rg@html@files@56701@56701-h@56701-h-7.htm.html#Page_42" class="pginternal">42, 46, 51, quoted 62, 68; 69- 70, 74, 77, 129, 148, 151, 181, 201, 208, 210, 220, quoted 223, 230, 233, 238, 251, 264, quoted 267-8; 274, 279, quoted 281; 301, 318, 357, 360, 377, 381, 396, 400, 404, 407, 466 Burritt, M. Tilden, 251 Butterworth, Mrs. Henry, 251, 275 Calderhead, Iris, 124, 222, 380 California ratifies, 429 Calmes, Lucia, 396 Calnan, Eleanor, 238, 377, 409 Campbell, Agnes, 151 Campbell, Mary, 346 Candler, Senator, 454 Capper, Governor, 147, 441 Caraway, Representative, 137 Carey, Governor, 431, 432 Carey, Mrs. John, 449 Carlin, Representative, 133, 137 Carpenter, Alice, 155, 300 Casey, Josephine, 77 Castleton, Beatrice, 412, 413 Catt, Mrs. Carrie Chapman, 162, 348 Catts, Governor, 331-2 Chamberlain-Mondell Amendment, 36 Chamberlain, Senator, Evans, Mrs. Edmund C., 357, 394 Evans, Ernestine, 300 Evans, Mrs. Evan, 155 Evans, Mrs. Glendower, quoted 59 Ewing, Lucy, 229, 236, 407 Eylward, Estella, 404 Fendall, Mary Gertrude, 124, 140, 218, 328, 355, 357, 373, 374, 377, 400, 465 Fess, Simeon, 433, quoted 440 Field, Sara Bard, quoted 101; 105, 107-8, quoted 108-14; 114, 115, 118, 153, 157, 164, 165, 174, quoted 188; 190, 328, 451 Findeisen, Ella, 251 Fisher, Katherine Rolston, 242, quoted 261; 269, 315, 357, 377 Fishstein, Rose, 404 Fishstein, Rose G., 404 Fitch, Ruth, quoted 183-4 Fitzgerald, Representative, 128 Flanagan, Catherine, 124, quoted 230-2; 233, 236, 249, 250, 328, 380, 382, 433, 443, 448, 453, 455, 463, 474 Flegel, Mr., 92 Forbes, T. W., 404 Fotheringham, Janet, 225 Fotheringham, Margaret, 451 Kentucky ratifies, 431 Kessler, Margaret Wood, 243 Keyes, Senator, 415 Kilby, Thomas E., 422 Kimball, Alice, 357 Kin, Dr. Yami, quoted 105 Kincaid, Mrs. B. R., 225 Kindberg, Maria, 107 Kindstedt, Ingeborg, 107 King, Dr. Cora Smith, 34, 90 King, Senator, 343 Koeing, Ruby E., 357 Kruger, Hattie, 251 Kuhn, Anna, 357 Kuli Khan, Mme. Ali, 105 Ladd, Dr., 281 Lamont, Mrs. George W., 167 Lancaster, Elsie, 77, 89 Lang, Mrs. Albion, 449 Latimer, Edna S., 77 Latimer, Mrs., quoted 81-2 Laughlin, Gail, quoted 103; 153, 174 Lawrence, David, 254 Lederman, Minna, 377 Lennox, Ida, 346 Lenroot, Senator, 347 Lewis, Mrs. Lawrence, 13, 51, 66, 129, 201, 220, 223, 251, 279, quoted 280; 292, 312, 313, 356, 357, 379, 381, 391, 394, 421, 430, 443, 451 Lewis, Rose, 409 Lewis, Shippen, 447 Lewis, William Draper, 447 Lieberson, Rose, 357 Lincoln, Kathryn, 251 Lloyd, Lola Maverick, 377 Lockrey, Dr. Sarah Hunt, 357 Lockwood, Mrs. Henry L., 236 Lodge, Senator, 422 Logan, Mrs. Ellis, 60 Logue, Mary, 34, 39 National Federation of Women’s Clubs, 59 Nebraska ratifies, 423 Needham, Grace, 374, 381 Neely, Representative, Kansas, 82, 92 Neely, Representative, W. Va., 137 Nelson, Representative, 132, 133, 137 Newell, Gertrude B., 152 New Freedom, quoted 198 New Hampshire ratifies, 428, 435 New Jersey Women’s Deputation, 40-1 New Mexico ratifies, 439 New York ratifies, 421 New York Tribune, quoted 114, 122 Nevada ratifies, 433 Nolan, Mrs. Mary A., 251, 313, 272, quoted 400; 404, 407 Northcliffe, Lord, quoted 301 North Dakota ratifies, 430 Noyes, Ruth, 77 Nugent, James R., 435 Oakes, Margaret, 357, 390 O’Brien, Matthew, 238, 259, quoted 260; 279, 378 Occoquan Workhouse, 263-78 Odell, Mrs. George, 318, 374 Ohio ratifies, 421 Oklahoma ratifies, 439 Older, Mrs. Fremont, quoted 105 Oregon ratifies, 431 Overman, Senator, 363 Owen, Senator, 441 Page, Mrs. Frank, 409 Page, Senator, 345 Palmer, Attorney General, 441 Pankhurst, Mrs. 9 Panama-Pacific Exposition, 100 Papandre, Elizabeth, 181 Patterson, Lulu, 346 Paul, Alice, rÉsumÉ of achievements, 4-5; - youth and training, 7-8;
- work in England, 8-9;
- meeting with Lucy Burns, 9;
- Scottish campaig
-9.htm.html#Page_63" class="pginternal">63
- Van Orsdel, Justice, 259-60
- Van Winkle, Mina, 57
- Woolley, Robert, 415
- Wyoming Leader, quoted 87
- Wyoming ratifies, 433
- Wyoming State convention, 20-1
- Young, Joy, 124, 223, 245, 297, 298
- Young, Matilda, 245, 252, 375, 377, 379, 393, 395
- Younger, Maud, 15, 21, 25, 28, quoted 104; 124, 131, 144, quoted 156; 174, 177, 184, 201, quoted 255; 290, 292, 294-6, 298, quoted 303-5; quoted 324; 351, 363, 381, 400, 469; Revelations of a Woman Lobbyist quoted, 132, 138-42, 189-90, 319-24, 337-9, 341-5, 347-50, 366-71, 417
- Yuma Examiner quoted, 91
- Zinkham, Warden at Washington Jail, 250, 258, 359
- Transcriber’s Notes:
- Missing or obscured punctuation was corrected.
- Typographical errors were silently corrected.
- Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation were made consistent only when a predominant form was found in this book.