- Absence of mind, 54.
- "Acquired traits not transmissible," 9.
- experiments with guinea-pigs, 11.
- Action, bodily, directed by mental processes, 57.
- Adult, our houses built only for the, 121.
- Age, the presumption of, 156.
- not necessarily superiority, 159.
- Aged persons, cause of the respect and care for, 160.
- Ambition of youth a force to lift mankind, the, 23.
- American Revolution, the, mentioned, 35.
- Animal mother, the authority of the, 42.
- Animals, obedience in, 29.
- Arbitrary punishment, effect on the moral sense of, 84.
- Authority of the animal mother, the, 42.
- effect of, coming between the mind and action of the child, 60.
- Babies confided to the care of lower races, 134.
- Baby, impressions of a, 49.
- considered as a plaything, 175.
- our disrespectful treatment of the, 171.
- often neglected mind-growth of the, 250.
- Baby-garden, a public, 124.
- example of the advantages of a, 139.
- a private, 125.
- Babyhood, education not thought of in connection with, 135.
- Bible, the, 114.
- Biological advantage of a longer period of immaturity, the, 18.
- law of reproduction, 296.
- Bodily action directed by mental processes, 57.
- Boston, 289.
- Brain, effect of obedience on the, 41.
- training of children, the, 46.
- the office of the, 47.
- in early forms of life, 48.
- function of the child, 49.
- improvement, progress of humanity made through, 149.
- Breakfast, unpunctuality at, 149.
- Bushmen, the, 293.
- Callous child, treatment of the, 92.
- Casabianca, 30.
- Census Report, United States, 233.
- Character, comparatively small progress in the human, 251.
- development of, assisted by right education, 252.
- Chastity, the virtue of, 26.
- Child, importance of the first fifteen years of the life of the, 21.
- exercise of the will of the, in games, 22.
- trained to obey, 31.
- reasons why obedience is demanded from the, 37.
- brain function of the, 49.
- the, should be trained to presence of mind, 55.
- advantage taken of the credulity of the, 56.
- what the, feels and thinks ignored, 57.
- the mind of the, 57.
- effect of authority coming between the mind and action of the, 60.
- culture of the, 63.
- table manners, teaching the, 63.
- early impressions of a, 116.
- Example better than precept, 51.
- Experience, 167.
- Faith, a childish expression of, 56.
- Father, the, awake to the duties of social parentage, 283.
- Family, attitude towards the little child of the, 171.
- -life, primitive mental habits fostered in, 169.
- Feminine conservatism, 169.
- Foolishness of youth due to our training, 21.
- French Revolution, the, 53.
- Games, the child's daily lessons, 108.
- ethical sense shown in, 108.
- Generosity, teaching the child, 109.
- Girl, reason for the majority of a, at eighteen, 293.
- God, Hebrew traditions of, 34.
- Goths, the, 61.
- Grown people and children, 179.
- Habit and tradition, the home the stronghold of, 35.
- Hebrew traditions of God, 34.
- Home, the, the stronghold of habit and tradition, 35.
- as a place for children, 130.
- Homes, the mother the domestic servant in the majority of, 233.
- Honesty lacking in child-training, 110.
- Horse-training, 71.
- Hottentots, the, 293.
- Household, physical conditions of the, a danger to the child, 238.
- labour, mental capacities developed by, 247.
- employment of skilled labour for, 276.
- Houses not built for children, 120.
- built for the adult only, 121.
- House-service and child-culture, the relation between, 233.
- qualities developed by, 243.
- Housework, few women like, 245.
- Human behaviour, the whole scale of, is natural, 256.
- character, comparatively small progress in the, 251.
- conduct, the word natural applied to, 257.
- creature, mental workings of the, 50.
- a self-governing intelligence, 40.
- parentage, selfishness of, 178.
- -parenthood, prolonged, 8.
- progress, youth the fountain of, 21.
- rights, children to understand the balance of, 188.
- status, permanence of childhood as a, 119.
- stock, improving the, 263.
- being, the, a social constituent, 19.
- who does not work contemptible, the, 275.
- Humanity, degrees of, 3.
- to improve, 6.
- the time to develop the inheritance of, 17.
- progress of, made through brain improvement, 149.
- Humour, errors of the child not grounds for, 172.