NOTE. (2)


In the foregoing list the following particulars are given:—

  1. Titles of books with name of publisher and date of publication of each edition.
  2. Contributions to magazines and periodicals whether re-printed in book-form later or not.
  3. Poems which have been re-printed in collections of verse of later date than Bogue's edition of the 'Poems,' 1881. These will be found under their respective titles, but when a poem has been included in more than one such collection the reference is given, as a rule, to the book of earliest date.

The publications of Messrs. Elkin Mathews and John Lane, and of Mr. John Lane, were issued simultaneously in America by Messrs. Copeland and Day, of Boston. De Profundis was published in America by Messrs. G. P. Putnam's Sons, of New York. Seven editions have been issued. The Decay of Lying, The Portrait of Mr. W. H., and The Soul of Man under Socialism, appeared in the 'Eclectic Magazine' of New York a few weeks after publication in this country.

No notice is taken in this Bibliography of many unauthorised and pirated reprints, and those works which have been falsely attributed to Mr. Wilde by unscrupulous publishers are all rejected. Of the latter 'The Priest and the Acolyte,' and translations of 'Ce Qui ne Meurt pas' and the 'Satyricon' of Petronius are examples.


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