- Abona, river, 440, 453.
- Abrasuanus, river, 450.
- Abus, river, 447.
- Ac-lea, Ockley, 45.
- AcmodÆ, islands, 463.
- Ad Abum, station, 499.
- Ad Abonam, station, 493.
- Ad Æsicam, station, 490.
- Ad Alaunam Amnem, station, 492.
- Ad Alpes Penninos, sta., 488.
- Ad Antonam, station, 496.
- Ad Aquas, station, 492.
- Ædui, 464.
- Ælecti, 402.
- Ælia Castra, station, 500.
- Æscendune, 27.
- Æsica, river, 451.
- Afene, river, 12.
- Agned, Edinburgh, 113.
- Akalon, river in Greece, 93.
- Akeman Street, 478.
- Alauna, city, 445, 451, 478, 489, 496.
- —— river, 449, 486.
- Alba, now Albano in Italy, 91.
- Albania, now Scotland, 109.
- Albion, notices of, 106, 419, 421.
- Alcluith, city, 112, 134, 212, 235, 437, 452.
- Alicana, 488.
- Allobroges, in Switzerland, 126.
- Alps, Pennine, 447.
- Ambrius, mt., 214, 217, 221.
- Ambrons, 212, 229.
- Anderida, port, 478, 497.
- —— wood, 438, 499.
- —— town, 439, 499.
- Andros, isles, 463.
- Angles, their origin, 400.
- Anglia, 5.
- Andredes-leage, Anderida, 7.
- AntivestÆum, prom., 441, 460.
- Antona, river, 439.
- Antoninus's Itinerary, 473.
- Apoldre, Appledore, 35.
- AquÆ Solis, 440, 456, 492-450, 452.
- Caledonian wood, 232, 438, 446, 453.
- Caledonian promontory, 454.
- CaledoniÆ extrema, 454.
- Caledonii, 453.
- Caleterium, a wood, 124, 134, 201, 202.
- Calleba, city, 439, 494, 496, 497, 500.
- Camalodunum, called GeminÆ MartiÆ, 444, 445, 456, 465, 469, 484.
- Cambodunum, town, Latian, 447, 457, 488.
- Camboricum, colony, 416, 457, 485.
- Cambretonium, sta., 484, 485.
- Cambria, 109.
- Cambula, river, 270.
- Cangani, 442.
- Canganum, promontory, 443.
- Cangi, 459, 465.
- Cangian promontory, 443.
- Cangiani, 443, 444, 461.
- Cangiorum, station, 444.
- Canonium, station, 484.
- Canovius, river, 444.
- Cantabric, ocean, 459.
- Cantabridge, Cambridge, 38.
- CantÆ, 453.
- Cant Guic, 394.
- Cantian state, 6, 438.
- —— promontory, 421.
- Cantiopolis, stipendiary, 438, 457, 482.
- Cantium, promont., 422, 438.
- —— region of, 438.
- Carnabii, region of, 441, 444, 453.
- CarnonacÆ, 454.
- Carnubia, region of, 107, 441.
- Carrum, Charmouth, 21.
- Carun, river, 393.
- CasÆ CandidÆ, town, 450.
- Cassii, kingd. of, 444, 447, 456, 486-489, 499.
- Ebudium, Ebudum, promontory, 454.
- Egbert's-stone, Brixton Deverill, 62.
- Eglesburh, Aylesbury, 8.
- Ellandune, Allington, 29.
- Elmete, 414.
- Epiacum, town, 447, 477, 486.
- Epidii, 454.
- Epidium, promontory, 454.
- Ermyn Street, 478.
- Eriri, mount, 444.
- Esc's-dune, 12, 13.
- Ethandune, 31, 62.
- Etocetum, town, 444, 478, 483, 492, 500.
- Eubonia, 386, 389.
- Evorio, or Eoferwic, York, 25.
- Exanceaster, Exeter, 58.
- Extremitas CaledoniÆ, 454.
- Fethanleage, 9.
- Fines (Ad), 487, 499, 500.
- Fines FlaviÆ et SecundÆ, 483.
- —— MaximÆ et FlaviÆ, 488.
- —— Trinobantum, 484.
- Flavia Extrema, 446.
- —— province, 436, 444.
- Forum DianÆ, town, 445.
- Foss, the, 473.
- Fraun, river, 58.
- Fresicum, or Fresic sea, 400.
- Fretum Meneviacum, 443.
- —— SabrinÆ, 442.
- Gadanica, station, 489, 490.
- Gadeni, 449.
- Gadenia, region, 449.
- —— town, 449.
- Gai Campi, battle, 415.
- Gaini, inhabitants of Gainsborough, 53.
- Galabes, fountain, 215.
- Galacium, Galgacum, town, 447.
- Gallembourne, 161.
- Gania, river, 208.
- Garion, Garionis, river, 446.
- Garionenum, station, 408.
- Garnareia, 280.
- Genania, region, 444.
- Genoreu, 208.
- Gessoriacum, port, 420.
- GewissÆ, 43, 479, 489, 491.
- Selwoodshire, Sherborne, 14.
- SenÆ, isles, 463.
- Senones, 429, 443, 464.
- Senus, river, 460.
- Seteja, river, 447.
- Set thirgabail, 404.
- Sexta Colonia, see Eboracum.
- Sigdiles, isles, 463.
- Silimnus, isles, 463.
- Silures, 422, 442, 443, 470.
- Sistuntii, 447.
- Sistuntiorum Portus, 488.
- Sitomagus, station, 484.
- Snotingaham, Nottingh., 26.
- Sorbiodunum, town, Latian, 439, 457, 477, 498.
- Sore, river, 114, 119.
- Southampton, 439.
- SpinÆ, station, 494.
- StÆningham, Steyning, 49.
- Stemrugam, Stonehenge? 49.
- Stipendiary towns, 457.
- Stonehenge, 272.
- Streaneshalch, Whitby, 13.
- Sture, river, 111.
- Sturium Amnem (Ad), station, 484.
- Sturius, river, 438.
- Suanewic, Swanwich, 59.
- Sulomagus, station, 482.
- Surius, river, 446.
- Sygdiles, isles, 441.
- Taixali, 451.
- Taixalorum, promont., 451.
- Tamara, river, 498.
- —— town, 441, 477.
- Tamarus, river 441.
- Tamea, 452, 491.
- Tamesis, station, 500.
- Tavum (Ad), station, 490.
- Taum, 477.
- Tavus, river, 443, 451.
- Tenet, Isle of Thanet, 45.
- Termolus, 441, 477.
- Thamesis, river, 436, 439, 443, 444.
- Thanatos, isle, 463.
- Thancastre, 186.
- Theodosia, town, Latian, 452, 457.
- ThermÆ, colony, named AquÆ Solis, 456, 465.
- ThornsÆta, 58.
- Thule, isle
1. Cornabil and Danmonia People of Cornwall and Devonshire. 2. Durotriges Dorsetshire. 3. BelgÆ Somerset, Wilts, and the greater part of Hants, including the Isle of Wight. 4. Atrebatie Berkshire. 5. Regni Surrey, Sussex and the south-eastern part of Hants. 6. Cantii Kent. 7. Trinobantes Middlesex and Essex. 8. Iceni Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridge, and Huntingdonshire. 9. Catieuchlani Bucks, Bedford and Hertfordshire. 10. Dobuni Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire. 11. Silures Hereford, Monmouth, Radnor, Brecon, and Glamorganshire. 12. DimetÆ Carmarthen, Pembroke, and Cardiganshire. 13. Ordovices Flint, Denbigh, Merioneth, Montgomery, Carnarvonshire, and Anglesey. 14. Cornavii Cheshire, Shropshire, Stafford, Warwick, and Worcestershire. 15. Coritani Lincoln, Nottingham, Derby, Leicester, Rutland, and Northamptonshire. 16. Brigantes Yorkshire, Lancashire, Westmoreland, Cumberland, and Durham. 17. Attadini, or Ottaduni Northumberland. LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED. DUKE STREET, STAMFORD STREET, S.E. AND GREAT WINDMILL STREET, W.