Two interpretations governing the vertical distribution of plants and animals in the western mountain regions have been developed in the past years. Both are based on the premise that definite plants and animals (known as zone indicators) have maximum and minimum altitudes, above and below which they are unable to survive. The net effect is to group these plants and animals into belts or zones on mountain slopes, which vary but little in elevation above sea level throughout the western United States. The reasons why increases or decreases in mountain elevation so markedly affect the distribution of plant life, and to a much lesser degree the animal life, are closely correlated with the differences of temperature, available moisture, wind velocity, exposure of area to sunlight, soil, and topographic variations existing between these zones. Temperature in particular, being an easily measurable difference, has been used by Merriam in his classification of life zones. He computed the mean annual temperatures and made temperature summations for each clearly recognized zone of plant and animal life; he found that for each 1,000 foot rise in elevation there was a corresponding decrease in temperature of 3° F. Based on these temperature differences, definite geographical belts were formed and given names—arctic-alpine, hudsonian, canadian, transition and sonoran zones. Although in current use throughout the west, these zones are not clearly separable in the north-central Rocky Mountain region of Colorado, and therefore are not used here. Weaver and Clements, following the same general idea, but considering all of the various factors mentioned above, devised a classification of zones which is applicable to the Park mountains and will be mentioned below. Actually, the trees and smaller plants fit very well into these zones, but animals, because of their mobility and wide adaptibility, can hardly be classed in any definite zones. Most animals range at various times of the year through all three zones mentioned, but because a few do inhabit certain areas a large part of the time, they are considered to be typical of these zones. Probably the real limiting factor for animal localization is the degree of severe winter conditions they can endure; the more adaptable they are to low temperatures, the higher they may be found in the mountains throughout the year. Of course, the distribution of herbivorous (plant-eating) animals largely determines the range of the predatory animals feeding on them. LIFE ZONES (Weaver and Clements) Alpine Zone—Any area above timberline—(About 11,300 feet) Grasses and herbaceous plants These mammals could live the year ’round here if necessary, but all can and do range into the other two zones below:
Subalpine Zone—9,000 feet to timberline—Dense forests of alpine fir and engelmann spruce, with occasional limber pine. These animals extend but rarely into the alpine zone during the coldest part of the winter, and can and do range into the zone below:
Montane Zone—6,000 to 9,000 feet—Predominantly western yellow pine with scattered Douglas fir and aspen trees. These animals are considered characteristic of this lowest Park zone and rarely wander into the subalpine zone.
All other mammals in the area, not mentioned above, probably range throughout these zones, especially during the summer months. Lodgepole pine may occur in the montane zone, while lodgepole pine and aspen are also abundant in the burned-over areas of the subalpine region. They are classified as sub-climax species and therefore not acceptable as zone indicators. When considering the altitude of timberline, it is important to understand that it will vary as much as 500 feet above or below the average of 11,300 feet, depending generally on the quantities of sunlight received. On warmer south and west slopes, timberline may go as high as 11,800 feet, while on the shaded north and east slopes it may drop down to 10,800 feet. |