I. THEORY OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM.35. Members of the Solar System.—The solar system is composed of the sun, planets, moons, comets, and meteors. Five planets, besides the earth, are readily distinguished by the naked eye, and were known to the ancients: these are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. These, with the sun and moon, made up the seven planets of the ancients, from which the seven days of the week were named. The Ptolemaic System.36. The Crystalline Spheres.—We have seen that all the heavenly bodies appear to be situated on the surface of the celestial sphere. The ancients assumed that the stars were really fixed on the surface of a crystalline sphere, and that they were carried around the earth daily by the rotation of this sphere. They had, however, learned to distinguish the planets from the stars, and they had come to the conclusion that some of the planets were nearer the earth than others, and that all of them were nearer the earth than the stars are. This led them to imagine that the heavens were composed of a number of crystalline spheres, one above another, each carrying one of the planets, and all revolving around the earth from east to west, but at different rates. This structure of the heavens is shown in section in Fig. 49. Heavenly Spheres Fig. 49. Planetary Loops Fig. 50. The ancients assumed that the planets moved in exact circles, and, in fact, that all motion in the heavens was circular, the circle being the simplest and most perfect curve. To account for the loops described by the planets, they imagined that each planet revolved in a circle around a centre, which, in turn, revolved in a circle around the earth. The circle described by this centre around the earth they called the cycle, and the circle described by the planet around this centre they called the epicycle. Orbits Fig. 51. As the apparent motion of the planets became more accurately known, it was found necessary to make the system of cycles, epicycles, and eccentrics exceedingly complicated to represent that motion. The Copernican System.39. Copernicus.—Copernicus simplified the Ptolemaic system greatly by assuming that the earth and all the planets revolved about the sun as a centre. He, however, still maintained that all motion in the heavens was circular, and hence he could not rid his system entirely of cycles and epicycles. Tycho Brahe's System.40. Tycho Brahe.—Tycho Brahe was the greatest of the early astronomical observers. He, however, rejected the system of Copernicus, and adopted one of his own, which was much more complicated. He held that all the planets but the earth revolved around the sun, while the sun and moon revolved around the earth. This system is shown in Fig. 52. System of Brahe Fig. 52. Kepler's System.41. Kepler.—While Tycho Brahe devoted his life to the observation of the planets. Kepler gave his to the study 42. The Ellipse.—An ellipse is a closed curve which has two points within it, the sum of whose distances from every point on the curve is the same. These two points are called the foci of the ellipse. Ellipse Fig. 53. One method of describing an ellipse is shown in Fig. 53. Two tacks, F and F', are stuck into a piece of paper, and to these are fastened the two ends of a string which is longer than the distance between the tacks. A pencil is then placed against the string, and carried around, as shown in the figure. The curve described by the pencil is an ellipse. The two points F and F' are the foci of the ellipse: the sum of the distances of these two points from every point on the curve is equal to the length of the string. When half of the ellipse has been described, the pencil must be The point O, half way between F and F', is called the centre of the ellipse; AA' is the major axis of the ellipse, and CD is the minor axis. 43. The Eccentricity of the Ellipse.—The ratio of the distance between the two foci to the major axis of the ellipse is called the eccentricity of the ellipse. The greater the distance between the two foci, compared with the major axis of the ellipse, the greater is the eccentricity of the ellipse; and the less the distance between the foci, compared with the length of the major axis, the less the eccentricity of the ellipse. The ellipse of Fig. 54 has an eccentricity of 1/8. This ellipse scarcely differs in appearance from a circle. The ellipse of Fig. 55 has an eccentricity of 1/2, and that of Fig. 56 an eccentricity of 7/8. Eccentric Ellipse Fig. 54. Eccentric Ellipse Fig. 55. Eccentric Ellipse Fig. 56. 44. Kepler's First Law.—Kepler first discovered that all the planets move from west to east in ellipses which have The ellipses described by the planets differ in eccentricity; and, though they all have one focus at the sun, their major axes have different directions. The eccentricity of the planetary orbits is comparatively small. The ellipse of Fig. 54 has seven times the eccentricity of the earth's orbit, and twice that of the orbit of any of the larger planets except Mercury; and its eccentricity is more than half of that of the orbit of Mercury. Owing to their small eccentricity, the orbits of the planets are usually represented by circles in astronomical diagrams. Ellipse Fig. 57. 45. Kepler's Second Law.—Kepler next discovered that a planet's rate of motion in the various parts of its orbit is such that a line drawn from the planet to the sun would always sweep over equal areas in equal times. Thus, in Fig. 57, suppose the planet would move from P to P1 in the same time that it would move from P2 to P3, or from P4 to P5; then the dark spaces, which would be swept over by a line joining the sun and the planet, in these equal times, would all be equal. A line drawn from the sun to a planet is called the radius vector of the planet. The radius vector of a planet is shortest when the planet is nearest the sun, or at perihelion, and longest when the planet is farthest from the sun, or at aphelion: hence, in order to have the areas equal, it Kepler's Second Law of planetary motion is usually stated as follows: The radius vector of a planet describes equal areas in equal times in every part of the planet's orbit. 46. Kepler's Third Law.—Kepler finally discovered that the periodic times of the planets bear the following relation to the distances of the planets from the sun: The squares of the periodic times of the planets are to each other as the cubes of their mean distances from the sun. This is known as Kepler's Third Law of planetary motion. By periodic time is meant the time it takes a planet to revolve around the sun. These three laws of Kepler's are the foundation of modern physical astronomy. The Newtonian System.47. Newton's Discovery.—Newton followed Kepler, and by means of his three laws of planetary motion made his own immortal discovery of the law of gravitation. This law is as follows: Every portion of matter in the universe attracts every other portion with a force varying directly as the product of the masses acted upon, and inversely as the square of the distances between them. 48. The Conic Sections.—The conic sections are the figures formed by the various plane sections of a right cone. There are four classes of figures formed by these sections, OPQ, Fig. 58, is a right cone, and ON is its axis. Any section, AB, of this cone, whose plane is perpendicular to the axis of the cone, is a circle. Cone Fig. 58. Any section, CD, of this cone, whose plane is oblique to the axis, but forms with it an angle greater than NOP, is an ellipse. The less the angle which the plane of the section makes with the axis, the more elongated is the ellipse. Any section, EF, of this cone, whose plane makes with the axis an angle equal to NOP, is a parabola. It will be seen, that, by changing the obliquity of the plane CD to the axis NO, we may pass uninterruptedly from the circle through ellipses of greater and greater elongation to the parabola. Any section, GH, of this cone, whose plane makes with the axis ON an angle less than NOP, is a hyperbola. Sections Fig. 59. It will be seen from Fig. 59, in which comparative views of the four conic sections are given, that the circle and the ellipse are closed curves, or curves which return into themselves. The parabola and the hyperbola are, on the contrary, open curves, or curves which do not return into themselves. 49. A Revolving Body is continually Falling towards its Centre of Revolution.—In Fig. 60 let M represent the moon, Orbits Fig. 60. The fact that a body might be projected forward fast enough to keep it from falling into the earth is evident from Fig. 61. AB represents the level surface of the ocean, C a mountain from the summit of which a cannon-ball is supposed to be fired in the direction CE. AD is a line parallel with CE; DB is a line equal to the distance between the two parallel lines AD and CE. This distance is equal to that over which gravity would pull a ball towards the centre of the earth in a minute. No matter, then, with what velocity the ball C is fired, at the end of a minute it will be somewhere on the line AD. Suppose it were fired fast enough to reach the point D in a minute: it would be on the line AD at the end of the minute, but still just as far from the surface of the water as when it started. It will be seen, that, although it has all the while been falling towards the earth, it has all the while kept at exactly the same distance from the surface. The same thing would of course be true during each succeeding minute, till the ball came round to C again, and the ball would continue to revolve in a circle around the earth. Ships on Earth Fig. 61. 50. The Form of a Body's Orbit depends upon the Rate of 51. The Moon held in her Orbit by Gravity.—Newton compared the distance mN that the moon is drawn to the earth in a given time, with the distance a body near the surface of the earth would be pulled toward the earth in the same time; and he found that these distances are to each other inversely as the squares of the distances of the two bodies from the centre of the earth. He therefore concluded that the moon is drawn to the earth by gravity, and that the intensity of gravity decreases as the square of the distance increases. Orbits Fig. 62. 52. Any Body whose Orbit is a Conic Section, and which moves according to Kepler's Second Law, is acted upon by a [Transcriber's Note: In Newton's equation above, (SK)2 means to group S and K together and square their product. In the original book, instead of using parentheses, there was a vinculum, a horizontal bar, drawn over the S and the K to express the same grouping.] Orbits Fig. 63. 53. The Force that draws the Different Planets to the Sun Varies inversely as the Squares of the Distances of the Planets from the Sun.—Newton compared the distances jK and eF, over which two planets are drawn towards the sun in the same time, and found these distances to vary inversely as the squares of the distances of the planets from the sun: hence he concluded that all the planets are held in their orbits by gravity. He also showed that this would be true of any two bodies that were revolving around the sun's centre, according to Kepler's Third Law. Copernican System Fig. 64. II. THE SUN AND PLANETS.I. THE EARTH.Form and Size.55. Form of the Earth.—In ordinary language the term horizon denotes the line that bounds the portion of the earth's surface that is visible at any point. (1) It is well known that the horizon of a plain presents the form of a circle surrounding the observer. If the latter moves, the circle moves also; but its form remains the same, and is modified only when mountains or other obstacles limit the view. Out at sea, the circular form of the horizon is still more decided, and changes only near the coasts, the outline of which breaks the regularity. Here, then, we obtain a first notion of the rotundity of the earth, since a sphere is the only body which is presented always to us under the form of a circle, from whatever point on its surface it is viewed. (2) Moreover, it cannot be maintained that the horizon is the vanishing point of distinct vision, and that it is this which causes the appearance of a circular boundary, because the horizon is enlarged when we mount above the surface of the plain. This will be evident from Fig. 65, in which a mountain is depicted in the middle of a plain, whose uniform curvature is that of a sphere. From the foot of the mountain the spectator will have but a very limited horizon. Let him ascend half way, his visual radius extends, is inclined below the first horizon, and reveals a more extended circular Mountain Fig. 65. This extension of the horizon would be inexplicable if the earth had the form of an extended plane. Ocean Fig. 66. In the same manner the sailors from the ship see the different parts of objects on the land appear successively, beginning with the highest. The reason of this will be evident from Fig. 67, where the course of a vessel, seen in profile, is figured on the convex surface of the sea. Ocean Fig. 67. As the curvature of the ocean is the same in every direction, it follows that the surface of the ocean is spherical. The same is true of the surface of the land, allowance being made for the various inequalities of the surface. From these and various other indications, we conclude that the earth is a sphere. 56. Size of the Earth.—The size of the earth is ascertained by measuring the length of a degree of a meridian, and multiplying this by three hundred and sixty. This gives the circumference of the earth as about twenty-five thousand miles, and its diameter as about eight thousand miles. We know that the two stations between which we measure are one degree apart when the elevation of the pole at one station is one degree greater than at the other. 57. The Earth Flattened at the Poles.—Degrees on the meridian have been measured in various parts of the earth, and it has been found that they invariably increase in length Earth Fig. 68. 58. The Earth in Space.—In Fig. 68 we have a view of the earth suspended in space. The side of the earth turned towards the sun is illumined, and the other side is in darkness. As the planet rotates on its axis, successive portions of it will be turned towards the sun. As viewed from a point in space between it and the sun, it will present light and dark portions, which will assume different forms according to the portion which is illumined. These different appearances are shown in Fig. 69. Earth Fig. 69. Day and Night.59. Day and Night.—The succession of day and night is due to the rotation of the earth on its axis, by which a place on the surface of the earth is carried alternately into the sunshine and out of it. As the sun moves around the 60. Day and Night when the Sun is at the Equinoxes.—When the sun is at either equinox, the diurnal circle described by the sun will coincide with the celestial equator; and therefore half of this diurnal circle will be above the horizon at every point on the surface of the globe. At these times day and night will be equal in every part of the earth. Earth Fig. 70. Earth Fig. 71. The equality of days and nights when the sun is on the celestial equator is also evident from the following considerations: one-half of the earth is in sunshine all of the time; when the sun is on the celestial equator, it is directly over the equator of the earth, and the illumination extends from pole to pole, as is evident from Figs. 70 and 71, in the former of which the sun is represented as on the eastern horizon at a place along the central line of the figure, and in the latter as on the meridian along the same line. In each diagram it is seen that the illumination 61. Day and Night when the Sun is at the Summer Solstice.—When the sun is at the summer solstice, it will be 23-1/2° north of the celestial equator. The diurnal circle described by the sun will then be 23-1/2° north of the celestial equator; and more than half of this diurnal circle will be above the horizon at all places north of the equator, and less than half of it at places south of the equator: hence the days will be longer than the nights at places north of the equator, and shorter than the nights at places south of the equator. At places within 23-1/2° of the north pole, the entire diurnal circle described by the sun will be above the horizon, so that the sun will not set. At places within 23-1/2° of the south pole of the earth, the entire diurnal circle will be below the horizon, so that the sun will not rise. Earth Fig. 72. Earth Fig. 73. The illumination of the earth at this time is shown in Figs. 72 and 73. In Fig. 72 the sun is represented as on the western horizon along the middle line of the figure, and in Fig. 73 as on the meridian. It is seen at once that the illumination 62. Day and Night when the Sun is at the Winter Solstice.—When the sun is at the winter solstice, it is 23-1/2° south of the celestial equator. The diurnal circle described by the sun is then 23-1/2° south of the celestial equator. More than half of this diurnal circle will therefore be above the horizon at all places south of the equator, and less than half of it at all places north of the equator: hence the days will be longer than the nights south of the equator, and shorter than the nights at places north of the equator. At places within 23-1/2° of the south pole, the diurnal circle described by the sun will be entirely above the horizon, and the sun will therefore not set. At places within 23-1/2° of the north pole, the diurnal circle described by the sun will be wholly below the horizon, and therefore the sun will not rise. The illumination of the earth at this time is shown in Figs. 74 and 75, and is seen to be the reverse of that shown in Figs. 72 and 73. Earth Fig. 74. Earth Fig. 75. 63. Variation in the Length of Day and Night.—As long as the sun is north of the equinoctial, the nights will be longer than the days south of the equator, and shorter than the days north of the equator. It is just the reverse when the sun is south of the equator. The farther the sun is from the equator, the greater is the inequality of the days and nights. The farther the place is from the equator, the greater the inequality of its days and nights. When the distance of a place from the north pole is less When the distance of a place from the north pole is less than the distance of the sun south of the equinoctial, it will have continuous night, since the whole of the sun's diurnal circle will then be below the horizon. A place within the same distance of the south pole will then have continuous day. At the equator the days and nights are always equal; since, no matter where the sun is in the heavens, half of all the diurnal circles described by it will be above the horizon, and half of them below it. 64. The Zones.—It will be seen, from what has been stated above, that the sun will at some time during the year be directly overhead at every place within 23-1/2° of the equator on either side. This belt of the earth is called the torrid zone. The torrid zone is bounded by circles called the tropics; that of Cancer on the north, and that of Capricorn on the south. It will also be seen, that, at every place within 23-1/2° of Between the frigid zones and the torrid zones, there are two belts on the earth which are called the temperate zones. The sun is never overhead at any place in these two zones, but it rises and sets every day at every place within their limits. 65. The Width of the Zones.—The distance the frigid zones extend from the poles, and the torrid zones from the equator, is exactly equal to the obliquity of the ecliptic, or the deviation of the axis of the earth from the perpendicular to the plane of its orbit. Were this deviation forty-five degrees, the obliquity of the ecliptic would be forty-five degrees, the torrid zone would extend forty-five degrees from the equator, and the frigid zones forty-five degrees from the poles. In this case there would be no temperate zones. Were this deviation fifty degrees, the torrid and frigid zones would overlap ten degrees, and there would be two belts of ten degrees on the earth, which would experience alternately during the year a torrid and a frigid climate. Were the axis of the earth perpendicular to the plane of the earth's orbit, there would be no zones on the earth, and no variation in the length of day and night. 66. Twilight.—Were it not for the atmosphere, the darkness of midnight would begin the moment the sun sank below the horizon, and would continue till he rose again above the horizon in the east, when the darkness of the night would be suddenly succeeded by the full light of day. The gradual transition from the light of day to the darkness of the night, and from the darkness of the night to the light of day, is called twilight, and is due to Earth Fig. 76. Let ABCD (Fig. 76) represent a portion of the earth, A a point on its surface where the sun S is setting; and let SAH be a ray of light just grazing the earth at A, and leaving the atmosphere at the point H. The point A is illuminated by the whole reflective atmosphere HGFE. The point B, to which the sun has set, receives no direct solar light, nor any reflected from that part of the atmosphere which is below ALH; but it receives a twilight from the portion HLF, which lies above the visible horizon BF. The point C receives a twilight only from the small portion of the atmosphere; while at D the twilight has ceased altogether. 67. Duration of Twilight.—The astronomical limit of twilight is generally understood to be the instant when stars of the sixth magnitude begin to be visible in the zenith at evening, or disappear in the morning. Twilight is usually reckoned to last until the sun's depression below the horizon amounts to eighteen degrees: this, however, varies; in the tropics a depression of sixteen or seventeen degrees being sufficient to put an end to the phenomenon, while in England a depression of seventeen to twenty-one degrees is required. The duration of twilight differs in different The Seasons.68. The Seasons.—While the sun is north of the celestial equator, places north of the equator are receiving heat from the sun by day longer than they are losing it by radiation at night, while places south of the equator are losing 69. The Duration of the Seasons.—Summer is counted as beginning in June, when the sun is at the summer solstice, and as continuing until the sun reaches the autumnal equinox, in September. Autumn then begins, and continues until the sun is at the winter solstice, in December. Winter follows, continuing until the sun comes to the vernal equinox, in March, when spring begins, and continues to the summer solstice. In popular reckoning the seasons begin with the first day of June, September, December, and March. The reason why winter is counted as occurring after the winter solstice is similar to the reason why the summer is placed after the summer solstice. The earth north of the equator is losing heat most rapidly at the time of the winter solstice; but for some time after this it loses more heat by night than it receives by day: hence for some time the temperature Seasons Fig. 77. Of course, when it is summer in the northern hemisphere, it is winter in the southern hemisphere, and the reverse. Seasons Fig. 78. 70. The Illumination of the Earth at the different Seasons.—Fig. 78 shows the earth as it would appear to an observer at the sun during each of the four seasons; that is to say, the portion of the earth that is receiving the sun's rays. Figs. 79, 80, 81, and 82 are enlarged views of the earth, as seen from the sun at the time of the summer solstice, of the autumnal equinox, of the winter solstice, and of the vernal equinox. Seasons Fig. 79. Seasons Fig. 80. Seasons Fig. 81. Seasons Fig. 82. Seasons Fig. 83. Fig. 83 is, so to speak, a side view of the earth, showing the limit of sunshine on the earth when the sun is at the summer solstice; and Fig. 84, showing the limit of sunshine when the sun is at the autumnal equinox. Seasons Fig. 84. 71. Cause of the Change of Seasons.—Variety in the length of day and night, and diversity in the seasons, depend Tides.72. Tides.—The alternate rise and fall of the surface of the sea twice in the course of a lunar day, or of twenty-four hours and fifty-one minutes, is known as the tides. When the water is rising, it is said to be flood tide; and when it is falling, ebb tide. When the water is at its greatest height, it is said to be high water; and when at its least height, low water. 73. Cause of the Tides.—It has been known to seafaring nations from a remote antiquity that there is a singular connection between the ebb and flow of the tides and the diurnal motion of the moon. Tides Fig. 85. This tidal movement in seeming obedience to the moon was a mystery until the study of the law of gravitation showed it 74. The Lagging of the Tides.—If the waters everywhere yielded immediately to the attractive force of the moon, it would always be high water when the moon was on the meridian, low water when she was rising or setting, and high water again when she was on the meridian below the horizon. But, owing to the inertia of the water, some time is necessary for so slight a force to set it in motion; and, once in motion, it continues so after the force has ceased, and until it has acted some time in the opposite direction. Therefore, if the motion of the 75. Spring-Tides and Neap-Tides.—The sun produces a tide as well as the moon; but the tide-producing force of the sun is only about four-tenths of that of the moon. At new and full moon the two bodies unite their forces, the ebb and flow become greater than the average, and we have the spring-tides. When the moon is in her first or third quarter, the two forces act against each other; the tide-producing force is the difference of the two; the ebb and flow are less than the average; and we have the neap-tides. Tides Fig. 86. Tides Fig. 87. Tides Fig. 88. Fig. 86 shows the tide that would be produced by the moon alone; Fig. 87, the tide produced by the combined action of the sun and moon; and Fig. 88, by the sun and moon acting at right angles to each other. The tide is affected by the distance of the moon from 76. Diurnal Inequality of Tides.—The height of the tide at a given place is influenced by the declination of the moon. When the moon has no declination, the highest tides should occur along the equator, and the heights should diminish from thence toward the north and south; but the two daily tides at any place should have the same height. When the moon has north declination, as shown in Fig. 89, the highest tides on the side of the earth next the moon will be at places having a corresponding north latitude, as at B, and on the opposite side at those which have an equal south latitude. Of the two daily tides at any place, that which occurs when the moon is nearest the zenith should be the greatest: hence, when the moon's declination is north, the height of the tide at a place in north latitude should be greater when the moon is above the horizon than when she is below it. At the same time, places south of the equator have the highest tides when the moon is below the horizon, and the least when she is above it. This is called the diurnal inequality, because its cycle is one day; but it varies greatly in amount at different places. Fig. 89. 77. Height of Tides.—At small islands in mid-ocean the tides never rise to a great height, sometimes even less than one foot; and the average height of the tides for the islands of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans is only three feet The Day and Time.78. The Day.—By the term day we sometimes denote the period of sunshine as contrasted with that of the absence of sunshine, which we call night, and sometimes the period of the earth's rotation on its axis. It is with the latter signification that the term is used in this section. As the earth rotates on its axis, it carries the meridian of a place with it; so that, during each complete rotation of the earth, the portion of the meridian which passes overhead from pole to pole sweeps past every star in the heavens from west to east. The interval between two successive passages of this portion of the meridian across the same star is the exact period of the complete rotation of the earth. This period is called a sidereal day. The sidereal day may also be defined as the interval between two successive passages of the same star across the meridian; the passage of the meridian across the star, and the passage or transit of the star across the meridian, being the same thing looked at from a different point of view. The interval between two successive passages of the meridian across the sun, or of the sun across the meridian, is called a solar day. 79. Length of the Solar Day.—The solar day is a little longer than the sidereal day. This is owing to the sun's eastward motion among the stars. We have already seen that the sun's apparent position among the stars is continually shifting towards the east at a rate which causes it to make a complete circuit of the heavens in a year, or three hundred and sixty-five days. This is at the rate of about one degree a day: hence, were the sun and a star on the Day Fig. 90. Day Fig. 91. The fact that the earth must make more than a complete rotation is also evident from Figs. 90 and 91. In Fig. 90, ba represents the plane of the meridian, and the small arrows indicate the direction the earth is rotating on its axis, and revolving in its orbit. When the earth is at 1, the sun is on the meridian at a. When the earth has moved to 2, it has made a complete rotation, as is shown by the fact that the plane of the meridian is 80. Inequality in the Length of Solar Days.—The sidereal days are all of the same length; but the solar days differ somewhat in length. This difference is due to the fact that the sun's apparent position moves eastward, or away from the meridian, at a variable rate. There are three reasons why this rate is variable:— (1) The sun's eastward motion is due to the revolution of the earth in its orbit. Now, the earth's orbital motion is not uniform, being fastest when the earth is at perihelion, and slowest when the earth is at aphelion: hence, other things being equal, solar days will be longest when the earth is at perihelion, and shortest when the earth is at aphelion. Day Fig. 92. Day Fig. 93. (2) The sun's eastward motion is along the ecliptic. Now, from Figs. 92 and 93, it will be seen, that, when the sun is at one of the equinoxes, it will be moving away from the meridian obliquely; and, from Figs. 94 and 95, that, when the sun is at one of the solstices, it will Solstice Fig. 94. Solstice Fig. 95. (3) The sun, moving along the ecliptic, always moves in a great circle, while the point of the meridian which is to overtake the sun moves in a diurnal circle, which is sometimes a great circle and sometimes a small circle. When the sun is at the equinoxes, the point of the meridian which is to overtake it moves in a great circle. As the sun passes from the equinoxes to the solstices, the point of the meridian which is to overtake it moves on a smaller and smaller circle: hence, as we pass away from the celestial equator, the points of the meridian move slower and slower. Therefore, other things being equal, the meridian will gain upon the sun most rapidly, and the days be shortest, when the sun is at the equinoxes; while it will gain on the sun least rapidly, and the days will be longest, when the sun is at the solstices. The ordinary or civil day is the mean of all the solar days in a year. The following are the dates of coincidence and of maximum deviation, which vary but slightly from year to year:— February 10 True sun fifteen minutes slow. April 15 True sun correct. May 14 True sun four minutes fast. June 14 True sun correct. July 25 True sun six minutes slow. August 31 True sun correct. November 2 True sun sixteen minutes fast. December 24 True sun correct. One of the effects of the equation of time which is frequently misunderstood is, that the interval from sunrise until noon, as given in the almanacs, is not the same as that between noon and sunset. The forenoon could not be longer or shorter than the afternoon, if by "noon" we meant the passage of the sun across the meridian; but the noon of our clocks being sometimes fifteen minutes before or after noon by the sun, the former may be half an hour nearer to sunrise than to sunset, or vice versa. The Year.82. The Year.—The year is the time it takes the earth to revolve around the sun, or, what amounts to the same thing, the time it takes the sun to pass around the ecliptic. Year Fig. 96. (2) The time it takes the sun to pass around from the vernal equinox, or the first point of Aries, to the vernal equinox again, is called the tropical year. This is a little shorter than the sidereal year, owing to the precession of the equinoxes. This will be evident from Fig. 96. The circle represents the ecliptic, S the sun, and E the vernal equinox. The sun moves around the ecliptic eastward, as indicated by the long arrow, while the equinox moves slowly westward, as indicated by the short arrow. The sun will therefore meet the equinox before it has quite completed the circuit of the heavens. The exact lengths of these respective years are:— Sidereal year 365.25636=365 days 6 hours 9 min 9 sec Tropical year 365.24220=365 days 5 hours 48 min 46 sec Since the recurrence of the seasons depends on the tropical year, the latter is the one to be used in forming the calendar and for the purposes of civil life generally. Its true length is eleven minutes and fourteen seconds less than three hundred and sixty-five days and a fourth. It will be seen that the tropical year is about twenty minutes shorter than the sidereal year. (3) The time it takes the earth to pass from its perihelion point around to the perihelion point again is called the anomalistic year. This year is about four minutes longer than the sidereal year. This is owing to the fact that the major axis of Year Fig. 97. 83. The Calendar.—The solar year, or the interval between two successive passages of the same equinox by the sun, is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 46 seconds. If, then, we reckon only 365 days to a common or civil year, the sun will come to the equinox 5 hours, 48 minutes, 46 seconds, or nearly a quarter of a day, later each year; so that, if the sun entered Aries on the 20th of March one year, he would enter it on the 21st four years after, on the 22d eight years after, and so on. Thus in a comparatively short time the spring months would come in the winter, and the summer months in the spring. Among different ancient nations different methods of computing the year were in use. Some reckoned it by the revolution of the moon, some by that of the sun; but none, so far as we know, made proper allowances for deficiencies and excesses. Twelve moons fell short of the true year, thirteen exceeded it; 365 days were not enough, 366 were too many. To prevent the confusion resulting from these errors, Julius CÆsar reformed the calendar by making the year consist of 365 days, 6 hours (which is hence called a Julian year), and made every fourth year consist of 366 days. This method of reckoning is called Old Style. But as this made the year somewhat too long, and the error in 1582 amounted to ten days, Pope Gregory XIII., in order to bring the vernal equinox back to the 21st of March again, ordered ten days to be struck out of that year, calling the next According to the Gregorian calendar, every year whose number is divisible by four is a leap-year, except, that, in the case of the years whose numbers are exact hundreds, those only are leap-years which are divisible by four after cutting off the last two figures. Thus the years 1600, 2000, 2400, etc., are leap-years; 1700, 1800, 1900, 2100, 2200, etc., are not. The error will not amount to a day in over three thousand years. 84. The Dominical Letter.—The dominical letter for any year is that which we often see placed against Sunday in the almanacs, and is always one of the first seven in the alphabet. Since a common year consists of 365 days, if this number is divided by seven (the number of days in a week), there will be a remainder of one: hence a year commonly begins one day later in the week than the preceding one did. If a year of 365 days begins on Sunday, the next will begin on Monday; if it begins on Thursday, the next will begin on Friday; and so on. If Sunday falls on the 1st of January, the first letter of the alphabet, or A, is the dominical letter. If Sunday falls on the 7th of January (as it will the next year, unless the first is leap-year), the seventh letter, G, is the dominical letter. If Sunday falls on the 6th of January (as it will the third year, unless the first or second is leap-year), the sixth letter, F, will be the dominical letter. Thus, if there were no leap-years, the dominical letters would regularly follow a retrograde order, G, F, E, D, C, B, A. But leap-years have 366 days, which, divided by seven, leaves two remainder: hence the years following leap-years will begin two days later in the week than the leap-years did. To prevent the interruption which would hence occur in the order of the dominical letters, leap-years have two dominical letters, By Table I. below, the dominical letter for any year (New Style) for four thousand years from the beginning of the Christian Era may be found; and it will be readily seen how the To find the dominical letter by this table, look for the hundreds of years at the top, and for the years below a hundred, at the left hand. Thus the letter for 1882 will be opposite the number 82, and in the column having 1800 at the top; that is, it will be A. In the same way, the letters for 1884, which is a leap-year, will be found to be FE. Having the dominical letter of any year, Table II. shows what days of every month of the year will be Sundays. To find the Sundays of any month in the year by this table, look in the column, under the dominical letter, opposite the name of the month given at the left. From the Sundays the date of any other day of the week can be readily found. Thus, if we wish to know on what day of the week Christmas falls in 1889, we look opposite December, under the letter F (which we have found to be the dominical letter for the year), and find that the 22d of the month is a Sunday; the 25th, or Christmas, will then be Wednesday. In the same way we may find the day of the week corresponding to any date (New Style) in history. For instance, the 17th of June, 1775, the day of the fight at Bunker Hill, is found to have been a Saturday. These two tables then serve as a perpetual almanac. Table I.
Table II.
Weight of the Earth and Precession.85. The Weight of the Earth.—There are several methods of ascertaining the weight and mass of the earth. The simplest, and perhaps the most trustworthy method is to compare the pull of the earth upon a ball of lead with that of a known mass of lead upon it. The pull of a known mass of lead upon the ball may be measured by means of a torsion balance. One form of the balance employed for this purpose is shown in Figs. 98 and 99. Two small balls of lead, b and b, are fastened to the ends of a light rod e, which is suspended from the point F by means of the thread FE. Two large balls of lead, W and W, are placed on a turn-table, so that one of them shall Weight Measurement Fig. 99. Weight Measurement Fig. 99. The weight of the earth in pounds may be found by multiplying the number of cubic feet in it by 62-1/2 (the weight, in pounds, of one cubic foot of water), and this product by 5.6. Precession Fig. 100. 86. Cause of Precession.—We have seen that the earth is flattened at the poles: in other words, the earth has the form of a sphere, with a protuberant ring around its equator. This equatorial ring is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic at an angle of about 23-1/2°. In Fig. 100 this ring is represented as detached from the enclosed sphere. S represents the sun, and Sc the ecliptic. As the point A of the ring is nearer the sun than the point B is, the sun's pull upon A is greater than upon B: hence the sun tends to pull the ring over into the plane of the ecliptic; but the rotation of the earth tends to keep the ring in the same plane. The struggle between these two tendencies causes the earth, to which the ring is attached, to wabble like a spinning-top, whose rotation tends to keep it erect, while gravity tends to pull it over. The handle of the top has a gyratory motion, which causes it to describe a curve. The axis of the heavens corresponds to the handle of the top. II. THE MOON.Distance, Size, and Motions.87. The Distance of the Moon.—The moon is the nearest of the heavenly bodies. Its distance from the centre of the earth is only about sixty times the radius of the earth, or, in round numbers, two hundred and forty thousand miles. The ordinary method of finding the distance of one of the nearer heavenly bodies is first to ascertain its horizontal parallax. This enables us to form a right-angled triangle, the lengths of whose sides are easily computed, and the length of whose hypothenuse is the distance of the body from the centre of the earth. Parallax Fig. 101. Horizontal parallax has already been defined (32) as the displacement of a heavenly body when on the horizon, caused by its being seen from the surface, instead of the centre, of the earth. This displacement is due to the fact that the body is seen in a different direction from the surface of the earth from that in which it would be seen from the centre. Horizontal parallax might be defined as the difference in the directions in which a body on the horizon would be seen from the surface and from the centre of the earth. Thus, in Fig. 101, C is the centre of the earth, A a point on the surface, and B a body on the horizon of A. AB is the direction in which the body would be seen from A, and CB the direction in which it would be seen from C. The difference of these directions, or the angle ABC, is the parallax of the body. The triangle BAC is right-angled at A; the side AC is the radius of the earth, and the hypothenuse is the distance of the body from the centre of the earth. When the parallax ABC is known, the length of CB can easily by found by trigonometrical computation. We have seen (32) that the parallax of a heavenly body The usual method of finding the parallax of one of the nearer heavenly bodies is first to find its parallax when on the meridian, as seen from two places on the earth which differ considerably in latitude: then to calculate what would be the parallax of the body as seen from one of these places and the centre of the earth: and then finally to calculate what would be the parallax were the body on the horizon. Parallax Fig. 102. Thus, we should ascertain the parallax of the body B (Fig. 102) as seen from A and D, or the angle ABD. We should then calculate its parallax as seen from A and C, or the angle ABC. Finally we should calculate what its parallax would be were the body on the horizon, or the angle AB'C. The simplest method of finding the parallax of a body B (Fig. 102) as seen from the two points A and D is to compare its direction at each point with that of the same fixed star near the body. The star is so distant, that it will be seen in the same direction from both points: hence, if the direction of the body differs from that of the star 2° as seen from one point, and 2° 6' as seen from the other point, the two lines AB and DB must differ in direction by 6'; in other words, the angle ABD would be 6'. The method just described is the usual method of finding the parallax of the moon. 88. The Apparent Size of the Moon.—The apparent size of a body is the visual angle subtended by it; that is, the angle formed by two lines drawn from the eye to two opposite points on the outline of the body. The apparent size of a body depends upon both its magnitude and its distance. Moon Fig. 103. In order to be certain that the longitudinal wire shall pass through the centre of the moon, it is best to take the moon when its disc is in the form of a crescent, and to place the longitudinal wire against the points, or cusps, of the crescent, as shown in Fig. 103. Moon Fig. 104. 89. The Real Size of the Moon.—The real diameter of the moon is a little over one-fourth of that of the earth, or a little more than two thousand miles. The comparative sizes of the earth and moon are shown in Fig. 104. Fig. 105. The distance and apparent size of the moon being known, her real diameter is found by means of a triangle formed as shown in Fig. 105. C represents the centre of the moon, CB the distance of the moon from the earth, and CA the radius of the moon. BAC is a triangle, right-angled at A. The angle ABC is half the apparent diameter of the moon. With the angles A and B, and the side CB known, it is easy to find the length of AC by trigonometrical computation. Twice AC will be the diameter of the moon. The volume of the moon is about one-fiftieth of that of the earth. 90. Apparent Size of the Moon on the Horizon and in the Zenith..—The moon is nearly four thousand miles farther from the observer when she is on the horizon than when she is in the zenith. This is evident from Fig. 106. C is the centre of the earth, M the moon on the horizon, M' the moon in the zenith, and O the point of observation. OM is the distance of the moon when she is on the horizon, and OM' the distance of the moon from the observer when she is in the zenith. CM is equal to CM', and OM is about the length of CM; but OM' is about four thousand miles shorter than CM': hence OM' is about four thousand miles shorter than OM. Moon Fig. 106. Notwithstanding the moon is much nearer when at the zenith than at the horizon, it seems to us much larger at the horizon. This is a pure illusion, as we become convinced when we measure the disc with accurate instruments, so as to make the 91. The Apparent Size of the Moon increased by Irradiation.—In the case of the moon, the word apparent means much more than it does in the case of other celestial bodies. Indeed, its brightness causes our eyes to play us false. As is well known, the crescent of the new moon seems part of a much larger sphere than that which it has been said, time out of mind, to "hold in its arms." The bright portion of the moon as seen with our measuring instruments, as well as when seen with the naked eye, covers a larger space in the field of the telescope than it would if it were not so bright. This effect of irradiation, as it is called, must be allowed for in exact measurements of the diameter of the moon. Fig. 107. 92. Apparent Size of the Moon in Different Parts of her Orbit.—Owing to the eccentricity of the moon's orbit, her distance from the earth varies somewhat from time to time. This variation causes a corresponding variation in her apparent size, which is illustrated in Fig. 107. 93. The Mass of the Moon.—The moon is considerably One method of finding the mass of the moon is to compare her effect in producing the tides with that of the sun. We first calculate what would be the moon's effect in producing the tides, were she as far off as the sun. We then form the following proportion: as the sun's effect in producing the tides is to the moon's effect at the same distance, so is the mass of the sun to the mass of the moon. The method of finding the mass of the sun will be given farther on. 94. The Orbital Motion of the Moon.—If we watch the moon from night to night, we see that she moves eastward quite rapidly among the stars. When the new moon is first visible, it appears near the horizon in the west, just after sunset. A week later the moon will be on the meridian at the same hour, and about a week later still on the eastern horizon. The moon completes the circuit of the heavens in a period of about thirty days, moving eastward at the rate of about twelve degrees a day. This eastward motion of the moon is due to the fact that she is revolving around the earth from west to east. Moon Aspects Fig. 108. 95. The Aspects of the Moon.—As the moon revolves around the earth, she comes into different positions with reference to the earth and sun. These different positions of the moon are called the aspects of the moon. The four chief aspects of the moon are shown in Fig. 108. When the moon is at M, she appears in the opposite part of the heavens to the sun, and is said to be in opposition; when at M' and at M''', she appears ninety degrees away from the sun, and is said to be in quadrature; when at M'', she appears in the same part of the heavens as the sun, and is said to be in conjunction. The synodical period of the moon is the time that it takes the moon to pass from one aspect around to the same aspect again. This is a period of about twenty-nine days and a half, and it is sometimes called the synodical month. Moon Fig. 109. The reason why the synodical period is longer than the sidereal period will appear from Fig. 109. S represents the position of the sun, E that of the earth, and the small Moon Fig. 110. The greater length of the synodical period is also evident from Fig. 110. T represents the earth, and L the moon. The arrows indicate the direction in which each is moving. When the earth is at T, and the moon at L, the latter is in conjunction. When the earth has reached T', and the moon L', the latter has made a sidereal revolution; but she will not be in conjunction again till the earth has reached T'', and the moon L''. 97. The Phases of the Moon.—When the new moon appears in the west, it has the form of a crescent, with its Moon Phases Fig. 111. 98. Cause of the Phases of the Moon.—Take a globe, half of which is colored white and the other half black in such a way that the line which separates the white and black portions shall be a great circle which passes through the poles of the globe, and rotate the globe slowly, so as to bring the white half gradually into view. When the white part first comes into view, the line of separation between it and the black part, which we may call the terminator, appears concave, and its projection on a plane perpendicular to the line of vision is a concave line. As more and more of the white portion comes into view, the projection of the terminator becomes less and less concave. When half of the white portion comes into view, the terminator is projected as a straight line. When more than half of the white portion comes into view, the terminator begins to appear as a convex line, and this line becomes more and more convex till the whole of the white half comes into view, when the terminator becomes circular. Moon Phases Fig. 112. The moon is of itself a dark, opaque globe; but the half that is towards the sun is always bright, as shown in Fig. 112. This bright half of the moon corresponds to the white half of the globe in the preceding illustration. As the moon revolves around the earth, different portions of this illumined half are turned towards the earth. At new moon, when the moon is in conjunction, the bright half is turned entirely away from the earth, and the disc of the moon is black and Moon Orbit Fig. 113. 100. The Inclination of the Moon's Orbit.—The plane of the moon's orbit is inclined to the ecliptic by an angle of about five degrees. The two points where the moon's orbit cuts the ecliptic are called her nodes. The moon's nodes have a westward motion corresponding to that of the equinoxes, but much more rapid. They complete the circuit of the ecliptic in about nineteen years. The moon's latitude ranges from 5° north to 5° south; and since, owing to the motion of her nodes, the moon is, 101. The Meridian Altitude of the Moon.—The meridian altitude of any body is its altitude when on the meridian. In our latitude, the meridian altitude of any point on the equinoctial is forty-nine degrees. The meridian altitude of the summer solstice is 49° + 23-1/2° = 72-1/2°, and that of the winter solstice is 49° - 23-1/2° = 25-1/2°. The greatest meridian altitude of the moon is 72-1/2° + 5° = 77-1/2°, and its least meridian altitude, 25-1/2° - 5° = 20-1/2°. When the moon's meridian altitude is greater than the elevation of the equinoctial, it is said to run high, and when less, to run low. The full moon runs high when the sun is south of the equinoctial, and low when the sun is north of the equinoctial. This is because the full moon is always in the opposite part of the heavens to the sun. 102. Wet and Dry Moon.—At the time of new moon, the cusps of the crescent sometimes lie in a line which is nearly perpendicular with the horizon, and sometimes in a line which is nearly parallel with the horizon. In the former case the moon is popularly described as a wet moon, and in the latter case as a dry moon. Moon Orbit Fig. 114. The great circle which passes through the centre of the sun and moon will pass through the centre of the crescent, and be perpendicular to the line joining the cusps. Now the ecliptic makes the least angle with the horizon when the vernal equinox is on the eastern horizon and the autumnal equinox is on the western. In our latitude, as we have seen, this angle is 25-1/2°: hence in our latitude, if the moon were at new on the ecliptic Moon Orbit Fig. 115. If the moon were at new on the ecliptic when the sun is near the vernal equinox, as shown at M1 (Fig. 115), the great circle passing through the centres of the sun and moon would make an angle of 72-1/2° with the horizon at New York; and were the moon 5° north of the ecliptic at that time, as shown at M2, this great circle would make an angle of 77-1/2° with the horizon. In either of these cases, the line joining the cusps would be nearly parallel with the horizon. At different times, the line joining the cusps may have every possible inclination to the horizon between the extreme cases shown in Figs. 114 and 115. 103. Daily Retardation of the Moon's Rising.—The moon rises, on the average, about fifty minutes later each day. This is owing to her eastward motion. As the moon makes a complete revolution around the earth in about twenty-seven days, she moves eastward at the rate of about thirteen degrees a day, or about twelve degrees a day faster than the sun. Were the moon, therefore, on the horizon at any hour to-day, she would be some twelve degrees below the horizon at the same hour to-morrow. Now, as the horizon There are two reasons for this variation in the daily retardation:— (1) The moon moves at a varying rate in her orbit; her speed being greatest at perigee, and least at apogee: hence, other things being equal, the retardation is greatest when the moon is at perigee, and least when she is at apogee. Moon Orbit Fig. 116. Moon Orbit Fig. 117. (2) The moon moves at a varying angle to the horizon. The moon moves nearly in the plane of the ecliptic, and of course she passes both equinoxes every lunation. When she is near the autumnal equinox, her path makes the greatest angle with the eastern horizon, and when she is near the vernal equinox, the least angle: hence the moon moves away from the horizon fastest when she is near the autumnal equinox, and slowest when she is near the vernal equinox. This will be evident from Figs. 116 and 117. In each figure, SN represents a portion of the eastern horizon, and Ec, E'c', a portion of the ecliptic. AE, in Fig. 116, represents the autumnal equinox, and AEM the daily motion of the moon. VE, in Fig. 117, represents the vernal equinox, and VEM' the motion of the moon for one day. In the first case this motion would carry the moon away from the horizon the distance AM, and in the second case the The least retardation at New York is twenty-three minutes, and the greatest an hour and seventeen minutes. The greatest and least retardations vary somewhat from month to month; since they depend not only upon the position of the moon in her orbit with reference to the equinoxes, but also upon the latitude of the moon, and upon her nearness to the earth. Moon Orbit Fig. 118. The direction of the moon's motion with reference to the ecliptic is shown in Fig. 118, which shows the moon's motion for one day in July, 1876. 104. The Harvest Moon—The long and short retardations in the rising of the moon, though they occur every month, are not likely to attract attention unless they occur at the time of full moon. The long retardations for full moon occur when the moon is near the autumnal equinox at full. As the full moon is always opposite to the sun, the The least retardations for full moon occur when the moon is near the vernal equinox at full: the sun must then be near the autumnal equinox. Hence the least retardations for full moon occur in the months of August, September, and October. The retardation is, of course, least for September; and the full moon of this month rises night after night less than half an hour later than the previous night. The full moon of September is called the "Harvest Moon," and that of October the "Hunter's Moon." 105. The Rotation of the Moon.—A careful examination of the spots on the disc of the moon reveals the fact that she always presents the same side to the earth. In order to do this, she must rotate on her axis while making a revolution around the earth, or in about twenty-seven days. 106. Librations of the Moon.—The moon appears to rock slowly to and fro, so as to allow us to see alternately a little farther around to the right and the left, or above and below, than we otherwise could. This apparent rocking of the moon is called libration. The moon has three librations:— (1) Libration in Latitude.—This libration enables us to see alternately a little way around on the northern and southern limbs of the moon. This libration is due to the fact that the axis of the moon is not quite perpendicular to the plane of her orbit. The deviation from the perpendicular is six degrees and a half. As the axis of the moon, like that of the earth, maintains the same direction, the poles of the moon will be turned alternately six degrees and a half toward and from the earth. (2) Libration in Longitude.—This libration enables us to see alternately a little farther around on the eastern and western limbs of the moon. Fig. 119. It is due to the fact that the moon's axial motion is uniform, while her orbital motion is not. At perigee her orbital motion will be in advance of her axial motion, while at apogee the axial motion will be in advance of the orbital. In Fig. 119, E represents the earth, M the moon, the large arrow the direction of the moon's motion in her orbit, and the small arrow the direction of her motion of rotation. When the moon is at M, the line AB, drawn perpendicular to EM, represents the circle which divides the visible from the invisible portion of the moon. While the moon is passing from M to M', the moon performs less than a quarter of a rotation, so that AB is no longer perpendicular to EM'. An observer on the earth can now see somewhat beyond A on the western limb of the moon, and not quite up to B on the eastern limb. While the moon is passing from M' to M'', her axial motion again overtakes her orbital motion, so that the line AB again becomes perpendicular to the line joining the centre of the moon to the centre of the earth. Exactly the same side is now turned towards the earth as when the moon was at M. While the moon passes from M'' to M''', her axial motion gets in advance of her orbital motion, so that AB is again inclined to the line joining the centres of the earth and moon. A portion of the eastern limb of the moon beyond B is now brought into view to the earth, and a portion of the western limb at A is carried out of view. While the moon is passing from M''' to M, the orbital motion again overtakes the axial motion, and AB is again perpendicular to ME. (3) Parallactic Libration.—While an observer at the centre of the earth would get the same view of the moon, Moon Orbit Fig. 120. This will be evident from Fig. 120. E is the centre of the earth, and O a point on its surface. AB is a line drawn through the centre of the moon, perpendicular to a line joining the centres of the moon and the earth. This line marks off the part of the moon turned towards the centre of the earth, and remains essentially the same during the day. CD is a line drawn through the centre of the moon perpendicular to a line joining the centre of the moon and the point of observation. This line marks off the part of the moon turned towards O. When the moon is in the zenith, CD coincides with AB; but, when the moon is on the horizon, CD is inclined to AB. When the moon is on the eastern horizon, an observer at O sees a little beyond B, and not quite to A; and, when she is on the western horizon, he sees a little beyond A, and not quite to B. B is on the western limb of the moon, and A on her eastern limb. Since this libration is due to the point from which the moon Moon Phases Fig. 121. 107. Portion of the Lunar Surface brought into View by Libration.—The area brought into view by the first two librations is between one-twelfth and one-thirteenth of the whole lunar surface, or nearly one-sixth of the hemisphere of the moon which is turned away from the earth when the moon is at her state of mean libration. Of course a precisely equal portion of the hemisphere turned towards us during mean libration is carried out of view by the lunar librations. If we add to each of these areas a fringe about one degree wide, due to the diurnal libration, and which we may call the parallactic fringe, we shall find that the total area brought into view is almost exactly one-eleventh part of the whole surface of the moon. A similar area is carried out of view; so that the whole region thus swayed out of and into view amounts to two-elevenths of the moon's surface. This area is shown in Fig. 121, which is a side view of the moon. Fig. 122. 108. The Moon's Path through Space.—Were the earth stationary, the moon would describe an ellipse around it similar to that of Fig. 113; but, as the earth moves forward in her orbit at the same time that the moon revolves around it, the moon is made to describe a sinuous path, as shown by the continuous line in Fig. 122. This feature of the moon's path is greatly exaggerated in the upper portion of the diagram. The form of her path is given with a greater degree of accuracy in the lower part of the figure (the broken line represents the path Moon Orbit Fig. 123. The path described by the moon through space is much the same as that described by a point on the circumference of a wheel which is rolled over another wheel. If we place a circular disk against the wall, and carefully roll along its edge another circular disk (to which a piece of lead pencil has been fastened so as to mark upon the wall), the curve described will somewhat resemble that described by the moon. This curve is called an epicycloid, and it will be seen that at every point it is concave towards the centre of the larger disk. In the same way the moon's orbit is at every point concave towards the sun. Moon Orbit Fig. 124. The exaggeration of the sinuosity in Fig. 123 will be more evident when it is stated, that, on the scale of Fig. 124, the 109. The Lunar Day.—The lunar day is twenty-nine times and a half as long as the terrestrial day. Near the moon's equator the sun shines without intermission nearly fifteen of our days, and is absent for the same length of time. Consequently, the vicissitudes of temperature to which the surface is exposed must be very great. During the long lunar night the temperature of a body on the moon's surface would probably fall lower than is ever known on the earth, while during the day it must rise higher than anywhere on our planet. Moon Orbit Fig. 125. It might seem, that, since the moon rotates on her axis in about twenty-seven days, the lunar day ought to be twenty-seven days long, instead of twenty-nine. There is, however, a solar, as well as a sidereal, day at the moon, as on the earth; and the solar day at the moon is longer than the sidereal day, for the same reason as on the earth. During the solar day the moon must make both a synodical rotation and a synodical revolution. This will be evident from Fig. 125, in which is shown the path of the moon during one complete lunation. E, E', E'', etc., are the successive positions of the earth; and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the successive positions of the moon. The small arrows indicate the direction of the moon's rotation. The moon is full at 1 and 5. At 1, A, at the centre of the moon's It will also be evident from this diagram that the moon must make a synodical rotation during a synodical revolution, in order always to present the same side to the earth. 110. The Earth as seen from the Moon.—To an observer on the moon, the earth would be an immense moon, going through the same phases that the moon does to us; but, instead of rising and setting, it would only oscillate to and fro through a few degrees. On the other side of the moon it would never be seen at all. The peculiarities of the moon's motions which cause the librations, and make a spot on the moon's disk seem to an observer on the earth to oscillate to and fro, would cause the earth as a whole to appear to a lunar observer to oscillate to and fro in the heavens in a similar manner. It is a well-known fact, that, at the time of new moon, the dark part of the moon's surface is partially illumined, so that it becomes visible to the naked eye. This must be due to the light reflected to the moon from the earth. Since at new moon the moon is between the earth and sun, it follows, that, when it is new moon at the earth, it must be full earth at the moon: hence, while the bright crescent is enjoying full sunlight, the dark part of its surface is enjoying the light of the full earth. Fig. 126 represents the full earth as seen from the moon. Moon View Fig. 126. The Atmosphere of the Moon.111. The Moon has no Appreciable Atmosphere.—There are several reasons for believing that the moon has little or no atmosphere. Moon Eclipse Fig. 127. Moon Eclipse Fig. 128. If the atmosphere were not dense enough to produce this dusky border, its refraction would be sufficient to distort the delicate cusps of the sun's crescent in the manner shown at the top of Fig. 125; but no such distortion is ever observed. The cusps always appear clear and sharp, as shown at the bottom of the figure: hence it would seem that there can be no atmosphere of appreciable density at the moon. (2) The absence of an atmosphere from the moon is also shown by the absence of twilight and of diffused daylight. Upon the earth, twilight continues until the sun is eighteen degrees below the horizon; that is, day and night are separated by a belt twelve hundred miles in breadth, in which the transition from light to darkness is gradual. We have seen (66) that this twilight results from the refraction and reflection of light by our atmosphere; and, if the moon had an atmosphere, The shadows on the moon are also pitchy black, without a trace of diffused daylight. Moon Atmosphere Fig. 129. (3) The absence of an atmosphere is also proved by the absence of refraction when the moon passes between us and the stars. Let AB (Fig. 129) represent the disk of the moon, and CD an atmosphere supposed to surround it. Let SAE represent a straight line from the earth, touching the moon at A, and let S be a star situated in the direction of this line. If the moon had no atmosphere, this star would appear to touch the edge of the moon at A; but, if the moon had an atmosphere, a star behind the edge of the moon, at S', would be visible at the earth; for the ray S'A would be bent by the atmosphere into the direction AE'. So, also, on the opposite side of the moon, a star might be seen at the earth, although really behind the edge of the moon: hence, if the moon had an atmosphere, the time during which a star would be concealed by the moon would be less than if it had no atmosphere, and the amount of this effect must be proportional to the density of the atmosphere. The moon, in her orbital course across the heavens, is continually passing before, or occulting, some of the stars that so thickly stud her apparent path; and when we see a star thus pass behind the lunar disk on one side, and come out again on the other side, we are virtually observing the setting and rising of that star upon the moon. The moon's apparent diameter has been measured over and over again, and is known with Comparisons of these two intervals of time have been repeatedly made, the most extensive being executed under the direction of the Astronomer Royal of England, several years ago, and based upon no less than two hundred and ninety-six occultation observations. In this determination the measured or telescopic diameter of the moon was compared with the diameter deduced from the occultations; and it was found that the telescopic diameter was greater than the occultation diameter by two seconds of angular measurement, or by about a thousandth part of the whole diameter of the moon. This discrepancy is probably due, in part at least, to irradiation (91), which augments the apparent size of the moon, as seen in the telescope as well as with the naked eye; but, if the whole two seconds were caused by atmospheric refraction, this would imply a horizontal refraction of one second, which is only one two-thousandth of the earth's horizontal refraction. It is possible that an atmosphere competent to produce this refraction would not make itself visible in any other way. But an atmosphere two thousand times rarer than our air can scarcely be regarded as an atmosphere at all. The contents of an air-pump receiver can seldom be rarefied to a greater extent than to about a thousandth of the density of air at the earth's surface; and the lunar atmosphere, if it exists at all, is thus proved to be twice as attenuated as what we commonly call a vacuum. The Surface of the Moon.Moon Surface Fig. 130. 112. Dusky Patches on the Disk of the Moon.—With the naked eye, large dusky patches are seen on the moon, in which popular fancy has detected a resemblance to a human face. With a telescope of low power, these dark patches appear as smooth as water, and they were once supposed to be seas. This theory was the origin of the name mare (Latin for sea), which is still applied to the larger of these plains; but, if there were water on the surface of the moon, it could not fail to manifest its presence by its vapor, which would form an appreciable atmosphere. Moreover, with a high telescopic power, these plains present The chief of these plains are shown in Fig. 130. They are Mare Crisium, Mare Foecunditatis, Mare Nectaris, Mare Tranquillitatis, Mare Serenitatis, Mare Imbrium, Mare Frigoris, and Oceanus Procellarum. All these plains can easily be recognized on the surface of the full moon with the unaided eye. 113. The Terminator of the Moon.—The terminator of the moon is the line which separates the bright and dark portions of its disk. When viewed with a telescope of even moderate power, the terminator is seen to be very irregular and uneven. Many bright points are seen just outside of the terminator in the dark portion of the disk, while all along in the neighborhood of the terminator are bright patches and dense shadows. These appearances are shown in Figs. 131 and 132, which represent the moon near the first and last quarters. They indicate that the surface of the moon is very rough and uneven. Moon Surface Fig. 131. Moon Surface Fig. 132. As it is always either sunrise or sunset along the terminator, the bright spots outside of it are clearly the tops of mountains, which catch the rays of the sun while their bases 114. Height of the Lunar Mountains.—There are two methods of finding the height of lunar mountains:— (1) We may measure the length of the shadows, and then calculate the height of the mountains that would cast such shadows with the sun at the required height above the horizon. The length of a shadow may be obtained by the following method: the longitudinal wire of the micrometer (19) is adjusted so as to pass through the shadow whose length is to be measured, Moon Surface Fig. 133. The height of the sun above the horizon is ascertained by measuring the angular distance of the mountain from the terminator. (2) We may measure the distance of a bright point from the terminator, and then construct a right-angled triangle, as shown in Fig. 134. A solution of this triangle will enable us to ascertain the height of the mountain whose top is just catching the level rays of the sun. Moon Surface Fig. 134. B is the centre of the moon, M the top of the mountain, By one or the other of these methods, the heights of the lunar mountains have been found with a great degree of accuracy. It is claimed that the heights of the lunar mountains are more accurately known than those of the mountains on the earth. Compared with the size of the moon, lunar mountains attain a greater height than those on the earth. 115. General Aspect of the Lunar Surface.—A cursory examination of the moon with a low power is sufficient to show the prevalence of crater-like inequalities and the general tendency to circular shape which is apparent in nearly all the surface markings; for even the large "seas" and the smaller patches of the same character repeat in their outlines the round form of the craters. It is along the terminator that we see these crater-like spots to the best advantage; as it is there that the rising or setting sun casts Moon Surface Fig. 135. The prevalence of ring-shaped mountains and plains will be evident from Fig. 135, which is from a photograph of a model of the moon constructed by Nasmyth. This same feature is nearly as marked in Figs. 131 and 132, which are copies of Rutherfurd's photographs of the moon. 116. Lunar Craters.—The smaller saucer-shaped formations on the surface of the moon are called craters. They A typical lunar crater is shown in Fig. 136. Moon Surface Fig. 136. It is not generally believed that any active volcanoes exist on the moon at the present time, though some observers have thought they discerned indications of such volcanoes. Copernicus Crater Fig. 137. 117. Copernicus.—This is one of the grandest of lunar craters (Fig. 137). Although its diameter (forty-six miles) is exceeded by others, yet, taken as a whole, it forms one of the most impressive and interesting objects of its class. Its situation, near the centre of the lunar disk, renders all its wonderful details conspicuous, as well as those of objects immediately surrounding it. Its vast rampart rises to upwards of twelve thousand feet above the level of the plateau, nearly in the centre of which stands a magnificent group of cones, three of which attain a height of more than twenty-four hundred feet. Many ridges, or spurs, may be observed leading away from the outer banks of the great rampart. Around the crater, extending to a distance of more than a hundred miles on every side, there is a complex network of bright streaks, This crater is seen just to the south-west of the large dusky plain in the upper part of Fig. 132. This plain is Mare Imbrium, and the mountain-chain seen a little to the right of Copernicus is named the Apennines. Copernicus is also seen in Fig. 135, a little to the left of the same range. Under circumstances specially favorable, myriads of comparatively minute but perfectly formed craters may be observed for more than seventy miles on all sides around Copernicus. The district on the south-east side is specially rich in these thickly scattered craters, which we have reason to suppose stand over or upon the bright streaks. Chasm Fig. 138. One of the most remarkable groups of these chasms is that to the west of the crater named Triesneker. The crater and the chasms are shown in Fig. 138. Several of these great cracks obviously diverge from a small crater near the west bank of the great one, and they subdivide as they extend from the apparent point of divergence, while they are crossed by others. These cracks, or chasms, are nearly Mountains Fig. 139. 119. Mountain-Ranges.—There are comparatively few mountain-ranges on the moon. The three most conspicuous are those which partially enclose Mare Imbrium; namely, the Apennines on the south, and the Caucasus and the Alps on the east and north-east. The Apennines are the most extended of these, having a length of about four hundred Fig. 140. Fig. 140 represents an ideal lunar landscape near the base of such a lunar range. Owing to the absence of an atmosphere, the stars will be visible in full daylight. Mountains Fig. 141. 120. The Valley of the Alps.—The range of the Alps is shown in Fig. 141. The great crater at the north end of this range is named Plato. It is seventy miles in diameter. Mountains Fig. 142. 121. Isolated Peaks.—There are comparatively few isolated peaks to be found on the surface of the moon. One of the most remarkable of these is that known as Pico, and shown in Fig. 142. Its height exceeds eight thousand feet, and it is about three times as long at the base as it is broad. The summit is cleft into three peaks, as is shown by the three-peaked shadow it casts on the plain. 122. Bright Rays.—About the time of full moon, with a telescope of moderate power, a number of bright lines may be seen radiating from several of the lunar craters, extending often to the distance of hundreds of miles. These streaks do not arise from any perceptible difference of level of the surface, they have no very definite outline, Mountains Fig. 143. The three most conspicuous craters from which these lines radiate are Tycho, Copernicus, and Kepler. Tycho is seen at the bottom of Figs. 143 and 130. Kepler is a little to the left of Copernicus in the same figures. It has been thought that these bright streaks are chasms which have been filled with molten lava, which, on cooling, would afford a smooth reflecting surface on the top. 123. Tycho.—This crater is fifty-four miles in diameter, and about sixteen thousand feet deep, from the highest ridge of the rampart to the surface of the plateau, whence rises a central cone five thousand feet high. It is one of the most conspicuous of all the lunar craters; not so much on account of its dimensions as from its being the centre from whence diverge those remarkable bright streaks, many of which may be traced over a thousand miles of the moon's surface (Fig. 143). Tycho appears to be an instance of a vast disruptive action which rent the solid crust of the moon into radiating fissures, which were subsequently filled with molten matter, whose superior luminosity marks the course of the cracks in all directions from the crater as their common centre. So numerous are these bright streaks when examined by the aid of the telescope, and they give to this region of the moon's surface such increased luminosity, that, when viewed as a whole, the locality can be distinctly seen at full moon by the unassisted eye, as a bright patch of light on the southern portion of the disk. III. INFERIOR AND SUPERIOR PLANETS.Inferior Planets.124. The Inferior Planets.—The inferior planets are those which lie between the earth and the sun, and whose orbits are included by that of the earth. They are Mercury and Venus. Inferior Planets Fig. 144. 125. Aspects of an Inferior Planet.—The four chief aspects of an inferior planet as seen from the earth are shown in Fig. 144, in which S represents the sun, P the planet, and E the earth. When the planet is between the earth and the sun, as at P, it is said to be in inferior conjunction. When it is in the same direction as the sun, but beyond it, as at P'', it is said to be in superior conjunction. When the planet is at such a point in its orbit that a line drawn from the earth to it would be tangent to the orbit, as at P' and P''', it is said to be at its greatest elongation. Fig. 145. 126. Apparent Motion of an Inferior Planet.—When the planet is at P, if it could be seen at all, it would appear in the heavens at A. As it moves from P to P', it will appear to move in the heavens from A to B. Then, as it moves from P' to P'', it will appear to move back again from B to A. While it moves from P'' to P''', it will appear to move from A to C; and, while moving from P''' to P, it will appear to move back again from C to A. Thus the planet will appear to oscillate to and fro across the sun from B to C, never getting farther from the sun than B on the west, or C on the east: hence, when at these points, it is said to be at its greatest western and eastern elongations. This oscillating motion of an inferior planet across the sun, combined with the sun's motion among the stars, causes the Inferior Planet Motion Fig. 146. 127. Phases of an Inferior Planet.—An inferior planet, when viewed with a telescope, is found to present a succession of phases similar to those of the moon. The reason of this is evident from Fig. 146. As an inferior planet passes around the sun, it presents sometimes more and sometimes less of its bright hemisphere to the earth. When the earth is at T, and Venus at superior conjunction, the planet turns the whole of its bright hemisphere towards the earth, and appears full; it then becomes gibbous, half, and crescent. When it comes into inferior conjunction, it turns its dark hemisphere towards the earth: it then becomes crescent, half, gibbous, and full again. 128. The Sidereal and Synodical Periods of an Inferior Planet.—The time it takes a planet to make a complete revolution around the sun is called the sidereal period of the planet; and the time it takes it to pass from one aspect around to the same aspect again, its synodical period. Inferior Planet Motion Fig. 147. The synodical period of an inferior planet is longer than its sidereal period. This will be evident from an examination of Fig. 147. S is the position of the sun, E that of the earth, and P that of the planet at inferior conjunction. Before the planet can be in inferior conjunction again, it must pass entirely around its orbit, and overtake the earth, which has in the mean time passed on in its orbit to E'. While the earth is passing from E to E', the planet passes entirely around its orbit, and from P to P' in addition. The synodical period of the planet is found by direct observation. 129. The Length of the Sidereal Period.—The length of the sidereal period of an inferior planet may be found by the following computation:— Let a denote the synodical period of the planet, Let b denote the sidereal period of the earth, Let x denote the sidereal period of the planet. Then 360°/b = the daily motion of the earth, And 360°/x = the daily motion of the planet, And 360°/x - 360°/b = the daily gain of the planet: Also 360°/a = the daily gain of the planet: Hence 360°/x - 360°/b = 360°/a. Dividing by 360°, we have 1/x - 1/b = 1/a; Clearing of fractions, we have ab - ax = bx: Transposing and collecting, we have (a + b)x = ab: Therefore x = ab/a+b. 130. The Relative Distance of an Inferior Planet.—By the relative distance of a planet, we mean its distance from the sun compared with the earth's distance from the sun. The relative distance of an inferior planet may be found by the following method:— Inferior Planet Motion Fig. 148. Let V, in Fig. 148, represent the position of Venus at its greatest elongation from the sun, S the position of the sun, and E that of the earth. The line EV will evidently be tangent to a circle described about the sun with a radius equal to the distance of Venus from the sun at the time of this greatest The ratio of these lines may be found by trigonometrical computation as follows:— VS : ES = sin SEV : 1. Substitute the value of the sine of SEV, and we have VS : ES = .723 : 1. Hence the relative distances of Venus and of the earth from the sun are .723 and 1. Superior Planets.131. The Superior Planets.—The superior planets are those which lie beyond the earth. They are Mars, the Asteroids, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Superior Planet Motion Fig. 149. 132. Apparent Motion of a Superior Planet.—In order to deduce the apparent motion of a superior planet from the real motions of the earth and planet, let S (Fig. 149) be the place of the sun; 1, 2, 3, etc., the orbit of the earth; a, b, c, etc., the orbit of Mars; and CGL a part of the starry firmament. Let the orbit of the earth be divided into twelve equal parts, each described in one month; and let ab, bc, cd, etc., be the spaces described by Mars in the same time. Suppose the earth to be at the point 1 when Mars is at the point a, Mars will then appear in the heavens in the direction of 1 a. When the earth is at 3, and Mars at c, he will appear in the heavens at C. When the earth arrives at 4, Mars will arrive at d, and will appear in the heavens at D. While the earth moves from 4 to 5 and from 5 to 6, Mars will The apparent motion of a superior planet projected on the heavens is thus seen to be similar to that of an inferior planet, except that, in the latter case, the retrogression takes place near inferior conjunction, and in the former it takes place near opposition. Fig. 150. 133. Aspects of a Superior Planet.—The four aspects of a superior planet are shown in Fig. 150, in which S is the position of the sun, E that of the earth, and P that of the planet. When the planet is on the opposite side of the earth to the sun, as at P, it is said to be in opposition. The sun and the planet will then appear in opposite parts of the heavens, the sun appearing at C, and the planet at A. When the planet is on the opposite side of the sun to the earth, as at P'', it is said to be in superior conjunction. It will then appear in the same part of the heavens as the sun, both appearing at C. When the planet is at P' and P''', so that a line drawn from the earth through the planet will make a right angle with a line drawn from the earth to the sun, it is said to be Superior Planet Motion Fig. 151. 134. Phases of a Superior Planet.—Mars is the only one of the superior planets that has appreciable phases. At quadrature, as will appear from Fig. 151, Mars does not present quite the same side to the earth as to the sun: hence, near these parts of its orbit, the planet appears slightly gibbous. Elsewhere in its orbit, the planet appears full. All the other superior planets are so far away from the sun and earth, that the sides which they turn towards the sun and the earth in every part of their orbit are so nearly the same, that no change in the form of their disks can be detected. 135. The Synodical Period of a Superior Planet.—During a synodical period of a superior planet the earth must gain one revolution, or 360°, on the planet, as will be evident from an examination of Fig. 152, in which S represents the sun, E the earth, and P the planet at opposition. Before the planet can be in opposition again, the earth must make a complete revolution, and overtake the planet, which has in the mean time passed on from P to P'. Superior Planet Motion Fig. 152. In the case of most of the superior planets the synodical period is shorter than the sidereal period; but in the case of Mars it is longer, since Mars makes more than a complete revolution before the earth overtakes it. The synodical period of a superior planet is found by direct observation. 136. The Sidereal Period of a Superior Planet.—The sidereal period of a superior planet is found by a method of computation similar to that for finding the sidereal period of an inferior planet:— Let b denote the sidereal period of the earth, Let x denote the sidereal period of the planet. Then will 360°/b = daily motion of the earth, And 360°/x = daily motion of the planet; Also 360°/b - 360°/x = daily gain of the earth. But 360°/a = daily gain of the earth: Hence 360°/b - 360°/x = 360°/a 1/b - 1/x = 1/a ax - ab = bx (a-b)x = ab x = ab/(a-b). Superior Planet Distance Fig. 153. 137. The Relative Distance of a Superior Planet.—Let S, e, and m, in Fig. 153, represent the relative positions of the sun, the earth, and Mars, when the latter planet is in opposition. Let E and M represent the relative positions of the earth and Mars the day after opposition. At the first observation Mars will be seen in the direction emA, and at the second observation in the direction EMA. But the fixed stars are so distant, that if a line, eA, were drawn to a fixed star at the first observation, and a line, EB, drawn from the earth to the same fixed star at the second Since EB and eA are parallel, the angle EAS is equal to BEA. SEA = 180° - (ESA + EAS) ESM = ESA - MSA EMS = 180° - (SEA + ESM). We have then MS : ES = sin SEA : sin EMS. Substituting the values of the sines, and reducing the ratio to its lowest terms, we have MS : ES = 1.524 : 1. Thus we find that the relative distances of Mars and the earth from the sun are 1.524 and 1. By the simple observation of its greatest elongation, we are able to determine the relative distances of an inferior planet and the earth from the sun; and, by the equally simple observation of the daily retrogression of a superior planet, we can find the relative distances of such a planet and the earth from the sun. IV. THE SUN.I. MAGNITUDE AND DISTANCE OF THE SUN.Solar System Fig. 154. 138. The Volume of the Sun.—The apparent diameter of the sun is about 32', being a little greater than that of the moon. The real diameter of the sun is 866,400 miles, or about a hundred and nine times that of the earth. As the diameter of the moon's orbit is only about 480,000 miles, or some sixty times the diameter of the earth, it follows that the diameter of the sun is nearly double that of the moon's orbit: hence, were the centre of the sun placed at the centre of the earth, the sun would completely fill the moon's orbit, and reach nearly as far beyond it in every direction as it is from the earth to the moon. The circumference of the sun as compared with the moon's orbit is shown in Fig. 154. The volume of the sun is 1,305,000 times that of the earth. 139. The Mass of the Sun.—The sun is much less dense than the earth. The mass of the sun is only 330,000 times that of the earth, and its density only about a fourth that of the earth. To find the mass of the sun, we first ascertain the distance Although the mass of the sun is over three hundred thousand times that of the earth, the pull of gravity at the surface of the sun is only about twenty-eight times as great as at the surface of the earth. This is because the distance from the surface of the sun to its centre is much greater than from the surface to the centre of the earth. Sizes of Sun and Planets Fig. 155. 140. Size of the Sun Compared with that of the Planets.—The size of the sun compared with that of the larger Sizes of Sun and Planets Fig. 156. 141. The Distance of the Sun.—The mean distance "But, though the distance of the sun can easily be stated in figures, it is not possible to give any real idea of a space so enormous: it is quite beyond our power of conception. If one were to try to walk such a distance, supposing that he could walk four miles an hour, and keep it up for ten hours every day, it would take sixty-eight years and a half to make a single million of miles, and more than sixty-three hundred years to traverse the whole. "If some celestial railway could be imagined, the journey to the sun, even if our trains ran sixty miles an hour day and night and without a stop, would require over a hundred and seventy-five years. Sensation, even, would not travel so far in a human lifetime. To borrow the curious illustration of Professor Mendenhall, if we could imagine an infant with an arm long enough to enable him to touch the sun and burn himself, he would die of old age before the pain could reach him; since, according to the experiments of Helmholtz and others, a nervous shock is communicated only at the rate of about a hundred feet per second, or 1,637 miles a day, and would need more than a hundred and fifty years to make the journey. Sound would do it in about fourteen years, if it could be transmitted through celestial space; and a cannon-ball in about nine, if it were to move uniformly with the same speed as when it left the muzzle of the gun. If the earth could be suddenly stopped in her orbit, and allowed to fall unobstructed toward the sun, under the accelerating influence of his attraction, she would reach the centre in about four months. I have said if she could be stopped; but such is the compass of her orbit, that, to make its circuit in a year, she has to move nearly nineteen miles a second, or more than fifty times faster than the swiftest rifle-ball; and, in moving twenty miles, her path deviates from perfect straightness by less than an eighth of an inch. And yet, over all the circumference of this tremendous orbit, the sun 142. Method of Finding the Sun's Distance.—There are several methods of finding the sun's distance. The simplest method is that of finding the actual distance of one of the nearer planets by observing its displacement in the sky as seen from widely separated points on the earth. As the relative distances of the planets from each other and from the sun are well known, we can easily deduce the actual distance of the sun if we can find that of any of the planets. The two planets usually chosen for this method are Mars and Venus. (1) The displacement of Mars in the sky, as seen from two observatories which differ considerably in latitude, is, of course, greatest when Mars is nearest the earth. Now, it is evident than Mars will be nearer the earth when in opposition than when in any other part of its orbit; and the planet will be least distant from the earth when it is at its perihelion point, and the earth is at its aphelion point, at the time of opposition. This method, then, can be used to the best advantage, when, at the time of opposition, Mars is near its perihelion, and the earth near its aphelion. These favorable oppositions occur about once in fifteen years, and the last one was in 1877. Distance of Sun Fig. 157. Suppose two observers situated at N' and S' (Fig. 157), near the poles of the earth. The one at N' would see Mars in the sky at N, and the one at S' would see it at S. The displacement would be the angle NMS. Each observer measures carefully the distance of Mars from the same fixed star near it. The difference of these distances gives the displacement of the planet, or the angle NMS. These observations were made with the greatest care in 1877. Distance of Sun Fig. 158. Suppose two observers, A and B (Fig. 158), near the poles of the earth at the time of a transit of Venus. The observer at A would see Venus crossing the sun at V2, and the one at B would see it crossing at V1. Any observation made upon Venus, which would give the distance and direction of Venus from the centre of the sun, as seen from each station, would enable us to calculate the angular distance between the two chords described across the sun. This, of course, would give the displacement of Venus on the sun's disk. This method was first employed at the last transits of Venus which occurred before 1874; namely, those of 1761 and 1769. There are three methods of observation employed to ascertain the apparent direction and distance of Venus from the centre of the sun, called respectively the contact method, the micrometric method, and the photographic method. (a) In the contact method, the observation consists in noting the exact time when Venus crosses the sun's limb. To ascertain "The difficulties depend in part upon the imperfections of optical instruments and the human eye, partly upon the essential nature of light leading to what is known as diffraction, and partly upon the action of the planet's atmosphere. The two first-named causes produce what is called irradiation, and operate to make the apparent diameter of the planet, as seen on the solar disk, smaller than it really is; smaller, too, by an amount which varies with the size of the telescope, the perfection of its lenses, and the tint and brightness of the sun's image. The edge of the planet's image is also rendered slightly hazy and indistinct. Distance of Sun Fig. 159. "The planet's atmosphere also causes its disk to be surrounded by a narrow ring of light, which becomes visible long before the planet touches the sun, and, at the moment of internal contact, produces an appearance, of which the accompanying figure is intended to give an idea, though on an exaggerated scale. The planet moves so slowly as to occupy more than twenty minutes in crossing the sun's limb; so that even if the planet's edge were perfectly sharp and definite, and the sun's limb undistorted, it would be very difficult to determine the precise second at which contact occurs. But, as things are, observers with precisely similar telescopes, and side by side, often differ from each other five or six seconds; and, where the telescopes are not similar, the differences and uncertainties are much greater.... Astronomers, therefore, at present are pretty much agreed that such observations can be of little value in removing the remaining uncertainty of the parallax, and are disposed to put more reliance upon the micrometric and photographic methods, which are free from these peculiar difficulties, (b) Of the micrometric method, as employed at the last transit, Professor Young speaks as follows:— "The micrometric method requires the use of a heliometer,—an instrument common only in Germany, and requiring much skill and practice in its use in order to obtain with it accurate measures. At the late transit, a single English party, two or three of the Russian parties, and all five of the German, were equipped with these instruments; and at some of the stations extensive series of measures were made. None of the results, however, have appeared as yet; so that it is impossible to say how greatly, if at all, this method will have the advantage in precision over the contact observations." (c) The following observations, with reference to the photographic method, are also taken from Professor Young:— "The Americans and French placed their main reliance upon the photographic method, while the English and Germans also provided for its use to a certain extent. The great advantage of this method is, that it makes it possible to perform the necessary measurements (upon whose accuracy every thing depends) at leisure after the transit, without hurry, and with all possible precautions. The field-work consists merely in obtaining as many and as good pictures as possible. A principal objection to the method lies in the difficulty of obtaining good pictures, i.e., pictures free from distortion, and so distinct and sharp as to bear high magnifying power in the microscopic apparatus used for their measurement. The most serious difficulty, however, is involved in the accurate determination of the scale of the picture; that is, of the number of seconds of arc corresponding to a linear inch upon the plate. Besides this, we must know the exact Greenwich time at which each picture is taken, and it is also extremely desirable that the orientation of the picture should be accurately determined; that is, the north and south, the east and west points of the solar image on the finished plate. There has been a good deal of anxiety lest the image, however accurate and sharp when first produced, should alter, in course of time, through the contraction of the collodion film on the glass plate; but the experiments of "The figure below is a representation of one of the American photographs reduced about one-half. V is the image of Venus, which, on the actual plate, is about a seventh of an inch in diameter; aa' is the image of the plumb-line. The centre of the reticle is marked with a cross." Examination of Sun Fig. 160. The English photographs proved to be of little value, and the results of the measurements and calculations upon the American pictures have not yet been published. There is a growing apprehension that no photographic method can be relied upon. The most recent determinations by various methods indicate that the sun's distance is such that his parallax is about eighty-eight seconds. This would make the linear value of a second at the surface of the sun about four hundred and fifty miles. Photograph of Sun Plate 1. II. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CONDITION OF THE SUN.Physical Condition of the Sun.143. The Sun Composed mainly of Gas.—It is now generally believed that the sun is mainly a ball of gas, or vapor, powerfully condensed at the centre by the weight of the superincumbent mass, but kept from liquefying by its exceedingly high temperature. The gaseous interior of the sun is surrounded by a layer of luminous clouds, which constitutes its visible surface, and which is called its photosphere. Here and there in the photosphere are seen dark spots, which often attain an immense magnitude. These clouds float in the solar atmosphere, which extends some distance beyond them. The luminous surface of the sun is surrounded by a rose-colored stratum of gaseous matter, called the chromosphere. Here and there great masses of this chromospheric matter rise high above the general level. These masses are called prominences. Outside of the chromosphere is the corona, an irregular halo of faint, pearly light, mainly composed of filaments and streamers, which radiate from the sun to enormous distances, often more than a million of miles. In Fig. 161 is shown a section of the sun, according to Professor Young. The accompanying lithographic plate gives a general view of the photosphere with its spots, and of the chromosphere and its prominences. 144. The Temperature of the Sun.—Those who have investigated the subject of the temperature of the sun have come to very different conclusions; some placing it as high as four million degrees Fahrenheit, and others as low as ten thousand degrees. Professor Young thinks that Rosetti's Section of Sun Fig. 161. 145. The Amount of Heat Radiated by the Sun.—A unit of heat is the amount of heat required to raise a pound of water one degree in temperature. It takes about a hundred and forty-three units of heat to melt a pound of ice without changing its temperature. A cubic foot of ice weighs about fifty-seven pounds. According to Sir William Herschel, were all the heat radiated by the sun concentrated Professor Young gives the following illustration of the energy of solar radiation: "If we could build up a solid column of ice from the earth to the sun, two miles and a quarter in diameter, spanning the inconceivable abyss of ninety-three million miles, and if then the sun should concentrate his power upon it, it would dissolve and melt, not in an hour, nor a minute, but in a single second. One swing of the pendulum, and it would be water; seven more, and it would be dissipated in vapor." Section of Sun Fig. 162. This heat would be sufficient to melt a layer of ice nearly fifty feet thick all around the sun in a minute. To develop this heat would require the hourly consumption of a layer of anthracite coal, more than sixteen feet thick, over the entire surface of the sun; and the mechanical equivalent of this heat is about ten thousand horse-power on every square foot of the sun's surface. 146. The Brightness of the Sun's Surface.—The sun's surface is a hundred and ninety thousand times as bright as a candle-flame, a hundred and forty-six times as bright as the calcium-light, and about three times and a half as bright as the voltaic arc. The sun's disk is much less bright near the margin than near the centre, a point on the limb of the sun being only about a fourth as bright as one near the centre of the disk. This diminution of brightness towards the margin of the disk is due to the increase in the absorption of the solar The Spectroscope.Spectroscope Fig. 163. 147. The Spectroscope as an Astronomical Instrument.—The spectroscope is now continually employed in the study of the physical condition and chemical constitution of the sun and of the other heavenly bodies. It has become almost as indispensable to the astronomer as the telescope. 148. The Dispersion Spectroscope.—The essential parts of the dispersion spectroscope are shown in Fig. 163. These are the collimator tube, the prism, and the telescope. The collimator tube has a narrow slit at one end, through which the light to be examined is admitted, and somewhere within the tube a lens for condensing the light. The light is dispersed on passing through the prism: it then passes through the objective of the telescope, and forms Spectroscope Fig. 164. Spectroscope Fig. 165. 149. The Micrometer Scale.—Various devices are employed to obtain an image of a micrometer scale in the tube of the telescope beside that of the spectrum. Assembly Fig. 166. One of the simplest of these methods is shown in Fig. 166. A is the telescope, B the collimator, and C the Obtaining Spectra Fig. 167. 150. The Comparison of Spectra.—In order to compare Prisms Fig. 168. 151. Direct-Vision Spectroscope.—A beam of light may be dispersed, without any ultimate deflection from its course, by combining prisms of crown and flint glass with equal refractive, but unequal dispersive powers. Such a combination of prisms is called a direct-vision combination. One of three prisms is shown in Fig. 168, and one of five prisms in Fig. 169. Fig. 169. Spectroscope Fig. 170. A direct-vision spectroscope (Fig. 170) is one in which a direct-vision combination of prisms is employed. C is the collimator tube, P the train of prisms, F the telescope, and r the comparison prism. Telespectroscope Fig. 171. 152. The Telespectroscope.—The spectroscope, when used for astronomical work, is usually combined with a Telespectroscope Fig. 172. Telespectroscope Fig. 173. 153. The Diffraction Spectroscope.—A diffraction spectroscope is one in which the spectrum is produced by reflection of the light from a finely ruled surface, or grating, as it is called, instead of by dispersion in passing through a Spectroscope Fig. 174. Spectra.154. Continuous Spectra.—Light from an incandescent solid or liquid which has suffered no absorption in the medium which it has traversed gives a spectrum consisting of a continuous colored band, in which the colors, from the red to the violet, pass gradually and imperceptibly into one another. The spectrum is entirely free from either light or dark lines, and is called a continuous spectrum. 155. Bright-Lined Spectra.—Light from a luminous gas or vapor gives a spectrum composed of bright lines separated by dark spaces, and known as a bright-lined spectrum. It has been found that the lines in the spectrum of a substance in the state of a gas or vapor are the most characteristic thing about the substance, since no two vapors give exactly the same lines: hence, when we have once become acquainted with the bright-lined spectrum of any substance, we can ever after recognize that substance by the spectrum of its luminous vapor. Even when several substances are mixed, they may all be recognized by the bright-lined spectrum of the mixture, since the lines of The bright-lined spectra of several substances are given in the frontispiece. The number of lines in the spectra of the elements varies greatly. The spectrum of sodium is one of the simplest, while that of iron is one of the most complex. The latter contains over six hundred lines. Though no two vapors give identical spectra, there are many cases in which one or more of the spectral lines of one element coincide in position with lines of other elements. 156. Methods of rendering Gases and Vapors Luminous.—In order to study the spectra of vapors and gases it is necessary to have some means of converting solids and liquids into vapor, and also of rendering the vapors and gases luminous. There are four methods of obtaining luminous vapors and gases in common use. Spectroscope Fig. 175. (1) By means of the Bunsen Flame.—This is a very hot but an almost non-luminous flame. If any readily volatilized substance, such as the compounds of sodium, calcium, strontium, etc., is introduced into this flame on a fine platinum wire, it is volatilized in the flame, and its vapor is rendered luminous, giving the flame its own peculiar color. The flame thus colored may be examined by the spectroscope. The arrangement of the flame is shown in Fig. 175. Electric Lamp Fig. 176. (2) By means of the Voltaic Arc.—An electric lamp is shown in Fig. 176. When this lamp is to be used for obtaining luminous vapors, the lower carbon is made larger than the (3) By means of the Spark from an Induction Coil.—The arrangement of the coil for obtaining luminous vapors is shown in Fig. 177. Induction Coil Fig. 177. The terminals of the coil between which the spark is to pass are brought quite close together. When we wish to vaporize any metal, as iron, the terminals are made of iron. On the passage of the spark, a little of the iron at the ends of the terminals is evaporated; and the vapor is rendered luminous in the space traversed by the spark. A condenser is usually placed in the circuit. With the coil, the temperature may be varied at pleasure; and the vapor may be raised even to a higher temperature than with By means of the induction coil we may also heat gases to incandescence. It is only necessary to allow the spark to pass through a space filled with the gas. Vacuum Tube Fig. 178. (4) By means of a Vacuum Tube.—The form of the vacuum tube commonly used for this purpose is shown in Fig. 178. The gas to be examined, and which is contained in the tube, has very slight density: but upon the passage of the discharge from an induction coil or a Holtz machine, through the tube, the gas in the capillary part of the tube becomes heated to a high temperature, and is then quite brilliant. 157. Reversed Spectra.—If the light from an incandescent cylinder of lime, or from the incandescent point of an electric lamp, is allowed to pass through luminous sodium vapor, and is then examined with a spectroscope, the spectrum will be found to be a bright spectrum crossed by a single dark line in the position of the yellow line of the sodium vapor. The spectrum of sodium vapor is reversed, its bright lines becoming dark and its dark spaces bright. With a spectroscope of any considerable power, the yellow line of sodium vapor is resolved into a double line. With a spectroscope of the same power, the dark sodium line of the reversed spectrum is seen to be a double line. 158. Explanation of Reversed Spectra.—It has been found that gases absorb and quench rays of the same degree of refrangibility as those which they themselves emit, and no others. When a solid is shining through a luminous vapor, this absorbs and quenches those rays from the solid which have the same degrees of refrangibility as those which it is itself emitting: hence the lines of the spectrum receive light from the vapor alone, while the spaces between the lines receive light from the solid. Now, solids and liquids, when heated to incandescence, give a very much brighter light than vapors and gases at the same temperature: hence the lines of a reversed spectrum, though receiving light from the vapor or gas, appear dark by contrast. 159. Effect of Increasing the Power of the Spectroscope upon the Brilliancy of a Spectrum.—An increase in the power of a spectroscope diminishes the brilliancy of a continuous spectrum, since it makes the colored band longer, and therefore spreads the light out over a greater extent of surface; but, in the case of a bright-lined spectrum, an increase of power in the spectroscope produces scarcely any alteration in the brilliancy of the lines, since it merely separates the lines farther without making the lines themselves any wider. In the case of a reversed spectrum, an increase of power in the spectroscope dilutes the light in the spaces between the lines without diluting that of the lines: hence lines which appear dark in a spectroscope of slight dispersive power may appear bright in an instrument of great dispersive power. 161. Change of the Spectrum with the Temperature of the Luminous Vapor.—It has also been found that the appearance of a bright-lined spectrum changes considerably with the temperature of the luminous vapor. In some cases, an increase of temperature changes the relative intensities of the lines; in other cases, it causes new lines to appear, and old lines to disappear. In the case of a compound vapor, an increase of temperature causes the colored bands (which are peculiar to the spectrum of the compound) to disappear, and to be replaced by the spectral lines of the elements of which the compound is made up. The heat appears to dissociate the compound; that is, to resolve it into its constituent elements. In this case, each elementary vapor would give its own spectral lines. As the compound is not completely dissociated at once, it is possible, of course, for one or more of It has been found, that, in some cases, the spectra of the elementary gases change with the temperature of the gas; and Lockyer thinks he has discovered conclusive evidence, in the spectra of the sun and stars, that many of the substances regarded as elementary are really resolved into simpler substances by the intense heat of the sun; in other words, that our so-called elements are really compounds. Chemical Constitution of the Sun.162. The Solar Spectrum.—The solar spectrum is crossed transversely by a great number of fine dark lines, and hence it belongs to the class of reversed spectra. These lines were first studied and mapped by Fraunhofer, and from him they have been called Fraunhofer's lines. Spectral Map Fig. 179. A reduced copy of Fraunhofer's map is shown in Fig. 179. A few of the most prominent of the dark solar lines are designated by the letters of the alphabet. The other lines are usually designated by the numbers at which they are found on the scale which accompanies the map. This scale is usually drawn at the top of the map, as will be seen in some of the following diagrams. The two most elaborate maps of the solar spectrum are those of Kirchhoff and AngstrÖm. The scale on Kirchhoff's map is an arbitrary one, while that of AngstrÖm is based upon the wave-lengths of the rays of light which would fall upon the lines in the spectrum. Spectrum Fig. 180. The appearance of the spectrum varies greatly with the Spectrum Fig. 181. 163. The Telluric Lines.—There are many lines of the solar spectrum which vary considerably in intensity as the sun passes from the horizon to the meridian, being most intense when the sun is nearest the horizon, and when his rays are obliged to pass through the greatest depth of the earth's atmosphere. These lines are of atmospheric origin, and are due to the absorption of the aqueous vapor in our atmosphere. They are the same lines that are obtained when a candle or other artificial light is examined with a spectroscope through a long tube filled with steam. Since these lines are due to the absorption of our own atmosphere, they are called telluric lines. A map of these lines is shown in Fig. 182. Spectrum Fig. 182. 164. The Solar Lines.—After deducting the telluric lines, the remaining lines of the solar spectrum are of solar origin. They must be due to absorption which takes place in the sun's atmosphere. They are, in fact, the reversed spectra of the elements which exist in the solar atmosphere in the state of vapor: hence we conclude that the luminous surface of the sun is surrounded with an atmosphere of luminous vapors. The temperature of this atmosphere, at Spectrum Fig. 183. 165. Chemical Constitution of the Sun's Atmosphere.—To find whether any element which exists on the earth is present in the solar atmosphere, we have merely to ascertain whether the bright lines of its gaseous spectrum are matched by dark lines in the solar spectrum when the two spectra are placed side by side. In Fig. 183, we have in No. 1 a portion of the red end of the solar spectra, and in No. 2 the spectrum of sodium vapor, both as obtained in the same spectroscope by means of the comparison prism. It will be seen that the double sodium line is exactly matched by a double dark line of the solar spectrum: hence we conclude that sodium vapor is present in the sun's atmosphere. Fig. 184 shows the matching of a great number of the bright lines of iron vapor by dark lines in the solar spectrum. This matching of the iron lines establishes the fact that iron vapor is present in the solar atmosphere. Spectrum Fig. 184. The following table (given by Professor Young) contains a list of all the elements which have, up to the present time, been detected with certainty in the sun's atmosphere. It also gives the number of bright lines in the spectrum of each element, and the number of those
In addition to the above elements, it is probable that several other elements are present in the sun's atmosphere; since at least one of their bright lines has been found to coincide with dark lines of the solar spectrum. There are, however, a large number of elements, no traces of which have yet been detected; and, in the cases of the elements whose presence in the solar atmosphere has been established, the matching of the lines is far from complete in the majority of the cases, as will be seen from the above table. This want of complete coincidence of the lines is undoubtedly due to the very high temperature of Lockyer maintains that the reason why no trace of the spectral lines of certain of our so-called elements is found in the solar atmosphere is, that these substances are not really elementary, and that the intense heat of the sun resolves them into simpler constituents. Motion at the Surface of the Sun.166. Change of Pitch caused by Motion of Sounding Body.—When a sounding body is moving rapidly towards us, the pitch of its note becomes somewhat higher than when the body is stationary; and, when such a body is moving rapidly from us, the pitch of its note is lowered somewhat. We have a good illustration of this change of pitch at a country railway station on the passage of an express-train. The pitch of the locomotive whistle is considerably higher when the train is approaching the station than when it is leaving it. 167. Explanation of the Change of Pitch produced by Motion.—The pitch of sound depends upon the rapidity with which the pulsations of sound beat upon the drum of When a sounding body is moving rapidly forward, the sound-waves are crowded together a little, and therefore shortened; when it is moving backward, the sound-waves are drawn out, or lengthened a little. The effect of the motion of a sounding body upon the length of its sonorous waves will be readily seen from the following illustration: Suppose a number of persons stationed at equal intervals in a line on a long platform capable of moving backward and forward. Suppose the men are four feet apart, and all walking forward at the same rate, and that the platform is stationary, and that, as the men leave the platform, they keep on walking at the same rate: the men will evidently be four feet apart in the line in front of the platform, as well as on it. Suppose next, that the platform is The distance between the men in this illustration corresponds to the length of the sound-wave, or the distance between its two ends. Were a person to stand beside the line, and count the men that passed him in the three cases given above, he would find that more persons would pass him in the same time when the platform is moving forward than when it is stationary, and fewer persons would pass him in the same time when the platform is moving backward than when it is stationary. In the same way, when a sounding body is moving rapidly forward, the sound-waves beat more rapidly upon the ear of a person who is standing still than when the body is at rest, and less rapidly when the sounding body is moving rapidly backward. Were the platform stationary, and were the person who is counting the men to be walking along the line, either towards or away from the platform, the effect upon the number of men passing him in a given time would be precisely the same as it would be were the person stationary, and the platform moving either towards or away from him at the same rate. So the change in the rapidity with which pulsations of sound beat upon the ear is precisely the same whether the ear is stationary and the sounding body moving, or the sounding body is stationary and the ear moving. 168. Change of Refrangibility due to the Motion of a Luminous Body.—Refrangibility in light corresponds to pitch in sound, and depends upon the length of the luminous waves. The shorter the luminous waves, the greater the refrangibility of the waves. Very rapid motion of a luminous body has the same effect upon the length of the Spectral Lines Fig. 185. 169. Displacement of Spectral Lines.—In examining the spectra of the stars, we often find that certain of the dark lines are displaced somewhat, either towards the red or the violet end of the spectrum. As the dark lines are in the same position as the bright lines of the absorbing vapor would be, a displacement of the lines towards the red end of the spectrum indicates a lowering of the refrangibility of the rays, due to a motion of the luminous vapor away from us; and a displacement of the lines towards the violet end of the spectrum indicates an increase of refrangibility, due to a motion of the luminous vapor towards us. From the amount of the displacement of the lines, it is possible to calculate the velocity at which the luminous gas is moving. In Fig. 185 is shown the displacement of the F line in the spectrum of Sirius. This is one of the hydrogen lines. RV is the spectrum, R being the red, and V the violet end. The long vertical line is the bright F line of hydrogen, and the short dark line to the left of it is the position of the F line in the spectrum of Sirius. It is seen that this line is displaced somewhat towards the red end of the spectrum. This indicates that Sirius must be moving from us; and the amount of the displacement indicates that the star Spectral Lines Fig. 186. 170. Contortion of Lines on the Disk of the Sun.—Certain of the dark lines seen on the centre of the sun's disk often appear more or less distorted, as shown in Fig. 186, which represents the contortion of the hydrogen line as seen at various times. 1 and 2 indicate a rapid motion of hydrogen away from us, or a down-rush at the sun; 3 and 4 (in which the line at the centre is dark on one side, and bent towards the red end of the spectrum, and bright on the other side with a distortion towards the violet end of the spectrum) indicate a down-rush of cool hydrogen side by side with an up-rush of hot and bright hydrogen; 5 indicates local down-rushes associated with quiescent hydrogen. The contorted lines, which indicate a violently agitated state of the sun's atmosphere, appear in the midst of other lines which indicate a quiescent state. This is owing to the fact that the absorption which produces the dark lines takes place at various depths in the solar atmosphere. There may be violent commotion in the lower layers of the sun's atmosphere, and comparative quiet in the upper layers. In this case, the lines which are due to absorption in the lower layers would indicate this disturbance by their contortions; while the lines produced by absorption in the upper layers would be free from contortion. A remarkable case of contortion witnessed by Professor Young is shown in Fig. 187. Three successive appearances of the C line are shown. The second view was taken three minutes after the first, and the third five minutes after the second. The contortion in this case indicated a velocity ranging from two hundred to three hundred miles a second. Spectral Lines Fig. 187. 171. Contortion of Lines on the Sun's Limb.—When the spectroscope is directed to the centre of the sun's disk, the distortion of the lines indicates only vertical motion in the sun's atmosphere; but, when the spectroscope is directed to the limb of the sun, displacements of the lines indicate horizontal motions in the sun's atmosphere. When a powerful spectroscope is directed to the margin of the sun's disk, so that the slit of the collimator tube shall be perpendicular to the sun's limb, one or more of the dark lines on the disk are seen to be prolonged by a bright line, as shown in Fig. 188. But this prolongation, instead of being straight and narrow, as shown in the figure, Spectral Lines Fig. 188. Spectral Lines Fig. 189. The distortions of the solar lines indicate that the wind at the surface of the sun often blows with a velocity of from one hundred to three hundred miles a second. The most violent wind known on the earth has velocity of a hundred miles an hour. III. THE PHOTOSPHERE AND SUN SPOTS.The Photosphere.Photosphere Fig. 190. 172. The Granulation of the Photosphere.—When the surface of the sun is examined with a good telescope under favorable atmospheric conditions, it is seen to be composed of minute grains of intense brilliancy and of irregular form, floating in a darker medium, and arranged in streaks and groups, as shown in Fig. 190. With a rather low power, the general effect of the surface is much like that of rough drawing-paper, or of curdled milk seen from a little distance. With a high power and excellent atmospheric conditions, the grains are seen to be irregular, rounded masses, Photosphere Fig. 191. With a very powerful telescope and the very best atmospheric conditions, the grains themselves are resolved into granules, or little luminous dots, not more than a hundred miles or so in diameter, which, by their aggregation, make up the grains, just as they, in their turn, make up the coarser masses of the solar surface. Professor Langley estimates that these granules constitute about one-fifth of the sun's surface, while they emit at least three-fourths of its light. 173. Shape of the Grains.—The grains differ considerably in shape at different times and on different parts of the sun's surface. Nasmyth, in 1861, described them as willow-leaves in shape, several thousand miles in length, but narrow and with pointed ends. He figured the surface of the sun as a sort of basket-work formed by the interweaving of such filaments. To others they have appeared to have the form of rice-grains. On portions of the sun's disk the elementary structure is often composed of long, narrow, blunt-ended filaments, not so much like willow-leaves as like bits of straw lying roughly parallel to each other,—a thatch-straw formation, as it has been called. This is specially common in the immediate neighborhood of the spots. 174. Nature of the Grains.—The grains are, undoubtedly, incandescent clouds floating in the sun's atmosphere, As to the forms of the grains, Professor Young says, "If one were to speculate as to the explanation of the grains and thatch-straws, it might be that the grains are the upper ends of long filaments of luminous cloud, which, over most of the sun's surface, stand approximately vertical, but in the neighborhood of a spot are inclined so as to lie nearly horizontal. This is not certain, though: it may be that the cloud-masses over the more quiet portions of the solar surface are really, as they seem, nearly globular, while near the spots they are drawn out into filamentary forms by atmospheric currents." 175. FaculÆ.—The faculÆ are irregular streaks of greater brightness than the general surface, looking much like the flecks of foam on the surface of a stream below a waterfall. They are sometimes from five to twenty thousand miles in length, covering areas immensely larger than a terrestrial continent. These faculÆ are elevated regions of the solar surface, ridges and crests of luminous matter, which rise above the general level of the sun's surface, and protrude through the denser portions of the solar atmosphere. When one of these passes over the edge of the sun's disk, it can be seen to project, like a little tooth. Any elevation on the sun to be perceptible at all must measure at least half a second of an arc, or two hundred and twenty-five miles. The faculÆ are most numerous in the neighborhood of the spots, and much more conspicuous near the limb of the sun than near the centre of the disk. Fig. 192 gives the general appearance of the faculÆ, and the darkening Faculae Fig. 192. 176. Why the FaculÆ are most Conspicuous near the Limb of the Sun.—The reason why the faculÆ are most conspicuous near the limb of the sun is this: The luminous surface of the sun is covered with an atmosphere, which, though not very thick compared with the diameter of the sun, is still sufficient to absorb a good deal of light. Light coming from the centre of the sun's disk penetrates this atmosphere under the most favorable conditions, and is but slightly reduced in amount. The edges of the disk, on the other hand, are seen through a much greater thickness of atmosphere; and the light is reduced by absorption some seventy-five per cent. Suppose, now, a facula were sufficiently elevated to penetrate quite through this atmosphere. Its light would be undimmed by absorption on any part of the sun's disk; but at the centre of the disk it would be seen against a background nearly as bright as itself, while at the margin it would be seen against one only a Sun-Spots.177. General Appearance of Sun-Spots.—The general appearance of a well-formed sun-spot is shown in Fig. 193. The spot consists of a very dark central portion of irregular shape, called the umbra, which is surrounded by a less dark fringe, called the penumbra. The penumbra is made up, for the most part, of filaments directed radially inward. Sunspots Fig. 193. There is great variety in the details of form in different sun-spots; but they are generally nearly circular during the middle period of their existence. During the period of their development and of their disappearance they are much more irregular in form. There is a general antithesis between the irregularities of the outer and inner edges of the penumbra. Where an angle of the penumbral matter crowds in upon the umbra, it is generally matched by a corresponding outward extension into the photosphere, and vice versa. The umbra of the spot is far from being uniformly dark. Many of the penumbral filaments terminate in little detached grains of luminous matter; and there are also fainter veils of a substance less brilliant, but sometimes rose-colored, which seem to float above the umbra. The umbra itself is made up of masses of clouds which are really intensely brilliant, and which appear dark only by contrast with the intenser brightness of the solar surface. Among these clouds are often seen one or more minute circular spots much darker than the rest of the umbra. These darker portions are called nuclei. They seem to be the mouths of tubular orifices penetrating to unknown depths. The faint veils mentioned above continually melt away, and are replaced by others in some different position. The bright granules at the tips of the penumbral filaments seem to sink and dissolve, while fresh portions break off to replace them. There is a continual indraught of luminous matter over the whole extent of the penumbra. At times, though very rarely, patches of intense brightness suddenly break out, remain visible for a few minutes, and The spots change their form and size quite perceptibly from day to day, and sometimes even from hour to hour. 178. Duration of Sun-Spots.—The average life of a sun-spot is two or three months: the longest on record is that of a spot observed in 1840 and 1841, which lasted eighteen months. There are cases, however, where the disappearance of a spot is very soon followed by the appearance of another at the same point; and sometimes this alternate disappearance and re-appearance is several times repeated. While some spots are thus long-lived, others endure only a day or two, and sometimes only a few hours. 179. Groups of Spots.—The spots usually appear not singly, but in groups. A large spot is often followed by a train of smaller ones to the east of it, many of which are apt to be irregular in form and very imperfect in structure, sometimes with no umbra at all, often with a penumbra only on one side. In such cases, when any considerable change of form or structure shows itself in the principal spot, it seems to rush westward over the solar surface, leaving its attendants trailing behind. When a large spot divides into two or more, as often happens, the parts usually seem to repel each other, and fly apart with great velocity. 180. Size of the Spots.—The spots are sometimes of enormous size. Groups have often been observed covering areas of more than a hundred thousand miles square, and single spots occasionally measure from forty to fifty thousand miles in diameter, the umbra being twenty-five or thirty thousand miles across. A spot, however, measuring thirty thousand miles over all, may be considered a large one. Such a spot can easily be seen without a telescope when the brightness of the sun's surface is reduced by clouds or Sunspots Fig. 194. Fig. 194 represents a group of sun-spots observed by Professor Langley, and drawn on the same scale as the small circle in the upper left-hand corner, which represents the surface of half of our globe. Sunspots Fig. 195. 181. The Penumbral Filaments.—Not unfrequently the penumbral filaments are curved spirally, indicating a cyclonic action, as shown in Fig. 195. In such cases the whole spot usually turns slowly around, sometimes completing an entire revolution in a few days. More frequently, however, the spiral motion lasts but a short time; and occasionally, after continuing for a while in one direction, the motion is reversed. Very often in large spots we observe opposite Sunspots Fig. 196. Neighboring spots show no tendency to rotate in the same direction. The number of spots in which a decided cyclonic motion (like that shown in Fig. 198) appears is Sunspots Fig. 197. Sunspots Fig. 198. Sunspots Plate 2. Plate II. represents a typical sun-spot as delineated by Professor Langley. At the left-hand and upper portions of this great spot the filaments present the ordinary appearance, Sunspots Fig. 199. 182. Birth and Decay of Sun-Spots.—The formation of a spot is sometimes gradual, requiring days or even weeks for its full development; and sometimes a single day suffices. Generally, for some time before its appearance, there is an evident disturbance of the solar surface, indicated especially by the presence of many brilliant faculÆ, among which pores, or minute black dots, are scattered. These enlarge, and between them appear grayish patches, in which the photospheric structure is unusually evident, as if they were caused by a dark mass lying below a thin veil of luminous filaments. This veil seems to grow gradually thinner, and finally breaks open, giving us at last the complete spot with its penumbra. Some of the pores coalesce with the principal spot, some disappear, and others form the attendant Fig. 200. 183. Motion of Sun-Spots.—The spots have a regular motion across the disk of the sun from east to west, occupying about twelve days in the transit. A spot generally appears first on or near the east limb, and, after twelve or fourteen days, disappears at the west limb. At the end of another fourteen days, or more, it re-appears at the east limb, unless, in the mean time, it has vanished from sight entirely. This motion of the spots is indicated by the arrow in Fig. 200. The interval between two successive appearances of the same spot on the eastern edge of the sun is about twenty-seven days. rotation Fig. 201. 184. The Rotation of the Sun.—The spots are evidently carried around by the rotation of the sun on its axis. It is evident, from Fig. 201, that the sun will need to make more than a complete rotation in order to bring a spot again upon the same part of the disk as seen from the earth. S represents the sun, and E the earth. The arrows indicate the direction of the sun's rotation. When the earth is at E, a spot at a would be seen at the centre of the solar disk. Axis Fig. 202. 185. The Inclination of the Sun's Axis.—The paths described by sun-spots across the solar disk vary with the position of the earth in its orbit, as shown in Fig. 202. We therefore conclude that the sun's axis is not perpendicular to the plane of the earth's orbit. The sun rotates on its axis from west to east, and the axis leans about seven degrees from the perpendicular to the earth's orbit. 186. The Proper Motion of the Spots.—When the period of the sun's rotation is deduced from the motion of spots in different solar latitudes, there is found to be considerable variation in the results obtained. Thus spots near Sun-Spots Fig. 203. There appears to be a peculiar surface-drift in the equatorial regions of the sun, the cause of which is unknown, but which gives the spots a proper motion; that is, a motion of their own, independent of the rotation of the sun. Sun-Spots Fig. 204. 187. Distribution of the Sun-Spots.—The sun-spots are not distributed uniformly over the sun's surface, but occur mainly in two zones on each side of the equator, and between Fig. 204 shows the distribution of the sun-spots observed by Carrington during a period of eight years. The irregular line on the left-hand side of the figure indicates by its height the comparative frequency with which the spots occurred in different latitudes. In Fig. 205 the same thing is indicated by different degrees of darkness in the shading of the belts. Sun-Spots Fig. 205. 188. The Periodicity of the Spots.—Careful observations of the solar spots indicate a period of about eleven years in the spot-producing activity of the sun. During two or three years the spots increase in number and in size; then they begin to diminish, and reach a minimum five or six years after the maximum. Another period of about six years brings the return of the maximum. The intervals are, however, somewhat irregular. Sun-Spots Fig. 206. Fig. 206 gives a graphic representation of the periodicity of the sun-spots. The height of the curve shows the frequency of the sun-spots in the years given at the bottom of the figure. It appears, from an examination of this sun-spot curve, that the average interval from a minimum to the next following maximum is only about four years and a half, while that from a maximum 189. Connection between Sun-Spots and Terrestrial Magnetism.—The magnetic needle does not point steadily in the same direction, but is subject to various disturbances, some of which are regular, and others irregular. (1) One of the most noticeable of the regular magnetic changes is the so-called diurnal oscillation. During the early part of the day the north pole of the needle moves toward the west in our latitude, returning to its mean position about ten P.M., and remaining nearly stationary during the night. The extent of this oscillation in the United States is about fifteen minutes of arc in summer, and not quite half as much in winter; but it differs very much in different localities and at different times, and the average diurnal oscillation in any locality increases and decreases pretty regularly during a period of about eleven years. The maximum and minimum of this period of magnetic disturbance are found to coincide with the maximum and minimum of the sun-spot period. This is shown in Fig. 206, in which the dotted lines indicate the variations in the intensity of the magnetic disturbance. (2) Occasionally so-called magnetic storms occur, during which the compass-needle is sometimes violently disturbed, (3) A number of observations render it very probable that every intense disturbance of the solar surface is propagated to our terrestrial magnetism with the speed of light. Solar Lines Fig. 207. Fig. 207 shows certain of the solar lines as they were observed by Professor Young on Aug. 3, 1872. The contortions of the F line indicated an intense disturbance in the atmosphere of the sun. There were three especially notable paroxysms in this distortion, occurring at a quarter of nine, half-past ten, and ten minutes of twelve, A.M. Solar Lines Fig. 208. Fig. 208 shows the curve of magnetic disturbance as traced at Greenwich on the same day. It will be seen from the curve that it was a day of general magnetic disturbance. At the 190. The Spots are Depressions in the Photosphere.—This fact was first clearly brought out by Dr. Wilson of Glasgow, in 1769, from observations upon the penumbra of a spot in November of that year. He found, that when the spot appeared at the eastern limb, or edge of the sun, just moving into sight, the penumbra was well marked on the side of the spot nearest to the edge of the disk; while on the other edge of the spot, towards the centre of the sun, there was no penumbra visible at all, and the umbra itself was almost hidden, as if behind a bank. When the spot had moved a day's journey toward the centre of the disk, the whole of the umbra came into sight, and the penumbra on the inner edge of the spot began to be visible as a narrow line. After the spot was well advanced upon the disk, the penumbra was of the same width all around the spot. When the spot approached the sun's western limb, the same phenomena were repeated, but in the inverse order. The penumbra on the inner edge of the spot narrowed much faster than that on the outer, disappeared entirely, and finally seemed to hide from sight much of the umbra nearly a whole day before the spot passed from view around the limb. This is precisely what would occur (as Fig. 209 clearly shows) if the spot were a saucer-shaped depression in the solar surface, the bottom of the saucer corresponding to the umbra, and the sloping sides to the penumbra. Sun-Spots Fig. 209. Fig. 210. 191. Sun-Spot Spectrum.—When the image of a sun-spot is thrown upon the slit of the spectroscope, the spectrum is seen to be crossed longitudinally by a continuous dark band, showing an increased general absorption in the region of the sun-spot. Many of the spectral lines are greatly thickened, as shown in Fig. 210. This thickening of the lines shows that the absorption is taking place at a greater depth. New lines and shadings often appear, which indicate, that, in the cooler nucleus of the spot, certain compound vapors exist, which are dissociated elsewhere on the sun's surface. These lines and shadings are shown in Fig. 211. Sun-Spot Spectrum Fig. 211. It often happens that certain of the spectral lines are reversed in the spectrum of the spot, a thin bright line appearing over the centre of a thick dark one, as shown in Fig. 212. These reversals are due to very bright vapors floating over the spot. Sun-Spot Spectrum Fig. 212. Sun Clouds Fig. 213. 192. The Cause and Nature of Sun-Spots.—According to Professor Young, the arrangement and relations of the photospheric clouds in the neighborhood of a spot are such as are represented in Fig. 213. "Over the sun's surface generally, these clouds probably have the form of vertical columns, as at aa. Just outside the spot, the level of the photosphere is the most part, overtopped by eruptions of hydrogen and usually raised into faculÆ, as at bb. These faculÆ are, for metallic vapors, as indicated by the shaded clouds.... While the great clouds of hydrogen are found everywhere upon the Professor Young also suggests that the spots may be depressions in the photosphere caused "by the diminution of upward pressure from below, in consequence of eruptions in the neighborhood; the spots thus being, so to speak, sinks in the photosphere. Undoubtedly the photosphere is not a strictly continuous shell or crust; but it is heavy as compared with the uncondensed vapors in which it lies, just as a rain-cloud in our terrestrial atmosphere is heavier than the air; and it is probably continuous enough to have its upper level affected by any diminution of pressure below. The gaseous mass below the photosphere supports its weight and the weight of the products of condensation, which must always be descending in an inconceivable rain and snow of molten and crystallized material. To all intents and purposes, though nothing but a layer of clouds, the photosphere thus forms a constricting shell, and the gases beneath are imprisoned and compressed. Moreover, at a high temperature the viscosity of gases is vastly increased, so that quite probably the matter of the solar nucleus resembles pitch or tar in its consistency more than what we usually think of as a gas. Consequently, any sudden diminution of pressure would propagate itself slowly from the point where it occurred. Putting these things together, it would seem, that, whenever a free outlet is obtained through the photosphere at any point, thus decreasing the inward pressure, the result would be the sinking of a portion of the photosphere somewhere in the immediate neighborhood, to restore the equilibrium; and, if the eruption were kept up for any length of time, the depression IV. THE CHROMOSPHERE AND PROMINENCES.193. The Sun's Outer Atmosphere.—What we see of the sun under ordinary circumstances is but a fraction of his total bulk. While by far the greater portion of the solar mass is included within the photosphere, the larger portion of his volume lies without, and constitutes a gaseous envelope whose diameter is at least double, and its bulk therefore sevenfold, that of the central globe. This outer envelope, though mainly gaseous, is not spherical, but has an exceedingly irregular and variable outline. It seems to be made up, not of regular strata of different density, like our atmosphere, but rather of flames, beams, and streamers, as transient and unstable as those of the aurora borealis. It is divided into two portions by a boundary as definite, though not so regular, as that which separates them both from the photosphere. The outer and far more extensive portion, which in texture and rarity seems to resemble the tails of comets, is known as the coronal atmosphere, since to it is chiefly due the corona, or glory, which surrounds the darkened sun during an eclipse. 194. The Chromosphere.—At the base of the coronal atmosphere, and in contact with the photosphere, is what 195. The Prominences.—Here and there masses of this hydrogen, mixed with other substances, rise far above the general level into the coronal regions, where they float like clouds, or are torn to pieces by conflicting currents. These cloud-masses are known as solar prominences, or protuberances. 196. Magnitude and Distribution of the Prominences.—The prominences differ greatly in magnitude. Of the 2,767 observed by Secchi, 1,964 attained an altitude of eighteen thousand miles; 751, or nearly a fourth of the whole, reached a height of twenty-eight thousand miles; several exceeded eighty-four thousand miles. In rare instances they reach elevations as great as a hundred thousand miles. A few have been seen which exceeded a hundred and fifty thousand miles; and Secchi has recorded one of three hundred thousand miles. Prominences Fig. 214. The irregular lines on the right-hand side of Fig. 214 show the proportion of the prominences observed by Secchi, that were seen in different parts of the sun's surface. The 197. The Spectrum of the Chromosphere.—The spectrum of the chromosphere is comparatively simple. There are eleven lines only which are always present; and six of these are lines of hydrogen, and the others, with a single exception, are of unknown elements. There are sixteen other lines which make their appearance very frequently. Among these latter are lines of sodium, magnesium, and iron. Where some special disturbance is going on, the spectrum at the base of the chromosphere is very complicated, consisting of hundreds of bright lines. "The majority of the lines, however, are seen only occasionally, for a few minutes at a time, when the gases and vapors, which generally lie low (mainly in the interstices of the clouds which constitute the photosphere), and below its upper surface, are elevated for the time being by some eruptive action. For the most part, the lines which appear only at such times are simply reversals of the more prominent dark lines Solar Lines Fig. 215. 198. Method of Studying the Chromosphere and Prominences.—Until recently, the solar atmosphere could be seen only during a total eclipse of the sun; but now the spectroscope enables us to study the chromosphere and the prominences with nearly the same facility as the spots and faculÆ. The protuberances are ordinarily invisible, for the same reason that the stars cannot be seen in the daytime; they are hidden by the intense light reflected from our own atmosphere. If we could only get rid of this aerial illumination, without at the same time weakening the light of the prominences, the latter would become visible. This the spectroscope enables us to accomplish. Since the air-light is reflected sunshine, it of course presents the same spectrum as sunlight,—a continuous band of color crossed by dark lines. Now, this sort of spectrum is weakened by increase of dispersive power (159), because the light is spread out into a longer ribbon, and made to cover a greater area. On the other hand, the spectrum of the prominences, being composed of bright lines, undergoes no such diminution by increased dispersion. Spectroscope Fig. 216. When the spectroscope is used as a means of examining the prominences, the slit is more or less widened. The telescope is directed so that the image of that portion of the solar limb which is to be examined shall be tangent to the opened slit, as in Fig. 216, which represents the slit-plate of the spectroscope of its actual size, with the image of the sun in the proper position for observation. Prominence Fig. 217. If, now, a prominence exists at this part of the solar limb, and if the spectroscope itself is so adjusted that the C line falls in the centre of the field of view, then one will see something like Fig. 217. "The red portion of the spectrum will 199. Quiescent Prominences.—The prominences differ as widely in form and structure as in magnitude. The two principal classes are the quiescent, cloud-formed, or hydrogenous, and the eruptive, or metallic. Prominence Plate 3. The quiescent prominences resemble almost exactly our terrestrial clouds, and differ among themselves in the same manner. They are often of enormous dimensions, especially in horizontal extent, and are comparatively permanent, often undergoing little change for hours and days. Near the poles they sometimes remain during a whole solar revolution of twenty-seven days. Sometimes they appear to lie upon the limb of the sun, like a bank of clouds in the terrestrial horizon, probably because they are so far from the edge that only their upper portions are in sight. When fully seen, they are usually connected to the chromosphere by slender columns, generally smallest at the base, and often apparently made up of separate filaments closely Prominences Fig. 218. Their spectrum is usually very simple, consisting of the four lines of hydrogen and the orange D3: hence the appellation hydrogenous. Occasionally the sodium and magnesium lines also appear, even near the tops of the clouds. Prominences Fig. 219. 200. Eruptive Prominences.—The eruptive prominences ordinarily consist of brilliant spikes or jets, which change very rapidly in form and brightness. As a rule, their altitude is not more than twenty thousand or thirty thousand Prominences Fig. 220. They usually appear in the immediate vicinity of a spot, never very near the solar poles. They change with such rapidity, that the motion can almost be seen with the eye. Sometimes, in the course of fifteen or twenty minutes, a mass of these flames, fifty thousand miles high, will undergo a total transformation; and in some instances their complete development or disappearance takes no longer time. Sometimes they consist of pointed rays, diverging in all directions, as represented in Fig. 220. "Sometimes they look like flames, sometimes like sheaves of grain, sometimes like whirling water-spouts capped with a great cloud; occasionally they present most exactly the appearance of jets of liquid fire, rising and falling in graceful parabolas; frequently they carry on their edges spirals like the volutes Prominences Fig. 221. 201. Change of Form in Prominences.—Fig. 221 represents a prominence as seen by Professor Young, Sept. 7, 1871. It was an immense quiescent cloud, a hundred thousand miles long and fifty-four thousand miles high. At a there was a brilliant lump, somewhat in the form of a thunder-head. On returning to the spectroscope less than half an hour afterwards, he found that the cloud had been literally blown into shreds by some inconceivable uprush from beneath. The prominence then presented the form shown in Fig. 222. The dÉbris of the cloud had already attained a height of a hundred thousand miles. While he was watching them for the next ten minutes, they rose, with a motion almost perceptible to the eye, till the uppermost reached an altitude of two hundred thousand miles. As the filaments rose, they gradually faded away like a dissolving cloud. Prominences Fig. 222. Meanwhile the little thunder-head had grown and developed into what appeared to be a mass of rolling and ever-changing Prominences Fig. 223. Prominences Fig. 224. V. THE CORONA.202. General Appearance of the Corona.—At the time of a total eclipse of the sun, if the sky is clear, the moon appears as a huge black ball, the illumination at the edge of the disk being just sufficient to bring out its rotundity. "From behind it," to borrow Professor Young's vivid description, "stream out on all sides radiant filaments, beams, and sheets of pearly light, which reach to a distance sometimes of several degrees from the solar surface, forming an irregular stellate halo, with the black globe of the moon in its apparent centre. The portion nearest the sun is of dazzling brightness, but still less brilliant than the prominences which blaze through it like carbuncles. Generally this inner corona has a pretty uniform height, forming a ring three or four minutes of arc in width, separated by a somewhat definite outline from the outer corona, which reaches to a much greater distance, and is far more irregular in form. Usually there are several rifts, as they have been called, like narrow beams of darkness, extending from the very edge of the sun to the outer night, and much resembling the cloud-shadows which radiate from the sun before a thunder-shower; but the edges of these rifts are frequently curved, showing them Corona Fig. 225. 203. The Corona as seen at Recent Eclipses.—The Corona Fig. 226. Fig. 226 shows the corona of 1860 as it was observed by Temple. Corona Fig. 227. Fig. 227 shows the corona of 1867. This is interesting as being a corona at the time of sun-spot minimum. Fig. 228. Fig. 228 represents the corona of 1868. This is a larger and more irregular corona than usual. Corona Fig. 229. The corona of 1869 is shown in Fig. 229. Corona Fig. 230. Fig. 230 is a view of the corona of 1871 as seen by Capt. Tupman. Corona Fig. 231. Fig. 231 shows the same corona as seen by Foenander. Corona Fig. 232. Fig. 232 shows the same corona as photographed by Davis. Corona Fig. 233. Fig. 233 shows the corona of 1878 made up from several views as combined by Professor Young. 204. The Spectrum of the Corona.—The chief line in the spectrum of the corona is the one usually designated as 1474, and now known as the coronal line. It is seen as a dark line Spectral Lines Fig. 234. Besides this bright line, the hydrogen lines appear faintly in the spectrum of the corona. The 1474 line has been sometimes traced with the spectroscope to an elevation of nearly twenty minutes above the moon's limb, and the hydrogen lines nearly as far; and the lines were just as strong in the middle of a dark rift as anywhere else. The substance which produces the 1474 line is unknown as yet. It seems to be something with a vapor-density far below that of hydrogen, which is the lightest substance of which we have any knowledge. It can hardly be an "allotropic" Besides bright lines, the corona shows also a faint continuous spectrum, in which have been observed a few of the more prominent dark lines of the solar spectrum. This shows, that, while the corona may be in the main composed of glowing gas (as indicated by the bright lines of its spectrum), it also contains considerable matter in such V. ECLIPSES.Eclipses Fig. 235. 205. The Shadows of the Earth and Moon.—The shadows cast by the earth and moon are shown in Fig. 235. Each shadow is seen to be made up of a dark portion called the umbra, and of a lighter portion called the penumbra. The light of the sun is completely excluded from the umbra, but only partially from the penumbra. The umbra is in the form of a cone, with its apex away from the sun; though in the case of the earth's shadow it tapers very slowly. The penumbra surrounds the umbra, 206. When there will be an Eclipse of the Moon.—The moon is eclipsed whenever it passes into the umbra of the earth's shadow. It will be seen from the figure that the moon can pass into the shadow of the earth only when she is in opposition, or at full. Owing to the inclination of the moon's orbit to the ecliptic, the moon will pass When the moon simply passes into the penumbra of the earth's shadow, the light of the moon is somewhat dimmed, but not sufficiently to attract attention, or to be denominated an eclipse. Eclipses Fig. 236. 207. The Lunar Ecliptic Limits.—In Fig. 236 the line AB represents the plane of the ecliptic, and the line CD the moon's orbit. The large black circles on the line AB represent sections of the umbra of the earth's shadow, and the smaller circles on CD represent the moon at full. It will be seen, that, if the moon is full at E, she will just graze the It will be seen from the figure that full moon must occur when the moon is within a certain distance from her node, in order that there may be a lunar eclipse; and this space is called the lunar ecliptic limits. The farther the earth is from the sun, the less rapidly does its shadow taper, and therefore the greater its diameter at the distance of the moon; and, the nearer the moon to the earth, the greater the diameter of the earth's shadow at the distance of the moon. Of course, the greater the diameter of the Eclipses Fig. 237. 208. Lunar Eclipses.—Fig. 237 shows the path of the moon through the earth's shadow in the case of a partial eclipse. The magnitude of such an eclipse depends upon the nearness of the moon to her nodes. The magnitude of an eclipse is usually denoted in digits, a digit being one-twelfth of the diameter of the moon. Eclipses Fig. 238. Fig. 238 shows the path of the moon through the earth's shadow in the case of a total eclipse. It will be seen from the figure that it is not necessary for the moon to pass through the centre of the earth's shadow in order to have a total eclipse. When the moon passes through the centre of the earth's shadow, the eclipse is both total and central. At the time of a total eclipse, the moon is not entirely invisible, but shines with a faint copper-colored light. This light is refracted into the shadow by the earth's atmosphere, and its amount varies with the quantity of clouds and vapor in that portion of the atmosphere which the sunlight must graze in order to reach the moon. The duration of an eclipse varies between very wide limits, being, of course, greatest when the eclipse is central. A total eclipse of the moon may last nearly two hours, or, Every eclipse of the moon, whether total or partial, is 209. When there will be an Eclipse of the Sun.—There will be an eclipse of the sun whenever any portion of the moon's shadow is thrown on the earth. It will be seen from Fig. 235 that this can occur only when the moon is in conjunction, or at new. It does not occur every month, because, owing to the inclination of the moon's orbit to the ecliptic, the moon's shadow is usually thrown either above or below the earth at the time of new moon. There 210. Solar Ecliptic Limits.—The distances from the moon's node within which a new moon would throw some portion of its shadow on the earth so as to produce an eclipse of the sun are called the solar ecliptic limits. As in the case of the moon, there are major and minor ecliptic limits; the former being the limits within which an eclipse of the sun is possible under some circumstances, and the latter those under which an eclipse is inevitable under all circumstances. The limits within which a solar eclipse may occur are greater than those within which a lunar eclipse may occur. This will be evident from an examination of Fig. 235. Were the moon in that figure just outside of the lines AB and CD, it will be seen that the penumbra of her shadow would just graze the earth: hence the moon must be somewhere within the space bounded by these lines in order to cause an eclipse of the sun. Now, these lines mark the prolongation to the sun of the cone of the umbra of the earth's shadow: hence, in order to produce an eclipse of the sun, new moon must occur somewhere within this prolongation of the umbra of the earth's shadow. Now, it is evident that the diameter of this 211. Solar Eclipses.—An observer in the umbra of the moon's shadow would see a total eclipse of the sun, while one in the penumbra would see only a partial eclipse. The magnitude of this partial eclipse would depend upon the distance of the observer from the umbra of the moon's shadow. Eclipses Fig. 239. Eclipses Fig. 240. The umbra of the moon's shadow is just about long enough to reach the earth. Sometimes the point of this shadow falls short of the earth's surface, as shown in Fig. 239, and sometimes it falls upon the earth, as shown in Fig. 240, according to the varying distance of the sun and moon from the earth. The diameter of the umbra at the surface of the earth is seldom more than a hundred Eclipses Fig. 241. Eclipses Fig. 242. Fig. 242 shows the track of the total eclipse of 1871 across India and the adjacent seas. Eclipses Fig. 243. Eclipses Fig. 244. In a partial eclipse of the sun, more or less of one side of the sun's disk is usually concealed, as shown in Fig. 243. Occasionally, however, the centre of the sun's disk is covered, leaving a bright ring around the margin, as shown in Fig. 244. Such an eclipse is called an annular eclipse. 212. Comparative Frequency of Solar and Lunar Eclipses.—There are more eclipses of the sun in the year There are more lunar than solar eclipses, because, as we have seen, the limits within which a solar eclipse may occur are greater than those within which a lunar eclipse may occur. There are more eclipses of the moon visible at any one place than of the sun; because, as we have seen, an eclipse of the moon, whenever it does occur, is visible to a whole hemisphere at a time, while an eclipse of the sun is visible to only a portion of a hemisphere, and a total eclipse to only a very small portion of a hemisphere. A total eclipse of the sun is, therefore, a very rare occurrence at any one place. The greatest number of eclipses that can occur in a year is seven, and the least number, two. In the former case, five may be of the sun and two of the moon, or four of the sun and three of the moon. In the latter case, both must be of the sun. VI. THE THREE GROUPS OF PLANETS.I. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GROUPS.213. The Inner Group.—The inner group of planets is composed of Mercury, Venus, the Earth, and Mars; that is, of all the planets which lie between the asteroids The comparative sizes and eccentricities of the orbits of this group are shown in Fig. 245. The dots round the orbits show the position of the planets at intervals of ten days. Fig. 245. 214. The Outer Group.—The outer group of planets is composed of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. These planets are all very large and of slight density. So far as known, they rotate on their axes in about ten hours, Planets Fig. 246. Planetary Orbits Fig. 247. 215. The Asteroids.—Between the inner and outer groups of planets there is a great number of very small planets known as the minor planets, or asteroids. Over two hundred planets belonging to this group have already been discovered. Their orbits are shown by the dotted lines in Fig. 247. The sizes of the four largest of these planets, compared with the earth, are shown in Fig. 248. Planet Sizes Fig. 248. The asteroids of this group are distinguished from the other planets, not only by their small size, but by the great eccentricities and inclinations of their orbits. If we except Mercury, none of the larger planets has an eccentricity amounting to one-tenth the diameter of its orbit (43), nor is any orbit inclined more than two or three degrees to the ecliptic; but the inclinations of many of the minor planets exceed ten degrees, and the eccentricities frequently amount to an eighth of the orbital diameter. The orbit of Pallas is inclined thirty-four Planetary Orbits Fig. 249. Fig. 249 shows one of the most and one of the least eccentric of the orbits of this group as compared with that of the earth. Asteroid Orbits Fig. 250. The intricate complexity of the orbits of the asteroids is shown in Fig. 250. II. THE INNER GROUP OF PLANETS.Mercury.216. The Orbit of Mercury.—The orbit of Mercury is more eccentric than that of any of the larger planets, and it has also a greater inclination to the ecliptic. Its eccentricity (43) is a little over a fifth, and its inclination to the ecliptic somewhat over seven degrees. The mean distance of Mercury from the sun is about thirty-five million miles; but, owing to the great eccentricity of its orbit, its distance from the sun varies from about forty-three million miles at aphelion to about twenty-eight million at perihelion. Mercury Fig. 251. 217. Distance of Mercury from the Earth.—It is evident, from Fig. 251, that an inferior planet, like Mercury, is the whole diameter of its orbit nearer the earth at inferior conjunction than at superior conjunction: hence Mercury's distance from the earth varies considerably. Owing to the great eccentricity of its orbit, its distance Mercury Fig. 252. 218. Apparent Size of Mercury.—Since Mercury's distance from the earth is variable, the apparent size of the planet is also variable. Fig. 252 shows its apparent size at its extreme and mean distances from the earth. Its apparent diameter varies from five seconds to twelve seconds. Mercury Fig. 253. 219. Volume and Density of Mercury.—The real diameter of Mercury is about three thousand miles. Its size, compared with that of the earth, is shown in Fig. 253. The earth is about sixteen times as large as Mercury; 220. Greatest Elongation of Mercury.—Mercury, being an inferior planet (or one within the orbit of the earth), appears to oscillate to and fro across the sun. Its greatest apparent distance from the sun, or its greatest elongation, varies considerably. The farther Mercury is from the sun, and the nearer the earth is to Mercury, the greater is its angular distance from the sun at the time of its greatest elongation. Under the most favorable circumstances, the greatest elongation amounts to about twenty-eight degrees, and under the least favorable to only sixteen or seventeen degrees. 221. Sidereal and Synodical Periods of Mercury.—Mercury accomplishes a complete revolution around the sun in about eighty-eight days; but it takes it a hundred and sixteen days to pass from its greatest elongation east to the same elongation again. The orbital motion of this planet is at the rate of nearly thirty miles a second. In Fig. 251, P''' represents elongation east of the sun, and P' elongation west. It will be seen that it is much 222. Visibility of Mercury.—Mercury is too close to the sun for favorable observation. It is never seen long after sunset, or long before sunrise, and never far from the horizon. When visible at all, it must be sought for low down in the west shortly after sunset, or low in the east shortly before sunrise, according as the planet is at its east or west elongation. It is often visible to the naked eye in our latitude; but the illumination of the twilight sky, and the excess of vapor in our atmosphere near the horizon, combine to make the telescopic study of the planet difficult and unsatisfactory. Mercury Fig. 254. 223. The Atmosphere and Surface of Mercury.—Mercury seems to be surrounded by a dense atmosphere. One proof of the existence of such an atmosphere is furnished at the time of the planet's transit across the disk of the sun, which occasionally happens. The planet is then seen Mercury Fig. 255. Mercury Fig. 256. SchrÖter, a celebrated German astronomer, at about the beginning of the present century, thought that he detected spots and shadings on the disk of the planet, which indicated both the presence of an atmosphere and of elevations. The shading along the terminator, which seemed to indicate the presence of a twilight, and therefore of an atmosphere, are shown in Fig. 256. It also shows the blunted aspect of one of the cusps, which SchrÖter noticed at times, and which he attributed to the shadow of a mountain, estimated to be ten or twelve miles high. Fig. 257 shows Mercury Fig. 257. The border around Mercury, and the bright spot on its disk at the time of the transit of the planet across the sun, have been seen since SchrÖter's time, and the existence of these phenomena is now well established; but astronomers are far from being agreed as to their cause. 224. Intra-Mercurial Planets.—It has for some time been thought probable that there is a group of small planets between Mercury and the sun; and at various times the discovery of such bodies has been announced. In 1859 a French observer believed that he had detected an intra-Mercurial planet, to which the name of Vulcan was given, and for which careful search has since been made, but without success. During the total eclipse of 1878 Professor Watson observed two objects near the sun, which he thought to be planets; but this is still matter of controversy. Venus.225. The Orbit of Venus.—The orbit of Venus has but slight eccentricity, differing less from a circle than that of any other large planet. It is inclined to the ecliptic somewhat more than three degrees. The mean distance of the planet from the sun is about sixty-seven million miles. Venus Fig. 258. 227. Apparent Size of Venus.—Owing to the great variation in the distance of Venus from the earth, her apparent diameter varies from about ten seconds to about sixty-six seconds. Fig. 258 shows the apparent size of Venus at her extreme and mean distances from the earth. 228. Volume and Density of Venus.—The real size of Venus is about the same as that of the earth, her diameter being only about three hundred miles less. The comparative sizes of the two planets are shown in Fig. 259. The density of Venus is a little less than that of the earth. Venus Fig. 259. 229. The Greatest Elongation of Venus.—Venus, like Mercury, appears to oscillate to and fro across the sun. The angular value of the greatest elongation of Venus varies but slightly, its greatest value being about forty-seven degrees. 231. Venus as a Morning and an Evening Star.—For a period of about nine months, while Venus is passing from superior conjunction to her greatest eastern elongation, she will be east of the sun, and will therefore set after the sun. During this period she is the evening star, the Hesperus of the ancients. While passing from inferior conjunction to superior conjunction, Venus is west of the sun, and therefore rises before the sun. During this period of nine months she is the morning star, the Phosphorus, or Lucifer, of the ancients. 232. Brilliancy of Venus.—Next to the sun and moon, Venus is at times the most brilliant object in the heavens, being bright enough to be seen in daylight, and to cast Venus Fig. 260. Venus Fig. 261. It is now generally conceded that Venus has a dense atmosphere; but SchrÖter's observations of the spots on her disk have not been verified by modern astronomers, and we really know nothing certainly of her rotation. 234. Transits of Venus.—When Venus happens to be near one of the nodes of her orbit when she is in inferior conjunction, she makes a transit across the sun's disk. These transits occur in pairs, separated by an interval of over a hundred years. The two transits of each pair are separated by an interval of eight years, the dates of the most recent being 1874 and 1882. Venus, like Mercury, appears surrounded with a border on passing across the sun's disk, as shown in Fig. 262. Venus Fig. 262. Mars.235. The Orbit of Mars.—The orbit of Mars is more eccentric than that of any of the larger planets, except Mercury; its eccentricity being about one-eleventh. The inclination of the orbit to the ecliptic is somewhat under two degrees. The mean distance of Mars from the sun is about a hundred and forty million miles; but, owing to the eccentricity of his orbit, the distance varies from a hundred and fifty-three million miles to a hundred and twenty-seven million miles. Mars Fig. 263. 236. Distance of Mars from the Earth.—It will be seen, from Fig. 263, that a superior planet (or one outside the orbit of the earth), like Mars, is nearer the earth, by the whole diameter of the earth's orbit, when in opposition than when in conjunction. The mean distance of Mars from the earth, at the time of opposition, is a hundred and forty million miles minus ninety-two million miles, or forty-eight million miles. Owing to the eccentricity of the orbit of the earth and of Mars, the distance of this planet when in opposition varies considerably. When the earth is in aphelion, and Mars in perihelion, at the time of opposition, the distance of the planet from the earth is only about thirty-three million miles. On the other hand, when the earth is in perihelion, and Mars in aphelion, at the time of opposition, the distance of the planet is over sixty-two million miles. Mars Fig. 264. 237. The Apparent Size of Mars.—Owing to the varying distance of Mars from the earth, the apparent size of the planet varies almost as much as that of Venus. Fig. 264 shows the apparent size of Mars at its extreme and mean distances from the earth. The apparent diameter varies from about four seconds to about thirty seconds. Mars Fig. 265. 238. The Volume and Density of Mars.—Among the larger planets Mars is next in size to Mercury. Its real diameter is somewhat more than four thousand miles, and its bulk is about one-seventh of that of the earth. Its size, compared with that of the earth, is shown in Fig. 265. Mars Plate 4. 239. Sidereal and Synodical Periods of Mars.—The sidereal period of Mars, or the time in which he makes a complete revolution around the sun, is about six hundred and eighty-seven days, or nearly twenty-three months; but he is about seven hundred and eighty days in passing from opposition to opposition again, or in performing a synodical revolution. Mars moves in his orbit at the rate of about fifteen miles a second. 240. Brilliancy of Mars.—When near his opposition, Mars is easily recognized with the naked eye by his fiery-red light. He is much more brilliant at some oppositions than at others, for reasons already explained (236), but always shines brighter than an ordinary star of the first magnitude. 241. Telescopic Appearance of Mars.—When viewed with a good telescope (see Plate IV.), Mars is seen to be covered with dusky, dull-red patches, which are supposed to be continents, like those of our own globe. Other portions, of a greenish hue, are believed to be tracts of water. The ruddy color, which overpowers the green, and makes the whole planet seem red to the naked eye, was believed by Sir J. Herschel to be due to an ochrey tinge in the general soil, like that of the red sandstone districts on the earth. In a telescope, Mars appears less red, and the higher the power the less the intensity of the color. The disk, when well seen, is mapped out in a way which gives at once the impression of land and water. The bright part is red inclining to orange, sometimes dotted with brown and greenish points. The darker spaces, which vary greatly in depth of tone, are of a dull gray-green, having the aspect of a fluid which absorbs the solar rays. The proportion of land to water on the earth appears to be reversed on Mars. On the earth every continent is an island; on Mars all seas are lakes. Long, narrow straits are more common than on the Mars Fig. 266. Mars Fig. 267. Fig. 267 represents a chart of the surface of Mars, which has been constructed from careful telescopic observation. The outlines, as seen in the telescope, are, however, much In the vicinity of the poles brilliant white spots may be noticed, which are considered by many astronomers to be masses of snow. This conjecture is favored by the fact that they appear to diminish under the sun's influence at the beginning of the Martial summer, and to increase again on the approach of winter. 242. Rotation of Mars.—On watching Mars with a telescope, the spots on the disk are found to move (as shown in Fig. 268) in a manner which indicates that the planet rotates in about twenty-four hours on an axis inclined about twenty-eight degrees from a perpendicular to the plane of its orbit. The inclination of the axis is shown in Fig. 269. It is evident from the figure that the variation in the length of day and night, and the change of seasons, are about the same on Mars as on the earth. The changes will, of course, be somewhat greater, and the seasons will be about twice as long. Mars Fig. 268. Mars Fig. 269. Mars Fig. 270. 243. The Satellites of Mars.—In 1877 Professor Hall of the Washington Observatory discovered that Mars is accompanied by two small moons, whose orbits are shown in Fig. 270. The inner satellite has been named Phobos, and the outer one Deimos. It is estimated that the diameter of the outer moon is from five to ten miles, and that of the inner one from ten to forty miles. It will be seen that Phobos makes about three revolutions III. THE ASTEROIDS.244. Bode's Law of Planetary Distances.—There is a very remarkable law connecting the distances of the planets from the sun, which is generally known by the name of Bode's Law. Attention was drawn to it in 1778 by the astronomer Bode, but he was not really its author. To express this law we write the following series of numbers:— 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96; each number, with the exception of the first, being double the one which precedes it. If we add 4 to each of these numbers, the series becomes— 4, 7, 10, 16, 28, 52, 100; which series was known to Kepler. These numbers, with the exception of 28, are sensibly proportional to the distances of the principal planets from the sun, the actual distances being as follows:—
245. The First Discovery of the Asteroids.—The great gap between Mars and Jupiter led astronomers, from the time of Kepler, to suspect the existence of an unknown planet in this region; but no such planet was discovered till the beginning of the present century. Ceres was discovered Jan. 1, 1801, Pallas in 1802, Juno in 1804, and Vesta in 1807. Then followed a long interval of thirty-eight years before AstrÆa, the fifth of these minor planets, was discovered in 1845. 246. Olbers's Hypothesis.—After the discovery of Pallas, Professor Newcomb makes the following observations concerning this hypothesis:— "The question whether these bodies could ever have formed a single one has now become one of cosmogony rather than of astronomy. If a planet were shattered, the orbit of each fragment would at first pass through the point at which the explosion occurred, however widely they might be separated through the rest of their course; but, owing to the secular changes produced by the attractions of the other planets, this coincidence would not continue. The orbits would slowly move away, and after the lapse of a few thousand years no trace of a common intersection would be seen. It is therefore curious that Olbers and his contemporaries should have expected to find such a region of intersection, as it implied that the explosion had occurred within a few thousand years. The fact that the required conditions were not fulfilled was no argument against the hypothesis, because the explosion might have occurred millions of years ago; and in the mean time the perihelion and node of each orbit would have made many entire revolutions, so that the orbits would have been completely mixed up.... A different explanation of the group is given by the nebular hypothesis; so that Olbers's hypothesis is no longer considered by astronomers." 247. Later Discoveries of Asteroids.—Since 1845 over two hundred asteroids have been discovered. All these are so small, that it requires a very good telescope to see them; and even in very powerful telescopes they appear as mere points of light, which can be distinguished from the stars only by their motions. Asteroids Fig. 271. Furnished with a map of this kind, and with a telescope powerful enough to show all the stars marked on it, the observer who is searching for these small planets will place in the field of view of his telescope six spider-lines at right angles to each other, and at equal distances apart, in such a manner that several small squares will be formed, embracing just as much of the heavens as do those shown in the map. He will then direct his telescope to the region of the sky he wishes to examine, represented by the map, so as to be able to compare successively each square with the corresponding Asteroids Fig. 272. He can then assure himself if the numbers and positions of the stars mapped, and of the stars observed, are identical. If he observes in the field of view a luminous point which is not marked in the map, it is evident that either the new body is a star of variable brightness which was not visible at the time the map was made, or it is a planet, or perhaps a comet. If the new body remains fixed at the same point, it is the former; but, if it changes its position with regard to the neighboring stars, it is the latter. The motion is generally so sensible, that in the course of one evening the change of position may be detected; and it can soon be determined, by the direction and rate of the motion, whether the body is a planet or a comet. IV. OUTER GROUP OF PLANETS.Jupiter.248. Orbit of Jupiter.—The orbit of Jupiter is inclined only a little over one degree to the ecliptic; and its eccentricity is only about half of that of Mars, being less than one-twentieth. The mean distance of Jupiter from the sun is about four hundred and eighty million miles; but, owing to the eccentricity of his orbit, his actual distance from the sun ranges from four hundred and fifty-seven to five hundred and three million miles. Jupiter Fig. 273. 250. The Brightness and Apparent Size of Jupiter.—The apparent diameter of Jupiter varies from about fifty seconds to about thirty seconds. His apparent size at his extreme and mean distances from the earth is shown in Fig. 273. Jupiter shines with a brilliant white light, which exceeds that of every other planet except Venus. The planet is, of course, brightest when near opposition. 251. The Volume and Density of Jupiter.—Jupiter is the "giant planet" of our system, his mass largely exceeding that of all the other planets combined. His mean Jupiter Fig. 274. 252. The Sidereal and Synodical Periods of Jupiter.—It takes Jupiter nearly twelve years to make a sidereal revolution, or a complete revolution around the sun, his orbital motion being at the rate of about eight miles a second. His synodical period, or the time of his passage from opposition to opposition again, is three hundred and ninety-eight days. 253. The Telescopic Aspect of Jupiter.—There are no really permanent markings on the disk of Jupiter; but his surface presents a very diversified appearance. The earlier telescopic observers descried dark belts across it, one north of the equator, and the other south of it. With the increase of telescopic power, it was seen that these bands Both the outlines of the belts, and the color of portions of the planet, are subject to considerable changes. The equatorial regions, and the spaces between the belts generally, are often of a rosy tinge. This color is sometimes strongly marked, while at other times hardly a trace of it can be seen. A general telescopic view of Jupiter is given in Plate V. Jupiter Plate 5. 254. The Physical Constitution of Jupiter.—From the changeability of the belts, and of nearly all the visible features of Jupiter, it is clear that what we see on that planet is not the solid nucleus, but cloud-like formations, which cover the entire surface to a great depth. The planet appears to be covered with a deep and dense atmosphere, filled with thick masses of clouds and vapor. Until recently this cloud-laden atmosphere was supposed to be somewhat like that of our globe; but at present the physical constitution of Jupiter is believed to resemble that of the sun rather than that of the earth. Like the sun, he is brighter in the centre than near the edges, as is shown in the transits of the satellites over his disk. When the satellite first enters on the disk, it commonly seems like a bright spot on a dark background; but, as it approaches the centre, it appears like a dark spot on the bright surface of the planet. The centre is probably two or three times brighter than the edges. This may be, as in the case of the sun, because the light near the edge passes through a greater depth of atmosphere, and is diminished by absorption. It has also been suspected that Jupiter shines partly by Jupiter Fig. 275. Again: the interior of Jupiter seems to be the seat of an activity so enormous that it can be ascribed only to intense heat. Rapid movements are always occurring on his surface, often changing its aspect in a few hours. It is therefore probable that Jupiter is not yet covered by a solid crust, and that the fiery interior, whether liquid or gaseous, is surrounded by the dense vapors which cease to be luminous on rising into the higher and cooler regions of the atmosphere. Figs. 275 and 276 show the disk of Jupiter as it appeared in December, 1881. Jupiter Fig. 276. 255. Rotation of Jupiter.—Spots are sometimes visible Jupiter Fig. 277. THE SATELLITES OF JUPITER.Jupiter Fig. 278. 256. Jupiter's Four Moons.—Jupiter is accompanied by four moons, as shown in Fig. 278. The diameters of these moons range from about twenty-two hundred to thirty-seven hundred miles. The second from the planet is the smallest, and the third the largest. The smallest is about the size of our moon; the largest considerably exceeds Mercury, and almost rivals Mars, in bulk. The sizes of these moons, compared with those of the earth and its moon, are shown in Fig. 279. Jupiter Fig. 279. The names of these satellites, in the order of their distance from the planet, are Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Jupiter Fig. 280. 257. The Variability of Jupiter's Satellites.—Remarkable variations in the light of these moons have led to the supposition that violent changes are taking place on their surfaces. It was formerly believed, that, like our moon, they always present the same face to the planet, and that the changes in their brilliancy are due to differences in the luminosity of parts of their surface which are successively turned towards us during a revolution; but careful measurements of their light show that this hypothesis does not account for the changes, which are sometimes very sudden. The satellites are too distant for examination of their surfaces with the telescope: hence it is impossible to give any certain explanation of these phenomena. Fig. 281. 258. Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites.—Jupiter, like the earth, casts a shadow away from the sun, as shown in Fig. 281; and, whenever one of his moons passes into this shadow, it becomes eclipsed. On the other hand, whenever To the inhabitants of Jupiter (if there are any, and if they can see through the clouds) these eclipses must be very familiar affairs; for in consequence of the small inclinations of the orbits of the satellites to the planet's equator, and the small inclination of the latter to the plane of Jupiter's orbit, all the satellites, except the most distant one, Jupiter and Satellites Fig. 282. 259. Transits of Jupiter's Satellites.—Whenever one of Jupiter's moons passes in front of the planet, it is said to make a transit across his disk. When a moon is making a transit, it presents its bright hemisphere towards the earth, as will be seen from Fig. 282: hence it is usually seen as a bright spot on the planet's disk; though sometimes, on the brighter central portions of the disk, it appears dark. Jupiter Fig. 283. It will be seen from Fig. 282 that the shadow of a moon does not fall upon the part of the planet's disk that is covered by the moon: hence we may observe the transit of both the moon and its shadow. The shadow appears as a small black spot, which will precede or follow the moon according to the position of the earth in its orbit. Fig. 283 shows two moons of Jupiter in transit. 260. Occultations of Jupiter's Satellites.—The eclipse of a moon of Jupiter must be carefully distinguished from the occultation of a moon by the planet. In the case of an eclipse, the moon ceases to be visible, because the mass 261. Jupiter without Satellites.—It occasionally happens that every one of Jupiter's satellites will disappear at the same time, either by being eclipsed or occulted, or by being in transit. In this event, Jupiter will appear without satellites. This occurred on the 21st of August, 1867. The position of Jupiter's satellites at this time is shown in Fig. 284. Jupiter Fig. 284. Saturn.THE PLANET AND HIS MOONS.262. The Orbit of Saturn.—The orbit of Saturn is rather more eccentric than that of Jupiter, its eccentricity being somewhat more than one-twentieth. Its inclination to the ecliptic is about two degrees and a half. The mean distance of Saturn from the sun is about eight hundred and eighty million miles. It is about a hundred million miles nearer the sun at perihelion than at aphelion. 264. Apparent Size and Brightness of Saturn.—The apparent diameter of Saturn varies from about twenty seconds to about fourteen seconds. His apparent size at his extreme and mean distances from the earth is shown in Fig. 285. Saturn Fig. 285. The planet generally shines with the brilliancy of a moderate first-magnitude star, and with a dingy, reddish light, as if seen through a smoky atmosphere. 265. Volume and Density of Saturn.—The real diameter of Saturn is about seventy thousand miles, and its volume over seven hundred times that of the earth. The comparative size of the earth and Saturn is shown in Fig. 286. This planet is a little more than half as dense as Jupiter. Fig. 286. 266. The Sidereal and Synodical Periods of Saturn.—Saturn makes a complete revolution round the sun in a period of about twenty-nine years and a half, moving in his orbit at the rate of about six miles a second. The 267. Physical Constitution of Saturn.—The physical constitution of Saturn seems to resemble that of Jupiter; but, being twice as far away, the planet cannot be so well studied. The farther an object is from the sun, the less it is illuminated; and, the farther it is from the earth, the smaller it appears: hence there is a double difficulty in examining the more distant planets. Under favorable circumstances, the surface of Saturn is seen to be diversified with very faint markings; and, with high telescopic powers, two or more very faint streaks, or belts, may be discerned parallel to its equator. These belts, like those of Jupiter, change their aspect from time to time; but they are so faint that the changes cannot be easily followed. It is only on rare occasions that the time of rotation can be determined from a study of the markings. From all the observations on this spot, Professor Hall found the period of Saturn to be ten hours fourteen minutes, reckoning by the brightest part of the streak. Had the middle of the streak been taken, the time would have been less, because the bright matter seemed to be carried along in the direction of the planet's rotation. If this motion was due to a wind, the velocity of the current must have been between fifty and a hundred miles an hour. The axis of Saturn is inclined twenty-seven degrees from the perpendicular to its orbit. Fig. 287. 269. The Satellites of Saturn.—Saturn is accompanied by eight moons. Seven of these are shown in Fig. 287. The names of these satellites, in the order of their distances from the planet, are given in the accompanying table:—
The apparent brightness or visibility of these satellites follows the order of their discovery. The smallest telescope will show Titan, and one of very moderate size will show Japetus in the western part of its orbit. An instrument of four or five inches aperture will show Rhea, and perhaps Tethys and Dione; while seven or eight inches are required for Enceladus, even at its greatest elongation from the planet. Mimas can rarely be seen except at its greatest elongation, and then only with an aperture of twelve inches or more. Hyperion can be detected only with the most powerful telescopes, on account of its faintness and the difficulty of distinguishing it from minute stars. Japetus, the outermost satellite, is remarkable for the fact, that while, in one part of its orbit, it is the brightest of the satellites except Titan, in the opposite part it is almost as Titan Fig. 288. Titan, the largest of these satellites, is about the size of the largest satellite of Jupiter. The relative sizes of the satellites are shown in Fig. 288, and their orbits in Fig. 289. Saturn Fig. 289. Saturn Fig. 290. Fig. 290 shows the transit of one of the satellites, and of its shadow, across the disk of the planet. THE RINGS OF SATURN.270. General Appearance of the Rings.—Saturn is surrounded by a thin flat ring lying in the plane of its equator. This ring is probably less than a hundred miles thick. The part of it nearest Saturn reflects little sunlight to us; so that it has a dusky appearance, and is not easily seen, although it is not quite so dark as the sky seen between it and the planet. The outer edge of this dusky portion of the ring is at a distance from Saturn of between two and three times the earth's diameter. Outside of this dusky part of Saturn Fig. 291. Saturn Fig. 292. Fig. 292 shows the divisions of the rings as they were seen by Bond. 271. Phases of Saturn's Ring.—The ring is inclined to the plane of the planet's orbit by an angle of twenty-seven degrees. The general aspect from the earth is nearly the same as from the sun. As the planet revolves around the sun, the axis and plane of the ring keep the same direction in space, just as the axis of the earth and the plane of the equator do. When the planet is in one part of its orbit, we see the Saturn Fig. 293. When the planet has moved through a quarter of a revolution, the edge of the ring is turned towards the sun and the earth; and, owing to its extreme thinness, it is visible only in the most powerful telescopes as a fine line of light, stretching out on each side of the planet. This phase of the ring is shown in Fig. 294. Saturn Fig. 294. All the satellites, except Japetus, revolve very nearly in the plane of the ring: consequently, when the edge of the ring is turned towards the earth, the satellites seem to swing Saturn Fig. 295. Fig. 295 shows a phase of the ring intermediate between the last two. When the planet has moved ninety degrees farther, we Saturn Fig. 296. The successive phases of Saturn's ring during a complete revolution are shown in Fig. 296. It will be seen that there are two opposite points of Saturn's orbit in which the rings are turned edgewise to us, and two points half-way between the former in which the ring is seen at its maximum inclination of about twenty-seven degrees. Since the planet performs a revolution in twenty-nine years and a half, these phases occur at average intervals of about seven years and four months. Fig. 297. Saturn Fig. 298. 272. Disappearance of Saturn's Ring.—It will be seen from Fig. 297 that the plane of the ring may not be turned towards the sun and the earth at exactly the same time, and also that the earth may sometimes come on one side of the plane of the ring while the sun is shining on the other. In the figure, E, E', E'', and E''' is the orbit of the earth. When Saturn is at S', or opposite, at F, the plane of the ring will pass through the sun, and then only the edge of the ring will be illumined. Were Saturn at S, and the earth at E', the plane of the ring would pass through the earth. This would also be the case were the earth at E''', and Saturn at S''. Were Saturn at S or at S'', and the earth farther to the left or to the right, the sun would be shining on one side of the ring while we should be looking on the other. In all these cases the ring will disappear entirely in a telescope of ordinary power. With very powerful telescopes the ring will appear, in the first two cases, as a thin line of light (Fig. 298). It will be seen that all these cases of disappearance must take place when Saturn is in the parts of his orbit intercepted between the parallel lines AC and BD. These lines are tangent to the earth's orbit, which they enclose, and are parallel to the plane of Saturn's ring. As Saturn passes away from these two lines on either side, the rings appear more and more open. When the dark side of the ring is in view, it appears as a Saturn Fig. 299. 273. Changes in Saturn's Ring.—The question whether changes are going on in the rings of Saturn is still unsettled. Some observers have believed that they saw additional divisions in the rings from time to time; but these may have been errors of vision, due partly to the shading which is known to exist on portions of the ring. Professor Newcomb says, "As seen with the great Washington equatorial in the autumn of 1874, there was no great or sudden contrast between the inner or dark edge of the bright ring and the outer edge of the dusky ring. There was some suspicion that the one shaded into the other by insensible gradations. No one could for a moment suppose, as some observers have, that there was a separation between these two rings. All these considerations give rise to the question whether the dusky ring may not be growing at the expense of the inner bright ring." Struve, in 1851, advanced the startling theory that the inner edge of the ring was gradually approaching the planet, the Saturn Fig. 300. 274. Constitution of Saturn's Ring.—The theory now generally held by astronomers is, that the ring is composed of a cloud of satellites too small to be separately seen in the telescope, and too close together to admit of visible intervals between them. The ring looks solid, because its parts are too small and too numerous to be seen singly. They are like the minute drops of water that make up clouds and fogs, which to our eyes seem like solid masses. In the dusky ring the particles may be so scattered that we can see through the cloud, the duskiness being due to the blending of light and darkness. Some believe, however, that the duskiness is caused by the darker color of the particles rather than by their being farther apart. Uranus.275. Orbit and Dimensions of Uranus.—Uranus, the smallest of the outer group of planets, has a diameter of nearly thirty-two thousand miles. It is a little less dense than Jupiter, and its mean distance from the sun is about seventeen hundred and seventy millions of miles. Its orbit has about the same eccentricity as that of Jupiter, and is inclined less than a degree to the ecliptic. Uranus makes As seen in a large telescope, the planet has a decidedly sea-green color; but no markings have with certainty been detected on its disk, so that nothing is really known with regard to its rotation. Fig. 301 shows the comparative size of Uranus and the earth. Uranus Fig. 301. 276. Discovery of Uranus.—This planet was discovered by Sir William Herschel in March, 1781. He was engaged at the time in examining the small stars of the constellation Gemini, or the Twins. He noticed that this object which had attracted his attention had an appreciable disk, and therefore could not be a star. He also perceived by its motion that it could not be a nebula; he therefore concluded that it was a comet, and announced his discovery as such. On attempting to compute its orbit, it was soon found that its motions could be accounted for only on the supposition that it was moving in a circular orbit at about twice the distance of Saturn from the sun. It was therefore recognized as a new planet, whose discovery nearly doubled the dimensions of the solar system as it was then known. 277. The Name of the Planet.—Herschel, out of compliment to his patron, George III., proposed to call the new Uranus Fig. 302. 278. The Satellites of Uranus.—Uranus is accompanied by four satellites, whose orbits are shown in Fig. 302. These satellites are remarkable for the great inclination of their orbits to the plane of the planet's orbit, amounting to about eighty degrees, and for their retrograde motion; that is, they move from east to west, instead of from west to east, as in the case of all the planets and of all the satellites previously discovered. Neptune.279. Orbit and Dimensions of Neptune.—So far as known, Neptune is the most remote member of the solar system, its mean distance from the sun being twenty-seven hundred and seventy-five million miles. This distance is considerably less than twice that of Uranus. Neptune revolves around the sun in a period of a little less than a hundred and sixty-five years. Its orbit has but slight eccentricity, and is inclined less than two degrees to the ecliptic. This planet is considerably larger than Uranus, its diameter being nearly thirty-five thousand miles. It is somewhat less dense than Uranus. Neptune is invisible to the naked eye, and no telescope has revealed any markings on its disk: hence nothing is certainly known as to its rotation. Fig. 303 shows the comparative size of Neptune and the earth. Neptune and Earth Fig. 303. 280. The Discovery of Neptune.—The discovery of Neptune was made in 1846, and is justly regarded as one of the grandest triumphs of astronomy. Soon after Uranus was discovered, certain irregularities in its motion were observed, which could not be explained. It The observed planet is proved to be nearer than the one predicted by Leverrier and Adams, and therefore of smaller magnitude. 281. The Observed Planet not the Predicted One.—Professor Peirce always maintained that the planet found by observation was not the one whose existence had been predicted by Leverrier and Adams, though its action would completely explain all the irregularities in the motion of Uranus. His last 282. Bode's Law Disproved.—The following table gives the distances of the planets according to Bode's law, their actual distances, and the error of the law in each case:—
It will be seen, that, before the discovery of Neptune, the agreement was so close as to indicate that this was an actual law of the distances; but the discovery of this planet completely disproved its existence. Fig. 304. 283. The Satellite of Neptune.—Neptune is accompanied by at least one moon, whose orbit is shown in Fig. 304. The orbit of this satellite is inclined about thirty degrees to the plane of the ecliptic, and the motion of the satellite is retrograde, or from east to west. VII. COMETS AND METEORS.I. COMETS.General Phenomena of Comets.284. General Appearance of a Bright Comet.—Comets bright enough to be seen with the naked eye are composed of three parts, which run into each other by insensible gradations. These are the nucleus, the coma, and the tail. The nucleus is the bright centre of the comet, and appears to the eye as a star or planet. The coma is a nebulous mass surrounding the nucleus on all sides. Close to the nucleus it is almost as bright as the nucleus itself; but it gradually shades off in every direction. The nucleus and coma combined appear like a star shining through a small patch of fog; and these two together form what is called the head of the comet. The tail is a continuation of the coma, and consists of a Comet Fig. 305. The general appearance of one of the smaller of the brilliant comets is shown in Fig. 305. Comet Fig. 306. Comet Fig. 307. 285. General Appearance of a Telescopic Comet.—The great majority of comets are too faint to be visible with the naked eye, and are called telescopic comets. In these comets there seems to be a development of coma at the expense of nucleus and tail. In some cases the telescope fails to reveal any nucleus at all in one of these comets; at other times the nucleus is so faint and ill-defined as to be barely distinguishable. Fig. 306 shows a telescopic comet without any nucleus at all, and another with a slight condensation at the centre. In these comets it is generally impossible to distinguish the coma from the tail, the latter being either entirely invisible, as in Comet Fig. 308. Comet Fig. 309. Comet Fig. 310. Comet Fig. 311. If the comet is only a small one, the tail developed is small; but these small appendages have a great variety of form in different comets. Fig. 309 shows the singular form into which Encke's comet was developed in 1871. Figs. 310 and 311 show other peculiar developments of telescopic comets. 287. Development of Brilliant Comets on their Approach to the Sun.—Brilliant comets, as well as telescopic comets, appear nearly alike when they come into the view of the telescope; and it is only on their approach to the sun that their distinctive features are developed. Not only do these comets, when they first come into view, resemble each other, but they also bear a close resemblance to telescopic comets. Comet Fig. 312. The jets in this case seemed to have an oscillatory motion. At 1 and 2 they seemed to be attracted towards the sun, and in 3 to be repelled by him. In 4 and 5 they seemed to be again attracted, and in 6 to be repelled, but in a reverse direction to that in 3. In 7 they appeared to be again attracted. Bessel likened this oscillation of the jets to the vibration of a magnetic needle when presented to the pole of a magnet. In the case of larger comets these luminous jets are surrounded Comet Fig. 313. Comet Fig. 314. 288. The Tails of Comets.—The tails of brilliant comets are rapidly formed as the comet approaches the sun, their increase in length often being at the rate of several million miles a day. These appendages seem to be formed entirely out of the matter which is emitted from the nucleus in the luminous jets which are at first directed towards the sun. The tails of comets are, however, always directed away from the sun, as shown in Fig. 315. Comet Fig. 315. It will be seen that the comet, as it approaches the sun, travels head foremost; but as it leaves the sun it goes tail foremost. The apparent length of the tail of a comet depends partly upon its real length, partly upon the distance of the comet, and partly upon the direction of the axis of the tail with reference to the line of vision. The longer the tail, the nearer the comet; and the more nearly at right angles to the line of vision is the axis of the tail, the greater is the apparent length of the tail. In the majority of cases the tails of comets measure only a few degrees; but, in the case of many comets recorded in history, the tail has extended half way across the heavens. The tails of comets are apparently hollow, and are sometimes a million of miles in diameter. So great, however, is the tenuity of the matter in them, that the faintest stars are seen through it without any apparent obscuration. See Fig. 316, which is a view of the great comet of 1264. Comet Fig. 316. Comet Fig. 317. Comet Fig. 318. Comet Fig. 319. Comet Fig. 320. The tails of comets are sometimes straight, as in Fig. 316, but usually more or less curved, as in Fig. 317, which is a view of Donati's comet as it appeared at one time. The tail of a comet is occasionally divided into a number of streamers, as in Figs. 318 and 319. Fig. 318 is a view of the great comet of 1744, and Fig. 319 of the Comet Fig. 321. Fig. 321 shows some of the forms which the imagination of a superstitious age saw depicted in comets, when these heavenly visitants were thought to be the forerunners of wars, pestilence, famine, and other dire calamities. 289. Visibility of Comets.—Even the brightest comets are visible only a short time near their perihelion passage. When near the sun, they sometimes become very brilliant, and on rare occasions have been visible even at mid-day. It is seldom that a comet can be seen, even with a powerful telescope, during its perihelion passage, unless its perihelion is either inside of the earth's orbit, or but little outside of it. Motion and Origin of Comets.290. Recognition of a Telescopic Comet.—It is impossible to distinguish telescopic comets by their appearance from another class of heavenly bodies known as nebulÆ. Such comets can be recognized only by their motion. Comet Fig. 322. 291. Orbits of Comets.—All comets are found to move in very eccentric ellipses, in parabolas, or in hyperbolas. Since an ellipse is a closed curve (48), all comets that move in ellipses, no matter how eccentric, are permanent members of the solar system, and will return to the sun at intervals of greater or less length, according to the size of the ellipses and the rate of the comet's motion. Parabolas and hyperbolas being open curves (48), comets that move in either of these orbits are only temporary members of our solar system. After passing the sun, they move off into space, never to return, unless deflected hither by the action of some heavenly body which they pass in their journey. Comet Fig. 323. Since a comet is visible only while it is near the sun, it is impossible to tell, by the form of the portion of the orbit which it describes during the period of its visibility, whether it is a part of a very elongated ellipse, a parabola, or a hyperbola. Thus in Fig. 323 are shown two orbits, one of which is a very elongated ellipse, and the other a parabola. The Whether a comet will describe an ellipse, a parabola, or a hyperbola, can be determined only by its velocity, taken in connection with its distance from the sun. Were a comet ninety-two and a half million miles from the sun, moving away from the sun at the rate of twenty-six miles a second, it would have just the velocity necessary to describe a parabola. Were it moving with a greater velocity, it would necessarily describe a hyperbola, and, with a less velocity, an ellipse. So, at any distance from the sun, there is a certain velocity which would cause a comet to describe a parabola; while a greater velocity would cause it to describe a hyperbola, and a less velocity to describe an ellipse. If the comet is moving in an ellipse, the less its velocity, the less the eccentricity of its orbit: hence, in order to determine the form of the orbit of any comet, it is only necessary to ascertain its distance from the sun, and its velocity at any given time. The velocity of most comets is so near the parabolic limit that it is not possible to decide, from observations, whether it falls short of it, or exceeds it. In the case of a few comets the observations indicate a minute excess of velocity; but this cannot be confidently asserted. It is not, therefore, absolutely certain that any known comet revolves in a hyperbolic orbit; and thus it is possible that all comets belong to our system, and will ultimately return to it. It is, however, certain, that, in the majority of cases, the return will be delayed for many centuries, and perhaps for many thousand years. 293. Origin of Comets.—It is now generally believed that the original home of the comets is in the stellar spaces outside In the majority of cases the retardation would be so slight that it could not be detected by the most delicate observation, and the comet would return to the sun only after the expiration of tens or hundreds of thousands of years; but, were the comet to pass very near one of the larger planets, the retardation might be sufficient to cause the comet to revolve in an elliptical orbit of quite a short period. The orbit of a comet thus captured by a planet would have its aphelion point near the orbit of the planet which captured it. Now, it happens that each of the larger planets has a family of comets whose aphelia are about its own distance from the sun. It is therefore probable that these comets have been captured by the action of these planets. As might be expected from the gigantic size of Jupiter, the Jovian family of comets is the largest. The orbits of several of the comets of this group are shown in Fig. 324. Comet Fig. 324. 294. Number of Comets.—The number of comets recorded as visible to the naked eye since the birth of Christ Remarkable Comets.295. The Comet of 1680.—The great comet of 1680, shown in Fig. 320, is one of the most celebrated on record. It was by his study of its motions that Newton proved the orbit of a comet to be one of the conic sections, and therefore that these bodies move under the influence of gravity. This comet descended almost in a direct line to the sun, passing nearer to that luminary than any comet before known. Newton estimated, that, at its perihelion point, it was exposed to a temperature two thousand times that of red-hot iron. During its perihelion passage it was exceedingly brilliant. Halley suspected that this comet had a period of five hundred and seventy-five years, and that its first recorded appearance was in 43 B.C., its third in 1106, and its fourth in 1680. If this is its real period, it will return in 2255. The comet of 43 B.C. made its appearance just after the assassination of Julius CÆsar. The Romans called it the Julian Star, and regarded it as a celestial chariot sent to convey the soul of CÆsar to the skies. It was seen two or three hours before sunset, and continued visible for eight successive days. The great comet of 1106 was described as an object of terrific splendor, and was visible in close proximity to the sun. The comet of 1680 has become celebrated, not only on account of its great brilliance, and on account of Newton's investigation of its orbit, but also on account of the speculation of the theologian Whiston in regard to it. He accepted five hundred and seventy-five years as its period, and calculated that one of its earlier apparitions must have occurred at the date of the flood, which he supposed to have been caused by its near approach to the earth; and he imagined that the earth is doomed to be destroyed by fire on some future encounter with this comet. Comet Fig. 325. 296. The Comet of 1811.—The great comet of 1811, a view of which is given in Fig. 325, is, perhaps, the most remarkable comet on record. It was visible for nearly seventeen months, Comet Fig. 326. Comet Fig. 327. 297. Halley's Comet.—Halley's comet has become one of the most celebrated of modern times. It is the first comet whose return was both predicted and observed. It made its appearance in 1682. Halley computed its orbit, and compared it with those of previous comets, whose orbits he also computed from recorded observations. He found that it coincided so exactly with that of the comet observed by Kepler in 1607, that there could be no doubt of the identity of the two orbits. So close were they together, that, were they both drawn in the Fig. 328. Comet Fig. 329. Comet Fig. 330. 298. Encke's Comet.—This telescopic comet, two views of which are given in Figs. 329 and 330, appeared in 1818. Encke computed its orbit, and found it to lie wholly within the orbit of Jupiter (Fig. 324), and the period to be about three years and a third. By comparing the intervals between the successive returns of this comet, it has been ascertained that its orbit is continually growing smaller and smaller. To account for the retardation of this comet, Olbers announced his celebrated hypothesis, that the celestial spaces are filled with a subtile resisting medium. This hypothesis was adopted by Encke, and has been accepted by certain other astronomers; but it has by no means gained universal assent. 299. Biela's Comet.—This comet appeared in 1826, and was found to have a period of about six years and two thirds. On its return in 1845, it met with a singular, and as yet unexplained, Comet Fig. 331. Comet Fig. 332. Comet Fig. 333. Comet Fig. 334. 300. The Comet of 1843.—The great comet of 1843, a view of which is given in Fig. 334, was favorably situated for observation only in southern latitudes. It was exceedingly brilliant, and was easily seen in full daylight, in close proximity to the sun. The apparent length of its tail was sixty-five degrees, and its real length a hundred and fifty million miles, or nearly 301. Donati's Comet.—The great comet of 1858, known as Donati's comet, was one of the most magnificent of modern times. When at its brightest it was only about fifty million miles from the earth. Its tail was then more than fifty million miles long. Had the comet at this time been directly between the earth and sun, the earth must have passed through Comet Fig. 335. Comet Fig. 336. Comet Fig. 337. 302. The Comet of 1861.—The great comet of 1861 is remarkable for its great brilliancy, for its peculiar fan-shaped tail, and for the probable passage of the earth through its tail. Sir John Herschel declared that it far exceeded in brilliancy any comet he had ever seen, not excepting those of 1811 and 1858. Secchi found its tail to be a hundred and eighteen degrees in length, the largest but one on record. Fig. 338 shows this comet as it appeared at one time. Fig. 339 shows the position of the earth at E, in the tail of this comet, on the 30th of June, 1861. Fig. 340 shows the probable passage of the earth through the tail of the comet on that date. As the tail of a comet doubtless consists of something much less dense than our atmosphere, it is not surprising that no noticeable effect was produced upon us by the encounter, if it occurred. Comet Fig. 338. Comet Fig. 339. Comet Fig. 340. 303. Coggia's Comet.—This comet, which appeared in 1874, looked very large, because it came very near the earth. It was Comet Fig. 341. Comet Fig. 342. Comet Fig. 343. Connection between Meteors and Comets.305. Shooting-Stars.—On watching the heavens any clear night, we frequently see an appearance as of a star The average number of shooting-stars visible to the naked eye at any one place is estimated at about a thousand an hour; and the average number large enough to be visible to the naked eye, that traverse the atmosphere daily, is estimated at over eight millions. The number of telescopic shooting-stars would of course be much greater. Occasionally, shooting-stars leave behind them a trail of Meteors Fig. 344. Meteors Fig. 345. Meteors Fig. 346. Meteors Fig. 347. Shooting-stars are seen to move in all directions through the heavens. Their apparent paths are, however, generally inclined downward, though sometimes upward; and after midnight they come in the greatest numbers from that quarter of the heavens toward which the earth is moving in its journey around the sun. Meteors Fig. 348. Sometimes these brilliant meteors are seen to explode, as shown in Fig. 349; and the explosion is accompanied with a loud detonation, like the discharge of cannon. Meteors Fig. 349. Ordinary shooting-stars are not accompanied by any 307. Aerolites.—There is no certain evidence that any deposit from ordinary shooting-stars ever reaches the surface of the earth; though a peculiar dust has been found in certain localities, which has been supposed to be of meteoric origin, and which has been called meteoric dust. There are eighteen well-authenticated cases in which aerolites have fallen in the United States during the last sixty years, and their aggregate weight is twelve hundred and fifty pounds. The entire number of known aerolites the date of whose fall is well determined is two hundred and sixty-one. There are also on record seventy-four cases of which the date Aerolites are composed of the same elementary substances as occur in terrestrial minerals, not a single new element having been found in their analysis. Of the sixty or more While aerolites contain no new elements, their appearance is quite peculiar; and the compounds found in them are so peculiar as to enable us by chemical analysis to distinguish an aerolite from any terrestrial substance. Iron ores are very abundant in nature, but iron in the metallic state is exceedingly rare. Now, aerolites invariably contain metallic iron, sometimes from ninety to ninety-six per cent. This iron is malleable, and may be readily worked into cutting instruments. It always contains eight or ten per cent of nickel, together with small quantities of cobalt, copper, tin, and chromium. This composition has never been found in any terrestrial mineral. Aerolites also contain, usually in small amount, a compound of iron, nickel, and phosphorus, which has never been found elsewhere. Meteors Fig. 350. Meteor Fig. 351. 308. Meteoroids.—Astronomers now universally hold that shooting-stars, meteors, and aerolites are all minute bodies, revolving, like the comets, about the sun. They are moving in every possible direction through the celestial spaces. They may not average more than one in a million of cubic miles, and yet their total number exceeds all calculation. Of the nature of the minuter bodies of this class nothing is certainly known. The earth is continually encountering them in its journey around the sun. They are burned by passing through the upper regions of our atmosphere, and the shooting-star is simply the light of that burning. These bodies, which are invisible till they plunge into the earth's atmosphere, are called meteoroids. 309. Origin of the Light of Meteors.—When one of 310. The Intensity of the Heat to which a Meteoroid is Exposed.—It has been ascertained by experiment that a body moving through the atmosphere at the rate of a hundred and twenty-five feet a second raises the temperature of the air immediately in front of it one degree, and that the temperature increases as the square of the velocity of the moving body; that is to say, that, with a velocity of two hundred and fifty feet, the temperature in front of the body would be raised four degrees; with a velocity of five hundred feet, sixteen degrees; and so on. To find, therefore, the temperature to which a meteoroid would be exposed in passing through our atmosphere, we have merely to divide its velocity in feet per second by a hundred and twenty-five, and square the quotient. With a velocity of forty-four miles a second in our atmosphere, a meteoroid would therefore be exposed to a temperature of between three and four million degrees. The air acts upon the body as if it were raised to this intense heat. At such a temperature small masses of the most refractory or incombustible substances known to us would flash into vapor with the evolution of intense light and heat. If one of these meteoric bodies is large enough to pass If, on the other hand, the meteoroid is so small as to be burned up or volatilized in the upper regions of the atmosphere, we have a common shooting-star, or a meteor of greater or less brilliancy. Meteor Fig. 352. 311. Meteoric Showers.—On ordinary nights only four or five shooting-stars are seen in an hour, and these move in every direction. Their orbits lie in all possible positions, and are seemingly scattered at random. Such meteors are called sporadic meteors. On occasional nights, shooting-stars are more numerous, and all move in a common direction. Such a display is called a meteoric shower. These showers differ greatly in brilliancy; but during any one shower the meteors all appear to radiate from some one point in the heavens. If we mark on a celestial globe the apparent paths of the meteors which fall during a shower, or if we trace them back on the celestial sphere, we shall find that they all meet in the same point, as shown in Fig. 352. This point is called the radiant point. It always appears in the same position, wherever the observer is situated, and does not partake of the diurnal motion of the earth. As the stars move towards the west, the radiant point moves with them. The point in question is purely an effect of perspective, being the "vanishing point" of the parallel lines in which the meteors are actually moving. 312. The August Meteors.—A meteoric shower of no great brilliancy occurs annually about the 10th of August. The radiant point of this shower is in the constellation Perseus, and hence these meteors are often called the Perseids. The orbit of these meteoroids has been pretty accurately determined, and is shown in Fig. 353. Meteors Fig. 353. Meteor Orbits Fig. 354. 313. The November Meteors.—A somewhat brilliant meteoric shower also occurs annually, about the 13th of November. The radiant point of these meteors is in the constellation Leo, and hence they are often called the Leonids. Their orbit has been determined with great accuracy, and is shown in Fig. 354. While the November meteors are not usually very numerous or bright, a remarkably brilliant display of them has been seen once in about thirty-three or thirty-four years: hence we infer, that, while there are some meteoroids scattered throughout the whole extent of the orbit, the great majority are massed in Meteors Fig. 355. The last brilliant display of these meteors was in the years 1866 and 1867. The display was visible in this country only a short time before sunrise, and therefore did not attract general attention. The display of 1833 was remarkably brilliant in this country, and caused great consternation among the ignorant and superstitious. Meteors and Comets Fig. 356. 314. Connection between Meteors and Comets.—It has been found that a comet which appeared in 1866, and which is designated as 1866, I., has exactly the same orbit and period as the November meteors, and that another comet, known as the 1862, III., has the same orbit as the August meteors. It has also been ascertained that a third comet, 1861, I., has the same orbit as a stream of meteors which the earth encounters in April. Furthermore, it was found, in 1872, that there was a small stream of meteors following in the train of the lost comet of Biela. These various orbits of comets and meteoric streams are shown in Fig. 356. The coincidence of the orbits Physical and Chemical Constitution of Comets.315. Physical Constitution of Telescopic Comets.—We have no certain knowledge of the physical constitution of telescopic comets. They are usually tens of thousands of miles in diameter, and yet of such tenuity that the smallest stars can readily be seen through them. It would seem that they must shine in part by reflected light; yet the spectroscope shows that their spectrum is composed of bright bands, which would indicate that they are composed, in part at least, of incandescent gases. It is, however, difficult to conceive how these gases become sufficiently heated to be luminous; and at the same time such gases would reflect no sunlight. It seems probable that these comets are really made up of a combination of small, solid particles in the form of minute meteoroids, and of gases which are, perhaps, rendered luminous by electric discharges of slight intensity. 316. Physical Constitution of Large Comets.—In the case of large comets the nucleus is either a dense mass of solid matter several hundred miles in diameter, or a dense group of meteoroids. Professor Peirce estimated that the density That some evaporating process is going on from the nucleus of the comet is proved by the movements of the tail. It is evident that the tail cannot be an appendage carried along with the comet, as it seems to be. It is impossible that there should be any cohesion in matter of such tenuity that the smallest stars could be seen through a million of miles of it, and which is, moreover, continually changing its form. Then, again, as a comet is passing its perihelion, the tail appears to be whirled from one side of the sun to another with a rapidity which would tear it to pieces if the movement were real. The tail seems to be, not something attached to the comet, and carried along with it, but a stream of vapor issuing from it, like smoke from a chimney. The matter of which it is composed is continually streaming outwards, and continually being replaced by fresh vapor from the nucleus. The vapor, as it emanates from the nucleus, is repelled by the sun with a force often two or three times as great as the ordinary solar attraction. The most probable explanation of this phenomenon is, that it is a case of electrical repulsion, the sun and the particles of the cometary mist being similarly Meteors and Comets Fig. 357. 317. Collision of a Comet and the Earth.—It sometimes happens that the orbit of a comet intersects that of the earth, as is shown in Fig. 357, which shows a portion of the orbit of Biela's comet, with the positions of the comet and of the earth in 1832. Of course, were a comet and the earth both to reach the intersection of their orbits at the same time, a collision of the two bodies would be inevitable. With reference to the probable effect of such a collision, Professor Newcomb remarks,— "The question is frequently asked, What would be the Spectrum Fig. 358. Spectrum Fig. 359. 318. The Chemical Constitution of Comets.—Fig. 358 shows the bands of the spectrum of a telescopic comet of 1873, as seen by two different observers. Fig. 359 shows the spectrum of the coma and tail of the comet of 1874; and the spectrum of the bright comet of 1881 showed the same three bands for the coma and tail. Now, these three bands are those of certain hydrocarbon vapors: hence it would seem that the coma and tails of comets are composed chiefly of such vapors (315). II. THE ZODIACAL LIGHT.319. The General Appearance of the Zodiacal Light.—The phenomenon known as the zodiacal light consists of a very faint luminosity, which may be seen rising from the western horizon after twilight on any clear winter or spring evening, also from the eastern horizon just before daybreak in the summer or autumn. It extends out on each side of the sun, and lies nearly in the plane of the ecliptic. It grows fainter the farther it is from the sun, and can generally be traced to about ninety degrees from that luminary, Zodiacal Light Fig. 360. Taking all these appearances together, they indicate that it is due to a lens-shaped appendage surrounding the sun, and extending a little beyond the earth's orbit. It lies nearly in the plane of the ecliptic; but its exact position is not easily determined. Fig. 361 shows the general form and position of this solar appendage, as seen in the west. Zodiacal Light Fig. 361. 320. The Visibility of the Zodiacal Light.—The reason why the zodiacal light is more favorably seen in the evening during the winter and spring than in the summer and fall is evident from Fig. 362, which shows the position of the ecliptic and the zodiacal light with reference to the western horizon at the time of sunset in March and in September. It will be seen that in September the axis of the light forms a small angle with the horizon, so that the phenomenon is visible only a short time after sunset and low down where it is difficult to distinguish it from the glimmer of the twilight; while in March, its axis being nearly perpendicular to the horizon, the light may be observed for some hours after sunset Zodiacal Light Fig. 362. Zodiacal Light Fig. 363. 321. Nature of the Zodiacal Light.—Various attempts have been made to explain the phenomena of the zodiacal light; but the most probable theory is, that it is due to an immense number of meteors which are revolving around the sun, and which lie mostly within the earth's orbit. Each of these meteors reflects a sensible portion of sunlight, but is far too small to be separately visible. All of these meteors together would, by their combined reflection, produce a kind of pale, diffused light. |