It would scarcely be fitting that this Volume should go forth to the Public without a few words of Preface from one of A. L. O. E.’s own family. Only my beloved Mother—the ‘Laura’ of these pages—could have penned the words which should adequately tell all that my dear Aunt was to those who knew her best and loved her most fondly. And she, little as she had expected it, was the first of the two to be called Home. It has, however, been a great satisfaction to me to intrust the preparation of the Life to Miss Giberne; and I am glad to have this opportunity of expressing my hearty appreciation of the literary skill, the sympathy, and the fidelity to truth with which she has accomplished her task. Averse as my Aunt ever was to any fuss being made about her, nothing would have reconciled her to the publication of a Biography, save the hope that its story might be used of God to stimulate others to consecrate their lives to the Service of Christ, whether in the Foreign W. F. TUCKER HAMILTON. Christ Church, Woking. Note.—Any profits derived by A. L. O. E.’s relatives from the publication of this volume will be apportioned among those Missionary Societies in which she was especially interested. |