Abkhai, 18, 20;
death of, 19
Aisin Gioro, 118
AkutÊng, 4;
death of, 6
Alabaster, Mr, 93
Albazin, 42
Amherst, Lord, 66
Amiot, PÈre, 42
Amoy, 42;
taken, 77
Amur, River, 17;
as boundary, 42
Amursana, 55
Ancestral worship, 44
An-chʽing, 86
Andijani, 100
Anglo-French expedition, 93;
the second, 94
Annam, 58
Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius, 33
Arabtan, 43
Archery, 37
"Arrow" case, the, 92
Artillery, 17
Assemblies, national and provincial, 122
Athalik Ghazi, 100
Audience, the first, 103
Badakshan, 43
Bannermen, 37
Banzai, 15
Baschpa, 11
Baturu, 88
"Blood thicker than water," 95
Bogue Forts taken, 77
Bokhara, Ameer of, 100
Boxers, the, 115
British fleet arrives, 76
"Brother of Christ," the, 82
Burgevine, 89
Burlingame mission, the, 102
Burma, 32, 56
"Button," the, 29
Cagliostro, 66
Calendar, the, 43;
European adopted, 129
Camoens, 73
Cantlie, Dr, 124
Canton, riot at, 75;
foreign houses burnt at, 93;
captured, 93
Cantonese serve on British men-of-war, 78
Catalogue of Imperial Library, 59
Catholic missionaries, 33;
rank accorded to, 114
Census, the, 48
Chapu taken, 77
Chi Hsiang, 98
Chia Ching, 61
Chia Chʽing, 61;
attacked in streets of Peking, 64;
died, 68
Chʽien Lung, 54;
pictures of his victories, 55;
abdicates, 59
Chihli, 3
Chin dynasty, 4
China proper, 41
"China's sorrow," 47
Chinese language, death for teaching to foreigners, 71
Chinkiang taken, 77;
captured by Tʽai-pʽings, 85
Chʽing (or Great Pure) dynasty, 20;
established, 28
Chino-Japanese war, 110
Christianity, 44;
oppressed, 52;
forbidden, 54;
opposed, 112
Chʽung-hou, 101;
condemned to death, 101;
letter of apology to France, 103
Chusan occupied, 77
Cochin-China, 58
Co-hong system, 66
Coinage debased, 86
Concordance, Kʽang Hsi's, 50
Concubine thrown down well, 117
Confucian Classics, 59
Confucius, tomb of, 46
Constantine of China, the, 32
Court, flight of the, 116
Cycle, Chinese, 51
Dalai Lama, the, 33, 43
Davis, Sir J., 67
De Quincey, 57
Divine Justice Society, 64
Dominicans, 45
"Dummy Documents," 122
Dungans, 57
Dutch, the, embassy, 33;
in Formosa, 35
Dwarf-nation, the, 109
Dynastic Histories, 59
Earthquake, 53
East India Company, 42, 67;
policy of, 71
Edict, against missionaries, 45;
for slaughter of all foreigners, 116;
nullification of, 116;
by baby Emperor, 125
Eighteen provinces, 41
Eleuths, 55
Elgin, Lord, 93, 94
Elliot, Captain, 74;
retires to Hongkong, 76
Emperor, Chinese, carried off, 6
Empress, suspicious death of, 106
Empress, Eastern, 98;
death of, 109
Empress, Western, see Empress Dowager
Empress Dowager, coups d'État, 98, 113;
plot to get rid of, 113;
flees, 116;
death of, 121
EncyclopÆdia, Kʽang Hsi's, 50
Eunuchs, 14; army of, 15;
restrictions on, 29;
oppression by, 63
Ever Victorious Army, 89
Ever-White Mountains, 1
Examinations, established, 20;
in poetical skill, 47;
system, 112;
to be changed, 118
Extra-territoriality, 79, 114
Feudatory princes, 29, 40;
no more Chinese, 41
Flag, the Dragon, 133;
the republican, 134;
of truce, violated, 95
Formosa, 34, 56;
ceded to Japan, 41, 42;
Japanese land on, 105;
republic in, 111
Fournier, Captain, 109
France, and Tongking, 109
Franciscans, 45
Galdan, 43
Galdan II., 55
Gao-tchan, 57
Genghis Khan, 7
German priests murdered, 111
Ginseng, 19
Gioros, 118
God, the term for, 46
Golden Dragon, the, 70
Golden dynasty, 5
Gordon, Major, 89;
resigns, 90;
resumes command, 90
Grand Canal, the, 47
Great Mogul, 33
Great Wall, the, 17
Gros, Baron, 93
Gurkhas, 58
Han-lin College, presents address, 30
Hangchow, 6, 31, 47
Harashar, 57
Hassan, prince, 104
Heaven and Earth Society, 65
Heavenly city, the, 84
Heavenly dynasty, the, 83
Heavenly king, the, 83;
death of, 91
Heilungchiang, 8
Hingking, 10
Hongkong, ceded, 77
Hoppo, the, 119
Hsi Tsung, 14
Hsien FÊng, 80, 81;
death of, 96
Hsiung-nu, 11
HsÜ Ching-chʽÊng, executed, 117
HsÜan Tʽung, deposed, 134;
allowance of four million taels, 134
Hung Hsiu-chʽÜan, 81
Hung League, 65
Huns, 11
Ili, 55
Immorality of foreigners, 108
Intermarriage prohibited, 37;
proposed between Manchus and Chinese, 117
Iquon, 34
Japan, 8;
and Korea, 110;
war with China, 110
Japanese, 104
Jehangir, 69
Jehol, 58;
Emperor flees to, 96, 115
Jesuits, 45, 52; make maps, 56
Kʽai-fÊng, 2;
siege of, 22
Kalmucks, 43;
the trek of the, 56
Kʽang Hsi, 40;
leads army, 43;
as traveller, 46;
and literature, 49;
family troubles of, 50;
death of, 51
Kʽang Yu-wei, 113
Kashgaria, 56, 69;
Ameer of, 100
Khalkas, 43
Khokand, 43
Kiaochow, seized by Germany, 111
Kien Long, 54
Kin dynasty, 4
Kirin, 8
Kitans, 1
Koffler, A., S.J., 32
Kokonor, rebellion in, 53
Korea, 3;
conquest of, 19;
and Japan, 110
Kotow, the, 67
Koxinga, 34;
canonized, 35
Kuan-tung, 8
Kuang HsÜ, 106, 107;
married, 109;
informally deposed, 113;
death of, 121
Kublai Khan, 7, 47
Kueichow, etc., aborigines of, 53
Kuldja, 56;
annexed by Russia, 100;
regained by Marquis TsÊng, 101
Kung, Prince, 96;
his coup d'État, 116;
joint regent with Empresses Dowager, 98
Kuo Sung-tao, 108
Laos tribes, 4
Lexicon, Kʽang Hsi's, 49
Lhasa, 43
Li Chin-chung, 14
Li Hung-chang, 89;
treachery of, 90;
wounded by assassin, 110
Li Tzŭ-chʽÊng, 21;
loses an eye, 22;
defeated, 26;
death of, 26
Liao dynasty, 2, 4
Liao-tung, 8
Liao-yang, 17
Likin, 87
Lim Boon-keng, Dr, 139
Lin, Commissioner, 75;
destroys opium, 75;
cashiered, 76;
further career of, 84;
death of, 85
Loch, Mr, captured, 95
Long-haired rebels, 84
Loo-choo islands, 104
Macao, 73;
occupied by Portuguese, 73
Macartney, Lord, 58
Magalhaens, 53
Mahometans, 43;
discontented, 100;
crushed by Tso Tsung-tʽang, 101
Mahometanism, tolerated, 112
Man born good, 86
Manchuria, 8
Manchus, the, origin of, 1;
etymology of name, 8;
their script, 10;
name as a title, 12;
archers, 17;
religion of, 20, 112;
established as a dynasty, 29;
garrisons, 36;
language spoken at court, 49;
literature, 49;
bravery of soldiers, 77;
England and the dynasty, 91;
they monopolize fat posts, 110;
to travel, young, 113;
standard of education of, 118;
indictment of rule of, 130
Miao-tzŭ, the, 54;
how pacified, 70
Mings, the, dynasty of, 8;
Emperor commits suicide, 24;
attempts to restore, 31, 32;
the Tombs, 47 (also under Kʽang Hsi);
dynastic history of, 53
Mongolia, conquest of, 19
Mongols, the, 7;
derivations of name, 7;
recognize Manchu supremacy, 21
Morrison, Dr R., 67;
his dictionary, 71;
his Bible, 72
Mukden, 8; capture of, 16
Nanking, 6;
treaty of, 79;
captured by Tʽai-pʽings, 84;
captured from Tʽai-pʽings, 91
Nan-yang, 32
Napier, Lord, 72;
his death, 73
Napoleon, his opinion, 67
National Assembly, 127
Nepal, 56
Nestorians, the, 11;
Tablet, 44
Nien-fei, 99
"Nine Thousand Years," 15
Ningpo, taken, 77
Ning-yÜan, siege of, 17
Nurhachu, 9; death of, 18
NÜ-chÊns, 1
NÜ-chih, 5
Oath, written in blood, 18;
a forced, 94
Ogotai, 7
"Old Buddha," 135
One-eyed rebel, 24
Opaochi, 2
Opium, prohibited, 74;
smuggled 74;
smoking of prohibited, 120;
exception to include Empress Dowager, 120
Ouigours, 11
Palmerston, Lord, 76
Panshen Erdeni, 58
Panthays, the, 103
Parkes, Mr, 92;
captured, 95
Peacock's feather, 29
Peking, 2, 5;
attack on, 19;
captured, 24;
surrendered, 96
Penal Code, the, 37
ʽPhagspa, 11
Pope, the, and ancestral worship, 45
Population, 48, 55
Port Arthur, captured by Japanese, 110;
"leased" to Russia, 111
Ports, five opened to trade, 79
Portuguese mission, 53
Pottinger, Sir Henry, 77
Provinces, number of, 41
Ptolemaic system, 44
Quelpart, 8
Queue, the, 17;
strictly enforced, 31;
Tʽai-pʽings cut off the, 83
Railway, the Woosung, 108
Railways, ordered by edict, 111
Reform, edicts, 111;
Empress Dowager pretends to favour, 117;
constitutional, 122;
again promised, 127
Regent, the, resigns, 127
Republic, the, authorized by Manchus, 134
"Revolt of the Tartars," 57
Revolution, the, 122
Ricci, 44
Russia, embassy from, 33;
fear of, 73;
war with Japan and its influence, 119
"Sam Collinson," 96
Schaal, Adam, 17, 43
Schlegel, Dr, 66
Secret Societies, 61, 65;
their lodges, 66
SÊng-ko-lin-sin, defeated, 96
Shan States, 54
Shanghai, taken, 77
ShÊngking, 8
Shimonoseki, treaty of, 110
Shun, dynasty, 22
Shun Chih, 29;
death of, 33
Siege of the Legations, 115
"Slave" and "servant," 37
"Slay" changed to "protect," 117
Society of God, the, 82
Soochow, burnt by Imperialists, 87;
capitulated, 90
Stanton, Sir George, 67
Su-shÊn tribe, the, 1
Succession violated, rule of, 106
Suleiman, sultan, 103
Summer palace, 67;
burnt, 96;
built on plan of Trianon, 97
Sun Yat-sen, 123;
kidnapped in London, 123;
enters Nanking, 129;
elected first President, 129;
manifesto by, 129;
visits tomb of first Ming Emperor, 134;
announces fall of Manchus, 135
Sungari, river, 3
Sungaria, 43
Sungs, dynasty of, 2;
Southern, 6
Syriac, 11
Tʽai-pʽings, the dynasty, 83;
manifesto, 83;
successes, 84;
advance on Peking, 85;
slaughter of princes, 90;
last prince and king murdered, 91;
end of rebellion, 91
Tʽai-shan, ascent of by Kʽang Hsi, 46
Tʽai Tsu, 18
Tʽai Tsung, 20
Taku, forts taken, 94;
repulse at, 95;
captured, 95
Ta-li, 103;
treacherously surrendered, 104
Tan-lo, 8
Tao Kuang, 69;
death of, 80
Tartar general, 36
Tashilumbo, 58
Tatnell, Commander, 95
Tea, 39;
mentioned by Pepys, 39;
export from Foochow, 39
Tibet, 43, 56, 58
Tientsin, reached, 76;
Treaty of, 94;
ratification refused, 94;
ratified, 97;
massacre, 102
Timour, 57
Tobacco prohibited, 20
Tongking and France, 109
Torture of prisoners, 96
Trade, European, 71
Treaty with Russia, 42
Triad Society, 65
Trimetrical Classic, 86
Tsai TsÊ's mission, Duke, 119
TsÊng Kuo-fan, 86
TsÊng, the Marquis, 101
Tsitsihar, 8
Tso Tsung-tʽang, 89;
his campaign in Central Asia, 101
Tu WÊn-hsiu, 103;
death of, 104
Tʽung Chih, 98;
married, 103;
died, 106
Turguts, 56
Turkestan, 43, 57
Twist Rebels, 99
Types, movable, 50
Unicorn appears, 15
University for Peking, 112
Verbiest, 44
Viceroy, the, 36
Ward, and his troops, 89;
death of and shrine to, 89
Wei Chung-hsien, 14
Wei-hai-wei, captured by Japanese, 110;
"leased" to England, 111
Western Empress, 98
White Feather Society, 64
White Lily Society, 61
Wo-jen, his wish, 123
Wu-chʽang, 27
Wu Kʽo-tu, 107
Wu San-kuei, 21, 23;
joins the Manchus, 26;
his conditions, 28;
his rebellion, 40;
death of, 41
Ya-kʽo-sa, 42
Yakoob Beg, 100;
assassinated, 101
Yang-tsze, the, 6
Yeh, Governor, 92;
captured and exiled, 93
Yellow girdles, 118
Yellow riding jacket, 88;
given to Gordon, 91
Yellow river, 2;
changes its bed, 47
Young China party, 123;
plot to seize Canton, 123
YÜan Chʽang, executed, 117
YÜan-ming-yÜan, 96
YÜan Shih-kʽai, 124;
appointed Prime Minister, 127
Yung ChÊng, 52;
his hostility to missionaries, 53;
his death and character, 53
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