- Aaron, a British martyr, 161, 242, 303, 466.
- Ælla, king of the South Saxons, 1.
- Ælla, usurper of Northumbria, 52.
- Æneas, the Trojan, marries Lavinia, 91, 387.
- Æsc, king of Kent, 7.
- Ætius, a Roman general, 307, 450.
- Aganippus, king of the Franks, 116.
- Agricola, Roman governor, 443, 448, 450, 466, 470.
- Aidan, king of the Scots, 285.
- Alan, king of Armorica, 290.
- Alban, St. his martyrdom, 161, 303, 445, 466.
- Albanact, a son of Brutus, killed, 109.
- Aldhelm, bishop, 14.
- Aldroen, king of Armorica, 177.
- Alfred, Asser's Life of, 43-48;
- some further notices of, 1, 2, 27-37, 132;
- his children, 2, 68.
- Alfrid, king of Northumbria, 14, 286.
- Alifantinam, king of Spain, slain, 264.
- Alla [Ella], king of Northumbria, 8.
- Allectus, emperor in Britain, 159, 160.
- Alleluiatic victory, 406.
- Allobroges, in Switzerland, 126.
- Amalgaid, king of Connaught, 410.
- Amatheus consecrates St. Patrick, 410.
- Ambrius, founder of a monastery, 190.
- Ambrosius [Emrys Wledig], 182, 207-219, 396, 403, 407, 416.
- Amphibalus, St. 161.
- Anacletus taken prisoner by Brutus, 94-96.
- Andragius, a king of Britain, 136.
- Androgeus, duke of Trinovantum, 137.
- Anglia, East, genealogy of the kings, 412.
- Antenor, Trojan, 102.
- Antigonus taken prisoner by Brutus, 94.
- Antoninus's wall, 450.
- Anwiund, a Danish king, 30, 58.
- Archflamens made archbishops, 90, 386, 405, 406.
- Henry I. king of England, 90.
- Henuinus, duke of Cornwall, 116.
- Hider, a British general, 256.
- Hilda, abbess, 13.
- Hirelgas, Bedver's nephew, 264.
- Hirelglas, Cassibellaun's nephew, 143.
- Hingwar, Danish chief, 25, 26, 39, 61, 62.
- Hoctor settles in Ireland, 389.
- Hoel, king of Armorica, 231, 241, 248, 264.
- Holdin, king of the Ruteni, 264.
- Horsus, brother of Hengist, 4, 6, 183, 188.
- Hudibras, king of Britain, 114.
- Humber, king of the Huns, 109, 110.
- Humbert, bishop of the East Angles, 50.
- Ida, king of Northumbria, 8, 409.
- Idwallo, a just king of Britain, 136.
- Igerna, wife of Gorlois, 223-226.
- Ignoge, daughter of Pandrasus, 98.
- Imbertus, ambassador, 102.
- Ina, king of Wessex, 13, 14, 43.
- Inbaltus, commander of the Gauls, 169.
- Ireland, its first inhabitants, 389, 390, 464;
- Isembard renounces Christianity, 273.
- Isserninus, a bishop of Ireland, 410.
- Istereth settles in Dalrieta, 389.
- Ivor and Ini, British chiefs, 290, 291.
- Jago, an ancient British king, 120.
- John, abbat of Athelney, 70, 79-81.
- Judith, Alfred's queen, 46-51, 65.
- Julius, a British martyr, 161, 242, 466.
- Kamber, son of Brutus, 109.
- Kent, genealogy of the kings, 412.
- Kentwin, king of Wessex, 13.
- Kenulf, king of Mercia, 19, 20.
- Kenwalk, king of Wessex, 12, 13.
- Kimarus, a British king, 101.
- Pictavians, inhabitants of Poictou, 104.
- Picts and Scots, 3, 39, 153, 159, 182-184, 305-308, 390, 394, 396, 467, 468.
- Pir, an ancient British king, 136.
- Plegmund, abp. of Canterbury, 38, 70.
- Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, 353.
- Polytetes, king of Bithynia, 266.
- Porrex, king of Britain, 120.
- Porrex, another king of Britain, 136.
- Porsena, a Roman consul, killed, 130.
- Port arrives in Britain, 7.
- Posthumus, brother to Brutus, 387, 388.
- PrÆsutagus, a British king, 446, 447.
- Priwen, the name of Arthur's shield, 234.
- Pyramus, abp. of York, 237.
- Quintilianus killed by Walgan, 255.
- Raven, the Danish standard, 62.
- Rederchius, an ancient king of Britain, 136.
- Redion, an ancient king of Britain, 136.
- Regan, daughter of king Leir, 116.
- Reuda, king of the Picts, 466.
- Richard of Cirencester's History of Britain, 419;
- Riculf, king of Norway, defeated, 239.
- Ritho, the giant, 252.
- Rivallo, king of Britain, 120.
- Robert, earl of Gloucester, 89, 90.
- Rodric, king of the Picts, 153.
- Rollo, duke of Normandy. 58, 59.
- Roman governors of Britain, 465-471.
- Rome taken by Belinus, 129.
- Ron, the name of Arthur's lance, 234.
- Rowena, daughter of Hengist, 186-190.
- Roy's Commentary on the campaigns of Agricola, 450.
- Rudaucus, king of Cambria, 121.
- Runno, an ancient king of Britain, 136.
- Sabre, daughter of Estrildis, 111.
- Salomon, king of Armorica, 281.
- Samuilpenissel, king of Britain, 136.
- Samson, abp. of Dole, 245.
- Sanxo, abp. of York,