229 California box elder, 447 California buckeye, 649, 651 California chestnut oak, 313 California coffee, 698 California fan palm, 693 California hemlock spruce, 193 California holly, 645 California juniper, 112 California laurel, 529, 655 California live oak, 307 California nutmeg, 201 California olive, 529 California post cedar, 109 California red bud, 549 California red fir, 164 California sassafras, 529 California scrub oak, 237 California swamp pine, 69 California sycamore, 609 California tanbark oak, 313 California walnut, 351 California white oak, 249 California white pine, 67 Canada plum, 621 Canadian Judas tree, 548 Canadian red pine, 61 Canoe birch, 583 Canoe cedar, 115 Canoewood, 487 Canotia, 699 Canyon birch, 580 Canyon live oak, 308 Carolina cherry, 620 Carolina hemlock, 703 Carolina pine, 49 Carolina poplar, 667 Cascara buckthorn, 698 Cascara sagrada, 698 Catalpa, 475 Catawba, 475 Catawba rhododendron, 507 Cat spruce, 130 Cedar, 91, 97, 109, 118 Cedar elm, 380, 392 Cedar pine, 57 Cereuses, 693 Chalky leucÆna, 562 Chapman oak, 208 Chattahoochee pine, 202 Check pine, 70 Checkered-barked juniper, 111 Cherry birch, 565, 580 Chestnut, 631 Chestnut oak, 241, 313 Chickasaw plum, 622 Chihuahua pine, 622 Gopherwood, 553 Gowen cypress, 184 Grand fir, 163 Gray birch, 585 Gray elm, 380 Gray pine, 75 Great California fir, 163 Great laurel, 494, 505 Great western larch, 86 Green ash, 422 Greenbark acacia, 555 Green osier, 526 Gregg ash, 411 Guayacon, 698 Gum, 325 Gumbo limbo, 676 Gum elastic, 696 Gum stretch it, 696 Gum-tree, 325 Gyminda, 49 Hackberry, 403 Hackmatack, 80, 86 Hack-tree, 403 Hairy balm of Gilead, 674 Hardbark hickory, 363 Hardhack, 595 Hard maple, 427 Hard pine, 43, 61, 63 Hardshell, 363 Hardwoods, 4 Hardy catalpa, 475 Haw, 459 Hawthorn, 459 Healing balsam, 151 Heart-leaved thorn, 460 Heart pine, 43 Heartwood, 5 Heavy pine, 67 Heavy-wooded pine, 67 Hedge, 511 Hedge-tree, 511 Hemlock, 187 Hemlock spruce, 187, 193, 195 Hercules’ club, 676, 699 Hickory, 357 Hickory elm, 385 Hickory oak, 308 Hickory pine, 38, 52 Hickory poplar, 487 High-ground willow oak, 286 Highland oak, 296 Hog haw, 459 Hog plum, 621, 697 Holly, 643 Hollyleaf cherry, 616 Honey locust, 535, 541, 43, 45, 49, 63 Planertree, 397 Plane-tree, 607 Plum, 621, 622 Poison dogwood, 697 Poison elder, 697 Poison ivy, 505 Poison laurel, 505 Poison oak, 697 Poison sumach, 697 Poisontree, 697 Poisonwood, 697, 701 Pond apple, 640 Pond cypress, 141 Pond pine, 57 Poorfield pine, 49 Poor pine, 51 Poplar, 487, 673 Poplar-leaved birch, 585 Popple, 487, 675 Poppy ash, 424 Possum haw, 646 Possum oak, 320 Possumwood, 517 Port Orford cedar, 123 Post cedar, 103, 109 Post locust, 535 Post oak, 223 Poverty birch, 585 Powcohiscora, 355 Price oak, 315 Pricklecone pine, 69, 704 Prickly ash, 699 Prickly pine, 52 Prickly spruce, 136 Prince’s pine, 70 Puget sound pine, 169 Pumpkin ash, 423 Pumpkin pine, 19 Pumpkin-tree, 166 Punk oak, 320 Purple buckeye, 649, 652 Purple dogwood, 526 Purple haw, 700 Pyramidal magnolia, 481, 496 Quaking asp, 675 Quinine-tree, 699 Rattlebox, 601 Red alder, 589 Red ash, 423 Redbark fir, 164 Redbark pine, 75 Red bay, 531 Red-berried elder, 700 Red birch, 577 Red-bract dogwood,
erg@html@files@42124@42124-h@42124-h-21.htm.html#Page_639" class="pginternal">639 Southern mountain pine, 52 Southern red juniper, 94 Southern red oak, 265 Southern white cedar, 103 Southern yellow pine, 43 Spanish bayonet, 693 Spanish dagger, 693 Spanish moss, 256 Spanish oak, 200, 277, 289 Spanish red oak, 289 Sparkleberry, 508 Spice-tree, 529 Spoon-hutch, 507 Spoonwood, 505 Springwood, 7 Spotted oak, 266, 271, 320 Spruce, 127, 169 Spruce pine, 45, 49, 51, 57, 187 Spruce-tree, 187 Stackpole pine, 151 Stagbush, 699 Staghorn sumach, 697 Star-leaved gum, 325 Stave oak, 205 Stiffness of wood, 11 Sting-tongue, 699 Stinking ash, 445 Stinking buckeye, 651 Stinking cedar, 201, 202 Stinking savin, 202 Strength of wood, 11 Striped maple, 447 Stone-seed Mexican pinon, 33 Stump tree, 547 Sugar ash, 445 Sugarberry, 403, 405, 406 Sugar maple, 427 Sugar pine, 19, 31 Sugar-tree, 427 Sumach, 696 Summer haw, 458 Summerwood, 7 Sunflower-tree, 700 Sun-loving pine, 704 Sunny-slope pine, 704 Swamp ash, 416, 422 Swamp bay, 531 Swamp cedar, 103 Swamp chestnut oak, 229 Swamp cottonwood, 667, 669 Swamp hickory, 361,