Thanks are due to Messrs. Mitchell & Miller, Harper & Brothers, Charles Scribner’s Sons, The Century Company, Stone & Kimball, and The London Graphic, for their kind permission to reproduce a number of the drawings included in this collection. Copyright by MITCHELL & MILLER. Copyright by CHARLES SCRIBNER’S SONS. Copyright by HARPER & BROTHERS. Copyright by THE CENTURY COMPANY. Copyright by STONE & KIMBALL. COPYRIGHT, 1896, BY ROBERT HOWARD RUSSELL.
[Image unavailable.] THEIR PRESENCE OF MIND. They had been in their room but a moment when they were startled by a knock.
[Image unavailable.] First Shade: There’s one good thing about this place. Second Shade: What’s that? “We can smoke.“
[Image unavailable.] “Did I understand you to say, John, that the tenor married the contralto?“ “Yes. The choir was to be disbanded, and that was the only means of continuing their quarrel.“
[Image unavailable.] The Doctor: Did you give my note to Mrs. Barton? “Great Scott! I thought it was a prescription and made it up for her.“
[Image unavailable.] Sympathetic plain friend to inconsolable young widow: The last time I met your dear husband he stopped and spoke to me with such a sunny greeting that I was the happier for it all day long. Young widow (still oblivious to everything except her loss): Yes, that was just like dear David. There was no woman so humble or homely, or unattractive, or dull, but that he could find something pleasant to say to her, and would take pains to say it.—
[Image unavailable.] EXTRACT FROM THE WILL. “And I further direct that in the event of the remarriage of my said wife Sophia, all her share and interest in the aforesaid capital sum of 500,000 shall immediately cease and determine.“
[Image unavailable.] AT THREE IN THE AFTERNOON. “Hello, old man! Been up all night?“ “No; I’m going to take a Harlem girl to a theatre party in Brooklyn.“
[Image unavailable.] THE POWER OF LOVE. There was a silence deep as death; And the boldest held his breath, For a time. Campbell.
[Image unavailable.] LOVE AND DUTY. He: Your father advises me to invest my fortune in Wall Street. It would be politic, I suppose. “No, don’t you do it! After he’d won all your money he’d never let us marry.“ [Image unavailable.] “The wrong man? But that is vague. Who is the wrong man?“ “The man a girl marries, of course.“
[Image unavailable.] THAT SON-IN-LAW. “Papa, George says he is very much worried about his income.“ “I shouldn’t think he would worry about a little thing like that.“
[Image unavailable.] “If we go to Europe, Cynthia, I don’t want you to marry any of them counts or dukes. You just wait until we run across some king in reduced circumstances.“
[Image unavailable.] A CHILD OF FORTUNE. He: I came within an ace of running over a lady this morning when I was on my wheel. “That was lucky.“ “Wasn’t it? It was only the other day that I had it freshly enameled.“
[Image unavailable.] WHY IS IT ALWAYS THUS? The entertainment is given in honor of the distinguished scientist who sits by the table. But the real favorite is the famous hurdle jumper, who happens to be sober this evening. |