On the maps the location of each rural church is indicated by a square and the residence of each minister by a cross. Lines connect each church with the residence of its pastor. Therefore the maps show for each church whether it receives the whole or a part of a minister’s service, and for each minister how many churches he serves and the distances he must go to reach them and the various parts of his parish. The capital letters adjacent to each square indicate the denomination of the church. The figures in parentheses and next to the square indicate the enrolled membership. The figures not so enclosed indicate the resident membership. The abbreviations, Inc., Sta., and Dec. indicate whether the membership is increasing, stationary, or declining. Increase or decline in membership, however, is only indicated where it was possible to find the membership of ten or five years ago. When the figures for ten years ago are available, these are taken as a basis for comparison with the membership at the present time. Often the records of the churches are so kept as to make it impossible or very difficult to find the membership of either five or ten years ago. Shaded squares indicate closed churches. These have no minister and hold no regular services. Abandoned churches are indicated by black squares. It is believed that large numbers of them were not reported. Churches marked “Not Organized” do not appear in the tabulations. In the northwest corner of each township is given its name, while underneath are figures indicating its population. The large circles in the township indicate cities or towns of more than 2,500 inhabitants. Figures in parentheses indicate the number of their population, which number is included in the figures for the township. But in each case where they are A key to the maps is here given. KEY
Adams County, Ohio Allen County, Ohio Ashland County, Ohio Ashtabula County, Ohio Athens County, Ohio Auglaize County, Ohio Belmont County, Ohio Brown County, Ohio Butler County, Ohio Carroll County, Ohio Champaign County, Ohio Clark County, Ohio Clermont County, Ohio Clinton County, Ohio Columbiana County, Ohio Crawford County, Ohio Cuyahoga County, Ohio Darke County, Ohio Defiance County, Ohio Delaware County, Ohio Erie County, Ohio Fairfield County, Ohio Fayette County, Ohio Franklin County, Ohio Fulton County, Ohio Gallia County, Ohio Geauga County, Ohio Greene County, Ohio Guernsey County, Ohio Hamilton County, Ohio Hancock County, Ohio Hardin County, Ohio Harrison County, Ohio Henry County, Ohio Highland County, Ohio Hocking County, Ohio Holmes County, Ohio Huron County, Ohio Jackson County, Ohio Jefferson County, Ohio Knox County, Ohio Lake County, Ohio Lawrence County, Ohio Licking County, Ohio Logan County, Ohio Lorain County, Ohio Lucas County, Ohio Madison County, Ohio Mahoning County, Ohio Marion County, Ohio Medina County, Ohio Meigs County, Ohio Mercer County, Ohio Miami County, Ohio Monroe County, Ohio Montgomery County, Ohio Morgan County, Ohio Morrow County, Ohio Muskingum County, Ohio Noble County, Ohio Ottawa County, Ohio Paulding County, Ohio Perry County, Ohio Pickaway County, Ohio Pike County, Ohio Portage County, Ohio Preble County, Ohio Putnam County, Ohio Richland County, Ohio Ross County, Ohio Sandusky County, Ohio Scioto County, Ohio Seneca County, Ohio Shelby County, Ohio Stark County, Ohio Summit County, Ohio Trumbull County, Ohio Tuscarawas County, Ohio Union County, Ohio Van Wert County, Ohio Vinton County, Ohio Warren County, Ohio Washington County, Ohio Wayne County, Ohio Williams County, Ohio Wood County, Ohio Wyandot County, Ohio |