This booklet has been designed to serve as a brief, simple guide that will be of help to school children, amateur collectors, and others who are just beginning to develop an interest in the rocks and minerals of Texas. It is a companion volume to Texas Fossils by William H. Matthews III published as Guidebook No. 2 by the Bureau of Economic Geology. Numerous present and former staff members of The University of Texas contributed time and talents to the preparation of this book, and their help is gratefully acknowledged: Peter T. Flawn, Director of the Bureau of Economic Geology, Thomas E. Brown, John W. Dietrich, Alan Humphreys, Elbert A. King, Jr., Peter U. Rodda, and others, including the late John T. Lonsdale, made many helpful suggestions; John S. Harris and Miss Josephine Casey edited the manuscript; Cader A. Shelby prepared a number of the photographs; Bill M. Harris made the illustrative sketches under the direction of James W. Macon; and Cyril Satorsky designed the cover. Texas Rocks and Minerals |