Out of the poignant glare, the shadeless heat Of summer noon, beseech thee follow me Into the dim, dream-haunted secrecy The cool, green glooms, the grottoed deep retreat, Of yon old wood; down aisles of lichened trees— Grey Merlins clasped by lissom Viviens Of clinging vine—to cloistered sylvan glens, Where Nature weaves her fairest mysteries. Here let us rest a little—find surcease For feet grown weary of the thridded street That echoes ever to the ceaseless beat Of human tread;—a brief while know the ease Of dreamful rest, to slumb'rous languors stilled On Orient rugs of dappled mosses spread In nooks where blossom, purple, white and red, The flowers Summer's lavish hands have spilled. Wild woodland creatures near us unafraid, Some strange enchantment doth the forest hold— Was that a sungleam, or a wand of gold By tricksy Puck or wanton Ariel swayed? Old oaks and beeches open wide their doors And hamadryads veiled in golden sheen Floating diaphanous o'er robes of green Walk with still feet the forest's russet floors. Lo, here are fairies hid in flower-bells, There wood-nymphs fleeing from pursuing fauns, And naiads fleshed with hues of rosy dawns Lie dreaming by white streams in dusky dells; We tread dim paths untrod by foot of man And hark the horn of Dian ringing clear; While faint, elusive, thin—now far, now near, Meseems I hear the oaten pipe of Pan. And while o'erhead the plaining wood-dove grieves, The cardinal—a wingÈd, scarlet flower— Sprays all the air with song, a golden shower Of flutes-notes sifting downward thro' the leaves. For Nature's self doth haunt these woodland ways, My fevered brow on her cool breast she lays And care slips from me as a garment old. |