FOR THE GAME OF THE ORACLES FROM THE POETS. FOR A FORTUNE-TELLER WITH TWO PERSONS. The person who holds the book asks, for instance, What is your character? The individual questioned selects any one of the sixty answers under that head, say No. 3, and the questioner reads aloud the answer No. 3, which will be the Oracle. FOR A ROUND GAME. Where there are more than six persons present, it will be well to select the following questions, as the game, connected with the discussions to which it will probably give rise, will be too protracted by introducing the whole, and the remaining questions are of a sentimental rather than personal class.
A questioner having been selected, he calls on each individual to choose a number under the question proposed, and reads each answer aloud as the number is mentioned. If the party agree to the arrangement, the author of the Oracle can be demanded by the questioner, and a forfeit paid in case of ignorance, or a premium given for a correct answer. If the person whose Oracle is read cannot tell the author, any one of the party may be allowed a trial in turn, and receive the premium. |