

1 l'Ancien RÉgime, livre 1er, ch. i. § 1.

2 The reigning sovereign of Belgium, King Leopold II., is a descendant of RÉgnier au Long Col. (See Genealogical Table VI.)

3 Anselme, Gesta episcop. Leod., Mon. Germ. Hist. Script., t. vii. p. 225. 4 Histoire de Belgique, vol. i. ch. iii. p. 57 (Brussels, 1902). 5 Lettres de Gerbert, ed. J. Havet, No. 50, p. 47 (Paris, 1889). 6 See The Story of Bruges, ch. iii. 7 The old Cloth Hall of Louvain, for example. 8 Guillaume Cornelius of Antwerp. See Thomas de CantimprÉ (a native of Brussels, born in 1201), Bonum universale de apibus, p. 433 (Duaci, 1605). 'Il importe de remarquer toutefois,' notes Pirenne (vol. i. p. 353), 'que ce Cornelius Était hÉrÉtique, mais, mÊme dans l'Église orthodoxe, des prÉdications analogues À celles de Lambert le BÈgue (see 'Story of Brussels.' p 233) et l'ardent mysticisme des premiÈres bÉguines (see pp. 228 and 233) devaient agir fortement sur le peuple.' 9 See DivÆus Annales, 1262. 10 Within, that is, the first line of ramparts. For their circuit, see map (dotted line). The outer ramparts were not constructed till some fifty years later (1357-1359): during the reign of Duke Winceslaus. No vestige of them remains but the Porte de Hal. Their site is now occupied by the Outer Boulevards (see map). 11 Chron. Brabant, t. iii. p. 47. 12 The Castle of HeverlÉ is still standing; part of it dates from Coutherele's time, but the greater portion was erected in the course of the fifteen hundreds. It is a grand old building, picturesquely situated on the banks of the Dyle, in the midst of a beautiful and well-wooded park. It is one of the country seats of the Duc d'Arenberg, who kindly allows strangers to visit it. 13 A portion of this building, now called La Tour d'Anneessens, is still standing. It is situated in a garden behind a tavern called À la vue de Steenporte, at the entrance to the rue Steenporte, on the left hand side of the way (see map). It is not visible from the street, but the landlord is always glad to allow his customers to visit it. 14 T'Serclaes' house was at the end of what was then an impasse, called the Eetengat, now the rue de Berlaimont (see map). 15 See p. 315. 16 The ducal banner, which displayed on one side the Lion of Brabant and on the other Our Lady, was laid up in the Abbey of Afflighem, hard by Alost. This great benedictine house was the richest and most privileged in the Duchy. Its abbot had the right to wear episcopal robes, and he took precedence of all other ecclesiastics in the Estates of Brabant. Founded in 1080, it was demolished by the French revolutionists towards the close of the seventeen hundreds. Some vestiges of the church and cloistral buildings still remain. 17 See p. 299. 18 See Genealogical Table IV. 19 See p. 289. 20 Chronique du Duc Philippe, chap. lv. 21 De Dynter, c. 161. 22 These men seem to have been near kinsmen of Nicholas de Swaef. 23 See De Dynter. 24 See page 305. 25 Or Feudal party, as distinguished from the Kabiljauws or Town party, broadly speaking. 'Il n'est guÈre plus aisÉ' says Pirenne (Vol. II. p. 165), 'de comprendre l'acharnement qu'elles manifestÈrent l'une contre l'autre pendant quatre-vingts ans, (1347-1427) que de dÉcouvrir l'origine des appellations par quoi elles se dÉsignÈrent. S'il est vrai que les Kabiljauws reprÉsentÈrent surtout la politique urbaine et les intÉrÊts de la bourgeoisie marchande, il ne l'est pas moins qu'ils ne les reprÉsentÈrent pas uniquement. On trouve parmi eux de nombreux barons, de mÊme que l'on constate dans le parti des Hoeks, plus spÉcialement nobiliaire, la prÉsence de plu sieurs villes. 26 This cathedral no longer exists. It was destroyed by the revolutionists in 1793. 27 Until 1349: in that year Charles IV. recognised the principality as a fief of the Duchy of Brabant.28 See Revue de l'Art ChrÉtien, 3me livraison—Mai 1902, p. 244. 29 See Histoire de Belgique, vol. i. p. 337. 30 See p. 206. 31 De Imitatione Christi, lib. i. cap. i. 3. 32 Since writing this la Commission royale des monuments has intervened, and the proposed act of Vandalism will not be perpetrated.

33 It was made a parish church in 1210. Previous to this date it was a chapel of ease to Saint Gudule's. 34 See page 206. 35 For illustrations see pp. 7, 40, 85, 211, 364 and 375. 36 See illustrations on pp. 307 and 361. 37 See p. 303. 38 See p. 271. 39 See p. 57.40 Hugues van der Goes sa vie, et ses oeuvres, par Alphonse Wauters, Archiviste de la ville de Bruxelles, etc. (Bruxelles, 1872.)41 A monastery which formerly stood at the corner of the MarchÉ aux Grains and the Rue de Flandre. The modern Rue de JÉricho takes its name from this monastery. 42 La Peinture Flamande, par A.-J. Wauters. (Bruxelles.)


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