Some tables and illustrations have been moved; some tables have been re-arranged. Due to their width, several of the tables are best viewed in a wide window. Unusual or archaic spelling and inconsistencies in spelling (including between text and indexes), use of diacriticals, lay-out, hyphenation, etc. have been retained, except as mentioned below. Non-English words (including geographical names) have not been corrected, except as mentioned below. Depending on the hard- and software used, not all elements may display as intended. The geographic and climatological data in Part II are given here as printed in the source document. In general they do not appear to be very reliable (see also the first paragraphs of Part II, Section II and the author’s remarks with some of the individual tables). There are inconsistencies in the data, and the conversion from degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius (or vice versa) and from inches to millimetres (or vice versa) has apparently not always been done with the same conversion factors or accuracy. Only obvious typographical errors in the data (where the location of the error could be identified) have been changed; see below under Changes. Similarly, the results of calculations (such as sums and means) do not always agree with the data on which they are supposed to be based; here, too, corrections have only been made in case of obvious typographical errors where the location of the error could be identified. A good deal of caution in using the data is advisable. Figures 3 and 12 are (apart from the caption) identical in the source document. Page I-57 and index: Cgaleka is possibly a typographical error for Chaleka or Chalekah Part II, Errata: the errata have already been corrected in the text. Page II-74 and index, C. Boliano: probably Cape Bolinao; Baryermassing possibly Banyermassing (Banjarmasin, although that is on Borneo rather than on Sumatra). Page II-91, table Molendo, monthly rainfall for June should probable read 0·06 Ins. Page II-100 and 101: data have not been corrected. Page II-103, entry Hann’s Klimatologie: there are no pages iii. or iv. in the second part. Changes madeSome obvious minor typographical errors have been corrected silently. Page I-xvi: Spinnach changed to Spinach Page I-9: Antypyrin changed to Antipyrin Page I-108: the illusive flying insect changed to the elusive flying insect Page I-151: napthol changed to naphthol Page II-11: (1) deleted from before section header Temperature (cf. other section headers) Page II-25, table Valetta, row June: 1·0 Mm. changed to 10·0 Mm. Page II-32, latitude Wadi Halfa: N. added Page II-40, table Natal, yearly total rainfall: 104·7 changed to 1,047·0 Page II-44, table Suakim, February rainfall: 0·17 Mm. changed to 17·0 Mm. Page II-53 and index: Dashstistan changed to Dashtistan Page II-54 and II-63: Jachobabad changed to Jacobabad Page II-61: Jubbulpur changed to Jubulpur; Trichinopoli changed to Trichinopoly Page II-71, table Formosa rainfall, Kilung February, 397 Mm. changed to 379 Mm.; April, 22·0 Mm. changed to 220 Mm.; May 237 Mm. changed to 273 Mm.; 65·25 ins. (16·58 mm.) changed to 65·25 ins. (1,658 mm.); Table Zi-ka-Wei, yearly average maximum temperature 37·3 C. changed to 27·3 C. Page II-72, table Batavia, mean temperature February: 23·4 C. changed to 25·4 C. Page II-77, table Brisbane, header M. changed to Mm. Page II-78, second table, column Mean Monthly Minima temperatures in C.: marked up as bold face for consistency Page II-80, Marshall Group. October: 11·47 Ins. changed to 15·47; Ins. Page II-85: Matumoras changed to Matamoros Page II-92: Columbia changed to Colombia Page II-96: Medelin changed to Medellin Page II-103: Barbadoes changed to Barbados; Bogoba changed to Bogota Page II-104: Gujerat changed to Gujarat Page II-106: Massowa changed to Massawa; Mazattan changed to Mazatlan; Musket changed to Muskat; Trinchinopoly changed to Trichinopoly; Yucaban changed to Yucatan Page II-108: Wakuyrui changed to Wakujrui. |