ANIMAL PAINTERS OF ENGLAND, Vols. I. and II., 21s. each: Lives of Fifty Painters whose works appertain to Animal Life and Sport. Illustrated. By Sir Walter Gilbey, Bart. BAILY’S HUNTING DIRECTORY. Cloth, gilt, 5s.; by Post, 5s. 4d. DRUID SPORTING LIBRARY. Five Vols., 5s. each; Post Free, 5s. 4d., or complete, 25s., Carriage Free. 1.—The Post and the Paddock. 2.—Silk and Scarlet. 3.—Scott and Sebright. 4.—Saddle and Sirloin. 5.—Life and Times of “The Druid.” DRY FLY ENTOMOLOGY. 25s. net. Illustrated. By Frederic M. Halford. DRY FLY FISHING. 15s. net. By Frederic M. Halford. Illustrated. ESSEX FOXHOUNDS, 25s., with Notes and full History. Illustrated. HARNESS HORSE. Post Free, 2s. 3d. By Sir Walter Gilbey. HINTS TO HUNTSMEN. Post Free, 1s. 1d. By Col. J. Anstruther Thomson. HORSES, PAST AND PRESENT. Post Free, 2s. 3d. By Sir Walter Gilbey. LAYS OF THE CHASE, and Odds and Ends. By Harry L. 2s. 6d. LEAVES FROM A HUNTING DIARY IN ESSEX. 2 Vols., 21s. each. By H. Beauchamp Yerburgh (“McAdam”). LETTERS ON WHIST. 1s., Post Free. By W. M. Deane, C.M.G., M.A. LIFE OF GEORGE STUBBS, R. A. £3 3s. By Sir Walter Gilbey, Bart. LIGHT HORSES: Breeds and Management. Post Free, 3s. 10d. LIVE STOCK JOURNAL ALMANAC. Illustrated. Cloth, 2s.; By post, 2s. 6d. Paper covers, 1s.; by Post, 1s. 4d. LORD HENRY BENTINCK ON FOXHOUNDS. 1s.; Post Free, 1s. 1d. NOTES ON THE RIFLE. By Hon. T. F. Fremantle. Post Free, 5s. 4d. POLO. Post Free, 5s. 3d. By the late J. Moray Brown. Illustrated. POLO. Price 15s. net, Post Free. By T. B. Drybrough. Prospectus free. PONIES: Past and Present. Post Free, 2s. 3d. By Sir Walter Gilbey, Bart. PRACTICAL VETERINARY ADVICE. Post Free, 1s. 8d. By A. H. Aiden. SIDE-SADDLE RIDING. Illustrated. By Eva Christy. 6s.; by Post, 6s. 3d. SMALL HORSES IN WARFARE. Post Free, 2s. 2d. By Sir Walter Gilbey. YOUNG RACE HORSES. Post Free, 2s. 2d. By Sir Walter Gilbey. Complete Catalogue Free on Application. VINTON & CO., LTD., 9, New Bridge Street, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C. Transcriber's notes: The following is a list of changes made to the original. The first line is the original line, the second the corrected one. King Alfred (871 to 991) had a Master of the Horse, named Ecquef, It is stated that, in the year 1752, sixty throughbred stallions, putting a man on a rough trotting horse, to which he is obliged GREY DIOMED, folded 1785. By Diomed—Grey Dorimant. |