A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A
- Abbaco, Benedetto dell’, 5
- Adda river, 124
- “Adoration of the Magi,” 29, 30
- Adriatic, the, 62, 93
- “Air conditioner,” 69
- Air, study of, 65, 66, 99
- “Alarm clock,” 57
- Albert of Saxony, 81
- Alessandria, fortress of, 83
- Alfonso of Calabria, 38
- Alps, the, 37, 67
- Amadeo, Antonio, 58
- Amadori, Albiera di Giovanni, 2
- Amadori, Alessandro, 3, 111
- Amboise, see Chateau d’Amboise
- Amontons, 134
- Anatomy, human, 52, 53, 107, 109, 119, 125-127, 138
- Anchiano, 2
- Anemometer, 65, 66
- Anemoscope, 65
- Anghiari, battle of, 103, 110, 113
- Aquadello, 124
- Aquila, Battista dell’, 139
- Arabs, the, 54
- Archimedes, 41, 67, 81, 134
- Architecture, 50, 58
- Argyropoulos, John, 17
- Aristotle, 17, 23, 42, 48, 81, 89
- Arithmetic, 77
- Arithmetico, Benedetto, 16
- Armored vehicle, 39, 40
- Arno river, 25, 31, 96, 100-106, 109
- Arrezzo, 93
- Ascanio, Cardinal, 83
- Astronomy, 80-82, 104, 105
- Atlantic Ocean, 19
- “Automobile,” 32, 33
- Autopsies, 107
- Avicenna, 53
- B
- Bacon, Francis, 160
- Bacon, Roger, 120
- Badia, the, 7
- Battista, 155, 157
- Bayzid II, 94
- Beatis, Antonio de’, 151
- Bianca Maria, 64
- Bible, the, 62, 104, 141
- Birds, flight of, 24, 65, 66, 76, 99, 119
- Black Death, see Bubonic plague
- Blois, 152
- Bologna, 144
- Bombard, 26
- Bombs, 39
- Borgia, Cesare, 82, 86-97, 102, 139
- Borgias, the, 102
- Botticelli, Sandro, 33
- Boureau, Guillaume, 156
- Bramante, 68, 131
- Bridge building, 95
- Bubonic plague, 45-47
- Buonarroti, Michelangelo, see Michelangelo
- C
- “Camera obscura,” 55
- Campo Morto, battle of, 38
- Cannon, 26, 33, 41
- Caravaggio, siege of, 124
- Cardano, Girolamo, 113
- Carles, Geffroy, 115, 116
- Carpentry, 135, 136
- Cassano, castle of, 124
- Castel’ Sant’ Angelo, 130
- Caterina, 2
- Cellini, Benvenuto, 100
- Centrifugal pump, 121, 122
- Cesena, 94
- Chambord, castle of, 152
- Charles d’Amboise, 94, 114-117, 121, 124, 127, 139
- Chateau d’Amboise, 147-156
- Cher river, 152
- Christ, 30, 74, 77, 78
- Church of the Annunciation of the Servite Order of Monks, 90
- Church, the, 18, 48, 53, 63, 104, 145
- Cioni, Andrea di Michele di Francesco de’, see Verrochio, Andrea del
- City Planning, 44, 45, 47
- City-states, 9, 10
- Civitavecchia, 143, 144
- Cloux, Manoir de, 148, 154, 156
- Coins, minting of, 47
- Collections, 4
- Columbus, Christopher, 19
- Constantinople, 95
- Corte, Bernardino da, 83
- Corte Vecchia, 56
- Coulomb, A. C., 17, 134
- Council of Eighty, 109
- Council of Florence, 23, 106
- Councilors and Tribunal of Venice, 89
- Credi, Lorenzo di, 13
- Cusanus, Cardinal, 42
- D
- Dams, 101
- Danti, Giovanni Battista, 96, 97
- d’Aragona, Cardinal Luigi, 151
- Darwin, 105
- d’Auvergne, Madelaine, 153
- David, statue of, 106
- De Ludo Geometrico, 134
- d’Este, Beatrice, 60, 61, 69, 86
- d’Este, Isabella, 86, 87, 91
- Diocletian, Emperor, 135
- Diseases, 109
- Dissection, 53, 126, 145
- Diver’s suit, 89
- Drawing, see Painting
- Drum, mechanical, 61
- Dynamics, 140
- E
- Earth, the, 104, 105
- Eclipse of the sun, 48
- Einstein, 153
- Equilibrium, 141
- Euclid, 54, 91
- Eye, the, 54, 55
- F
- Ferdinand, King of Naples, 25, 27
- Ferrara, 70
- Ferrari, Ambrogio, 42
- Fiesole, 111, 113, 156
- Flemish painters, 15
- Flight,
- of arrow, 82, 83
- of birds, 24, 65, 66, 76, 99, 119
- problems of, 70, 71, 75, 76, 96-100, 111-113
- Florence, 7-19, 25-27, 32, 38, 53, 68,