- On The Road.
Arrival at Georgetown.—The Village Inn.—Nocturnal Adventures.—My African Driver.—His Strange History.—Genuine Negro Songs.—Arrival at Bucksville. - Wayside Hospitality.
A Strange Meeting.—A Well Ordered Plantation.—A Thunder-storm.—A Guest.—The Hidden Springs or Secession Exposed.—On the Way Again.—Intelligence of the Negro.—Renconter with a Secessionist. - Crossing the Runs.
The Black Declines His Freedom.—His Reasons for so Doing.—A "native" Abolitionist.—Swimming the Run.—Black Spirits and White.—Shelter. - Poor Whites.
The Mills House.—South Carolina Clay-Eaters.—Political Discussion.—President Lincoln a Negro.—"Three in a Bed and one in the Middle."—$250 reward.—A Secret League. - On the Plantation.
The Planter's Dwelling.—His House-Keeper.—The Process of Turpentine Making.—Loss to Carolina by Secession.—The Dying Boy.—The Story of Jim.—A Northern Man with Southern Principles.—Sam Murdered.—Pursuit of the Overseer. - The Planter's Family.
The old Nurse.—Her Story.—A White Slave-Woman's Opinion of Slavery.—The Stables.—The Negro-Quarters.—Sunday Exercises.—The Taking of Moye. - Plantation Discipline.
The "Ole Cabin."—The Mode of Negro Punishment.—The "Thumb-Screw."—A Ministering Angel.—A Negro Trial.—A Rebellion.—A Turpentine Dealer.—A Boston Dray on its Travels. - The Negro Hunter.
Young Democrats.—Political Discussion.—Startling Statistics.—A Freed Negro. - The Country Church.
Its Description.—The "Corn-Cracker."—The News.—Strange Disclosure. - The Negro Funeral.
The Burial Ground.—A Negro Sermon.—The Appearance of Juley.—The Colonel's Heartlessness.—The Octoroon's Explanation of it.—The Escape of Moye. - The Pursuit.
The Start.—"Carolina Race-Horses."—A Race.—We Lose the Trail.—A Tornado.—A Narrow Escape. - The Yankee Schoolmistress.
Our Ne Apparel.—"Kissing Goes by Favor."—Schools at the South. - The Railway Station.
The Village.—A Drunken Yankee.—A Narrow Escape.—Andy Jones.—A Light-Wood Fire.—The Colonel's Departure. - The Barbacue.
The Camp-Ground.—The Stump-Speaker.—A Stump Speech.—Almost a Fight.—The Manner of Roasting the Ox. - The Return.
Arrival at the Plantation.—Disappearance of Juley and her child.—The Old Preacher's Story.—Scene Between the Master and the Slave. - "One More Unfortunate."
Attempted Whipping of Jim.—Appearance of the "Corn-Cracker."—"Drowned.—Drowned." - The Small Planter.
His House.—His Wife.—His Negroes.—A Juvenile Darky.—Lazarus in "Ab'ram's Buzzum."—White and Black Labor Compared.—The Mysteries of "Rosum" manufacture. - The Burial of Jule.
"He Tempers the Wind to the Shorn Lamb."—The Funeral. - Homeward Bound.
Colonel A—— Again.—Parting with Scipio.—Why this Book was Written. - Conclusion.
The Author's Explanations.—Last News from Moye and Scipio.—Affecting Letter from Andy Jones.—The End.