
Abutment Construction
Cost of
Bridges Over City Streets 254
Ernst St. Bridge, Cincinnati, O. 257
Kansas City Outer Belt & Electric Ry. 253
Lonesome Valley Viaduct 256
Railway Bridge 106
Methods of
Bridges over City Streets 253
Illinois & Mississippi Canal 196, 197
Lonesome Valley Viaduct 254, 255
Railway Bridge 105, 250
Summary of 230
Balanced, Value of 14
Broken Stone 13
Cinders 14
Cost of 15
Gravel 14
Heating (See Heating Aggregates)
Kinds Used 13
Measuring, Methods of 42
Open Box 42, 50
Trump Automatic Measurer 44
Quantities in Concrete, Test Determinations 192
Screened or Crusher Run, Stone for 15
Sizes Used 15
Slag 14
Voids in 25
Weighing, Apparatus for 102
Aqueduct Construction
Cost of
Cedar Grove Reservoir 549, 550
Salt River Irrigation Work 540
Methods of
Cast Pipe Swansea, England 584
Cedar Grove Reservoir 545
Jersey City Water Supply 544
Salt River Irrigation Works 538
Torresdale Filters 540
Asphalt Concrete
Definition of 108
Furnace for Heating 109, 110
Machine Mixing of 111
Asphalt Concrete Construction
Cost of
Base for Mill Floor 110, 111
Slope Paving for Dam 109
Methods of
Base for Mill Floor
Slope Paving for Dam 108, 109
Bags (See Cement Bags)
Depositing Concrete Under Water 89, 90
Barrels (See Cement Barrels)
Belt Conveyors
Capacity of 65
Gas Works Foundations, Astoria, N. Y. 64
Horse Power Required 65
Bench Monuments
Construction of 656
Cost of 657
Blasting Concrete 655
Bonding New Concrete to Old 659
Breakwater Construction
Cost of
Buffalo, N. Y. 214
Marquette, Mich. 209, 212
Methods of
Buffalo, N. Y. 212, 214
Marquette, Mich. 208, 212
Bridge Centers (See Centers)
Bridge Construction
Cost of
Arch Viaduct 373
Connecticut Ave. Bridge 392, 397
Elkhart, Ind., Arch 398
Five Span Arch 407
Girder Highway 377, 379
Grand Rapids Bridge 410, 413
Molded Slab Girders 387
Plainwell, Mich., Arch 399
Railway Bridge 375
Methods of
Connecticut Ave. Bridge 387
Elkhart, Ind., Arch 397
Five Span Arch 400
Girder Highway 367, 377
Grand Rapids, Mich., Arch 407
Molded Slab Girders 384
Plainwell, Mich., Arch 398
Bridge Pier Construction
Cost of
Calf Killer River Bridge 243, 245
City Island Bridge 236
Miami River Bridge 257
Steel Cylinder 241
Viaducts, Cincinnati, O. 258
Williamsburg Bridge 230, 231
Methods of
Calf Killer River Bridge 241, 245
City Island Bridge 235
K. C., M. & O. Ry. 245, 250
Lonesome Valley Viaduct 254, 255
Miami River Bridge 256
Nova Scotia Railways 108
Railway Bridge 231, 235
Scottish Railways 107, 108
Summary of 230
Tharsis & Calamas Ry. 106, 107
Williamsburg Bridge 237, 241
Broken Stone
Crushing (See Stone Crushing)
Quarrying (See Quarrying)
Rocks for, Best 13
Shoveling (See Shoveling)
Screened or Crusher Run 15
Voids in
Amount of 29, 30
Effect of Granulometric Composition 30
Effect of Hauling 33, 34
Effect of Loading 29
Variation, Causes of 28
Weight no Index 32
Weight of 32, 33
Building Construction
Cost of
Four-Story Garage 510
Wall Columns for Power Station 490
Walls for Factory Building 507
Divisions of Work 433
Methods of
Four-Story Garage 509
One-Story Car Barn 495
Six-Story Building 491
Wall Columns 488
Walls for Factory Building 505
Capacity of 64
Construction of Bridge Work 369
Cost of 64
Fortification Work 186
Retaining Wall Work 269
Mixer Charging 72
Carts (See Concrete Carts, Horse Carts)
Classification of 1
Natural Definition of 2
Portland, Definition of 1
Quantity in Concrete
Formula for Computing 37
Rule for Figuring 40
Tables Showing 39, 40, 41
Quantity in Mortar
Formula for Computing 36
Tables Showing 38
Test Determinations 40, 41
Theory of 35
Shrinkage by Wetting 35
Slag, Definition of 2
Weight 2, 4
Cement Bags
Capacity of 2
Packing for Shipment 3
Rebate on 3
Storage House for 3
Cement Barrels
Capacity of 2, 3, 4
Dimensions of 4
Cement Specifications 4
Cement Testing, Cost of 4
Computation of
Luten Arch 566
Construction of
Conditions Governing 363
Cocket, 50 ft. Span 364
Connecticut Ave. Bridge 392
Five Span Arch 400
Grand Rapids Bridge 408
Luten Arch 365
Mechanicsville Bridge 365
Parabolic Arch 366
Supported, 50 ft. Span 364
Walnut Lane Bridge 368
Cost of
Connecticut Ave. Bridge 392, 393
Deflection of
Test Determinations 367
Types of 363
Charging Barrows
Ransome, Description 71
Sterling, Description 71
Charging Buckets
Wheeled 74
Charging Mixer
Cost of 270, 272
Gravity from Bins 69
Methods of
Car Plants 72
Charging Barrows 70, 71
Derricks and Buckets 73
Elevating Charging Hoppers 70
Enumeration 68
Gravity from Bins 68, 69
Shoveling 72, 73
Wheelbarrows 70
Wheeled Bucket for 74
Cement Bag, Construction of 65
Concrete. Examples of 66, 67, 68
Working Gradients 65, 66
Cinders 15
Cofferdam Construction
Cost of Bridge Pier 232
Coloring Concrete, Recipes for 666
Colors for Mortar, Recipes for 666
Asphalt (See Asphalt Concrete)
Definition of 1
Depositing (See Depositing Concrete)
Mixers (See Mixers)
Mixing (See Mixing Concrete)
Proportioning, Methods of 25
Concrete Bucket
Side Dumping 486
Cyclopean 87
O'Rourke 86
Stuebner 88
Concrete Block
Molding (See Molding Concrete Blocks)
Sling for Handling 216
Concrete Cars
Lock Work, Coosa River 195
Concrete Carts
Hand, Capacity of 53, 54
Horse, Briggs 298
Ransome Two-Wheeled 53
Culvert Construction
Characteristics of 414
Cost of
Arch 26 ft. Span 425
Arch, N., C. & St. L. Ry. 418, 419, 422
Kalamazoo, Mich. 430
Kansas City Outer Belt & Electric Ry. 252
Pennsylvania R. R. 424
Methods of
Arch, N., C. & St. L. Ry. 417
Arch, Wabash Ry. 422
Box, C., B. & Q. R. R. 414
Kalamazoo, Mich. 427
Pennsylvania R. R. 423
Curb and Gutter Construction
Cost of
Champaign, Ill. 326
Estimating 321
Ottawa. Ont. 324
Methods of
Champaign, Ill. 325
General Discussion 321
Kinds of 318
Ottawa, Ont. 321
Curbing, Wood for Shafts 160, 161
Dam Construction
Cost of
Hemet 104
Richmond, Ind. 224
Rock Island, Ill. 225
Spier Falls 103
Methods of
Barossa Dam 101
Boonton, N. J., Dam 103
Boyds Corner Dam 105
Chaudiere Falls, Quebec 228
Chattahoochee River Da sa River 195
Lock, Ill. & Miss. Canal 201, 203
Manhole Hartford, Conn. 536
Marquette Breakwater 211, 212
Ornamental Columns 446, 447
Piers for Taintor Gates 198
Polygonal Columns 443, 444
Rectangular Columns 435, 443, 490, 492, 511
Reservoir Bloomington, Ill. 605
Reservoir, Ft. Meade, S. Dak. 600
Retaining Wall, C., B. & Q. R. R. 262
Retaining Wall, Chicago Drainage Canal 275
Retaining Wall, Grand Central Terminal 281
Retaining Walls, N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. 261, 262
Salt River Aqueduct 539
Sewer, Cleveland, O. 564
Sewer Invert, Haverhill, Mass. 554
Sewer, Invert, Medford, Mass. 535

Sewer, Invert, Middlesborough, Ky. 561
Sewer, South Bend, Ind. 551
Sewer, Wilmington, Del. 572
Sidewalks 309
Six-Story Building 492
Slab and Girder Floors 450, 456, 492
Slab and I-Beam Floors 448, 450
Slab Girders 385
Steel for Conduits 533
Steel, McCall Ferry Dam 227, 228
Steel Sheathed Collapsible for Conduits 533
Tunnel Centers 335, 341, 352, 358
Tunnel Sidewalls 330, 335, 340, 351, 358
Wall 456, 460, 505
Wall Columns for Factory 498
Computation, Methods of 140, 141
Considerations in 141
Details Entering 142, 143
Lubrication, Methods of 144
Dressing, Purpose of 138
Finish and Dimensions 138, 139
Kinds Suitable 138
Mortar Facing 129
Round 179
Rectangular Pier
Cost of, Rule for Calculating 14
Removing, Time of, Directions for 145, 146
Unit Construction, Purposes of 143
Steel, Opportunity for Development 136
Fortification Construction
Cost of
Battery Emplacement 188, 189, 190
Gun Emplacements 185
Mortar Battery Platform 187
Methods of
Battery Emplacement 187, 189
Gun Emplacements 185
Mortar Battery Platform 186
Foundation Construction
Street Railway
Cost of Continuous Mixer 301
Methods of Continuous Mixer 300, 301
Freezing Weather, Laying Concrete in 112
Grain Elevator Bins
Construction, Methods of 635
Characteristics of 14
Commercial Sizes of 22
Screening and Washing Plants 23
Screening (See Screening Gravel)
Voids in
Amount of 30, 31
Effect of Granulometric Composition 29, 30
Weight no Index 32
Amount of 31, 32
Grouting Under Water
Hermitage Breakwater 96
Tests of Efficiency of 95
Heating Aggregates
Efficiency of 114
Methods of
Bridge Work, Plano, Ill. 118
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R. 118
Hot Water Tanks 120
Huronian Power Co.'s Dam Work 118
Portable Combination Heater 115
Stationary Bin Outfits 115, 116
Steam Box 119
Steam Jets 119
Wachusett Dam Work 117
Water Power Plant, Billings, Mont. 116, 117
Gallows, Frame and Horse 54
Ransome 476
Wallace-Lindesmith 474
Housing Concrete Work
Methods of
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R. 119
Dam, Chaudiere Falls, Quebec 120, 121
Portable Unit System for Buildings 122, 123
Grades of 62
Laying Concrete Blocks
Cost of 526, 529
Loading Concrete
Characteristic Features 53
Rate of 53
Loading Materials
Cost of
Shoveling into Wheelbarrows 47
Rate of 6
Lock Construction
Cost of
Coosa River 196
Ill. & Miss. Canal 200, 202, 205, 207
Cascades Canal 190, 191, 192, 193
Coosa River 194, 195
Ill. & Miss. Canal 200, 207
Lock Foundation 207
Manhole Construction
Cost of
Rye, N. Y. 577
Methods of
Rye, N. Y. 576
Chicago 662
Chicago Improved Cube 75, 661
Cropp 661
Forms of 75
Koehring 662
Polygon 663
Ransome 75, 661
Rate of Output 83, 84
Smith 77, 662
Snell 660
Charging (See Charging Mixers)
Advanced 660
Eureka Automatic Feed 78, 660
Forms of 78
Foote 297
Scheiffler 660
Efficiency of
Rating, Methods of 84, 85
Forms of 79
Gilbreth Trough 80
Hains, Fixed Hopper 80, 81
Hains, Telescoping Hopper 81
Conditions Affecting 83, 84
Hains Gravity 83
Types of 74
Mixing Concrete
Cost of
Abutment Construction 197
Culvert Work 428, 430
Fortification Work 189
Girder Highway Bridge 380, 382
Lock, Cascades Canal 192
Marquette Breakwater, 209, 210, 212
Retaining Wall, Allegheny 284
Superintendence, 57, 58
Cost of, 52, 59
Methods of Abutment Construction, 196, 197
Examples from Practice, 49
Fortification Work, 189
Lock Foundation, 207
Marquette Breakwater, 209
Retaining Wall, Allegheny, 283, 284
Rates of, 50, 51, 52
Specific Directions, Necessity, 51, 52
Cost of, 361, 362, 518
Buffalo Breakwater, 214
Building Work, 504, 507, 511
Dam Work, Rock Island, Ill., 225
Fortification Work, 190
Hains Gravity Mixer, 83
Lock, Cascades Canal, 193
Lock, Ill. & Miss. Canal, 206, 207
Pier, Superior Entry, Wis., 222
Retaining Wall, Allegheny, 284
Retaining Wall Work, 270, 273, 275
Methods of
Bridge Abutment Work, 253, 254
Building Work, 471
Fortification Work, 189
Hains Gravity Mixer, 82, 83
Operations Enumerated, 61
Piers in Caissons, 165, 166
Mixing Plants
Battery Emplacement, 187, 188
Bridge Construction, 369, 371, 372, 374, 386, 389, 403.
Culvert Work, 415, 416, 418, 420, 422, 423
Dam, McCall Ferry, Pa., 226
Lock, Cascades Canal, 190, 191
Lock Work, Coosa River, 194
Lock Work, Ill. & Miss. Canal, 198, 199, 204
Pier Work, Superior, Wis., 221
Retaining Wall, Grand Central Terminal, 277
Scow, Port Colborne Harbor, 216, 217
Traveling, Chaudiere Falls Dam, 228
Traveling, Chicago Track Elevation, 267
Traveling, Galveston Sea Wall, 268
Cost of
Lock Work, Ill. & Miss. Canal, 199
Retaining Walls, Chicago Drainage Canal, 274
Mixing Water
Reducing Freezing Point
Methods of, 112
Salt (Sodium Chloride), 113
Solutions for, Composition of, 113
Molding Blocks
Cost of, 524, 528, 530, 531
Marquette Breakwater, 211
Connecticut Ave. Bridge, 395
Separate Casting, 519
Methods of, 523, 526
Connecticut Ave. Bridge, 393
Marquette Breakwater, 211
Pier, Port Colbourne Harbor, 215
Separate Casting, 513, 515
Molding Cement Pipe
Cost of
Irrigon, Ore., 584
Ransome Mold, 577, 579
Methods of
Irrigon, Ore., 581
Ransome Mold, 577
Molding Culvert Pipe
Cost of
Chic. & En. Ill. R. R., 432
Methods of
Chic. & En. Ill. R. R., 430
Molding Girders
Cost of
Separate Casting, 519
Methods of
Separate Casting, 513, 514, 515
Molding Piles
Forms for (See Forms)
Methods of
Corrugated Polygonal, 176
Round, 179
Plant Arrangeme 17
Methods of
Limestone 18
Trap Rock 17
Ramming Concrete (See also Placing Concrete)
Cost of 423
Conditions Governing 56
Examples from Practice 56, 57
Pavement Base 292, 294
Methods of
Piers, Lonesome Valley Viaduct 255
Specific Directions, Necessity of 57
Raymond Piles (See Piles)
Weight in Concrete
Tables for Estimating, 663-665
Removing Forms
Derrick for, 502
Methods of
Building Work, 461
Time for
Building Work, 462
Reservoir Construction
Cost of
Covered for Fire Protection, 594, 595
Ft. Meade, S. Dak., 601
Methods of
Bloomington, Ill., 603
Covered for Fire Protection, 588
Fort Meade, S. Dak., 597
Reservoir Lining
Cost of
Canton, Ill., 629
Chelsea, Mass., 623
Jerome Park, 628
Pittsburg, Pa., 630
Quincy, Mass., 619
Methods of
Chelsea, Mass., 620
Jerome Park, 628

Quincy, Mass., 617
Reservoir Roof, Cost of 632
Retaining Wall Construction
Cost of, 286
Chicago Drainage Canal, 273-277
Footing for Masonry, 283
Grand Central Terminal, 280
Railway Yard, 282
Methods of
Allegheny Track Elevation, 283
Chicago Drainage Canal, 272-277
Grand Central Terminal, 277-281
Subway in Trench, 269, 270
Retaining Walls
Comparison of Plain and Reinforced, 260, 261
Types of, 259
Rubble Concrete Construction
Cement, Saving in, 98
Cost of
Abutment, Railway Bridge, 106
Hemet Dam, 104
Spier Falls Dam, 103
Economy, Limitations to, 98, 99
Methods of
Abutment, Railway Bridge, 105
Barossa Dam, 101
Boonton Dam, 103
Bridge Piers, Nova Scotia, 108
Bridge Piers, Scotland, 107, 108
Bridge Piers, Spain, 106, 107
Chattahoochee River Dam, 100
Dams for Waterworks, 104, 105
Hemet Dam, 103, 104
Spier Falls Dam, 103
Percentages Rubble Stone, 100, 101, 103, 105, 108
Shape of Stones for, 99
Runway Construction, Methods of, 48
Percentages in Mixing Water, 114
Balanced, Value of, 6
Cleanness, Value of, 5
Cost of
Excavating and Loading, 6
Granulometric Composition, 28
Prices Charged for, 6
Sharpness, Value of, 5
Substitutes for, 5
Voids in
Amount of, 26, 28
Conditions Affecting, 25
Effect of Moisture, 25
Effect of Size of Grains, 27
Volume in Concrete, 5
Weight of, 6, 26
Sand Washing
Cost of
Ejector Method, 10
Hose Method, 7
Tank Method, 13
Methods of
Ejectors, 7
Hose, 7
Tank, 10
Rate of
Ejector Method, 9
Hose Method, 7
Tank Method, 10, 12, 13
Water Required
Ejector Method, 9
Sand Washing Plants, 7-13
Screening Gravel
Cost of
L. S. & M. S. Ry., 22
Stewart-Peck Sand Co., 24
Methods of
Handwork, 19
Lock, Cascades Canal, 191
Scraper into Wagons, 21
Stewart-Peck Sand Co, 23
Sewer Construction
Cost of
Cleveland, O., 566
Coldwater, Mich., 574
Haverhill, Mass., 557
Medford, Mass., 535
Middlesborough, Ky., 562
St. Louis, Mo., 560, 561
South Bend, Ind., 554
Wilmington, Del., 571, 573
Methods of
Cleveland, O., 563
Coldwater, Mich., 573
Haverhill, Mass., 554
Medford, Mass., 535
Middlesborough, Ky., 561
Pipe, St. Joseph, Mo., 579
St. Louis, Mo., 558
South Bend, Ind., 551
Wilmington, Del., 569
Cost of
Concrete into Barrows, 197
Rate of
Broken Stone from Piles, 46
Broken Stone from Shoveling Boards, 46
Broken Stone from Cars, 45
Gravel Against Screens, 21
Sand into Wheelbarrows, 46
Shoveling Boards Wooden, for Broken Stone, 46
Sidewalk Construction
Cost of
Estimation of, 311, 312
Quincy, Mass., 314
San Francisco, Cal., 315
Toronto, Ont., 313
Methods of
Bonding Wearing Surface to Base, 310
Edger for, 310
General Discussion, 307
Points for, 310
Prevention of Cracks, 311
Protection from Weather, 311
Quincy, Mass., 314
Toronto, Ont., 313
San Francisco, Cal., 314
Silo Construction
Cost of, 632
Methods of, 631
Slag, 14
Slag Cement (See Cement)
Specific Gravity, Stone, Various, 32, 33
Spreading Concrete
Cost of, 197
Effect of Method of Dumping on, 55
Standpipe Construction
Cost of
Attleborough, Mass., 611
Methods of
Attleborough, Mass., 609
Stock Piles
Capacity of, 46
Distribution, Pavement Work, 289
Purposes of, 45
Specific Gravity, 32, 33
Stone Crushing
Cost of
Cobblestone, 20
Limestone, 18, 225, 273, 276
Trap Rock, 17
Methods of
Cobblestone, 19
Limestone, 18
Trap Rock, 17
Stone Crushing Plant
Lock Work. Ill. & Miss. Canal, 200
Stone Dust, Value for Mortar, 5
Storing Materials, Cost of, 185, 225
Subway Lining
Cost of
Long Island R. R., 361
New York Rapid Transit Ry, 357, 358
Methods of
Long Island R. R., 361
New York Rapid Transit Ry., 356
Cost of, 57, 58, 185, 193, 197, 210, 211, 212, 273, 275, 397
Tamping Concrete
Cost of, 197
Lock, Ill. & Miss. Canal, 206, 207
Method of
Lock, Ill. & Miss. Canal, 204
Tank Construction
Methods of
Gas Holder, Des Moines, Ia., 609
Gas Holder, New York, 614
Tooling Concrete
Cost of, 394, 396
Transporting Concrete
Cost of
Cableways, 270
Cars, 280
Chutes, 67
Cars and Derricks, 285
Car and Trestle Plant, 63, 210, 212, 222
Wheelbarrows, 53, 189, 197, 272, 285, 293, 294, 296
Methods of
Belt Conveyors (See also Belt Conveyors), 64-65
Bucket Hoists, 474
Building Work, 472
Cableways, 64, 186, 289, 369, 370
Cars, 404, 421
Cars and Chute, 191, 192
Car and Trestle, 63, 243, 246, 377
Chutes (see also Chutes), 66, 67, 68
Derricks, 479
Dump Wagons, 54
Effect on Placing, 54
Enumeration of, 52
Hand Costs, 53
Hoist and Cars, 372
Platform Hoists, 479
Pulley and Horse, 489
Traveling Derrick Plant, 374
Trestle Runways, 54
Wheelbarrows, 53
Transporting Materials
Cars for, 45
Cost of
Bridge Pier Work, 243
Cars, 275
Car and Trestle Plant, 222
Dam, Rock Island, Ill., 225
Horse Carts, 49, 270, 273
Lock, Ill. & Miss. Canal, 206, 207
Wheelbarrows, 47, 48, 189, 197, 214, 280, 292, 293, 294, 296, 419
Methods of
Belt Conveyors (see also Belt Conveyors), 64-65
Cableways, 64, 269
Carrying in Shovels, 47
Chutes (see also Chutes), 46, 65, 66
Hand Carts, 48
Horse Carts 48
Indians 62
Shoveling to Derrick Buckets 46
Trestle and Car Plants 63
Wheelbarrows 47
Trestle Runways, Cost of 54, 55
Car, Cost of 63
Structural Details 63
Tunnel Construction (See Tunnel Lining)
Tunnel Lining
Backfilling Machine for 330
Cost of
Cascade Tunnel 338
Gunnison Tunnel 355
Hodges Pass Tunnel 345
Mullan Tunnel 333
Peekskill Tunnel 336
Short Railway 344
Methods of
Burton Tunnel 347
Capitol Hill, Washington, D. C. 329
Cascade Tunnel

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