Ancient Forests, Remarks upon, 38
Anecdote from Mr Wordsworth, 49
———— Curious Chronological, 84
———— of a Hairy Trout, 107
———— of deaths in a Slate Quarry, 108
———— of Fox-craft, 27
———— of New Ale, 33
———— of Jenkin Syke, 84
———— of “Kibble filling”, 97
———— of Lieut. Oldfield, R.N., 85
———— of Mrs Robinson, 81
———— of Parson Walker’s Economy, 54
———— of Ravens, 100
———— of Simon’ Nick, 101
———— of the Church Beck, 82
———— of the Name of Tyson, 45
———— of the Rev. E. Tyson, 64
———— of Wordsworth’s Duddon, 43
Anderson, Robert, quoted, 55
Archives, Parochial, 111
Bannockstone Bridge, 74
Betty Yewdale, 144
Birkett, Dan, 48
Birks Bridge, 45
Black Bull, the, 79
Black Hall, 40
Blea Tarn, 135
Brantwood, 117
Brathay, the River, 29, &c.
Brimfell, 102
Busk, the, 33
Caldron Dub, 125
Chapel Stile, 141
Church Beck, the, 82
Church Clock, the old, 66
Church Conistone Village, 73, &c.
Cockley Beck, 41
Colwith Force, 145
Conistone Bank, 117
———— Chapel, 77
———— Etymology of, 5
———— Hall, 19
———— Lake, description of, 8


  • At page 7, line 8, for “materials” read subjects.
  • ” 9, line 6, insert a comma between “or” and “by.”
  • ” 30, line 34, for “mountaineous” read mountainous.
  • ” 40, line 6, for “Oustead” read onstead.
  • ” 69, line 7, for “dishabille” read deshabille.
  • ” 84, line 1, for “Hall” read How.
  • ” 98, line 13, for “to” read from.
  • ” 112, line 14, for “anoo” read anno.
  • ” 115, line 3, for “a” read its.
  • ” 146, line 2, for “puce” read grey.


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