Night in Seville, and the twinkle Of stars in the far azure set, The mandolin's torturing tinkle, The click of the castanet! Music and wine and low laughter, Love and a torment of tune— Under the yellow moon. Here in the night I await her, Under the slumberous moon; Yearns my fierce spirit to mate her— All my sick senses aswoon Beneath the wild sway of her dancing Passion and pride are at war;— Thrall to her amorous glancing, Grandee and toreador. Carmen Gitana, behold her! Bright passion-flower of the South; Soft Southern languors enfold her, Scarlet the bloom of her mouth; Passionate, sensuous, cruel, Raying warm laughter and light, A ruby—a scintillant jewel— Set on the brow of the Night! Ah, the wild rhythm of her dancing! Lithe with the jaguar's grace, The love-litten lure of her face! And ah, in my fierce arms to hold her This strange scarlet flower of the South. Close to my heart-beat to fold her Drinking the wine of her mouth! Sweet, thou art weary with dancing, Sick of the music and light Praises and overbold glancing— Steal with me into the night; Out of the riot of laughter, Out of the torment of tune— Love and close kisses thereafter Under the sensuous moon! Carmen, my fierce arms enfold thee, Bright passion-flower of the South, Close to my hot heart I hold thee, Crushing the flower of thy mouth. Love—for the loving that swayed me, Passion—for passion long past— Hate—for the hate that betrayed me ... My dirk in your side at the last! |