolph Pool, Rector in 1537. Its peculiarity consisted in its accommodating two officiating clergymen simultaneously. The Clerk’s Desk was, as usual, below. This Chancel, called the Whitley Chancel, was restored and decorated in 1885, by the munificence of H. Hurlbutt, Esq., of Dee Cottage, from the designs of Mr. Frampton, and under the superintendence of Mr. Douglas, Architect, Chester. The same gentleman erected the Lych Gate at the North entrance to the Churchyard. From Tinkersdale Quarry. Dante is one of the four authors to whom Mr. Gladstone attributes the greatest formative influence on his own mind; the other three being Aristotle, Bishop Butler, and S. Augustine. Sir S. Glynne was one of the highest authorities on English Ecclesiology. He visited and described in a series of Note Books, which are carefully preserved, nearly the whole of the old parish churches in the country. His Notes of the Churches of Kent are published by Murray. He died in 1874, at the age of 66. There is a good portrait of him by Roden. Eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gladstone. Sir John Glynne has recorded that only one tree was standing about the place in 1730. This is supposed to be the large spreading oak adjoining the Flower Garden. This Church contains some noteworthy frescoes and other mural decorations, the work of the Rev. John Troughton, sometime curate in charge. A wag is said to have scratched on the stump of a tree at Hawarden the following couplet:
“No matter whether oak or birch—
They all go like the Irish Church.” Μητι τοι δρυτομος μεy’ αμεινων ηε Βιηφι.
Homer. Iliad xxili. 315
“By skill far more than strength the woodman fells
The sturdy oak.”
Ld. Derby’s Translation
1889-1890. Buckley Church, towards which a grant of £4000 was made by the Commissioners for Church building, was designed by Mr. John Gates of Halifax, and holds 740 persons. The first stone was laid by the youthful hands of Sir S. R. Glynne and his Brother Henry, afterwards Rector, and the Consecration was performed nine months afterwards, by the Bishop of Chester, Dr. Gardiner, Prebendary of Lichfield, preaching the Sermon. The Schools and Parsonage had been previously erected by the exertions of the Hon. and Rev. George Neville Grenville (afterwards Dean of Windsor), at a cost of about £2000. Much improved by the recent addition of a Chancel, the gift of W. Johnson, Esq., of Broughton Hall. Built by Sir S. R. Glynne: Vicarage and Schools by Lady Glynne. In the Journals of the House of Commons occurs the following entry, dated 23rd February, 1646:—“An Ordinance from the Lords for Mr. Bold, a Minister, to be instituted into the Church of Hawarden, in Flintshire.” On the 1st October, 1770, assembled a grand Procession, with coloured cockades, to start the opening of a Level, designed to be driven one mile and three quarters in length and eighty yards deep “in order” (so the notice ran) “to lay dry a body of coal for future ages.” The wages were to be, for boys and lads employed about the horses, and windlasses—26 in number, 6d. a day, smiths, carpenters and labourers, above ground generally—42 in number, 1/4 a day,
underground laboures 42, Cutters 68 in number, 1/6 a day, underground stewards 10 in number, 1/6 a day.
At this date the price of coal at the pit’s mouth was not less than 16/- a ton, or fully double what it is at present. The course of this notable work which effectually drained the Hollin seam of coal may still be traced for a long distance by its succession of ventilating shafts, finally issuing in the ravine called Kearsley, and discharging its waters into the brook.