Bismarck Tribune Print Transcriber's Note Omitted periods and mismatched quotation marks have been repaired. All other punctuation usage is as in the original. Hyphenation has been made consistent. Inconsistent capitalisation, e.g. Hintunka and hintunka, is preserved as printed. Archaic and variable spelling is preserved as printed. The Dedication on page 6 includes the phrase, "... and who held it a form of sacrilege to violate or in any way endanger the overthrow of that delicate balance of nature; ..." The word 'endanger' does not seem appropriate in the context, and may be an error for 'engender.' However, as it is impossible to be sure, it is preserved as printed. The following typographic errors have been repaired: Page 11—considerble amended to considerable—"The careful study of plants and animals was a considerable part ..." Page 40—semed amended to seemed—"Then, after a time, she seemed to see not only the moccasins ..." Page 40—leggins amended to leggings—"... but the leggings above them as far as the knees, ..." Page 41—one amended to on—"... he was unable to sit quietly in the village while the fighting was going on." Page 45—an amended to in—"... with great profusion of bloom, in earnest of returning life." Page 75—mesenger amended to messenger—"... and formulated a reply for the messenger to take back ..." Page 79—Thrillnig amended to Thrilling—"Thrilling Escape of a Besieged War Party ..." |