NOTE. For account of the holograph MS. of ‘DÆmonologia Sacra’—still in the larger portion preserved—see our Memoir in loco. The original edition of the book forms a handsome quarto. The general title-page will be found below: the special ones of Parts I., II., and III. in their respective places. There have been at least two reprints, but none comparable with the first. Our text is a careful reprint of the Author’s own edition, collated in all doubtful places with the MS. as above. Mr Gilpin very largely quotes Scripture, without giving the book, chapter, and verse; we have made up the deficiency by filling all in, within brackets.—G. DÆMONOLOGIA SACRA. In Three Parts. By Richard Gilpin. 2 Cor. 2. 11. We are not ignorant of his Devices. London, |