-h@57122-h-13.htm.html#PageII-59" class="pginternal">59, 63 Columbia, climate of, 3 Ispahan, climatic table of, 52 Italy, South, 25 Jacobabad, temperature in, 2, 54, 63 Jacksonville, 83 Jaffa, climatic data, 48 Jaipur, climatic table, 56-57 Jaluit, temperature chart of, 79 Jamaica, 88; climate of, 89 Java, 72 “Java winds,” 66 Jerusalem, climatic table of, 48 JhÁnsi, climatic tables of, 56-57, 61 Joinville, temperature table of, 93 Jubulpur, climatic tables of, 56-57, 61 Jupiter, American Town, 83 Kamsin, 42 Kanai, temperature table of, 79 Karachi, 53 Karoo, 31 Kassala, climatic data for, 33 Khandwa, climatic table of, 56-57 “Khamseen,” 27, 29 Khathiawar, rainfall at, 58 Kidney affections, Egypt as a resort for, 28 Kilung, rainfall at, 71 Kingston, Jamaica, climatic table of, 89 “Kiti” breezes, 67 “Klimatologie,” see Hann’s “Klimatologie” Korat plateau, 68 Kota Raja (Sumatra), rainfall at, 75 Kupang (Timor), rainfall at, 75 Kurrachi, climatic tables for, 56-57, 63 Kuttak, temperature table of, 61 La Guayra, temperature table of, 92 Lahat (Sumatra) temperature table of, 74 Lahore, climatic tables of, 56-57, 61, 63 Land, thermal capacity as compared with that of sea, 4 Lawson, Capt. I. A., “Wanderings in Interior of New Guinea,” cited, 76 Leh, temperature table of, 63 Leon, climatic data for, 84, 85 Lesuha, (Fiji), rainfall at,
66, 73 Singkel (Sumatra), rainfall at, 75 Sironcha, temperature table of, 61 Skin, influence of temperature on, 12 Sleeping sickness, 31, 32 Smyrna, climatic data for, 48 Snakes, poisonous, 76 Solly, Dr., quoted, 82, 83-84 Somaliland, climate of, 46 Soudan, climate of, 3, 31-33 Southern Hemisphere, currents of, 9 Sresnewsky, 15 Stanley’s Pool, 36 Stevenson, R. L., 79 Straits Settlements, climate of, 65-66 Suakim, climate of, 43-44, 47 Sub-tropical zone, isotherm bounding, 3 Suez, Gulf of, 42 Suleiman Range, 54, 55 Sunstroke in New York, 81 Surat, rainfall at, 58 Sweat glands, working of, 12, 13 Syrian Coast, climate of, 25 Taboga Island, climatic data, 86, 87 Takao Anping, rainfall in, 71 Tana, temperature table of, 79 Tancredi, Capt., 45 Tanganyika, climatic data, 34-35 Taurus Mountain range, 26 Teheran, climatic table of, 52 Tel, The, 23 Temperature (for temperatures of places see place names) Air of, effect on body temperature and health, 11-13 Determination of, 10 Diurnal range of, influence on health, 13-14 Sub-tropical, 2-3 Tropical, 2-3 Ternata (Jilolo), rainfall, 75 Tevandrum, temperature table, 61 Texas, rainfall at, 82 Thandiani, 61 Thermometers— Maximum and minimum, 10 Wet and dry bulb, 98; calculation of relati