Acknowledgments, 40.
AgaricaceÆ, order of the, 77.
Agaricini, 75-178;
botanical characters of, 79.
Agarics, edible, 80-178;
Curtis's list of, 9-12.
Agaricus, 43-44;
vegetation of, 44-47, 85-92, 107;
botanical characters of, 77-79, 283.
Agaricus, species of:
—— Amanita, see Amanita;
—— arvensis, 85, 91;
epicurean opinions of, 94;
—— campestris,9, 13, 21, 24, 80-95, 307, 308, 321;
the "Mushroom," 16-22;
variations in, 89-93;
spore-print of, 283;
—— candicans, 86;
—— euosmus, 147;
—— fusipes, 299;
—— gambosus, 95-101;
to cook, 313;
—— heterophylla, see Russula;
—— Marasmius oreades, 101-108;
—— melleus, 10, 28;
—— orcella, 300;
—— ostreatus, 10, 26, 141-148, 303, 307;
—— pratensis, 91;
—— procerus, 10, 86-87, 113-119, 312, 321;
—— ruber, 300;
—— ulmarius, 10, 26, 27, 148-154, 303, 312;
—— vaporarius, 91;
—— villaticus, 91;
—— virescens, 300.
See, also, Russula, Coprinus, Lactarius, Chantarelle, and Marasmius.
Agrippina, victim of Amanita, 59.
Amanita, genus of, readily identified, 2, 23, 74, 273.
—— Botanical characters of, 29, 33, 41-51, 79, 273.
—— The cup or volva in, 29, 33, 47-48, 57, 74, 273.
—— Vegetation and development of, 44-45, 74;
the veil or shroud of, 48.
—— Fatalities from eating, 2, 15, 29, 60;
a dangerous enemy, 15, 23, 29;
"silver test" upon, 26;
effect of salt and heat upon, 29.
——Poison of, 48, 60;
chemical nature of poison of, 48, 61;
Czar Alexis, 52;
Agrippina, 59;
intoxication from, 59-60;
dipsomaniacs, 59-60;
isolation of poison of, 61;
absorption of poison of, by contact and odor, 30, 69;
diagnosis and treatment of poison of, 38-39;
antidote for poison of, 61-68;
report of a case of poisoning by, 63-66;
poison of, extracted by vinegar, 71.
Amanita, Poisonous species of:
—— vernus, 17, 25, 51;
—— muscarius, 51, 73;
spore-print of, 289, 291;
—— phalloides, 51, 74.
—— Edible species of, 73;
CÆsarea, rubescens, strobiliformis, 9, 12, 48.
Amanitine, 60; antidote, 62.
Alexis, Czar, victim of Amanita, 52.
America and Europe, comparative appreciation of fungi in, 299.
American and European fungi identical, 12.
American mycophagists, 8-9, 15.
Antidotes for mushroom poisoning, 62, 67-68.
Ants attacked by fungi, 295.
Asci in fungi, 256.
Ascomycetes, 256.
Asiatic Russia, Amanita dipsomaniacs of, 59.
Bacterium bacillus, 7-8.
Badham, Dr. C. D., quoted, xii., 12-13, 40, 177, 189, 237, 246, 299, 301, 306, 310, 316. Bibliography, No. 11, 326.
Baked mushrooms, 311-313.
Basket for gathering mushrooms, 36.
"Beefsteak" mushroom, 11, 27, 213-217, 303;
to cook, 314;
as salad, 319.
Bees and wasps, 36.
Beetles infesting fungi, 37.
Belladonna. See Atropine.
Berkeley, Rev. M. J., variations in Campestris, 40, 91;
quoted, 107, 237, 246, 294, 301. Bibliography, Nos. 13 and 16, 326.
American, 325;
English, 326;
French, 327.
Bitter Boletus, 208.
Blights, 7.
Blue mould, 78.
Blue-stain Boleti, 196.
Boleti, 182-213;
botanical characters of, 181-184, 285;
hawk fed upon, 302;
fritters of, 314;
soup of, 314;
to dry, 321.
Boletus, characters of, 182;
various edible, 10, 26, 182-213;
spore-print of, 285.
—— alveolatus, 183, 201, 208;
—— castaneus, 10;
—— chrysenteron, 195-201;
—— collinitus, 10;
—— cyanescens, 201, 207;
cone-like, 202;
—— edulis, 10, 13, 16, 18, 189-190, 300;
artificial cultivation of, 86;
crimson, 213;
—— elegans, 10;
—— felleus, 207-213;
—— flavidus, 10;
—— granulatus, 10;
—— luteus, 10;
—— satanas, 207-208;
—— scaber, 10, 191-195;
—— subtomentosus, 10, 26, 183, 195;
blue stain of, 196, 201, 207;
—— strobilomyces, 202-207;
spore-print of, 281;
—— versipellis, 10.
Botanical discrimination, 31-32.
—— discrimination of Amanita. See Amanita.
Boudier, Emile. Bibliography, No. 28, 327.
Bovista nigrescens, 10.
—— plumbea, 10.
Broiled mushrooms, 308.
Bubbola maggiore. See Pasture Mushroom.
Bulbosine, 60.
Campestris. See Agaricus.
—— cibarius, 10, 27, 172-178, 300;
—— aurantiacus, 178;
to cook, 310;
drying of, 321.
Caterpillar fungi, 295.
Catsup, Mushroom, 320.
Champignon "Fairy-Ring," 27, 87, 95;
to cook, 309;
dried, 321.
—— Poisonous, 108, 113.
Chantarelle. See Cantharellus.
"Chef À la mode," the, 305.
Chemical analysis of fungi, 14, 302.
Chestnut-burr fungus, 294.
Chestnut tongue. See Fistulina.
Chicken flavor in mushrooms, 303, 316.
Chinese caterpillar fungus, 296.
Cicada fungus, 295.
Classification of fungi, 77-78.
Claudius, Emperor, poisoned, 59.
Clavariei, 231, 247-256.
Clavaria, Various, 10-11;
??amethystina, fastigiata, flava,
??rugosa, stricta, umbrina, 255;
??—— botrytis, 256;
??—— formosa, 247;
??to cook, 317;
??used as salad, 319;
??to dry, 322.
Club fungi. See Clavaria.
Cogomelos. See Pasture Mushroom.
Colored plates of the book, 39.
Coniomycetes, 78.
ConsommÉ from mushrooms, 315.
Cooke, Rev. Dr. M. C., 40, 59, 214, 237, 273, 295, 306-307, 313, 315.
??Bibliography, Nos. 12, 16, 17, 326; No. 18, 327.
Cooking fungi, 72, 306-322.
Coprinus, 87;
??to dry, 321;
??—— atramentarius, 11, 27-28, 161, 163;
??—— comatus, 11, 87, 154-160.
Coral fungi. See Clavaria.
Cordier, F. S., 246, 248, 306, 319. Bibliography, No. 25, 327.
Correspondents, 2-6.
Cortinarius castaneus, cinnamomeus, violaceus, 11.
Cosmopolitan fungi, 12.
Coulemelle. See Pasture Mushroom.
Crimson Boletus, 213.
Cryptogamia, the, 7.
Crystals on drying fungi, 227.
Culinary "treatment" of fungi, 72, 214, 304.
Cultivation of mushrooms, 85-86. Bibliography, No. 8, 325; No. 23, 327.
"Cup," the, in Amanita, 29, 33, 47-48, 57, 74, 273.
Currie, Dr., on Amanita poison, 60.
Curtis, Rev. M. A., pioneer American mycophagist, 9, 32, 40.
Curtis's, Rev. M. A., list of edible mushrooms, 9-12; quoted, 219, 75-178.
Gnats infesting fungi, 37.
Greville, R. R. Bibliography, No. 19, 327.
"Grubs" in fungi, 25, 29, 34, 36-38, 135.
Harkness, Dr. H. W., 32, 245, 310. Bibliography, No. 5, 325.
Hawk fed upon Boleti, 302.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, allusion to fungus phosphorescence, 228.
Hay, William D. Bibliography, Nos. 20, 21, 327.
Heat destroys poison, 29, 72.
Hedgehog mushroom. See Hydnum.
Helvella crispa, 11, 231, 261-262;
??other species, 11;
??recipes for cooking, 262,
to dry, 322.
Historical fungi, 43, 59-60.
Hogg, Robert, LL.D. Bibliography, No. 15, 326.
Horse mushroom. See Agaricus arvensis.
House-fly fungus, 295.
Hungarian soup of Boleti, 314.
Hussey, Mrs. T. J., 40, 306, 310-311, 315, 318. Bibliography, No. 10, 326.
Hydnei, 231-247;
to cook, 310.
Hydnum, 300, 307;
—— caput-medusÆ, 11, 27, 238-243;
—— repandum, 11, 28, 232-238;
—— rufescens, 237-238;
—— coralloides, 245;
—— gelatinosum, 319.
—— Various edible species of, 11;
to cook, 246.
Hygrometric fungus, 119.
Hygrophorus eburneus and pratensis, 11.
Hymenium of fungi, 78.
Hymenomycetes, 78.
Hyphomycetes, 78.
Identification of fungi, 31.
Idiosyncrasy, 30, 61.
Indigestibility of certain species, 30.
Inky mushroom, 28. See Coprinus.
Insects attacked by fungi, 295.
—— infesting fungi, 25, 29, 34, 36, 38, 135.
Intoxication by Amanita, 59.
Introduction, 1.
Italy, Fungus-eaters of, 14, 86.
Jelly-like mushroom, 319.
Johnson, Geo. W. Bibliography, No. 15, 326.
Kamchatka, Amanita dipsomaniacs of, 59-60.
Ketchup, Mushroom. See Catsup.
Koppe, Dr., on Amanita poison, 60.
Lactarius, Poisonous, 61.
Lactarius, Various edible species of, 11;
—— deliciosus, 28, 166-171, 300, 311;
—— piperatus, 28, 171;
—— volemum, 171.
Lambs' kidneys, Flavor of, in fungi, 300, 311.
Letters to the author, 4.
Liver mushroom. See Fistulina.
Lucand, L. Bibliography, No. 30, 327.
Luminous fungi, 227.
LycoperdaceÆ, 267.
Lycoperdon. See Puff-ball.
—— bovista, 11.
—— structure of, 270.
Mailing fungus specimens, 4.
—— scorodoneus, 11;
—— oreades, 11, 101-108;
—— urens, 108-111;
—— peronatus, 109-113.
McIlvaine, Captain Charles, 32;
rule regarding edibility of fungi, 35;
diagnosis and treatment of mushroom poisoning, 39-40, 62;
fastidiousness of fungi, 86, 184, 208. Bibliography, No. 6, 325.
Meadow Mushroom. See Agaricus campestris.
Medical and Surgical Reporter quoted, 62.
Medusa Mushroom. See Hydnum.
Menu of mushrooms, 323.
Microbes, 7.
Microscopic fungi, 7.
Mildew, 7, 78.
Milky mushroom. See Lactarius.
Miscellaneous fungi, 231-274.
Mock oyster soup, 306.
Moore, Justin P. Bibliography, No. 5. 325.
Moniteur Scientifique, quotation from, 61.
Morchella esculenta. See Morel.
—— caroliniana, 12.
Morel, 12, 231, 256;
to cook, 316;
to dry, 322.
Mortality in mushroom poisoning, 43.
Moss-mushroom, 245.
"Mother," 7.
Moulds, 7, 78.
Moyen, J. Bibliography, No. 31, 327.
"Muscarine" poison, 60.
"Mushroom" and "Toadstool," 16-21.
Mushrooms. See Toadstools, Agaricus, Boletus, Polyporei, Fistulina, and Fungi.
—— À la crÈme, 308.
—— À la ProvenÇal, 308.
—— Analysis of, 289-291.
—— Baked, 311-313.
—— Basket for, 36.
—— Bibliography, No. 8, 325; No. 23, 327.
—— Broiled, 308.
—— by mail, 4.
—— catsup, 320.
—— Chemical nature of, 14, 61.
—— Chestnut-burr, 294.
—— Classification of, 77-78.
—— Cosmopolitan types of, 12.
—— Cultivation of, 85-86. Bibliography, No. 23, 327.
—— Drying of, for food, 119, 246, 262, 301, 310, 321.
—— Edible, 8, 13-15, 32.
—— Edible species:
plentiful supply of, 13, 35, 303;
Beefsteak, 11, 27;
Coral, see Clavaria;
Elm, 10;
"Fairy-ring," 95, 101;
False Fairy-ring, 108-109;
Horse, 85, 91-95;
Inky, 11, 26, 28, 88;
Meadow, see Agaricus campestris;
Milky, see Lactarius;
Moss, 245;
Oyster, see Agaricus ostreatus;
Pasture, 10, 13, 113;
RussulÆ, 119-141;
Spine-bearing, see Hydnum;
St. George's, 95-101.
—— Fastidiousness of most species of, 86, 294.
—— Fried, 313, 317.
—— Fritters of, 314, 317.
—— Insects infesting, 25, 29, 34, 36-38, 135.
—— Large specimens of, 92.
—— List of works on, 325.
—— Menu, 323.
—— Melting. See Coprinus.
—— Milky. See Lactarius.
—— Moss. See Hydnum.
—— Mycelium or spawn of, and vegetation of, 44-45, 77, 85-88, 92, 107.
—— Number of edible species of, 2, 7, 9, 32, 60;
identification of, 2, 31;
Curtis's list of, 9-12;
nourishing properties of, 14;
chemical simulation of animal food by, 15, 30, 302;
popular tests for detecting, 22-23;
refutation of same, 24-29;
desiccation of, 119, 321;
recipes for cooking, 306-322.
—— Number of general species of, 6.
—— Pickled, 319.
—— pie, 312.
—— Poisonous species of, 2, 15, 17, 43-74;
deadly species of, 2, 15, 43-74;
poison by contact with, 30, 69;
vinegar, sweet oil, and whiskey, 39;
diagnosis and treatment of poisoning, 39, 63-66;
historical poisoning by, 43, 59-60;
fatalities from, 43, 61;
intoxication from, 59-60;
poison discriminated, 61;
antidotes, 62, 67-68;
report of a poisoning case, 63-66;
harmless mushrooms inoculated from poisonous, 70;
salt, vinegar, and heat, 29, 39, 71-72.
See, also, Amanita, Russula emetica, Boletus, and False Champignon.
—— Rapid decay of, 6, 25, 30.
—— Roast, 311.
—— Rules for gathering, 36, 70.
—— Rural authorities on, 16-22.
—— salad, 319.
??—— soup, 306-307, 323.
??—— spawn. See Mycelium.
??—— spores. See Spores and Spore-prints.
??—— Stewed, 307-311, 315-317.
??—— tube. See Polyporei.
??—— Testing new species of, for edibility, 33.
??—— Whims of habitat of, 294.
Mycetes fungi, 77.
Mycology and mycophagy, 3-4, 7-8.
??—— Medical and economic, 7-8, 13-15, 35, 277.
Mycophagists of America, 8-9.
??—— Amateur, safe rules for, 38.
Nero, 59;?poisonous mushrooms used by, 43.
Night, Fungi luminous by, 227.
Nourishing properties of mushrooms, 14.
Oak-tongue fungus. See Fistulina.
Odor of Amanita poisonous, 69.
Omelet, Mushroom, 277-278, 318.
Orcella, Agaric, 300.
Oyster mushroom, 10, 26-27, 141-148;
?? to cook, 303, 311, 315.
??flavor in fungi, 237, 247, 300, 303, 307, 310, 312.
Pachyma cocos, 11.
Palmer, Julius A., quoted:
??"Silver test," 25, 32, 40;
??on Amanita poison, 61, 69-71, 184, 207;
??on mushroom food, 303, 306, 311. Bibliography, Nos. 2, 3, 325.>
Pasture, or parasol, mushroom, 9, 13, 80, 113.
Paulet, 306, 314.
Paxillus involutus, 11.
Payer, J. Bibliography, No. 27, 327.
Peck, Prof. Charles H., 32, 40, 182, 237, 246. Bibliography, No. 4, 325.
Persoon, 306, 316.
Phosphorescence in fungi, 227.
Pickled mushrooms, 319.
Pie of mushrooms, 95-101.
Strobilomyces, 202.181.
"Touchwood," 37, 181.
Tremella mesenterica, 12.
Tremelodon gelatinosum, 319.
Trichogastres, 231. See Puff-balls.
Tube mushrooms. See Polyporei, Boletus, and Fistulina.
Vegetarian, Menu for the, 304, 323.
Veil in mushrooms, 48, 60, 85.
Vigier, Dr., on Amanita poison, 60.
Vinegar as an antidote for mushroom poisoning, 39, 71.
Vitadini, 318.
Volva in Amanita, Importance of, in classification, 29, 33, 48, 77.
Warty mushrooms. See Amanita, Pasture Mushroom, and Strobylomyces.
Wasps and bees, 36.
Fungus attacking, 295.
Whiskey in mushroom poisoning, 39.
Wormy specimens of fungi, 25, 30, 34, 36-38, 135.