- A.
- Abbott, Benjamin, 3.
- Abel, F. A., reminiscences by, 30, 71.
- Anderson, Sergeant, 31.
- Apparatus, simplicity of, 127-131.
- Arrow, Sir Frederick, anecdote by, 127.
- Astley's Theatre, adventure at, 20.
- AthenÆum Club, 21, 153.
- Atoms, or centres of force? 143.
- Autograph persecution, 86.
- B.
- Barlow, Rev. John, 57;
- incident at his house, 68.
- Barnard, F., anecdotes by, 81, 84, 131.
- Barnard, Miss Jane, 58.
- Barrett, W. F., reminiscences by, 72, 138, 142.
- Blacksmith's shop, 40, 79.
- Blaikley's painting, 35.
- Bollaert, William, 19.
- Bores, 44.
- British Association, 40.
- C.
- Carpenter, Dr., anecdote by, 107.
- Character of Faraday, 60.
- Charitable gifts, 75.
- "Chemical Manipulation," 52;
- quotations from, 126, 127.
- Chemical Society, 59.
- Children and Faraday, 32, 35, 69.
- Churchyard at Oberhofen, 119.
- City Philosophical Society, 11, 17.
- Close, Captain, anecdotes by, 87, 88.
- Colliery explosion at Haswell, 133.
- Committees, 42, 114.
- Continent, visits to the, 12, 38.
- Correspondence, 48.
- Crosse, Mrs. A., visit of, 89.
- D.
- Daniell, Professor, 64.
- Davy, Sir Humphry, 7, 8, 16, 17, 67;
- his safety-lamp, 16.
- De la Rive, A., 76;
- sketches by, 139, 146, 170.
- Deacon, Mrs., recollections by, 38.
- Discoveries, value of, 146,
les@47396@47396-h@47396-h-3.htm.html#Page_69" class="pginternal">69.
- M.
- Magnetism, wonder at, 142.
- Magneto-electric light, 160-166.
- Magrath, Mr., 12, 21.
- Mallet, Robert, reminiscences by, 45. 135.
- Masquerier, M., 5, 43.
- Mathematics, want of, 136.
- Mayo, Herbert, impromptu by, 158.
- Melbourne, Lord, 55.
- Mental and moral greatness conjoined, 88, 121.
- Mental education, views on, 97.
- Music, 20, 43.
- N.
- Napoleon III., 48.
- Natural theology, views on, 117.
- Noad, Dr., 73.
- Noble, Mr. (the sculptor), 79.
- Note-books, 3, 4, 7, 26.
- O.
- Orderliness, 125.
- P.
- Peel, Sir Robert, 55.
- Philosopher portrayed, 94, 122.
- Philosophers and practical men, 147, 153.
- Photometer, special, 128
- Playfulness, 41, 63.
- Poetry of nature, 87, 119.
- Politics, indifference to, 42.
- Pollock, Lady, description of Friday evening discourse, 34.
- Potato models, 131.
- Practical applications of science, 149-153.
- Preaching, style of, 36.
- Prince Consort, 35.
- Pritchard, Rev. C., quoted, 118.
- Progress, necessity of, 96, 121.
- Publications, scientific, 52, 144.
- Public Schools Commission, evidence before, 102.
- Punch, verses in, 167.
- Q.
- Queen Victoria, 47, 56.
- R.
- Reid, Miss, reminiscences by, 84.
- Religious belief, views on, 99.
- Religious character, 90-93.
- Researches, early, 19;
- on electricity and magnetism, 20, 52, 148, 155, 157;
- electrical eel, THE END.