This Scottish poet was the second son of Patrick, fifth Baron of Polwarth. He was born about the middle of the sixteenth century, and died in 1609. He resided for some years, in the early part of his life, in France. Returning home, he studied law, and then tried his fortune at Court. Here he was eclipsed by a rival, named Montgomery; and after assailing his rival, who rejoined, in verse, he became a clergyman in disgust, and was settled in the parish of Logie. Here he darkened into a sour and savage Calvinist, and uttered an exhortation to the youth of Scotland to forego the admiration of classical heroes, and to read no love-poetry save the 'Song of Solomon.' In another poetic walk, however, that of natural description, Hume excelled, and we print with pleasure some parts of his 'Summer's Day,' which our readers may compare with Mr Aird's fine poem under the same title, and be convinced that the sky of Scotland was as blue, and the grass as green, and Scottish eyes as quick to perceive their beauty, in the sixteenth century as now. THANKS FOR A SUMMER'S DAY.1 O perfect light which shade[1] away 2 Thy glory, when the day forth flies, 3 The shadow of the earth anon 4 Which soon perceive the little larks, 5 But every bold nocturnal beast * * * * * 6 The golden globe incontinent 7 For joy the birds with boulden[6] throats, 8 Upbraids[8] the careful husbandman, 9 The pastor quits the slothful sleep, 10 The passenger, from perils sure, * * * * * 11 The misty reek,[12] the clouds of rain 12 Begaired[14] is the sapphire pend[15] 13 The ample heaven, of fabric sure, 14 The time so tranquil is and clear, 15 All trees and simples, great and small, 16 The rivers fresh, the caller[18] streams, * * * * * 17 Calm is the deep and purple sea, 18 So silent is the cessile air, 19 The clogged busy humming bees, 20 The sun most like a speedy post * * * * * 21 The breathless flocks draw to the shade 22 The herds beneath some leafy trees, 23 The hart, the hind, the fallow-deer, 24 The rayons dure[26] descending down, 25 Back from the blue pavemented whun,[28] 26 The labourers that timely rose, 27 The caller[29] wine in cave is sought, 28 With gilded eyes and open wings, 29 The dove with whistling wings so blue, 30 Now noon is gone—gone is mid-day, * * * * * 31 The rayons of the sun we see 32 Great is the calm, for everywhere 33 The mavis and the philomeen,[34] 34 The gloamin[37] comes, the clay is spent, * * * * * 35 The scarlet nor the golden thread, * * * * * 36 What pleasure then to walk and see, 37 The salmon out of cruives[39] and creels[40] 38 O sure it were a seemly thing, 39 Through all the land great is the gild[43] 40 All labourers draw home at even, [1] 'Shade:' for shaded. [2] 'Nor:' than. [3] 'Syne:' then. [4] 'Maist and least:' largest and smallest. [5] 'Abread:' abroad. [6] 'Boulden:' emboldened. [7] 'Sheen:' shining. [8] 'Upbraids:' uprises. [9] 'Timeous:' early. [10]'Camow-nosed:' flat-nosed. [11]'Rowting kye:' lowing kine. [12]'Reek:' fog. [13]'Skails:' dissipates. [14]'Begaired:' dressed out. [15]'Pend:' arch. [16]'Spraings:' streaks. [17] 'Steir:' stir. [18] 'Caller:' cool. [19] 'Rin:' run. [20] 'Woltering:' tumbling. [21] 'Drown:' drone, be idle. [22] 'Freshure:' freshness. [23] 'Fauld:' fold. [24] 'Tapish'd:' stretched as on a carpet. [25] 'Beare:' sound, music. [26] 'Rayons dure:' hard or keen rays. [27] 'Gleid:' fire. [28] 'Whun:' whinstone. [29] 'Caller:' cool. [30] 'Brothing:' burning. [31] 'Ule:' oil. [32] 'Dings:' beats. [33] 'Reek:' smoke. [34] 'The mavis and the philomeen:' thrush and nightingale. [35] 'Cushats:' wood-pigeons. [36] 'Crood:' coo. [37] 'Gloamin:' evening. [38] 'Endlong:' along. [39] 'Cruives:' cages for catching fish. [40] 'Creels:' baskets. [41] 'Scouts:' small boats or yawls. [42] 'Weills:' eddies. [43] 'Gild:' throng. * * * * * OTHER SCOTTISH POETS.About the same time with Hume flourished two or three poets in Scotland of considerable merit, such as Alexander Scott, author of satires and amatory poems, and called sometimes the 'Scottish Anacreon;' Sir Richard Maitland of Lethington, father of the famous Secretary Lethington, who, in his advanced years, composed and dictated to his daughter a few moral and conversational pieces, and who collected, besides, into a MS. which bears his name, the productions of some of his contemporaries; and Alexander Montgomery, author of an allegorical poem, entitled 'The Cherry and the Slae.' The allegory is not well managed, but some of the natural descriptions are sweet and striking. Take the two following stanzas as a specimen:— 'The cushat croods, the corbie cries, 'The air was sober, saft, and sweet, The 'Cherry and the Slae' was familiar to Burns, who often, our readers will observe, copied its form of verse. |