| PREFACE. | | | CHAPTER I. Parentage and Childhood. | | | CHAPTER II. Birth of Charles.—Coleridge.—Domestic Toils and Trials.—Their Tragic Culmination.—Letters to and from Coleridge. | | | CHAPTER III. Death of Aunt Hetty.—Mary removed from the Asylum.—Charles Lloyd.—A Visit to Nether Stowey, and Introduction to Wordsworth and his Sister.—Anniversary of the Mother's Death.—Mary ill again.—Estrangement between Lamb and Coleridge.—Speedy Reconcilement. | | | CHAPTER IV. Death of the Father.—Mary comes Home to live.—A Removal.—First Verses.—A Literary Tea-Party.—Another Move.—Friends increase. | | | CHAPTER V. Personal Appearance and Manners.—Health.—Influence of Mary's Illnesses upon her Brother. | | | CHAPTER VI. Visit to Coleridge at Greta Hall.—Wordsworth and his Sister in London.—Letters to Miss Stoddart.—Coleridge goes to Malta.—Letter to Dorothy Wordsworth on the Death of her Brother John. | | | CHAPTER VII. Mary in the Asylum again.—Lamb's Letter with a Poem of hers.—Her slow Recovery.—Letters to Sarah Stoddart.—The Tales from Shakespeare begun.—Hazlitt's Portrait of Lamb.—Sarah's Lovers.—The Farce of Mr. H. | | | CHAPTER VIII. The Tales from Shakespeare.—Letters to Sarah Stoddart. | | | CHAPTER IX. Correspondence with Sarah Stoddart.—Hazlitt.—A Courtship and Wedding at which Mary is Bridesmaid. | | | CHAPTER X. Mrs. Leicester's School.—A Removal.—Poetry for Children. | | | CHAPTER XI. The Hazlitts again.—Letters to Mrs. Hazlitt.—Two Visits to Winterslow.—Mr. Dawe, R.A.—Birth of Hazlitt's Son.—Death of Holcroft. | | | CHAPTER XII. An Essay on Needle-work. | | | CHAPTER XIII. Letters to Miss Betham and her little Sister.—To Wordsworth.—Manning's Return.—Coleridge goes to Highgate.—Letter to Miss Hutchinson on Mary's state.—Removal to Russell Street.—Mary's Letter to Dorothy Wordsworth.—Lodgings at Dalston.—Death of John Lamb and Captain Burney. | | | CHAPTER XIV. Hazlitt's Divorce.—Emma Isola.—Mrs. Cowden Clarke's Recollections of Mary.—The Visit to France.—Removal to Colebrook Cottage.—A Dialogue of Reminiscences. | | | CHAPTER XV. Lamb's Ill-health.—Retirement from the India House, and subsequent Illness.—Letter from Mary to Lady Stoddart.—Colebrook Cottage quitted.—Mary's constant Attacks.—A Home given up.—Board with the Westwoods.—Death of Hazlitt.—Removal to Edmonton.—Marriage of Emma Isola.—Mary's sudden Recovery.—Ill again.—Death of Coleridge.—Death of Charles.—Mary's Last Days and Death. | | | LIST OF AUTHORITIES. |