??a? ?p?????, ?a? s? ?? t??? a?t???? p?a??e, ?a? sf?? ????’, ?spe? ????e??. Archil. apud Macrob. Fragm. 79. Ed. Gaisford. ? ???s?fe???? ???’, ?? ’ ?p??esa? ??e? s’ ?p?????’ ?fa??? ???se? ??t??. Eurip. Phaeth. ap. Macrob. Sat. i. 17. ‘The world is too much with us.’ Poscia piÙ che ’l dolor potÈ ’l digiuno. I am free to own that I cannot dismiss from my mind the suspicion that what the poet means to convey to us in these darkly veiled expressions is the devouring of the wretched children by their parent. (Inferno, xxxiii. 75.) |