WHAT THE STORY IS ABOUT - The Scribe introduces the Electron to the reader. He has something to say also about the mysterious Æther which pervades all space. He emphasises the fact that the electron is a real existing thing 21
THE ELECTRON'S PREFACE - The Electron explains the reason why it has written its autobiography 29
THE NEW ARRIVAL - The Electron points out who the new arrival is really. It relates an amusing experience. It tells how man disturbed electrons before he discovered their existence. An ancient experiment, and what the wise men of the East thought about it. How electrons are responsible for the electrification of any object. Handled by a new experimenter, they surprise man. Man becomes of special interest to the electrons 32
SOME GOOD SPORT - The Electron explains how man succeeded in crowding them together, with some rather exciting results from the overcrowding. One historical incident. Man's fear of the consequences. How a party of electrons wrecked a church steeple. An unfortunate accident 42
MY EARLIEST RECOLLECTIONS - The Electron's story begins at a very far distant period, before this world had taken shape. The Electron was present when the atoms of matter were being formed. The birth of the moon. Something still to be discovered. The moulding of the planet. Boiling oceans. The electrons took an active part in making sea-water salt. The Electron explains why it has been chosen to write the story of itself and its fellows 52
MAN PAYS US SOME ATTENTION - The electrons are encouraged by one of the experiments made by man. They hope it may lead to their discovery, so that their services may be recognised. The Electron's experience in a vacuum tube. A disappointment and a revival of hope. A great declaration by one individual man. The Electron misjudges man. Mention of a great discovery. The christening of the electrons 60
A STEADY MARCH - The Electron explains how they produce the electric current. How man discovered means of making the electrons march. A simple explanation of how a complete electric circuit is always necessary. How an "earth circuit" works. How the marching electrons can do work 68
A USEFUL DANCE - A perpetual dance. A responsible position. How the safety of the mariner depends upon the electrons' dance. How electrons produce a magnet. A convenient kind of magnet, which gains and loses its attractive power when desired. How a permanent magnet is made. The great service of electrons in modern life 76
HOW WE CARRY MAN'S NEWS - The method of sending the news. The Electron's personal experience. A series of forced marches. How man controls the electrons. How the electrons reproduce the signals 86
HOW WE COMMUNICATE WITH DISTANT SHIPS - An entirely different means of communication. A surprise to man, but not to the electrons. How the electrons produce waves in the surrounding Æther. How these waves disturb distant electrons. The Electron's personal experience. Its description of its actions in a wireless telegraph station 94
HOW WE REPRODUCE SPEECH - Why it is not correct to speak of the electrons as carriers of speech. The action of electrons in the working of telephones. The Electron's own experience in wireless telephony 106
OUR HEAVIEST DUTIES - A roving commission. How electrons can move gigantic cars and trains. The action of electrons in dynamos and motors. How the electrons transmit the energy. What makes the motor go 116
A BOON TO MAN - A simple explanation of how the electrons produce light. How the Electron provides a connecting link between matter and the Æther. How light reaches the earth
- from the sun. How the electrons produce that beautiful luminous effect which man calls an "Aurora." How the earth has become a negatively charged body. How electrons produce radiant heat. The difference between light and heat 126
HOW WE PRODUCE COLOUR - What colour is really. How the different colour sensations are stimulated by the electrons. The Electron as a faithful satellite to the atom. How electrons can produce the different Æther waves. How the electrons respond to the different waves. The production of artificia