Girls of today! Give ear! Never since time began Has come to the race of man A year, a day, an hour, So full of promise and power As the time that now is here! Never in all the lands Was there a power so great, To move the wheels of state, To lift up body and mind, To waken the deaf and blind, As the power that is in your hands! Here at the gates of gold You stand in the pride of youth, Strong in courage and truth, Stirred by a force kept back Through centuries long and black, Armed with a power threefold! First: You are makers of men! Then Be the things you preach! Let your own greatness teach! When Mothers like this you see Men will be strong and free— Then, and not till then! Second: Since Adam fell, Have you not heard it said That men by women are led? True is the saying—true! See to it what you do! See that you lead them well. Third: You have work of your own! Maid and mother and wife, Look in the face of life! There are duties you owe the race! Outside your dwelling-place There is work for you alone! Maid and mother and wife, See your own work be done! Be worthy a noble son! Help man in the upward way! Truly, a girl today Is the strongest thing in life! |