Look thou forth at early dawn, And, if such spectacle delight thee aught, Thou shalt behold me cleaving with my prows, &c. The version of Pope simply omits the line! Tomorrow we the favouring gods implore: Then shall you see our parting vessels crowned, And hear with oars the Hellespont resound. Il nettar beve, e Ganimede il mesce, Che tanto a Giuno sua spiace e rincresce. ??af?? d? te tet?a???????? t?e?? d’ ???f??? ? ???a? ????s?eta?? a?t?? ? f????? ????a t??? ???a?a?? d??ad’ ?e?? t??? f?????a? ??fa? ??p???a??, ????a? ???? a????????. It is noticed by Pliny, (Nat. Hist. vii. 48.) who terms it fabulous; but it is with more propriety, I think, to be called poetical. Ant. Who’s the next heir of Naples? Seb. Claribel. Ant. She that is queen of Tunis: she, that dwells Ten leagues beyond man’s life; she that from Naples Can have no note, unless the sun were post, (The man i’ th’ moon ’s too slow,) till new-born chins Be rough and razorable. ‘You British fools, of the old Trojan stock.’ |