

1. Sir Guy of Gisborne.
He took Sir Guy's head by the hair,
And stuck it upon his bow's end11

2. The Childe of Elle.
Pardon, my lord and father dear,
This fair young knight and me28

3. Adam Bell, Clym of the Clough, &c.
Cloudesly bent a right good bow,
That was of a trusty tree36

4. They kneeled down without hindrance,
And each held up his hand60

5. Sir Lancelot Du Lake.
She brought him to a river side
And also to a tree76

6. The Frolicksome Duke. (Frontispiece.)
Now he lay something late, in his rich bed of state,
Till at last knights and squires, they on him did wait84

7. Chevy Chase.
Then leaving life, Earl Percy took
The dead man by the hand99

8. King Edward and the Tanner.
The tanner he pull'd, the tanner he sweat,
And held by the pummel fast114

9. The Heir of Linne.
And he pull'd forth three bags of gold,
And laid them down upon the board130

10. Sir Andrew Barton.
They boarded then his noble ship,
They boarded it with might and main150

11. The Brave Lord Willoughbey.
They kneeled on the ground,
And praised God devoutly157

12. The Abbot of Canterbury.
Then home rode the abbot of comfort so cold,
And he met his shepherd a going to fold165

13. Robin Hood and the Curtal Friar.
The friar took Robin Hood on his back,
Deep water he did bestride174

14. The Marriage of Allen-a-Dale.
He ask'd them seven times in the church,
Lest three times should not be enough187

15. Valentine and Ursine.
And kneeling down upon his knee,
Presents him to the king197

16. The Miller of Mansfield.
Well, quo' the miller's wife, young man, ye're welcome here;
And, though I say it, well lodgÈd shall be218



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