(Camille Saint-SaËns: born in Paris, October 9, 1835; still living there) "OMPHALE'S SPINNING-WHEEL," SYMPHONIC POEM No. 1: Op. 31Le Rouet d'Omphale, composed in 1871, was first a piano piece; it was afterwards made over for orchestra and performed in Paris at a Concert Populaire on April 14, 1872. The following note, in French, prefaces the score:
The note conveys the further slightly ironical information that "those who are interested in the study of details will see on page 19 (letter J) [of the score] Hercules groaning in the bonds which he cannot break [a laboring phrase in the 'cellos and double-basses, repeated with cumulative expression], and on page 32 (letter L) Omphale mocking the hero's futile efforts [a theme sung by the oboe]." The music has been interpreted as falling naturally into the three following sections: "(1) The power of feminine allurement. Triumphant struggle of weakness against strength; in fact, Omphale's fascination of Hercules. (2) Hercules in bondage; or, as the author has it, 'Hercules groaning under the bonds which he cannot break.' (3) Omphale deriding the vain efforts of the hero." "PHAËTON," SYMPHONIC POEM No. 2: Op. 39PhaËton was produced in Paris, under Eduard Colonne, at a concert at the ThÉÂtre du ChÂtelet, December 7, 1873. The score has this preface:
The portentous drive is first pictured, the gallop of the horses being indicated by an imitative figure in the strings, wood-wind, and horns. A suave and noble theme for the horns has been said to suggest celestial visions glimpsed by the charioteer in the course of his daring flight. "DANCE OF DEATH" ["DANSE MACABRE"], SYMPHONIC POEM No. 3: Op. 40This symphonic poem illustrates a fantastic poem by Henri Cazalis, lines from which are prefixed to the score. They are as follows (in a prose translation made by Mr. W. F. Apthorp): "Zig and Zig and Zig, Death plays in cadence, "But whist! Of a sudden they quit their dance; A violin solo impersonates Death the fiddler, while the rattling of the bones of the grewsome dancers is delineated by the xylophone (wood-harmonica). The uncanny dance increases in wildness and abandon until it is cut short by the cock-crow (oboe). "THE YOUTH OF HERCULES," SYMPHONIC POEM No. 4: Op. 50La Jeunesse d'Hercule, first performed in Paris, at a concert in the ThÉÂtre du ChÂtelet, January 28, 1877, bears as a preface to the score the following note (in French):
The music has been interpreted as a succession of characterizations in this order: "(1) Irresolution [Andante sostenuto: muted FOOTNOTES: |