

"Adonais," Overture, 51, 52.
"Afternoon of a Faun, The," Prelude to, 73-75.
"Also Sprach Zarathustra," Tone-Poem, 275-285.
"Antar," Symphony, 222-226.
"Aus Italia," Fantasy, 259-261.


Bantock, Granville, 11-18.
"Battle of the Huns, The," Symphonic Poem, 155-157.
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 19-30.
Berlioz, Hector, 31-41.
Bizet, Georges, 43-47.
"Blanik," Symphonic Poem, 253.
"BÖcklin" Symphony, 131-136.


"Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage," Overture (see "Becalmed at Sea and Prosperous Voyage"), 202, 203.
"Carnival," Overture, 87-89.
Chadwick, George W., 49-55.
Charpentier, Gustave, 57-59.
Chausson, Ernest, 61-64.
"Christmas Eve," Suite, 231-234.
"Cleopatra," Symphonic Poem, 53-55
"Cockaigne," Overture, 96-98.
"Consecration of Sound, The," Symphony, 255-258.
Converse, Frederick S., 65-72.
"Coriolanus," Overture to, 24, 25.


"Dance in the Village Tavern, The," Episode (No. II.) from Lenau's "Faust", 174, 175.
"Dance of Death," Symphonic Poem, 237, 238.
"Danse Macabre," Symphonic Poem, 237, 238.
"Dante's 'Divina Commedia,' Symphony after", 164-173.
"Death and Transfiguration," Tone-Poem, 266-269.
"Death of Tintagiles, The," Symphonic Poem, 177-182.
Debussy, Claude, 73-78.
"Der NÄchtliche Zug," Episode (No I.) from Lenau's "Faust", 173, 174.
"Der Tanz in der Dorfschenke," Episode (No. II.) from Lenau's "Faust", 174, 175.
"Devil's Villanelle, The," Fantasia, 184-187.
"Die Ideale," Symphonic Poem, 157-161.
"Die Sarazenen," Symphonic Fragment, 194, 195.
"Die SchÖne AldÂ," Symphonic Fragment, 195, 196.
"Die Weihe der TÖne," Symphony, 255-258.
"Djinns, The," Symphonic Poem, 113, 114.
"Domestic Symphony", 297-302.
"Don Juan," Tone-Poem, 261-264.
"Don Quixote," Variations, 285-292.
"Dream Children," Two Pieces, 98-100.
Dukas, Paul, 79-84.
DvorÁk, Anton, 85-93.


"Egmont," Overture to, 27-30.
"Eine Faust OuvertÜre", 339-343.
"Eine Faust Symphonie", 161-164.
"Ein Heldenleben," Tone-Poem, 292-297.
Elgar, Edward, 95-104.
"Enchanted Forest, The," Legend, 137, 138.
"Endymion's Narrative," Romance, 67, 68.
"Enigma" Variations, 95-98.
"Episodes, Two, from Lenau's 'Faust'," 173-175.
"Eroica" Symphony, 19-24.
"Euphrosyne," Overture, 70.
"Euterpe," Overture, 52, 53.


Fantasia, "Francesca da Rimini", 308-316.
Fantasia, "The Tempest", 305-308.
"Fantastic" Symphony, 34-36.
"'Faust,' Lenau's, Two Episodes from", 173-175.
"Faust Overture, A", 339-343.
"Faust Symphony, A", 161-164.
"Festival of Pan, The," Romance, 65, 66.
"FestklÄnge," Symphonic Poem, 154, 155.
"Fingal's Cave" ["The Hebrides"], Overture, 200-202.
"Francesca da Rimini," Fantasia, 308-316.
Franck, CÉsar, 105-114.
"From Bohemia's Fields and Groves," Symphonic Poem, 253.
"From Italy," Fantasia, 259-261.
"From the New World," Symphony, 92, 93.


Glazounoff, Alexander, 115-118.
Goldmark, Karl, 119-122.
Grieg, Edvard, 123-126.


Hadley, Henry K., 127-130.
"Hamlet"; "Ophelia," Symphonic Poem, 198.
"Harold in Italy," Symphony, 36-41.
"Hebrides, The," ["Fingal's Cave"], Overture, 200-202.
"Hero's Life, A," Tone-Poem, 292-297.
Huber, Hans, 131-136.
"Hunnenschlacht," Symphonic Poem, 155-157.


"Ideal, The," Symphonic Poem, 157-161.
"Idyl, A Siegfried", 343-345. "Impressions of Italy," Suite, 57-59.
"Im Walde," Symphony, 213-216.
"In der Natur," Overture, 85-87.
"Indian" Suite, 196, 197.
d'Indy, Vincent, 137-144.
"In the South," Overture, 101-104.
"In the Woods," Symphony, 213-216.
"Istar," Symphonic Variations, 139-141.
"Italian" Symphony, 208-211.


"Jour d'ÉtÉ À la montagne," Tone-Poem, 141-144.


"King Lear," Overture to, 31-33.
"Kremlin, The," Symphonic Picture, 117, 118.


"La Bonne Chanson" ["Poem"], Tone-Poem, 182-184.
"La ForÊt EnchantÉe," Legende, 137, 138.
"La Jeunesse d'Hercule," Symphonic Poem, 238, 239.
"La Mer," Three Sketches, 77, 78.
"La Mort de Tintagiles," Symphonic Poem, 177-182.
"Lancelot and Elaine," Symphonic Poem, 191-194.
"L'Apprenti Sorcier," Scherzo, 79-84.
"L'AprÈs-Midi d'un Faune, Prelude À", 73-75.
"L'ArlÉsienne," Suite, 43-47.
"La Villanelle du Diable," Fantasia, 184-187.
"Le Chasseur Maudit," Symphonic Poem, 106, 107.
"Lemminkainen's Home-Faring," Symphonic Poem, 249, 250.
"Lemminkainen," Symphonic Poem, 247-250.
"Lenau's 'Faust,' Two Episodes from", 173-175.
"Lenore," Symphony, 216-220.
"Le Rouet d'Omphale," Symphonic Poem, 235, 236.
"Les Éolides," Symphonic Poem, 105, 106.
"Les PrÉludes," Symphonic Poem, 147, 148.
"Le Voyvode," Orchestral Ballad, 335-337.
Liszt, Franz, 145-175.
Loeffler, Charles Martin, 177-189.
"Lovely AldÂ, The", 195, 196.
"Lovely Melusina, The," Overture, 203-206.


"Macbeth," Tone-Poem, 264-266.
MacDowell, Edward, 191-198.
"Manfred," Overture to, 243-245.
"Manfred," Symphony, 323-329.
"Mazeppa," Symphonic Poem, 151-154.
"Meeresstille und GlÜckliche Fahrt," Overture, 202-203.
"Melpomene," Overture, 49-51.
"Melusina, The Lovely," Overture, 203-206.
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix 199-211.
"Mephisto Waltz," Episode (No. II.)from Lenau's "Faust", 174, 175. "Mer, La", 77, 78.
"Midsummer Night's Dream, A," Overture to, 199, 200.
"Mlada" (see "Night on Mount Triglav, A"), 229, 230.
"My Fatherland," Cycle of Symphonic Poems, 251-253.
"Mystic Trumpeter, The," Fantasy, 70-72.


"Nature, Life, Love," Triple Overture, 85-91.
"Nature" Overture, 85-87.
"New World, From the," Symphony, 92, 93.
"Night" and "Day," Two Poems, 68-70.
"Night on Mount Triglav, A" (from the Opera-Ballet "Mlada"), 229, 230.
"Nocturnal Procession, The," Episode (No. I.) from Lenau's "Faust", 173, 174.
"Nocturnes, Three", 75-77.


"October, In," Supplement to Suite No. I., 198.
"Omphale's Spinning-Wheel," Symphonic Poem, 235, 236.
"Orpheus," Symphonic Poem, 148-150.
"Othello," Overture, 89-91.
Overture, "Adonais", 51, 52.
Overture, "Becalmed at Sea and Prosperous Voyage", 202, 203.
Overture, "Carnival", 87-89.
Overture, "Cockaigne", 96-98.
Overture, "Euphrosyne", 70.
Overture, "Euterpe", 52, 53.
"Overture, Faust, A", 339-343.
Overture, "Fingal's Cave" ["The Hebrides"], 200-202.
Overture, "In the South", 101-104.
Overture, "Lovely Melusina, The", 203-206.
Overture, "Meeresstille und GlÜckliche Fahrt", 202-206.
Overture, "Melpomene", 49-51.
Overture, "Midsummer Night's Dream, A", 199, 200.
Overture, "Nature", 85-87.
Overture, "Othello", 89-91.
Overture-Fantasie, "Romeo and Juliet", 303-305.
Overture, "Sakuntala", 119, 120.
"Overture, Triple", 85-91.
Overture to "Coriolanus", 24, 25.
Overture to "Egmont", 27-30.
Overture to "King Lear", 31-33.
Overture to "Manfred", 243-245.


"Pagan Poem, A", 187-189.
"Pastoral" Symphony, 25, 27.
"Pathetic" Symphony, 329-335.
"Peer Gynt," Suite, 123-126.
"Penthesilea," Symphonic Poem, 347-351.
"PhaËton," Symphonic Poem, 236, 237.
"Poem" ["La Bonne Chanson"], 182-184.
Prelude, "Sappho", 15-18.
"Preludes, The," Symphonic Poem, 147, 148.
Prelude to "The Afternoon of a Faun", 73-75.
"Psyche," Suite, 108-113.


Raff, Joachim, 213-220.
Rimsky-Korsakoff, Nicolas Andrejevitch, 221-234.
"Romeo and Juliet," Overture-Fantasie, 303-305.
"Rustic Wedding" Symphony, 120-122.


"Sadko," a Musical Picture, 221, 222.
Saint-SaËns, Camille, 235-239.
"Sakuntala," Overture, 119, 120.
"Salome," Tone-Poem, 127-130.
"Sappho," Prelude, 15-18.
"Saracens, The", 194, 195.
"SÁrka," Symphonic Poem, 252, 253.
"Saugefleurie," Legend, 138, 139.
"Scheherazade," Suite, 226-229.
Schumann, Robert, 241-245.
"Scotch" Symphony, 206-208.
"Sea, The," Three Sketches, 77, 78.
"Siegfried Idyl, A", 343-345.
Sibelius, Jan, 247-250.
Sinfonia Eroica, 19-24.
Smetana, Friedrich, 251-253.
"Song of Roland, The," Two Fragments after, 194-196.
"Sorcerer's Apprentice, The," Scherzo, 79-84.
Spohr, Louis, 255-258.
"Spring" Symphony [Schumann], 241-243.
"Stenka RÂzine," Symphonic Poem, 115-117.
Strauss, Richard, 259-302.
Suite, "Christmas Eve", 231-234.
Suite, "Impressions of Italy", 57-59.
Suite, "Indian", 196, 197.
Suite, "L'ArlÉsienne", 43-47.
Suite No. I. (Op. 42), MacDowell, 198.
Suite, "Peer Gynt", 123-126.
Suite, "Psyche", 108-113.
Suite, "Scheherazade", 226-229.
"Summer Day on the Mountain," Tone-Poem, 141-144.
"Swan of Tuonela, The," Symphonic Poem, 248, 249.
Symphonic Poem, "Battle of the Huns, The", 155-157.
Symphonic Poem, "Blanik", 253.
Symphonic Poem, "Cleopatra", 53-55.
Symphonic Poem, "Dance of Death", 237, 238.
Symphonic Poem, "Danse Macabre", 237, 238.
Symphonic Poem, "Death of Tintagiles, The", 177-182.
Symphonic Poem, "Die Ideale", 157-161.
Symphonic Poem, "Djinns, The", 113, 114.
Symphonic Poem, "FestklÄnge", 154, 155.
Symphonic Poem, "From Bohemia's Fields and Groves", 253.
Symphonic Poem, "Hamlet"; "Ophelia", 198.
Symphonic Poem, "Hunnenschlacht", 155-157.
Symphonic Poem, "Ideal, The", 157-161. Symphonic Poem, "La Jeunesse d'Hercule", 238, 239.
Symphonic Poem, "La Mort de Tintagiles", 177-182.
Symphonic Poem, "Lancelot and Elaine", 191-194.
Symphonic Poem, "Lemminkainen", 247-250.
Symphonic Poem, "Le Rouet d'Omphale", 235, 236.
Symphonic Poem, "Les Éolides", 105, 106.
Symphonic Poem, "Les PrÉludes", 147, 148. Symphonic Poem, "Mazeppa", 151-154.
Symphonic Poem, "Omphale's Spinning-Wheel", 235, 236.
Symphonic Poem, "Orpheus", 148-150.
Symphonic Poem, "Penthesilea", 347-351.
Symphonic Poem, "PhaËton", 236, 237.
Symphonic Poem, "Preludes, The", 147, 148.
Symphonic Poem, "Sadko", 221, 222.
Symphonic Poem, "SÁrka", 252, 253.
Symphonic Poem, "Stenka RÂzine", 115-117.
Symphonic Poem, "Tabor", 253.
Symphonic Poem, "Tasso", 145-147.
Symphonic Poem, "Viviane", 61-64.
Symphonic Poem, "Vltava", 252.
Symphonic Poem, "Vysehrad", 251, 252.
Symphonic Poem, "Wild Huntsman, The", 106, 107.
Symphonic Poem, "Wood Dove, The", 91, 92.
Symphonic Poem, "Youth of Hercules, The", 238, 239.
"Symphony, A Faust", 161-164.
Symphony after Dante's "Divina Commedia", 164-173.
Symphony, "Antar", 222-226.
Symphony ["BÖcklin"], Huber, 131-136.
Symphony, "Consecration of Sound, The", 255-258.
Symphony, "Die Weihe der TÖne", 255-258.
Symphony, "Domestic", 297-302.
Symphony, "Fantastic", 34-36.
Symphony, "From the New World", 92, 93.
Symphony, "Harold in Italy", 36-41.
Symphony, "Im Walde", 213-216.
Symphony, "In the Woods", 213-216.
Symphony, "Italian", 208-211.
Symphony, "Lenore", 216-220.
Symphony, "Manfred", 323-329.
Symphony, "Pastoral", 25-27.
Symphony, "Pathetic", 329-335.
Symphony, "Rustic Wedding", 120-122.
Symphony, "Scotch", 206-208.
Symphony, No. 1, B-flat Major ["Spring"], Schumann, 241-243.
Symphony No. 4, F Minor, Tschaikowsky, 316-323.


"Tabor," Symphonic Poem, 253.
"Tasso," Symphonic Poem, 145-147.
"Tempest, The," Fantasia, 305-308.
"Thus Spake Zarathustra," Tone-Poem, 275-285.
"Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks", 269-275.
"Tintagiles, The Death of," Symphonic Poem, 177-182.
"Tod und VerklÄrung," Tone-Poem, 266-269.
Tone-Poem, "Also Sprach Zarathustra", 275-285.
Tone-Poem, "Death and Transfiguration", 266-269.
Tone-Poem, "Don Juan", 261-264. Tone-Poem, "Ein Heldenleben", 292-297.
Tone-Poem, "Hero's Life, A", 292-297.
Tone-Poem, "Macbeth", 264-266.
Tone-Poem, "Salome", 127-130.
Tone-Poem, "Thus Spake Zarathustra", 275-285.
Tone-Poem, "Tod und VerklÄrung", 266-269.
Tone-Poem, "Witch of Atlas, The", 11-15.
"Triple Overture", 85-91.
"Trois Nocturnes", 75-77.
Tschaikowsky, Peter Iljitsch, 303-337.
"Two Episodes from Lenau's 'Faust',"173-175.


Variations, "Enigma", 95-98.
"Villanelle du Diable, La", 184-187.
"Viviane," Symphonic Poem, 61-64.
"Vltava," Symphonic Poem, 252.
"Voyvode, The," Orchestral Ballad, 335-337.
"Vysehrad," Symphonic Poem, 251, 252.


Wagner, Richard, 330-345.
"Wild Huntsman, The," Symphonic Poem, 106, 107.
"Wild Sage" ["Saugefleurie"] Legend, 138, 139.
"Witch of Atlas, The," Tone-Poem, 11-15.
Wolf, Hugo, 347-351.
"Wood Dove, The," Symphonic Poem, 91, 92.


"Youth of Hercules, The," Symphonic Poem, 238, 239.



A number of words in this book have both hyphenated and non-hyphenated variants. For the words with both variants present the one more used has been kept.

Obvious punctuation and other printing errors have been corrected.


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