
This book in its more expensive forms has been before the public for nearly two years. It has been very widely read, and it has received extraordinary attention from many sections of the press. The author has received from all parts of the world most striking testimonies as to the way in which this record of James Gilmour's heroic self-sacrifice for the Lord Jesus and on behalf of his beloved Mongols for the Master's sake has touched the hearts of Christian workers. It has deepened their faith, strengthened their zeal, nerved them for whole-hearted consecration to the same Master, and cheered many a solitary and lonely heart.

Many requests have been received for an edition at a price which will place the book within the reach of Sunday School teachers, of those Christian workers who have but little to spend upon books, and of the elder scholars in our schools. The Committee of the Religious Tract Society have gladly met this request at the earliest possible moment.

In this new form their hope and prayer is that James Gilmour, being dead, may yet speak to many hearts, arousing them to diligent, and faithful, and self-denying service for Jesus Christ.

The book, in this its newest form, is identical in all respects with the first and second editions, except that only one portrait is given and the appendices are left out.


I. Early Years and Education 15
II. Beginning Work 46
III. Mongolian Apprenticeship 55
IV. The First Campaign in Mongolia 88
V. Marriage 98
VI. 'In Journeyings often, in Perils of Rivers' 105
VII. The Visit to England in 1882 134
VIII. Sunshine and Shadow 154
IX. A Change of Field 176
X. Personal Characteristics as Illustrated by
Letters to Relatives and Friends
XI. Closing Labours 256
XII. The Last Days 298


Portrait of James Gilmour from a Photograph taken at Tientsin on April 1891 Frontispiece
A Mongol Encampment 109
A Mongol Camel Cart 139
A Chinese Mule Litter 156
James Gilmour Equipped for his Walking Expedition in Mongolia in February 1884 159
James Gilmour's Tent 245


1. Map Illustrating James Gilmour's Journeys on the Great Plain of Mongolia 54
2. Map Illustrating James Gilmour's Labours in Eastern Mongolia 178

For readers of James Gilmour of Mongolia not familiar with Among the Mongols, a new Edition of that Work has been prepared and published, price Two Shillings and Sixpence.


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