Footnotes have been moved to the end of the text just before the index and renumbered consecutively through the document. Punctuation has been made consistent. Page 94, footnote 12: Greek ???p? transliterates to English agapÊ. Variations in spelling and hyphenation were retained as they appear in the original publication, except as noted below. Changes have been made as follows: Page 178: "Mallett" changed to "Mallet" (Mallet, Robert, reminiscences) Catalog p. 2: "Book's" changed to "Book" (wish 'Sybil's Book' a wide) Catalog p. 4: "J. W. M." changed to "J. M. W." (by J. M. W. Turner; "The) Catalog p. 7: "Gree" changed to "Greek" (from the Greek Anthology.) Catalog p. 28: "Is" changed to "It" (It puts the reader in possession) |