| PAGE | Captain Reece | 13 | The Rival Curates | 18 | Only a Dancing Girl | 24 | To a Little Maid | 27 | The Troubadour | 28 | Ferdinando and Elvira; or, the Gentle Pieman | 33 | To my Bride | 37 | Sir Macklin | 39 | The Yarn of the “Nancy Bell” | 44 | The Bishop of Rum-Ti-Foo | 48 | The Precocious Baby | 54 | To Phoebe | 59 | Baines Carew, Gentleman | 60 | Thomas Winterbottom Hance | 66 | A Discontented Sugar Broker | 72 | The Pantomime “Super” to his Mask | 78 | The Ghost, the Gallant, the Gael, and the Goblin | 80 | The Phantom Curate | 85 | King Borria Bungalee Boo | 88 | Bob Polter | 93 | The Story of Prince Agib | 99 | Ellen McJones Aberdeen | 104 | Peter the Wag | 109 | To the Terrestrial Globe | 114 | Gentle Alice Brown | 115 | Mister William | 120 | The Bumboat Woman’s Story | 125 | Lost Mr. Blake | 131 | The Baby’s Vengeance | 137 | The Captain and the Mermaids | 143 | Annie Protheroe. A Legend of Stratford-le-Bow | 149 | An Unfortunate Likeness | 155 | The King of Canoodle-dum | 161 | The Martinet | 167 | The Sailor Boy to his Lass | 173 | The Reverend Simon Magus | 179 | My Dream | 184 | The Bishop of Rum-Ti-Foo again | 189 | The Haughty Actor | 194 | The Two Majors | 200 | Emily, John, James, and I. A Derby Legend | 205 | The Perils of Invisibility | 210 | The Mystic Selvagee | 215 | Phrenology | 221 | The Fairy Curate | 226 | The Way of Wooing | 233 | Hongree and Mahry. A Recollection of a Surrey Melodrama | 237 | Etiquette | 243 | At a Pantomime | 249 | Haunted | 253 |